'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var bindings = require('bindings')('bitcoind.node'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var fs = require('fs'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var $ = bitcore.util.preconditions; var _ = bitcore.deps._; var index = require('../'); var log = index.log; var Service = require('../service'); /** * Provides an interface to native bindings to Bitcoin Core * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.datadir - The bitcoin data directory * @param {Node} options.node - A reference to the node */ function Bitcoin(options) { if (!(this instanceof Bitcoin)) { return new Bitcoin(options); } Service.call(this, options); $.checkState(this.node.datadir, 'Node is missing datadir property'); } util.inherits(Bitcoin, Service); Bitcoin.dependencies = []; Bitcoin.DEFAULT_CONFIG = 'whitelist=\n' + 'txindex=1\n'; Bitcoin.prototype._loadConfiguration = function() { /* jshint maxstatements: 25 */ $.checkArgument(this.node.datadir, 'Please specify "datadir" in configuration options'); var configPath = this.node.datadir + '/bitcoin.conf'; this.configuration = {}; if (!fs.existsSync(this.node.datadir)) { mkdirp.sync(this.node.datadir); } if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.writeFileSync(configPath, Bitcoin.DEFAULT_CONFIG); } var file = fs.readFileSync(configPath); var unparsed = file.toString().split('\n'); for(var i = 0; i < unparsed.length; i++) { var line = unparsed[i]; if (!line.match(/^\#/) && line.match(/\=/)) { var option = line.split('='); var value; if (!Number.isNaN(Number(option[1]))) { value = Number(option[1]); } else { value = option[1]; } this.configuration[option[0]] = value; } } $.checkState( this.configuration.txindex && this.configuration.txindex === 1, 'Txindex option is required in order to use most of the features of bitcore-node. ' + 'Please add "txindex=1" to your configuration and reindex an existing database if ' + 'necessary with reindex=1' ); }; Bitcoin.prototype._onTipUpdate = function(result) { if (result) { // Emit and event that the tip was updated this.height = result; this.emit('tip', result); // TODO stopping status if(!this.node.stopping) { var percentage = this.syncPercentage(); log.info('Bitcoin Core Daemon New Height:', this.height, 'Percentage:', percentage); } // Recursively wait until the next update bindings.onTipUpdate(this._onTipUpdate.bind(this)); } }; Bitcoin.prototype._registerEventHandlers = function() { var self = this; // Set the height and emit a new tip bindings.onTipUpdate(self._onTipUpdate.bind(this)); // Register callback function to handle incoming transactions bindings.startTxMon(function(txs) { for(var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) { self.emit('tx', txs[i]); } }); }; Bitcoin.prototype._onReady = function(result, callback) { var self = this; self._registerEventHandlers(); var info = self.getInfo(); self.height = info.blocks; self.getBlock(0, function(err, block) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.genesisBuffer = block; self.emit('ready', result); log.info('Bitcoin Daemon Ready'); setImmediate(callback); }); }; Bitcoin.prototype.start = function(callback) { var self = this; this._loadConfiguration(); bindings.start({ datadir: this.node.datadir, network: this.node.network.name }, function(err) { if(err) { return callback(err); } // Wait until the block chain is ready bindings.onBlocksReady(function(err, result) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._onReady(result, callback); }); }); }; Bitcoin.prototype.isSynced = function() { return bindings.isSynced(); }; Bitcoin.prototype.syncPercentage = function() { return bindings.syncPercentage(); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getBlock = function(blockhash, callback) { return bindings.getBlock(blockhash, callback); }; Bitcoin.prototype.isSpent = function(txid, outputIndex) { return bindings.isSpent(txid, outputIndex); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getBlockIndex = function(blockHash) { return bindings.getBlockIndex(blockHash); }; Bitcoin.prototype.estimateFee = function(blocks) { return bindings.estimateFee(blocks); }; Bitcoin.prototype.sendTransaction = function(transaction, allowAbsurdFees) { return bindings.sendTransaction(transaction, allowAbsurdFees); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getTransaction = function(txid, queryMempool, callback) { return bindings.getTransaction(txid, queryMempool, callback); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getTransactionWithBlockInfo = function(txid, queryMempool, callback) { return bindings.getTransactionWithBlockInfo(txid, queryMempool, callback); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getMempoolOutputs = function(address) { return bindings.getMempoolOutputs(address); }; Bitcoin.prototype.addMempoolUncheckedTransaction = function(txBuffer) { return bindings.addMempoolUncheckedTransaction(txBuffer); }; Bitcoin.prototype.getInfo = function() { return bindings.getInfo(); }; Bitcoin.prototype.stop = function(callback) { return bindings.stop(function(err, status) { setImmediate(function() { if (err) { return callback(err); } else { log.info(status); return callback(); } }); }); }; module.exports = Bitcoin;