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// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK.
// Parts of Boost.Geometry are redesigned from Geodan's Geographic Library
// (geolib/GGL), copyright (c) 1995-2010 Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <cstddef>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/not_implemented.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_dimension.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/concepts/check.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/select_coordinate_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/compare.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/policies/compare.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace detail { namespace expand
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater,
std::size_t Dimension, std::size_t DimensionCount
struct point_loop
template <typename Box, typename Point>
static inline void apply(Box& box, Point const& source)
typedef typename strategy::compare::detail::select_strategy
StrategyLess, 1, Point, Dimension
>::type less_type;
typedef typename strategy::compare::detail::select_strategy
StrategyGreater, -1, Point, Dimension
>::type greater_type;
typedef typename select_coordinate_type<Point, Box>::type coordinate_type;
less_type less;
greater_type greater;
coordinate_type const coord = get<Dimension>(source);
if (less(coord, get<min_corner, Dimension>(box)))
set<min_corner, Dimension>(box, coord);
if (greater(coord, get<max_corner, Dimension>(box)))
set<max_corner, Dimension>(box, coord);
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
Dimension + 1, DimensionCount
>::apply(box, source);
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater,
std::size_t DimensionCount
struct point_loop
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
DimensionCount, DimensionCount
template <typename Box, typename Point>
static inline void apply(Box&, Point const&) {}
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater,
std::size_t Index,
std::size_t Dimension, std::size_t DimensionCount
struct indexed_loop
template <typename Box, typename Geometry>
static inline void apply(Box& box, Geometry const& source)
typedef typename strategy::compare::detail::select_strategy
StrategyLess, 1, Box, Dimension
>::type less_type;
typedef typename strategy::compare::detail::select_strategy
StrategyGreater, -1, Box, Dimension
>::type greater_type;
typedef typename select_coordinate_type
>::type coordinate_type;
less_type less;
greater_type greater;
coordinate_type const coord = get<Index, Dimension>(source);
if (less(coord, get<min_corner, Dimension>(box)))
set<min_corner, Dimension>(box, coord);
if (greater(coord, get<max_corner, Dimension>(box)))
set<max_corner, Dimension>(box, coord);
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
Index, Dimension + 1, DimensionCount
>::apply(box, source);
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater,
std::size_t Index, std::size_t DimensionCount
struct indexed_loop
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
Index, DimensionCount, DimensionCount
template <typename Box, typename Geometry>
static inline void apply(Box&, Geometry const&) {}
// Changes a box such that the other box is also contained by the box
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater
struct expand_indexed
template <typename Box, typename Geometry>
static inline void apply(Box& box, Geometry const& geometry)
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
0, 0, dimension<Geometry>::type::value
>::apply(box, geometry);
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
1, 0, dimension<Geometry>::type::value
>::apply(box, geometry);
}} // namespace detail::expand
namespace dispatch
typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry,
typename StrategyLess = strategy::compare::default_strategy,
typename StrategyGreater = strategy::compare::default_strategy,
typename TagOut = typename tag<GeometryOut>::type,
typename Tag = typename tag<Geometry>::type
struct expand: not_implemented<TagOut, Tag>
// Box + point -> new box containing also point
typename BoxOut, typename Point,
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater
struct expand<BoxOut, Point, StrategyLess, StrategyGreater, box_tag, point_tag>
: detail::expand::point_loop
StrategyLess, StrategyGreater,
0, dimension<Point>::type::value
// Box + box -> new box containing two input boxes
typename BoxOut, typename BoxIn,
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater
struct expand<BoxOut, BoxIn, StrategyLess, StrategyGreater, box_tag, box_tag>
: detail::expand::expand_indexed<StrategyLess, StrategyGreater>
typename Box, typename Segment,
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater
struct expand<Box, Segment, StrategyLess, StrategyGreater, box_tag, segment_tag>
: detail::expand::expand_indexed<StrategyLess, StrategyGreater>
} // namespace dispatch
\brief Expands a box using the extend (envelope) of another geometry (box, point)
\ingroup expand
\tparam Box type of the box
\tparam Geometry of second geometry, to be expanded with the box
\param box box to expand another geometry with, might be changed
\param geometry other geometry
\param strategy_less
\param strategy_greater
\note Strategy is currently ignored
typename Box, typename Geometry,
typename StrategyLess, typename StrategyGreater
inline void expand(Box& box, Geometry const& geometry,
StrategyLess const& strategy_less,
StrategyGreater const& strategy_greater)
concept::check_concepts_and_equal_dimensions<Box, Geometry const>();
dispatch::expand<Box, Geometry>::apply(box, geometry);
\brief Expands a box using the bounding box (envelope) of another geometry (box, point)
\ingroup expand
\tparam Box type of the box
\tparam Geometry \tparam_geometry
\param box box to be expanded using another geometry, mutable
\param geometry \param_geometry geometry which envelope (bounding box) will be added to the box
\qbk{[include reference/algorithms/expand.qbk]}
template <typename Box, typename Geometry>
inline void expand(Box& box, Geometry const& geometry)
concept::check_concepts_and_equal_dimensions<Box, Geometry const>();
dispatch::expand<Box, Geometry>::apply(box, geometry);
}} // namespace boost::geometry