
137 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/locale/config.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275 4251 4231 4660)
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
/// \brief This namespase contains all operations required for boundary analysis of text
namespace boundary {
/// \defgroup boundary Boundary Analysis
/// This module contains all operations required for boundary analysis of text: character, word, like and sentence boundaries
/// @{
/// This type describes a possible boundary analysis alternatives.
enum boundary_type {
character, ///< Analyse the text for character boundaries
word, ///< Analyse the text for word boundaries
sentence, ///< Analyse the text for Find sentence boundaries
line ///< Analyse the text for positions suitable for line breaks
/// \brief Flags used with word boundary analysis -- the type of the word, line or sentence boundary found.
/// It is a bit-mask that represents various combinations of rules used to select this specific boundary.
typedef uint32_t rule_type;
/// \anchor bl_boundary_word_rules
/// \name Flags that describe a type of word selected
/// @{
static const rule_type
word_none = 0x0000F, ///< Not a word, like white space or punctuation mark
word_number = 0x000F0, ///< Word that appear to be a number
word_letter = 0x00F00, ///< Word that contains letters, excluding kana and ideographic characters
word_kana = 0x0F000, ///< Word that contains kana characters
word_ideo = 0xF0000, ///< Word that contains ideographic characters
word_any = 0xFFFF0, ///< Any word including numbers, 0 is special flag, equivalent to 15
word_letters = 0xFFF00, ///< Any word, excluding numbers but including letters, kana and ideograms.
word_kana_ideo = 0xFF000, ///< Word that includes kana or ideographic characters
word_mask = 0xFFFFF; ///< Full word mask - select all possible variants
/// @}
/// \anchor bl_boundary_line_rules
/// \name Flags that describe a type of line break
/// @{
static const rule_type
line_soft = 0x0F, ///< Soft line break: optional but not required
line_hard = 0xF0, ///< Hard line break: like break is required (as per CR/LF)
line_any = 0xFF, ///< Soft or Hard line break
line_mask = 0xFF; ///< Select all types of line breaks
/// @}
/// \anchor bl_boundary_sentence_rules
/// \name Flags that describe a type of sentence break
/// @{
static const rule_type
sentence_term = 0x0F, ///< \brief The sentence was terminated with a sentence terminator
/// like ".", "!" possible followed by hard separator like CR, LF, PS
sentence_sep = 0xF0, ///< \brief The sentence does not contain terminator like ".", "!" but ended with hard separator
/// like CR, LF, PS or end of input.
sentence_any = 0xFF, ///< Either first or second sentence break type;.
sentence_mask = 0xFF; ///< Select all sentence breaking points
/// \name Flags that describe a type of character break.
/// At this point break iterator does not distinguish different
/// kinds of characters so it is used for consistency.
static const rule_type
character_any = 0xF, ///< Not in use, just for consistency
character_mask = 0xF; ///< Select all character breaking points
/// This function returns the mask that covers all variants for specific boundary type
inline rule_type boundary_rule(boundary_type t)
switch(t) {
case character: return character_mask;
case word: return word_mask;
case sentence: return sentence_mask;
case line: return line_mask;
default: return 0;
} // boundary
} // locale
} // boost
#pragma warning(pop)
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