Francisco Gindre 37ab097143 canopy tests data set 2020-11-03 20:45:15 -03:00
post-activation-txs canopy tests data set 2020-11-03 20:45:15 -03:00
pre-activation-txs canopy tests data set 2020-11-03 20:45:15 -03:00
1013250.txt canopy tests data set 2020-11-03 20:45:15 -03:00
1028400-1028600.txt add testnet canopy-activation block range 2020-11-02 15:05:55 -07:00
README.md canopy tests data set 2020-11-03 20:45:15 -03:00


200-block window around canopy activation, real testnet blocks

Testnet canopy activation height is 1028400. Started zcashd in testnet mode, then:

cd lightwalletd-repo/utils
./pullblocks.sh 1028400 1028600 >1028400-1028600.txt

(It's actually 201 blocks.)

canopy "sapling activation" is block 1013250.txt

This are testnet blocks. Transactions are intended to be received and trial decrypted successfully by the following spending key

secret-extended-key-test1qv2vf437qqqqpqpfc0arpv55ncq33p2p895hlcx0ra6d0g739v93luqdjpxun3kt050j9qnrqjyp8d7fdxgedfyxpjmuyha2ulxa6hmqvm2gnvuc3tvs3enpxwuz768qfkd286vr3jgyrgr5ddx2ukrdl95ak3tzqylzjeqw3pnmgtmwsvemrj3sk6vqgwxm9khlv46wccn33ayw52prr233ea069c9u8m3839dvw30sdf6k32xddhpte6p6qsuxval6usyh6lr55pgypkgtz by deriving its incoming viewing key.

the resulting address for this is ztestsapling12k9m98wmpjts2m56wc60qzhgsfvlpxcwah268xk5yz4h942sd58jy3jamqyxjwums6hw7kfa4cc

the pre-activation-txs folder contains post activation incoming transactions. the post-activation-txs folder contains post activation incoming transactions.