Larry Ruane 59c85894ee tx-8f064d23.txt was wrong (odd number of hex characters) 2020-05-21 18:55:00 -06:00
663150.txt add tx-index-reorg (see ticket 263) 2020-05-20 16:35:28 -06:00
README.md add tx-remove-reorg, re-run generate.sh 2020-05-21 11:56:31 -06:00
after-reorg.txt tx-8f064d23.txt was wrong (odd number of hex characters) 2020-05-21 18:55:00 -06:00
before-reorg.txt tx-8f064d23.txt was wrong (odd number of hex characters) 2020-05-21 18:55:00 -06:00
generate.sh tx-8f064d23.txt was wrong (odd number of hex characters) 2020-05-21 18:55:00 -06:00
t1.txt add tx-index-reorg (see ticket 263) 2020-05-20 16:35:28 -06:00


transaction index change

This test a transaction getting reorged to a different index (within the block) but where the new version of the block has the same height. Please see generate.sh for details.

This transaction belongs to the "developer wallet":

  • tx-8f064d23.txt: zcash-cli getrawtransaction 8f064d23c66dc36e32445e5f3b50e0f32ac3ddb78cff21fb521eb6c19c07c99a