import os, re # Address and port of local zcashd testnet RPC ports testnet = "http://localhost:18232" #testnet mainnet = "http://localhost:8232" regtest = "http://localhost:18444" if 'ZCASH_NETWORK' in os.environ: ZCASH_NETWORK = os.getenv('ZCASH_NETWORK') NETWORK = ZCASH_NETWORK # Default is testnet else: NETWORK = testnet #Timeout needs to be high for any pour operations TIMEOUT = 600 #Default fee to use on network for txs. DEFAULT_FEE = 0.01 # Try to get RPC parameters from environment if 'RPCUSER' in os.environ and 'RPCPASSWORD' in os.environ: RPCUSER = os.getenv('RPCUSER') RPCPASSWORD = os.getenv('RPCPASSWORD') else: zcashconf = os.path.expanduser('~/.zcash/zcash.conf') def read_config(filename): f = open(filename) for line in f: if re.match('rpcuser', line): user = line.strip('\n').split('=')[1] if re.match('rpcpassword', line): password = line.strip('\n').split('=')[1] return (user, password) config = read_config(zcashconf) # from zcash conf RPCUSER = config[0] RPCPASSWORD = config[1] #TESTS #for tests (sample data here - replace with your own) TEST_TXID = '' TEST_ZADDR = "" TEST_TADDR = "" TEST_ZSECRET = ""