import os.path import sys import time from pyzcash.rpc.ZDaemon import * from pyzcash.settings import * #Sweeps all unspent transparent txs, cleaning them through a temporary zaddr. def clean_and_collect_all(taddress=TEST_TADDR, fee=DEFAULT_FEE): zd = ZDaemon() print "Checking balance..." tx_unspents = zd.getUnspentTxs() if not len(tx_unspents): print "No spendable txs available - visit a faucet or mine!" exit() print "Generating temporary zaddress for tx..." zaddress_full = zd.getNewRawZAddress() zaddress = zaddress_full.get('zcaddress') zsecret = zaddress_full.get('zcsecretkey') print "Generated: " + zaddress print "Secret: " + zsecret print "Gathering and transmitting unspent txs..." print "Please wait..." notes = zd.pourAllUnspentTxs(zaddress) encnote1 = notes.get('encryptednote1') print "Found a note to use: \n--------------------------------------------\n" + encnote1 + "\n--------------------------------------------" print "Waiting for note to show in blockchain before spendable..." print "This may take a few minutes..." while zd.receiveTx(zsecret, encnote1).get('exists') is not True: print zd.receiveTx(zsecret,encnote1) time.sleep(5) print "Found note in blockchain!" total = zd.receiveTx(zsecret, encnote1).get('amount') print "Examined note and found total: " + str(total) print "Spending note to target transparent address..." tx_response = zd.sendNoteToAddress(encnote1, zsecret, taddress, total-fee, zaddress) print "Sent! Check " + taddress + " shortly." if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print "Usage: python " print "Ex: python mfu8LbjAq15zmCDLCwUuay9cVc2FcGuY4d" exit() taddr = sys.argv[1] if len(taddr) != len('mfu8LbjAq15zmCDLCwUuay9cVc2FcGuY4d'): print "That doesn't look like a transparent address.. Maybe you are trying to use a zaddress?" exit() print "Address looks good!" clean_and_collect_all(taddr)