
143 lines
3.8 KiB

import requests
import json
from pyZcash.settings import *
class ZDaemon(object):
id_count = 0
def __init__(self, network=NETWORK, user=RPCUSER, password=RPCPASSWORD, timeout=TIMEOUT):
#TODO: check utf safety = network
self.user = user.encode('utf8')
self.password = password.encode('utf8')
self.timeout = timeout
def _call(self, method, *args):
jsondata = json.dumps({ 'version': '2',
'method': method,
'params': args,
'id': self.id_count})
r =, auth=(self.user,self.password), data=jsondata, timeout=self.timeout)
self.id_count += 1
resp = json.loads(r.text)
#TODO: deal with errors better.
error = resp['error']
if error:
print('Error calling {}:{}'.format(method, error))
return resp['result']
#Block Info
def getBlockHash(self, blockheight):
return self._call('getblockhash', blockheight)
def getBlockByHash(self, blockhash):
return self._call('getblock', blockhash)
def getBlockByHeight(self, blockheight):
return self.getBlockByHash(self.getBlockHash(blockheight))
# Custom methods to get Network Info
def getNetworkHeight(self):
return self._call('getblockcount')
def getNetworkDifficulty(self):
return self._call('getdifficulty')
def getVersion(self):
info = self._call('getnetworkinfo')
client = info['subversion']
version = client.strip('/').split(':')[1]
return version
def getConnectionCount(self):
return self._call('getconnectioncount')
# Wallet Info (transparent)
def getbalance(self):
return self._call('getbalance')
def listunspent(self, minconf=1):
return self._call('listunspent', minconf)
#Raw Txs
def gettransaction(self, txid):
return self._call('gettransaction', txid)
def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=0):
# default verbose=0 returns serialized, hex-encoded data
# verbose=1, returns a JSON obj of tx
return self._call('getrawtransaction', txid, verbose)
def decoderawtransaction(self, txhex):
return'decoderawtransaction', txhex)
# taddr methods
def getnewaddress(self):
return self._call('getnewaddress')
def sendtoaddress(self, taddress, amount):
return self._call('sendtoaddress', taddress, amount)
def listunspent(self):
return self._call('listunspent')
# Custom method to find a taddr with spendable utxos for z_sendmany
def find_taddr_with_unspent(self):
unspent = self._call('listunspent')
for utxo in unspent:
if utxo['spendable'] == True and utxo['amount'] > 0.1:
# Check that it's not a coinbase tx
tx = zd.gettransaction(utxo['txid'])
if 'generated' not in tx:
return tx['address']
def sweep_coinbase(self, zaddr):
addrs = []
utxos = self.listunspent()
for utxo in utxos:
if 'generated' in utxo and utxo['generated'] == True:
if utxo['address'] not in addrs:
for addr in addrs:
res = self._call('z_shieldcoinbase', addr, zaddr)
# zaddr methods
def z_gettotalbalance(self):
return self._call('z_gettotalbalance')
def z_getnewaddress(self):
return self._call('z_getnewaddress')
def z_listaddresses(self):
return self._call('z_listaddresses')
def z_listreceivedbyaddress(self, zaddr, minconf=1):
return self._call('z_listreceivedbyaddress', zaddr, minconf)
def z_getoperationstatus(self, opid):
return self._call('z_getoperationstatus', ["{0}".format(opid)])
def z_getoperationresult(self, opid):
return self._call('z_getoperationresult', ["{0}".format(opid)])
# With addition of encrypted memo field
def z_sendmany(self, sender, receiver, amount=0.0001, memo='', fee=0.0001):
amts_array = []
if memo == '':
amounts = {"address": receiver, "amount": amount}
memo = memo.encode('hex')
amounts = {"address": receiver, "amount": amount, "memo": memo}
return self._call('z_sendmany', sender, amts_array, 1, fee)