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2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
//! Jubjub is a twisted Edwards curve defined over the BLS12-381 scalar
//! field, Fr. It takes the form `-x^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2` with
//! `d = -(10240/10241)`. It is birationally equivalent to a Montgomery
//! curve of the form `y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x` with `A = 40962`. This
//! value `A` is the smallest integer choice such that:
//! * `(A - 2) / 4` is a small integer (`10240`).
//! * `A^2 - 4` is quadratic nonresidue.
2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
//! * The group order of the curve and its quadratic twist has a large
//! prime factor.
//! Jubjub has `s = 0x0e7db4ea6533afa906673b0101343b00a6682093ccc81082d0970e5ed6f72cb7`
2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
//! as the prime subgroup order, with cofactor 8. (The twist has
//! cofactor 4.)
2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
//! It is a complete twisted Edwards curve, so the equivalence with
//! the Montgomery curve forms a group isomorphism, allowing points
//! to be freely converted between the two forms.
use pairing::{
use group_hash::group_hash;
use constants;
use pairing::bls12_381::{
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
/// This is an implementation of the twisted Edwards Jubjub curve.
pub mod edwards;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
/// This is an implementation of the birationally equivalent
/// Montgomery curve.
pub mod montgomery;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
/// This is an implementation of the scalar field for Jubjub.
2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
pub mod fs;
pub mod tests;
2018-03-06 21:25:15 -08:00
/// Point of unknown order.
pub enum Unknown { }
/// Point of prime order.
pub enum PrimeOrder { }
/// Fixed generators of the Jubjub curve of unknown
/// exponent.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum FixedGenerators {
/// The prover will demonstrate knowledge of discrete log
/// with respect to this base when they are constructing
/// a proof, in order to authorize proof construction.
ProofGenerationKey = 0,
/// The note commitment is randomized over this generator.
NoteCommitmentRandomness = 1,
/// The node commitment is randomized again by the position
/// in order to supply the nullifier computation with a
/// unique input w.r.t. the note being spent, to prevent
/// Faerie gold attacks.
NullifierPosition = 2,
/// The value commitment is used to check balance between
/// inputs and outputs. The value is placed over this
/// generator.
ValueCommitmentValue = 3,
/// The value commitment is randomized over this generator,
/// for privacy.
ValueCommitmentRandomness = 4,
/// The spender proves discrete log with respect to this
/// base at spend time.
SpendingKeyGenerator = 5,
Max = 6
/// This is an extension to the pairing Engine trait which
/// offers a scalar field for the embedded curve (Jubjub)
/// and some pre-computed parameters.
pub trait JubjubEngine: Engine {
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
/// The scalar field of the Jubjub curve
type Fs: PrimeField + SqrtField;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
/// The parameters of Jubjub and the Sapling protocol
type Params: JubjubParams<Self>;
/// The pre-computed parameters for Jubjub, including curve
/// constants and various limits and window tables.
pub trait JubjubParams<E: JubjubEngine>: Sized {
/// The `d` constant of the twisted Edwards curve.
fn edwards_d(&self) -> &E::Fr;
/// The `A` constant of the birationally equivalent Montgomery curve.
fn montgomery_a(&self) -> &E::Fr;
/// The `A` constant, doubled.
fn montgomery_2a(&self) -> &E::Fr;
/// The scaling factor used for conversion from the Montgomery form.
fn scale(&self) -> &E::Fr;
/// Returns the generators (for each segment) used in all Pedersen commitments.
fn pedersen_hash_generators(&self) -> &[edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>];
/// Returns the maximum number of chunks per segment of the Pedersen hash.
fn pedersen_hash_chunks_per_generator(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the pre-computed window tables [-4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4] of different
/// magnitudes of the Pedersen hash segment generators.
fn pedersen_circuit_generators(&self) -> &[Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, E::Fr)>>];
/// Returns the number of chunks needed to represent a full scalar during fixed-base
/// exponentiation.
fn fixed_base_chunks_per_generator(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns a fixed generator.
fn generator(&self, base: FixedGenerators) -> &edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>;
2018-03-16 14:25:36 -07:00
/// Returns a window table [0, 1, ..., 8] for different magnitudes of some
/// fixed generator.
fn circuit_generators(&self, FixedGenerators) -> &[Vec<(E::Fr, E::Fr)>];
impl JubjubEngine for Bls12 {
type Fs = self::fs::Fs;
type Params = JubjubBls12;
pub struct JubjubBls12 {
edwards_d: Fr,
montgomery_a: Fr,
montgomery_2a: Fr,
scale: Fr,
pedersen_hash_generators: Vec<edwards::Point<Bls12, PrimeOrder>>,
pedersen_circuit_generators: Vec<Vec<Vec<(Fr, Fr)>>>,
fixed_base_generators: Vec<edwards::Point<Bls12, PrimeOrder>>,
fixed_base_circuit_generators: Vec<Vec<Vec<(Fr, Fr)>>>,
impl JubjubParams<Bls12> for JubjubBls12 {
fn edwards_d(&self) -> &Fr { &self.edwards_d }
fn montgomery_a(&self) -> &Fr { &self.montgomery_a }
fn montgomery_2a(&self) -> &Fr { &self.montgomery_2a }
fn scale(&self) -> &Fr { &self.scale }
fn pedersen_hash_generators(&self) -> &[edwards::Point<Bls12, PrimeOrder>] {
fn pedersen_hash_chunks_per_generator(&self) -> usize {
fn fixed_base_chunks_per_generator(&self) -> usize {
fn pedersen_circuit_generators(&self) -> &[Vec<Vec<(Fr, Fr)>>] {
fn generator(&self, base: FixedGenerators) -> &edwards::Point<Bls12, PrimeOrder>
&self.fixed_base_generators[base as usize]
fn circuit_generators(&self, base: FixedGenerators) -> &[Vec<(Fr, Fr)>]
&self.fixed_base_circuit_generators[base as usize][..]
impl JubjubBls12 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let montgomery_a = Fr::from_str("40962").unwrap();
let mut montgomery_2a = montgomery_a;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
let mut tmp_params = JubjubBls12 {
// d = -(10240/10241)
edwards_d: Fr::from_str("19257038036680949359750312669786877991949435402254120286184196891950884077233").unwrap(),
// A = 40962
montgomery_a: montgomery_a,
// 2A = 2.A
montgomery_2a: montgomery_2a,
// scaling factor = sqrt(4 / (a - d))
scale: Fr::from_str("17814886934372412843466061268024708274627479829237077604635722030778476050649").unwrap(),
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
// We'll initialize these below
pedersen_hash_generators: vec![],
pedersen_circuit_generators: vec![],
fixed_base_generators: vec![],
fixed_base_circuit_generators: vec![],
fn find_group_hash<E: JubjubEngine>(
m: &[u8],
personalization: &[u8; 8],
params: &E::Params
) -> edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>
let mut tag = m.to_vec();
let i = tag.len();
loop {
let gh = group_hash(
// We don't want to overflow and start reusing generators
assert!(tag[i] != u8::max_value());
tag[i] += 1;
if let Some(gh) = gh {
break gh;
// Create the bases for the Pedersen hashes
let mut pedersen_hash_generators = vec![];
for m in 0..5 {
use byteorder::{WriteBytesExt, LittleEndian};
let mut segment_number = [0u8; 4];
(&mut segment_number[0..4]).write_u32::<LittleEndian>(m).unwrap();
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
// Check for duplicates, far worse than spec inconsistencies!
for (i, p1) in pedersen_hash_generators.iter().enumerate() {
if p1 == &edwards::Point::zero() {
panic!("Neutral element!");
for p2 in pedersen_hash_generators.iter().skip(i+1) {
if p1 == p2 {
panic!("Duplicate generator!");
tmp_params.pedersen_hash_generators = pedersen_hash_generators;
// Create the bases for other parts of the protocol
let mut fixed_base_generators = vec![edwards::Point::zero(); FixedGenerators::Max as usize];
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::ProofGenerationKey as usize] =
find_group_hash(&[], constants::PROOF_GENERATION_KEY_BASE_GENERATOR_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::NoteCommitmentRandomness as usize] =
find_group_hash(b"r", constants::PEDERSEN_HASH_GENERATORS_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::NullifierPosition as usize] =
find_group_hash(&[], constants::NULLIFIER_POSITION_IN_TREE_GENERATOR_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::ValueCommitmentValue as usize] =
find_group_hash(b"v", constants::VALUE_COMMITMENT_GENERATOR_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::ValueCommitmentRandomness as usize] =
find_group_hash(b"r", constants::VALUE_COMMITMENT_GENERATOR_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
fixed_base_generators[FixedGenerators::SpendingKeyGenerator as usize] =
find_group_hash(&[], constants::SPENDING_KEY_GENERATOR_PERSONALIZATION, &tmp_params);
// Check for duplicates, far worse than spec inconsistencies!
for (i, p1) in fixed_base_generators.iter().enumerate() {
if p1 == &edwards::Point::zero() {
panic!("Neutral element!");
for p2 in fixed_base_generators.iter().skip(i+1) {
if p1 == p2 {
panic!("Duplicate generator!");
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
tmp_params.fixed_base_generators = fixed_base_generators;
// Create the 2-bit window table lookups for each 4-bit
// "chunk" in each segment of the Pedersen hash
let mut pedersen_circuit_generators = vec![];
// Process each segment
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
for mut gen in tmp_params.pedersen_hash_generators.iter().cloned() {
let mut gen = montgomery::Point::from_edwards(&gen, &tmp_params);
let mut windows = vec![];
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
for _ in 0..tmp_params.pedersen_hash_chunks_per_generator() {
// Create (x, y) coeffs for this chunk
let mut coeffs = vec![];
let mut g = gen.clone();
// coeffs = g, g*2, g*3, g*4
for _ in 0..4 {
coeffs.push(g.into_xy().expect("cannot produce O"));
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
g = g.add(&gen, &tmp_params);
// Our chunks are separated by 2 bits to prevent overlap.
for _ in 0..4 {
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
gen = gen.double(&tmp_params);
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
tmp_params.pedersen_circuit_generators = pedersen_circuit_generators;
// Create the 3-bit window table lookups for fixed-base
// exp of each base in the protocol.
let mut fixed_base_circuit_generators = vec![];
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
for mut gen in tmp_params.fixed_base_generators.iter().cloned() {
let mut windows = vec![];
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
for _ in 0..tmp_params.fixed_base_chunks_per_generator() {
let mut coeffs = vec![(Fr::zero(), Fr::one())];
let mut g = gen.clone();
for _ in 0..7 {
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
g = g.add(&gen, &tmp_params);
// gen = gen * 8
gen = g;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
tmp_params.fixed_base_circuit_generators = fixed_base_circuit_generators;
2018-03-07 23:41:47 -08:00
fn test_jubjub_bls12() {
let params = JubjubBls12::new();
let test_repr = hex!("b9481dd1103b7d1f8578078eb429d3c476472f53e88c0eaefdf51334c7c8b98c");
let p = edwards::Point::<Bls12, _>::read(&test_repr[..], &params).unwrap();
let q = edwards::Point::<Bls12, _>::get_for_y(
assert!(p == q);