
1133 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use pairing::{
use bellman::{
use super::{
/// Represents a variable in the constraint system which is guaranteed
/// to be either zero or one.
pub struct AllocatedBit {
variable: Variable,
value: Option<bool>
impl AllocatedBit {
pub fn get_value(&self) -> Option<bool> {
pub fn get_variable(&self) -> Variable {
/// Allocate a variable in the constraint system which can only be a
/// boolean value.
pub fn alloc<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
value: Option<bool>,
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
let var = cs.alloc(|| "boolean", || {
if *value.get()? {
} else {
// Constrain: (1 - a) * a = 0
// This constrains a to be either 0 or 1.
|| "boolean constraint",
|lc| lc + CS::one() - var,
|lc| lc + var,
|lc| lc
Ok(AllocatedBit {
variable: var,
value: value
/// Performs an XOR operation over the two operands, returning
/// an `AllocatedBit`.
pub fn xor<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
a: &Self,
b: &Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
let mut result_value = None;
let result_var = cs.alloc(|| "xor result", || {
if *a.value.get()? ^ *b.value.get()? {
result_value = Some(true);
} else {
result_value = Some(false);
// Constrain (a + a) * (b) = (a + b - c)
// Given that a and b are boolean constrained, if they
// are equal, the only solution for c is 0, and if they
// are different, the only solution for c is 1.
// ¬(a ∧ b) ∧ ¬(¬a ∧ ¬b) = c
// (1 - (a * b)) * (1 - ((1 - a) * (1 - b))) = c
// (1 - ab) * (1 - (1 - a - b + ab)) = c
// (1 - ab) * (a + b - ab) = c
// a + b - ab - (a^2)b - (b^2)a + (a^2)(b^2) = c
// a + b - ab - ab - ab + ab = c
// a + b - 2ab = c
// -2a * b = c - a - b
// 2a * b = a + b - c
// (a + a) * b = a + b - c
|| "xor constraint",
|lc| lc + a.variable + a.variable,
|lc| lc + b.variable,
|lc| lc + a.variable + b.variable - result_var
Ok(AllocatedBit {
variable: result_var,
value: result_value
/// Performs an AND operation over the two operands, returning
/// an `AllocatedBit`.
pub fn and<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
a: &Self,
b: &Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
let mut result_value = None;
let result_var = cs.alloc(|| "and result", || {
if *a.value.get()? & *b.value.get()? {
result_value = Some(true);
} else {
result_value = Some(false);
// Constrain (a) * (b) = (c), ensuring c is 1 iff
// a AND b are both 1.
|| "and constraint",
|lc| lc + a.variable,
|lc| lc + b.variable,
|lc| lc + result_var
Ok(AllocatedBit {
variable: result_var,
value: result_value
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
/// Calculates `a AND (NOT b)`.
pub fn and_not<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
a: &Self,
b: &Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
let mut result_value = None;
let result_var = cs.alloc(|| "and not result", || {
if *a.value.get()? & !*b.value.get()? {
result_value = Some(true);
} else {
result_value = Some(false);
// Constrain (a) * (1 - b) = (c), ensuring c is 1 iff
// a is true and b is false, and otherwise c is 0.
|| "and not constraint",
|lc| lc + a.variable,
|lc| lc + CS::one() - b.variable,
|lc| lc + result_var
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
Ok(AllocatedBit {
variable: result_var,
value: result_value
/// Calculates `(NOT a) AND (NOT b)`.
pub fn nor<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
a: &Self,
b: &Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
let mut result_value = None;
let result_var = cs.alloc(|| "nor result", || {
if !*a.value.get()? & !*b.value.get()? {
result_value = Some(true);
} else {
result_value = Some(false);
// Constrain (1 - a) * (1 - b) = (c), ensuring c is 1 iff
// a and b are both false, and otherwise c is 0.
|| "nor constraint",
|lc| lc + CS::one() - a.variable,
|lc| lc + CS::one() - b.variable,
|lc| lc + result_var
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
Ok(AllocatedBit {
variable: result_var,
value: result_value
/// This is a boolean value which may be either a constant or
/// an interpretation of an `AllocatedBit`.
pub enum Boolean {
/// Existential view of the boolean variable
/// Negated view of the boolean variable
/// Constant (not an allocated variable)
impl Boolean {
pub fn enforce_equal<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
a: &Self,
b: &Self
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
let c = Self::xor(&mut cs, a, b)?;
Self::enforce_nand(&mut cs, &[c])
pub fn get_value(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
&Boolean::Constant(c) => Some(c),
&Boolean::Is(ref v) => v.get_value(),
&Boolean::Not(ref v) => v.get_value().map(|b| !b)
pub fn lc<E: Engine>(
one: Variable,
coeff: E::Fr
) -> LinearCombination<E>
match self {
&Boolean::Constant(c) => {
if c {
LinearCombination::<E>::zero() + (coeff, one)
} else {
&Boolean::Is(ref v) => {
LinearCombination::<E>::zero() + (coeff, v.get_variable())
&Boolean::Not(ref v) => {
LinearCombination::<E>::zero() + (coeff, one) - (coeff, v.get_variable())
/// Construct a boolean from a known constant
pub fn constant(b: bool) -> Self {
/// Return a negated interpretation of this boolean.
pub fn not(&self) -> Self {
match self {
&Boolean::Constant(c) => Boolean::Constant(!c),
&Boolean::Is(ref v) => Boolean::Not(v.clone()),
&Boolean::Not(ref v) => Boolean::Is(v.clone())
/// Perform XOR over two boolean operands
pub fn xor<'a, E, CS>(
cs: CS,
a: &'a Self,
b: &'a Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
match (a, b) {
(&Boolean::Constant(false), x) | (x, &Boolean::Constant(false)) => Ok(x.clone()),
(&Boolean::Constant(true), x) | (x, &Boolean::Constant(true)) => Ok(x.not()),
// a XOR (NOT b) = NOT(a XOR b)
(is @ &Boolean::Is(_), not @ &Boolean::Not(_)) | (not @ &Boolean::Not(_), is @ &Boolean::Is(_)) => {
// a XOR b = (NOT a) XOR (NOT b)
(&Boolean::Is(ref a), &Boolean::Is(ref b)) | (&Boolean::Not(ref a), &Boolean::Not(ref b)) => {
Ok(Boolean::Is(AllocatedBit::xor(cs, a, b)?))
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
/// Perform AND over two boolean operands
pub fn and<'a, E, CS>(
cs: CS,
a: &'a Self,
b: &'a Self
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
match (a, b) {
// false AND x is always false
(&Boolean::Constant(false), _) | (_, &Boolean::Constant(false)) => Ok(Boolean::Constant(false)),
// true AND x is always x
(&Boolean::Constant(true), x) | (x, &Boolean::Constant(true)) => Ok(x.clone()),
// a AND (NOT b)
(&Boolean::Is(ref is), &Boolean::Not(ref not)) | (&Boolean::Not(ref not), &Boolean::Is(ref is)) => {
Ok(Boolean::Is(AllocatedBit::and_not(cs, is, not)?))
// (NOT a) AND (NOT b) = a NOR b
(&Boolean::Not(ref a), &Boolean::Not(ref b)) => {
Ok(Boolean::Is(AllocatedBit::nor(cs, a, b)?))
// a AND b
(&Boolean::Is(ref a), &Boolean::Is(ref b)) => {
Ok(Boolean::Is(AllocatedBit::and(cs, a, b)?))
pub fn kary_and<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
bits: &[Self]
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
assert!(bits.len() > 0);
let mut bits = bits.iter();
let mut cur: Self =;
let mut i = 0;
while let Some(next) = {
cur = Boolean::and(cs.namespace(|| format!("AND {}", i)), &cur, next)?;
i += 1;
/// Asserts that at least one operand is false.
pub fn enforce_nand<E, CS>(
mut cs: CS,
bits: &[Self]
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
let res = Self::kary_and(&mut cs, bits)?;
match res {
Boolean::Constant(false) => {
Boolean::Constant(true) => {
Boolean::Is(ref res) => {
|| "enforce nand",
|lc| lc,
|lc| lc,
|lc| lc + res.get_variable()
Boolean::Not(ref res) => {
|| "enforce nand",
|lc| lc,
|lc| lc,
|lc| lc + CS::one() - res.get_variable()
/// Asserts that this bit representation is "in
/// the field" when interpreted in big endian.
pub fn enforce_in_field<E, CS, F: PrimeField>(
mut cs: CS,
bits: &[Self]
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
where E: Engine,
CS: ConstraintSystem<E>
assert_eq!(bits.len(), F::NUM_BITS as usize);
let mut a = bits.iter();
// b = char() - 1
let mut b = F::char();
// Runs of ones in r
let mut last_run = Boolean::constant(true);
let mut current_run = vec![];
let mut found_one = false;
let mut run_i = 0;
let mut nand_i = 0;
for b in BitIterator::new(b) {
// Skip over unset bits at the beginning
found_one |= b;
if !found_one {
let a =;
if b {
// This is part of a run of ones.
} else {
if current_run.len() > 0 {
// This is the start of a run of zeros, but we need
// to k-ary AND against `last_run` first.
last_run = Self::kary_and(
cs.namespace(|| format!("run {}", run_i)),
run_i += 1;
// If `last_run` is true, `a` must be false, or it would
// not be in the field.
// If `last_run` is false, `a` can be true or false.
// Ergo, at least one of `last_run` and `a` must be false.
cs.namespace(|| format!("nand {}", nand_i)),
&[last_run.clone(), a.clone()]
nand_i += 1;
// We should always end in a "run" of zeros, because
// the characteristic is an odd prime. So, this should
// be empty.
assert_eq!(current_run.len(), 0);
impl From<AllocatedBit> for Boolean {
fn from(b: AllocatedBit) -> Boolean {
mod test {
use rand::{SeedableRng, Rand, XorShiftRng};
use bellman::{ConstraintSystem};
use pairing::bls12_381::{Bls12, Fr};
use pairing::{Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldRepr, BitIterator};
use ::circuit::test::*;
use super::{AllocatedBit, Boolean};
fn test_allocated_bit() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
AllocatedBit::alloc(&mut cs, Some(true)).unwrap();
assert!(cs.get("boolean") == Fr::one());
cs.set("boolean", Fr::zero());
cs.set("boolean", Fr::from_str("2").unwrap());
assert!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied() == Some("boolean constraint"));
fn test_xor() {
for a_val in [false, true].iter() {
for b_val in [false, true].iter() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a"), Some(*a_val)).unwrap();
let b = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "b"), Some(*b_val)).unwrap();
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
let c = AllocatedBit::xor(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.value.unwrap(), *a_val ^ *b_val);
assert!(cs.get("a/boolean") == if *a_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("b/boolean") == if *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == if *a_val ^ *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
// Invert the result and check if the constraint system is still satisfied
cs.set("xor result", if *a_val ^ *b_val { Field::zero() } else { Field::one() });
fn test_and() {
for a_val in [false, true].iter() {
for b_val in [false, true].iter() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a"), Some(*a_val)).unwrap();
let b = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "b"), Some(*b_val)).unwrap();
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
let c = AllocatedBit::and(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.value.unwrap(), *a_val & *b_val);
assert!(cs.get("a/boolean") == if *a_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("b/boolean") == if *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("and result") == if *a_val & *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
// Invert the result and check if the constraint system is still satisfied
cs.set("and result", if *a_val & *b_val { Field::zero() } else { Field::one() });
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
fn test_and_not() {
for a_val in [false, true].iter() {
for b_val in [false, true].iter() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a"), Some(*a_val)).unwrap();
let b = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "b"), Some(*b_val)).unwrap();
let c = AllocatedBit::and_not(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.value.unwrap(), *a_val & !*b_val);
assert!(cs.get("a/boolean") == if *a_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("b/boolean") == if *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == if *a_val & !*b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
// Invert the result and check if the constraint system is still satisfied
cs.set("and not result", if *a_val & !*b_val { Field::zero() } else { Field::one() });
fn test_nor() {
for a_val in [false, true].iter() {
for b_val in [false, true].iter() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a"), Some(*a_val)).unwrap();
let b = AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "b"), Some(*b_val)).unwrap();
let c = AllocatedBit::nor(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.value.unwrap(), !*a_val & !*b_val);
assert!(cs.get("a/boolean") == if *a_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("b/boolean") == if *b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
assert!(cs.get("nor result") == if !*a_val & !*b_val { Field::one() } else { Field::zero() });
// Invert the result and check if the constraint system is still satisfied
cs.set("nor result", if !*a_val & !*b_val { Field::zero() } else { Field::one() });
fn test_enforce_equal() {
for a_bool in [false, true].iter().cloned() {
for b_bool in [false, true].iter().cloned() {
for a_neg in [false, true].iter().cloned() {
for b_neg in [false, true].iter().cloned() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut a = Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "a"), Some(a_bool)).unwrap());
let mut b = Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "b"), Some(b_bool)).unwrap());
if a_neg {
a = a.not();
if b_neg {
b = b.not();
Boolean::enforce_equal(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
(a_bool ^ a_neg) == (b_bool ^ b_neg)
fn test_boolean_negation() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut b = Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(&mut cs, Some(true)).unwrap());
match b {
Boolean::Is(_) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
b = b.not();
match b {
Boolean::Not(_) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
b = b.not();
match b {
Boolean::Is(_) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
b = Boolean::constant(true);
match b {
Boolean::Constant(true) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
b = b.not();
match b {
Boolean::Constant(false) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
b = b.not();
match b {
Boolean::Constant(true) => {},
_ => panic!("unexpected value")
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum OperandType {
fn test_boolean_xor() {
let variants = [
for first_operand in variants.iter().cloned() {
for second_operand in variants.iter().cloned() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a;
let b;
let mut dyn_construct = |operand, name| {
let cs = cs.namespace(|| name);
match operand {
OperandType::True => Boolean::constant(true),
OperandType::False => Boolean::constant(false),
OperandType::AllocatedTrue => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(true)).unwrap()),
OperandType::AllocatedFalse => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(false)).unwrap()),
OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(true)).unwrap()).not(),
OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(false)).unwrap()).not(),
a = dyn_construct(first_operand, "a");
b = dyn_construct(second_operand, "b");
let c = Boolean::xor(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
match (first_operand, second_operand, c) {
(OperandType::True, OperandType::True, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(true)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::True, Boolean::Constant(true)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::True, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::False, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::True, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::False, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::True, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::False, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::True, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::False, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("xor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
_ => panic!("this should never be encountered")
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
fn test_boolean_and() {
let variants = [
for first_operand in variants.iter().cloned() {
for second_operand in variants.iter().cloned() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let a;
let b;
let mut dyn_construct = |operand, name| {
let cs = cs.namespace(|| name);
match operand {
OperandType::True => Boolean::constant(true),
OperandType::False => Boolean::constant(false),
OperandType::AllocatedTrue => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(true)).unwrap()),
OperandType::AllocatedFalse => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(false)).unwrap()),
OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(true)).unwrap()).not(),
OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse => Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc(cs, Some(false)).unwrap()).not(),
a = dyn_construct(first_operand, "a");
b = dyn_construct(second_operand, "b");
let c = Boolean::and(&mut cs, &a, &b).unwrap();
match (first_operand, second_operand, c) {
(OperandType::True, OperandType::True, Boolean::Constant(true)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::True, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::True, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::False, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::True, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::True, Boolean::Is(_)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::AllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::True, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("nor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("nor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::True, Boolean::Not(_)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::False, Boolean::Constant(false)) => {},
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::AllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("and not result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedTrue, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("nor result") == Field::zero());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(false));
(OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, OperandType::NegatedAllocatedFalse, Boolean::Is(ref v)) => {
assert!(cs.get("nor result") == Field::one());
assert_eq!(v.value, Some(true));
_ => {
panic!("unexpected behavior at {:?} AND {:?}", first_operand, second_operand);
fn test_enforce_in_field() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut bits = vec![];
for (i, b) in BitIterator::new(Fr::char()).skip(1).enumerate() {
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", i)),
Boolean::enforce_in_field::<_, _, Fr>(&mut cs, &bits).unwrap();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x3dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]);
for _ in 0..1000 {
let r = Fr::rand(&mut rng);
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut bits = vec![];
for (i, b) in BitIterator::new(r.into_repr()).skip(1).enumerate() {
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", i)),
Boolean::enforce_in_field::<_, _, Fr>(&mut cs, &bits).unwrap();
for _ in 0..1000 {
// Sample a random element not in the field
let r = loop {
let mut a = Fr::rand(&mut rng).into_repr();
let b = Fr::rand(&mut rng).into_repr();
// we're shaving off the high bit later
a.as_mut()[3] &= 0x7fffffffffffffff;
if Fr::from_repr(a).is_err() {
break a;
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut bits = vec![];
for (i, b) in BitIterator::new(r).skip(1).enumerate() {
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", i)),
Boolean::enforce_in_field::<_, _, Fr>(&mut cs, &bits).unwrap();
fn test_enforce_nand() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
Boolean::enforce_nand(&mut cs, &[Boolean::constant(false)]).is_ok();
Boolean::enforce_nand(&mut cs, &[Boolean::constant(true)]).is_err();
for i in 1..5 {
// with every possible assignment for them
for mut b in 0..(1 << i) {
// with every possible negation
for mut n in 0..(1 << i) {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut expected = true;
let mut bits = vec![];
for j in 0..i {
expected &= b & 1 == 1;
if n & 1 == 1 {
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", j)),
Some(b & 1 == 1)
} else {
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", j)),
Some(b & 1 == 0)
b >>= 1;
n >>= 1;
let expected = !expected;
Boolean::enforce_nand(&mut cs, &bits).unwrap();
if expected {
} else {
2017-12-15 13:12:38 -08:00
fn test_kary_and() {
// test different numbers of operands
for i in 1..15 {
// with every possible assignment for them
for mut b in 0..(1 << i) {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Bls12>::new();
let mut expected = true;
let mut bits = vec![];
for j in 0..i {
expected &= b & 1 == 1;
cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", j)),
Some(b & 1 == 1)
b >>= 1;
let r = Boolean::kary_and(&mut cs, &bits).unwrap();
match r {
Boolean::Is(ref r) => {
assert_eq!(r.value.unwrap(), expected);
_ => unreachable!()