use pairing::{ Engine, Field }; use bellman::{ SynthesisError, ConstraintSystem }; use super::{ Assignment }; use super::num::{ AllocatedNum, Num }; use ::jubjub::{ edwards, JubjubEngine, JubjubParams, FixedGenerators }; use super::lookup::{ lookup3_xy }; use super::boolean::Boolean; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct EdwardsPoint { x: AllocatedNum, y: AllocatedNum } /// Perform a fixed-base scalar multiplication with /// `by` being in little-endian bit order. pub fn fixed_base_multiplication( mut cs: CS, base: FixedGenerators, by: &[Boolean], params: &E::Params ) -> Result, SynthesisError> where CS: ConstraintSystem, E: JubjubEngine { // Represents the result of the multiplication let mut result = None; for (i, (chunk, window)) in by.chunks(3) .zip(params.circuit_generators(base).iter()) .enumerate() { let chunk_a = chunk.get(0).map(|e| e.clone()).unwrap_or(Boolean::constant(false)); let chunk_b = chunk.get(1).map(|e| e.clone()).unwrap_or(Boolean::constant(false)); let chunk_c = chunk.get(2).map(|e| e.clone()).unwrap_or(Boolean::constant(false)); let (x, y) = lookup3_xy( cs.namespace(|| format!("window table lookup {}", i)), &[chunk_a, chunk_b, chunk_c], window )?; let p = EdwardsPoint { x: x, y: y }; if result.is_none() { result = Some(p); } else { result = Some(result.unwrap().add( cs.namespace(|| format!("addition {}", i)), &p, params )?); } } Ok(result.get()?.clone()) } impl EdwardsPoint { pub fn get_x(&self) -> &AllocatedNum { &self.x } pub fn get_y(&self) -> &AllocatedNum { &self.y } pub fn assert_not_small_order( &self, mut cs: CS, params: &E::Params ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> where CS: ConstraintSystem { let tmp = self.double( cs.namespace(|| "first doubling"), params )?; let tmp = tmp.double( cs.namespace(|| "second doubling"), params )?; let tmp = tmp.double( cs.namespace(|| "third doubling"), params )?; // (0, -1) is a small order point, but won't ever appear here // because cofactor is 2^3, and we performed three doublings. // (0, 1) is the neutral element, so checking if x is nonzero // is sufficient to prevent small order points here. tmp.x.assert_nonzero(cs.namespace(|| "check x != 0"))?; Ok(()) } pub fn inputize( &self, mut cs: CS ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> where CS: ConstraintSystem { self.x.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "x"))?; self.y.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "y"))?; Ok(()) } /// This converts the point into a representation. pub fn repr( &self, mut cs: CS ) -> Result, SynthesisError> where CS: ConstraintSystem { let mut tmp = vec![]; let x = self.x.into_bits_le_strict( cs.namespace(|| "unpack x") )?; let y = self.y.into_bits_le_strict( cs.namespace(|| "unpack y") )?; tmp.extend(y); tmp.push(x[0].clone()); Ok(tmp) } /// This 'witnesses' a point inside the constraint system. /// It guarantees the point is on the curve. pub fn witness( mut cs: CS, p: Option>, params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { let p =|p| p.into_xy()); // Allocate x let x = AllocatedNum::alloc( cs.namespace(|| "x"), || { Ok(p.get()?.0) } )?; // Allocate y let y = AllocatedNum::alloc( cs.namespace(|| "y"), || { Ok(p.get()?.1) } )?; Self::interpret( cs.namespace(|| "point interpretation"), &x, &y, params ) } /// Returns `self` if condition is true, and the neutral /// element (0, 1) otherwise. pub fn conditionally_select( &self, mut cs: CS, condition: &Boolean ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Compute x' = self.x if condition, and 0 otherwise let x_prime = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x'"), || { if *condition.get_value().get()? { Ok(*self.x.get_value().get()?) } else { Ok(E::Fr::zero()) } })?; // condition * x = x' // if condition is 0, x' must be 0 // if condition is 1, x' must be x let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "x' computation", |lc| lc + self.x.get_variable(), |_|, E::Fr::one()), |lc| lc + x_prime.get_variable() ); // Compute y' = self.y if condition, and 1 otherwise let y_prime = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y'"), || { if *condition.get_value().get()? { Ok(*self.y.get_value().get()?) } else { Ok(E::Fr::one()) } })?; // condition * y = y' - (1 - condition) // if condition is 0, y' must be 1 // if condition is 1, y' must be y cs.enforce( || "y' computation", |lc| lc + self.y.get_variable(), |_|, E::Fr::one()), |lc| lc + y_prime.get_variable() - &condition.not().lc(one, E::Fr::one()) ); Ok(EdwardsPoint { x: x_prime, y: y_prime }) } /// Performs a scalar multiplication of this twisted Edwards /// point by a scalar represented as a sequence of booleans /// in little-endian bit order. pub fn mul( &self, mut cs: CS, by: &[Boolean], params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Represents the current "magnitude" of the base // that we're operating over. Starts at self, // then 2*self, then 4*self, ... let mut curbase = None; // Represents the result of the multiplication let mut result = None; for (i, bit) in by.iter().enumerate() { if curbase.is_none() { curbase = Some(self.clone()); } else { // Double the previous value curbase = Some( curbase.unwrap() .double(cs.namespace(|| format!("doubling {}", i)), params)? ); } // Represents the select base. If the bit for this magnitude // is true, this will return `curbase`. Otherwise it will // return the neutral element, which will have no effect on // the result. let thisbase = curbase.as_ref() .unwrap() .conditionally_select( cs.namespace(|| format!("selection {}", i)), bit )?; if result.is_none() { result = Some(thisbase); } else { result = Some(result.unwrap().add( cs.namespace(|| format!("addition {}", i)), &thisbase, params )?); } } Ok(result.get()?.clone()) } pub fn interpret( mut cs: CS, x: &AllocatedNum, y: &AllocatedNum, params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // -x^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2 let x2 = x.square(cs.namespace(|| "x^2"))?; let y2 = y.square(cs.namespace(|| "y^2"))?; let x2y2 = x2.mul(cs.namespace(|| "x^2 y^2"), &y2)?; let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "on curve check", |lc| lc - x2.get_variable() + y2.get_variable(), |lc| lc + one, |lc| lc + one + (*params.edwards_d(), x2y2.get_variable()) ); Ok(EdwardsPoint { x: x.clone(), y: y.clone() }) } pub fn double( &self, mut cs: CS, params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Compute T = (x1 + y1) * (x1 + y1) let t = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "T"), || { let mut t0 = *self.x.get_value().get()?; t0.add_assign(self.y.get_value().get()?); let mut t1 = *self.x.get_value().get()?; t1.add_assign(self.y.get_value().get()?); t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) })?; cs.enforce( || "T computation", |lc| lc + self.x.get_variable() + self.y.get_variable(), |lc| lc + self.x.get_variable() + self.y.get_variable(), |lc| lc + t.get_variable() ); // Compute A = x1 * y1 let a = self.x.mul(cs.namespace(|| "A computation"), &self.y)?; // Compute C = d*A*A let c = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "C"), || { let mut t0 = *a.get_value().get()?; t0.square(); t0.mul_assign(params.edwards_d()); Ok(t0) })?; cs.enforce( || "C computation", |lc| lc + (*params.edwards_d(), a.get_variable()), |lc| lc + a.get_variable(), |lc| lc + c.get_variable() ); // Compute x3 = (2.A) / (1 + C) let x3 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x3"), || { let mut t0 = *a.get_value().get()?; t0.double(); let mut t1 = E::Fr::one(); t1.add_assign(c.get_value().get()?); match t1.inverse() { Some(t1) => { t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "x3 computation", |lc| lc + one + c.get_variable(), |lc| lc + x3.get_variable(), |lc| lc + a.get_variable() + a.get_variable() ); // Compute y3 = (U - 2.A) / (1 - C) let y3 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y3"), || { let mut t0 = *a.get_value().get()?; t0.double(); t0.negate(); t0.add_assign(t.get_value().get()?); let mut t1 = E::Fr::one(); t1.sub_assign(c.get_value().get()?); match t1.inverse() { Some(t1) => { t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; cs.enforce( || "y3 computation", |lc| lc + one - c.get_variable(), |lc| lc + y3.get_variable(), |lc| lc + t.get_variable() - a.get_variable() - a.get_variable() ); Ok(EdwardsPoint { x: x3, y: y3 }) } /// Perform addition between any two points pub fn add( &self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self, params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Compute U = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2) let u = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "U"), || { let mut t0 = *self.x.get_value().get()?; t0.add_assign(self.y.get_value().get()?); let mut t1 = *other.x.get_value().get()?; t1.add_assign(other.y.get_value().get()?); t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) })?; cs.enforce( || "U computation", |lc| lc + self.x.get_variable() + self.y.get_variable(), |lc| lc + other.x.get_variable() + other.y.get_variable(), |lc| lc + u.get_variable() ); // Compute A = y2 * x1 let a = other.y.mul(cs.namespace(|| "A computation"), &self.x)?; // Compute B = x2 * y1 let b = other.x.mul(cs.namespace(|| "B computation"), &self.y)?; // Compute C = d*A*B let c = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "C"), || { let mut t0 = *a.get_value().get()?; t0.mul_assign(b.get_value().get()?); t0.mul_assign(params.edwards_d()); Ok(t0) })?; cs.enforce( || "C computation", |lc| lc + (*params.edwards_d(), a.get_variable()), |lc| lc + b.get_variable(), |lc| lc + c.get_variable() ); // Compute x3 = (A + B) / (1 + C) let x3 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x3"), || { let mut t0 = *a.get_value().get()?; t0.add_assign(b.get_value().get()?); let mut t1 = E::Fr::one(); t1.add_assign(c.get_value().get()?); match t1.inverse() { Some(t1) => { t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "x3 computation", |lc| lc + one + c.get_variable(), |lc| lc + x3.get_variable(), |lc| lc + a.get_variable() + b.get_variable() ); // Compute y3 = (U - A - B) / (1 - C) let y3 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y3"), || { let mut t0 = *u.get_value().get()?; t0.sub_assign(a.get_value().get()?); t0.sub_assign(b.get_value().get()?); let mut t1 = E::Fr::one(); t1.sub_assign(c.get_value().get()?); match t1.inverse() { Some(t1) => { t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; cs.enforce( || "y3 computation", |lc| lc + one - c.get_variable(), |lc| lc + y3.get_variable(), |lc| lc + u.get_variable() - a.get_variable() - b.get_variable() ); Ok(EdwardsPoint { x: x3, y: y3 }) } } pub struct MontgomeryPoint { x: Num, y: Num } impl MontgomeryPoint { /// Converts an element in the prime order subgroup into /// a point in the birationally equivalent twisted /// Edwards curve. pub fn into_edwards( &self, mut cs: CS, params: &E::Params ) -> Result, SynthesisError> where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Compute u = (scale*x) / y let u = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "u"), || { let mut t0 = *self.x.get_value().get()?; t0.mul_assign(params.scale()); match self.y.get_value().get()?.inverse() { Some(invy) => { t0.mul_assign(&invy); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; cs.enforce( || "u computation", |lc| lc + &, |lc| lc + u.get_variable(), |lc| lc + &*params.scale()) ); // Compute v = (x - 1) / (x + 1) let v = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "v"), || { let mut t0 = *self.x.get_value().get()?; let mut t1 = t0; t0.sub_assign(&E::Fr::one()); t1.add_assign(&E::Fr::one()); match t1.inverse() { Some(t1) => { t0.mul_assign(&t1); Ok(t0) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "v computation", |lc| lc + & + one, |lc| lc + v.get_variable(), |lc| lc + & - one, ); Ok(EdwardsPoint { x: u, y: v }) } /// Interprets an (x, y) pair as a point /// in Montgomery, does not check that it's /// on the curve. Useful for constants and /// window table lookups. pub fn interpret_unchecked( x: Num, y: Num ) -> Self { MontgomeryPoint { x: x, y: y } } /// Performs an affine point addition, not defined for /// coincident points. pub fn add( &self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self, params: &E::Params ) -> Result where CS: ConstraintSystem { // Compute lambda = (y' - y) / (x' - x) let lambda = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "lambda"), || { let mut n = *other.y.get_value().get()?; n.sub_assign(self.y.get_value().get()?); let mut d = *other.x.get_value().get()?; d.sub_assign(self.x.get_value().get()?); match d.inverse() { Some(d) => { n.mul_assign(&d); Ok(n) }, None => { Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero) } } })?; cs.enforce( || "evaluate lambda", |lc| lc + & - &, |lc| lc + lambda.get_variable(), |lc| lc + & - & ); // Compute x'' = lambda^2 - A - x - x' let xprime = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "xprime"), || { let mut t0 = *lambda.get_value().get()?; t0.square(); t0.sub_assign(params.montgomery_a()); t0.sub_assign(self.x.get_value().get()?); t0.sub_assign(other.x.get_value().get()?); Ok(t0) })?; // (lambda) * (lambda) = (A + x + x' + x'') let one = CS::one(); cs.enforce( || "evaluate xprime", |lc| lc + lambda.get_variable(), |lc| lc + lambda.get_variable(), |lc| lc + (*params.montgomery_a(), one) + & + & + xprime.get_variable() ); // Compute y' = -(y + lambda(x' - x)) let yprime = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "yprime"), || { let mut t0 = *xprime.get_value().get()?; t0.sub_assign(self.x.get_value().get()?); t0.mul_assign(lambda.get_value().get()?); t0.add_assign(self.y.get_value().get()?); t0.negate(); Ok(t0) })?; // y' + y = lambda(x - x') cs.enforce( || "evaluate yprime", |lc| lc + & - xprime.get_variable(), |lc| lc + lambda.get_variable(), |lc| lc + yprime.get_variable() + & ); Ok(MontgomeryPoint { x: xprime.into(), y: yprime.into() }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use bellman::{ConstraintSystem}; use rand::{XorShiftRng, SeedableRng, Rand, Rng}; use pairing::bls12_381::{Bls12, Fr}; use pairing::{BitIterator, Field, PrimeField}; use ::circuit::test::*; use ::jubjub::{ montgomery, edwards, JubjubBls12, JubjubParams, FixedGenerators }; use ::jubjub::fs::Fs; use super::{ MontgomeryPoint, EdwardsPoint, AllocatedNum, fixed_base_multiplication }; use super::super::boolean::{ Boolean, AllocatedBit }; #[test] fn test_into_edwards() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x3dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let p = montgomery::Point::::rand(rng, params); let (u, v) = edwards::Point::from_montgomery(&p, params).into_xy(); let (x, y) = p.into_xy().unwrap(); let numx = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "mont x"), || { Ok(x) }).unwrap(); let numy = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "mont y"), || { Ok(y) }).unwrap(); let p = MontgomeryPoint::interpret_unchecked(numx.into(), numy.into()); let q = p.into_edwards(&mut cs, params).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert!(q.x.get_value().unwrap() == u); assert!(q.y.get_value().unwrap() == v); cs.set("u/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "u computation"); cs.set("u/num", u); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); cs.set("v/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "v computation"); cs.set("v/num", v); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); } } #[test] fn test_interpret() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let p = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, ¶ms); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let q = EdwardsPoint::witness( &mut cs, Some(p.clone()), ¶ms ).unwrap(); let p = p.into_xy(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert_eq!(q.x.get_value().unwrap(), p.0); assert_eq!(q.y.get_value().unwrap(), p.1); } for _ in 0..100 { let p = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, ¶ms); let (x, y) = p.into_xy(); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let numx = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x"), || { Ok(x) }).unwrap(); let numy = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y"), || { Ok(y) }).unwrap(); let p = EdwardsPoint::interpret(&mut cs, &numx, &numy, ¶ms).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert_eq!(p.x.get_value().unwrap(), x); assert_eq!(p.y.get_value().unwrap(), y); } // Random (x, y) are unlikely to be on the curve. for _ in 0..100 { let x = rng.gen(); let y = rng.gen(); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let numx = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x"), || { Ok(x) }).unwrap(); let numy = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y"), || { Ok(y) }).unwrap(); EdwardsPoint::interpret(&mut cs, &numx, &numy, ¶ms).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "on curve check"); } } #[test] fn test_edwards_fixed_base_multiplication() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let p = params.generator(FixedGenerators::NoteCommitmentRandomness); let s = Fs::rand(rng); let q = p.mul(s, params); let (x1, y1) = q.into_xy(); let mut s_bits = BitIterator::new(s.into_repr()).collect::>(); s_bits.reverse(); s_bits.truncate(Fs::NUM_BITS as usize); let s_bits = s_bits.into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, b)| AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| format!("scalar bit {}", i)), Some(b)).unwrap()) .map(|v| Boolean::from(v)) .collect::>(); let q = fixed_base_multiplication( cs.namespace(|| "multiplication"), FixedGenerators::NoteCommitmentRandomness, &s_bits, params ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(q.x.get_value().unwrap(), x1); assert_eq!(q.y.get_value().unwrap(), y1); } } #[test] fn test_edwards_multiplication() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let p = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, params); let s = Fs::rand(rng); let q = p.mul(s, params); let (x0, y0) = p.into_xy(); let (x1, y1) = q.into_xy(); let num_x0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x0"), || { Ok(x0) }).unwrap(); let num_y0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y0"), || { Ok(y0) }).unwrap(); let p = EdwardsPoint { x: num_x0, y: num_y0 }; let mut s_bits = BitIterator::new(s.into_repr()).collect::>(); s_bits.reverse(); s_bits.truncate(Fs::NUM_BITS as usize); let s_bits = s_bits.into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, b)| AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| format!("scalar bit {}", i)), Some(b)).unwrap()) .map(|v| Boolean::from(v)) .collect::>(); let q = p.mul( cs.namespace(|| "scalar mul"), &s_bits, params ).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert_eq!( q.x.get_value().unwrap(), x1 ); assert_eq!( q.y.get_value().unwrap(), y1 ); } } #[test] fn test_conditionally_select() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..1000 { let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let p = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, params); let (x0, y0) = p.into_xy(); let num_x0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x0"), || { Ok(x0) }).unwrap(); let num_y0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y0"), || { Ok(y0) }).unwrap(); let p = EdwardsPoint { x: num_x0, y: num_y0 }; let mut should_we_select = rng.gen(); // Conditionally allocate let mut b = if rng.gen() { Boolean::from(AllocatedBit::alloc( cs.namespace(|| "condition"), Some(should_we_select) ).unwrap()) } else { Boolean::constant(should_we_select) }; // Conditionally negate if rng.gen() { b = b.not(); should_we_select = !should_we_select; } let q = p.conditionally_select(cs.namespace(|| "select"), &b).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); if should_we_select { assert_eq!(q.x.get_value().unwrap(), x0); assert_eq!(q.y.get_value().unwrap(), y0); cs.set("select/y'/num", Fr::one()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "select/y' computation"); cs.set("select/x'/num", Fr::zero()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "select/x' computation"); } else { assert_eq!(q.x.get_value().unwrap(), Fr::zero()); assert_eq!(q.y.get_value().unwrap(), Fr::one()); cs.set("select/y'/num", x0); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "select/y' computation"); cs.set("select/x'/num", y0); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap(), "select/x' computation"); } } } #[test] fn test_edwards_addition() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let p1 = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, params); let p2 = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, params); let p3 = p1.add(&p2, params); let (x0, y0) = p1.into_xy(); let (x1, y1) = p2.into_xy(); let (x2, y2) = p3.into_xy(); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let num_x0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x0"), || { Ok(x0) }).unwrap(); let num_y0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y0"), || { Ok(y0) }).unwrap(); let num_x1 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x1"), || { Ok(x1) }).unwrap(); let num_y1 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y1"), || { Ok(y1) }).unwrap(); let p1 = EdwardsPoint { x: num_x0, y: num_y0 }; let p2 = EdwardsPoint { x: num_x1, y: num_y1 }; let p3 = p1.add(cs.namespace(|| "addition"), &p2, params).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert!(p3.x.get_value().unwrap() == x2); assert!(p3.y.get_value().unwrap() == y2); let u = cs.get("addition/U/num"); cs.set("addition/U/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/U computation")); cs.set("addition/U/num", u); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); let x3 = cs.get("addition/x3/num"); cs.set("addition/x3/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/x3 computation")); cs.set("addition/x3/num", x3); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); let y3 = cs.get("addition/y3/num"); cs.set("addition/y3/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/y3 computation")); cs.set("addition/y3/num", y3); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); } } #[test] fn test_edwards_doubling() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let p1 = edwards::Point::::rand(rng, params); let p2 = p1.double(params); let (x0, y0) = p1.into_xy(); let (x1, y1) = p2.into_xy(); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let num_x0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x0"), || { Ok(x0) }).unwrap(); let num_y0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y0"), || { Ok(y0) }).unwrap(); let p1 = EdwardsPoint { x: num_x0, y: num_y0 }; let p2 = p1.double(cs.namespace(|| "doubling"), params).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert!(p2.x.get_value().unwrap() == x1); assert!(p2.y.get_value().unwrap() == y1); } } #[test] fn test_montgomery_addition() { let params = &JubjubBls12::new(); let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed([0x5dbe6259, 0x8d313d76, 0x3237db17, 0xe5bc0654]); for _ in 0..100 { let p1 = loop { let x: Fr = rng.gen(); let s: bool = rng.gen(); if let Some(p) = montgomery::Point::::get_for_x(x, s, params) { break p; } }; let p2 = loop { let x: Fr = rng.gen(); let s: bool = rng.gen(); if let Some(p) = montgomery::Point::::get_for_x(x, s, params) { break p; } }; let p3 = p1.add(&p2, params); let (x0, y0) = p1.into_xy().unwrap(); let (x1, y1) = p2.into_xy().unwrap(); let (x2, y2) = p3.into_xy().unwrap(); let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::::new(); let num_x0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x0"), || { Ok(x0) }).unwrap(); let num_y0 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y0"), || { Ok(y0) }).unwrap(); let num_x1 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "x1"), || { Ok(x1) }).unwrap(); let num_y1 = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "y1"), || { Ok(y1) }).unwrap(); let p1 = MontgomeryPoint { x: num_x0.into(), y: num_y0.into() }; let p2 = MontgomeryPoint { x: num_x1.into(), y: num_y1.into() }; let p3 = p1.add(cs.namespace(|| "addition"), &p2, params).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert!(p3.x.get_value().unwrap() == x2); assert!(p3.y.get_value().unwrap() == y2); cs.set("addition/yprime/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/evaluate yprime")); cs.set("addition/yprime/num", y2); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); cs.set("addition/xprime/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/evaluate xprime")); cs.set("addition/xprime/num", x2); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); cs.set("addition/lambda/num", rng.gen()); assert_eq!(cs.which_is_unsatisfied(), Some("addition/evaluate lambda")); } } }