import argparse, textwrap from xcat.utils import * import xcat.db as db import xcat.userInput as userInput from xcat.trades import * from xcat.protocol import * import subprocess def save_state(trade, tradeid): save(trade) db.create(trade, tradeid) def checkSellStatus(tradeid): trade = db.get(tradeid) status = seller_check_status(trade) print("In checkSellStatus", status) if status == 'init': userInput.authorize_fund_sell(trade) fund_tx = fund_sell_contract(trade) print("Sent fund_tx", fund_tx) trade.sell.fund_tx = fund_tx save_state(trade, tradeid) elif status == 'buyerFunded': secret = db.get_secret(tradeid) print("SECRET found in checksellactions", secret) txs = seller_redeem_p2sh(trade, secret) print("TXS IN SELLER REDEEM BUYER TX", txs) = txs['redeem_tx'] print("TRADE SUCCESSFULLY REDEEMED", trade) save_state(trade, tradeid) # Remove from db? Or just from temporary file storage cleanup(tradeid) elif status == 'sellerFunded': print("Buyer has not yet funded the contract where you offered to buy {0}, please wait for them to complete their part.".format( # elif == 'redeemed': elif status == 'sellerRedeemed': print("You have already redeemed the p2sh on the second chain of this trade.") def buyer_check_status(trade): sellState = check_fund_status(trade.sell.currency, trade.sell.p2sh) buyState = check_fund_status(, if sellState == 'funded' and buyState == 'empty': return 'sellerFunded' # step1 # TODO: Find funding txid. How does buyer get seller redeemed tx? elif sellState == 'funded' and hasattr(, 'fund_tx'): return 'sellerRedeemed' # step3 elif sellState == 'funded' and buyState == 'funded': return 'buyerFunded' # step2 elif sellState == 'empty' and buyState == 'empty': if hasattr(trade.sell, 'redeem_tx'): return 'buyerRedeemed' # step4 else: return 'init' def seller_check_status(trade): sellState = check_fund_status(trade.sell.currency, trade.sell.p2sh) buyState = check_fund_status(, if sellState == 'funded' and buyState == 'empty': return 'sellerFunded' # step1 elif sellState == 'funded' and hasattr(, 'redeem_tx'): return 'sellerRedeemed' # step3 # TODO: How does seller get buyer funded tx? elif sellState == 'funded' and buyState == 'funded': return 'buyerFunded' # step2 elif sellState == 'empty' and buyState == 'empty': if hasattr(, 'redeem_tx'): return 'buyerRedeemed' # step4 else: return 'init' # step0 def checkBuyStatus(tradeid): trade = db.get(tradeid) status = buyer_check_status(trade) print("In checkBuyStatus", status) if status == 'init': print("Trade has not yet started, waiting for seller to fund the sell p2sh.") elif status == 'buyerRedeemed': print("This trade is complete, both sides redeemed.") elif status == 'sellerFunded': print("One active trade available, fulfilling buyer contract...") print("Trade commitment", trade.commitment) # if verify_p2sh(trade): fund_tx = fund_contract( print("\nBuyer's funding tx: ", fund_tx) = fund_tx save_state(trade, tradeid) elif status == 'sellerRedeemed': print("FUND TX CLI", secret = find_secret_from_fundtx(,, print("Secret in cli", secret) if secret != None: print("Found secret", secret) txs = redeem_p2sh(trade.sell, secret) print("TXS IN SELLER REDEEMED", txs) trade.sell.redeem_tx = txs['redeem_tx'] print("TXID after buyer redeem", trade.sell.redeem_tx) save_state(trade, tradeid) print("XCAT trade complete!") else: print("Secret not found in redeemtx") # Import a trade in hex, and save to db def importtrade(tradeid, hexstr=''): trade = x2s(hexstr) trade = db.instantiate(trade) import_addrs(trade) print(trade.toJSON()) save_state(trade, tradeid) def wormhole_importtrade(): res ='wormhole receive', shell=True) if res == 0: tradeid = input("Enter filename of received trade data to import (printed on line above): ") with open(tradeid) as infile: hexstr = infile.readline().strip() importtrade(tradeid, hexstr) print("Successfully imported trade using magic-wormhole") os.remove(tradeid) else: print("Importing trade using magic-wormhole failed.") # Export a trade by its tradeid def exporttrade(tradeid, wormhole=False): trade = db.get(tradeid) hexstr = s2x(trade.toJSON()) if wormhole: tradefile = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '.tmp/{0}'.format(tradeid)) print(tradefile) with open(tradefile, '+w') as outfile: outfile.write(hexstr) print("Exporting trade to buyer using magic wormhole.")'wormhole send {0}'.format(tradefile), shell=True) else: print(hexstr) return hexstr def findtrade(tradeid): trade = db.get(tradeid) print(trade.toJSON()) return trade def checktrade(tradeid): print("In checktrade") trade = db.get(tradeid) if find_role(trade.sell) == 'test': input("Is this a test? Both buyer and seller addresses are yours, press 'enter' to test.") checkBuyStatus(tradeid) checkSellStatus(tradeid) checkBuyStatus(tradeid) elif find_role(trade.sell) == 'initiator': print("You are the seller in this trade.") role = 'seller' checkSellStatus(tradeid) else: print("You are the buyer in this trade.") role = 'buyer' checkBuyStatus(tradeid) def newtrade(tradeid, **kwargs): print("Creating new XCAT trade...") erase_trade() trade = seller_init(tradeid, **kwargs) print("Use 'xcat exporttrade [tradeid] to export the trade and sent to the buyer.'") save_state(trade, tradeid) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\ == Trades == newtrade "tradeid" - create a new trade checktrade "tradeid"- check for actions to be taken on an existing trade importtrade "hexstr" - import an existing trade from a hex string exporttrade "tradeid" - export the data of an existing trade as a hex string. Takes the tradeid as an argument findtrade "tradeid" - find a trade by the tradeid ''')) parser.add_argument("command", action="store", help="list commands") parser.add_argument("arguments", action="store", nargs="*", help="add arguments") parser.add_argument("-w", "--wormhole", action="store_true", help="Transfer trade data through magic-wormhole") parser.add_argument("-n", "--network", action="store", help="Set network to regtest or mainnet. Defaults to testnet while in beta.") parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf", action="store", help="Use default trade data in conf file.") # parser.add_argument("--daemon", "-d", action="store_true", help="Run as daemon process") # TODO: function to view available trades # TODO: function to tell if tradeid already exists for newtrade args = parser.parse_args() print(args) command = args.command if command == 'importtrade': if args.wormhole: wormhole_importtrade() else: if len(args.arguments) != 2: throw("Usage: importtrade [tradeid] [hexstring]") tradeid = args.arguments[0] hexstr = args.arguments[1] importtrade(tradeid, hexstr) elif command == 'exporttrade': tradeid = args.arguments[0] exporttrade(tradeid, args.wormhole) elif command == "findtrade": print("Finding trade") key = args.arguments[0] findtrade(key) elif command == 'checktrade': tradeid = args.arguments[0] checktrade(tradeid) elif command == 'newtrade': if len(args.arguments) < 1: throw("Usage: newtrade [tradeid]") tradeid = args.arguments[0] print("network, conf",, args.conf) newtrade(tradeid,, conf=args.conf) elif command == "daemon": #TODO: implement print("Run as daemon process") # Ad hoc testing of workflow starts here elif command == "step1": tradeid = args.arguments[0] checkSellStatus(tradeid) elif command == "step2": # trade = get_trade() tradeid = args.arguments[0] checkBuyStatus(tradeid) elif command == "step3": tradeid = args.arguments[0] checkSellStatus(tradeid) elif command == "step4": tradeid = args.arguments[0] checkBuyStatus(tradeid)