import json class Trade(object): def __init__(self, sell=None, buy=None, commitment=None): '''Create a new trade with buy and sell contracts across two chains''' self.sell = sell = buy self.commitment = commitment def toJSON(self): return json.dumps( self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True, indent=4) class Contract(object): def __init__(self, data): allowed = ('fulfiller', 'initiator', 'currency', 'p2sh', 'amount', 'fund_tx', 'redeem_tx', 'secret', 'redeemScript', 'redeemblocknum', 'locktime') for key in data: if key in allowed: setattr(self, key, data[key]) def get_status(self): if hasattr(self, 'redeem_tx'): return 'redeemed' elif hasattr(self, 'refund_tx'): return 'refunded' elif hasattr(self, 'fund_tx'): # Do additional validation here to check amts on blockchain return 'funded' else: return 'empty'