
73 lines
3.2 KiB

from xcat.utils import *
from xcat.db import *
from xcat.bitcoinRPC import bitcoinProxy
from xcat.zcashRPC import zcashProxy
def enter_trade_id():
tradeid = input("Enter a unique identifier for this trade: ")
return tradeid
def get_trade_amounts():
amounts = {}
sell_currency = input("Which currency would you like to trade out of (bitcoin or zcash)? ")
if sell_currency == '' or sell_currency == 'bitcoin' :
sell_currency = 'bitcoin'
buy_currency = 'zcash'
elif sell_currency == 'zcash':
sell_currency = 'zcash'
buy_currency = 'bitcoin'
raise ValueError('Mistyped or unspported cryptocurrency pair')
sell_amt = input("How much {0} do you want to sell? ".format(sell_currency))
if sell_amt == '':
sell_amt = 0.01
buy_amt = input("How much {0} do you want to receive in exchange? ".format(buy_currency))
if buy_amt == '':
buy_amt = 0.02
sell = {'currency': sell_currency, 'amount': sell_amt}
buy = {'currency': buy_currency, 'amount': buy_amt}
amounts['sell'] = sell
amounts['buy'] = buy
return amounts
def authorize_fund_sell(htlcTrade):
print('To complete your sell, send {0} {1} to this p2sh: {2}'.format(htlcTrade.sell.amount, htlcTrade.sell.currency, htlcTrade.sell.p2sh))
response = input("Type 'enter' to allow this program to send funds on your behalf.")
def get_initiator_addresses():
bitcoinRPC = bitcoinProxy()
zcashRPC = zcashProxy()
btc_addr = input("Enter your bitcoin address or press enter to generate one: ")
btc_addr = bitcoinRPC.new_bitcoin_addr()
zec_addr = input("Enter your zcash address or press enter to generate one: ")
zec_addr = zcashRPC.new_zcash_addr()
addresses = {'bitcoin': btc_addr, 'zcash': zec_addr}
return addresses
def get_fulfiller_addresses():
btc_addr = input("Enter the bitcoin address of the party you want to trade with: ")
if btc_addr == '':
btc_addr = "mvc56qCEVj6p57xZ5URNC3v7qbatudHQ9b" # regtest
zec_addr = input("Enter the zcash address of the party you want to trade with: ")
if zec_addr == '':
zec_addr = "tmTF7LMLjvEsGdcepWPUsh4vgJNrKMWwEyc" # regtest
addresses = {'bitcoin': btc_addr, 'zcash': zec_addr}
return addresses
def authorize_buyer_fulfill(sell_p2sh_balance, sell_currency, buy_p2sh_balance, buy_currency):
input("The seller's p2sh is funded with {0} {1}, type 'enter' if this is the amount you want to buy in {1}.".format(sell_p2sh_balance, sell_currency))
input("You have not send funds to the contract to buy {1} (requested amount: {0}), type 'enter' to allow this program to send the agreed upon funds on your behalf.".format(buy_p2sh_balance, buy_currency))
def authorize_seller_redeem(buy):
input("Buyer funded the contract where you offered to buy {0}, type 'enter' to redeem {1} {0} from {2}.".format(buy.currency, buy.amount, buy.p2sh))
def authorize_buyer_redeem(trade):
input("Seller funded the contract where you paid them in {0} to buy {1}, type 'enter' to redeem {2} {1} from {3}.".format(trade.buy.currency, trade.sell.currency, trade.sell.amount, trade.sell.p2sh))