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package cash.z.android.wallet.ui.presenter
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
import cash.z.android.wallet.R
import cash.z.android.wallet.extention.toAppInt
import cash.z.android.wallet.extention.toAppString
import cash.z.android.wallet.sample.SampleProperties
import cash.z.android.wallet.ui.fragment.SendFragment
import cash.z.android.wallet.ui.presenter.Presenter.PresenterView
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.Synchronizer
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.twig
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.data.Twig
import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
2019-02-03 17:27:54 -08:00
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import java.math.BigDecimal
import javax.inject.Inject
class SendPresenter @Inject constructor(
private val view: SendFragment,
private val synchronizer: Synchronizer
) : Presenter {
interface SendView : PresenterView {
fun updateBalance(new: Long)
fun setHeaders(isUsdSelected: Boolean, headerString: String, subheaderString: String)
fun setHeaderValue(usdString: String)
fun setSubheaderValue(usdString: String, isUsdSelected: Boolean)
fun showSendDialog(zecString: String, usdString: String, toAddress: String, hasMemo: Boolean)
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
fun exit()
// error handling
fun setAmountError(message: String?)
fun setAddressError(message: String?)
fun setMemoError(message: String?)
fun setSendEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean)
fun checkAllInput(): Boolean
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
* We require the user to send more than this amount. Right now, we just use the miner's fee as a minimum but other
* lower bounds may also be useful for validation.
private val minimumZatoshiAllowed = 10_000L
private var balanceJob: Job? = null
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private var requiresValidation = true
var sendUiModel = SendUiModel()
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// TODO: find the best set of characters here. Possibly add something to the rust layer to help with this.
private val validMemoChars = " \t\n\r.?!,\"':;-_=+@#%*"
// LifeCycle
override suspend fun start() {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
twig("sendPresenter starting!")
// set the currency to zec and update the view, initializing everything to zero
with(view) {
2019-02-16 00:47:39 -08:00
balanceJob = launchBalanceBinder(synchronizer.balance())
override fun stop() {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
twig("sendPresenter stopping!")
balanceJob?.cancel()?.also { balanceJob = null }
fun CoroutineScope.launchBalanceBinder(channel: ReceiveChannel<Long>) = launch {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
twig("send balance binder starting!")
for (new in channel) {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
twig("send polled a balance item")
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
twig("send balance binder exiting!")
// Public API
fun sendFunds() {
2019-02-03 17:27:54 -08:00
//TODO: prehaps grab the activity scope or let the sycnchronizer have scope and make that function not suspend
// also, we need to handle cancellations. So yeah, definitely do this differently
GlobalScope.launch {
twig("Process: cash.z.android.wallet. checking....")
twig("Process: cash.z.android.wallet. is it null??? $sendUiModel")
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
synchronizer.sendToAddress(sendUiModel.zatoshiValue!!, sendUiModel.toAddress)
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// User Input
* Called when the user has tapped on the button for toggling currency, swapping zec for usd
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
fun inputToggleCurrency() {
// tricky: this is not really a model update, instead it is a byproduct of using `isUsdSelected` for the
// currency instead of strong types. There are several todo's to fix that. if we update the model here then
// the UI will think the user took action and display errors prematurely.
sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(isUsdSelected = !sendUiModel.isUsdSelected)
with(sendUiModel) {
isUsdSelected = isUsdSelected,
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
headerString = if (isUsdSelected) usdValue.toUsdString() else zatoshiValue.convertZatoshiToZecString(),
subheaderString = if (isUsdSelected) zatoshiValue.convertZatoshiToZecString() else usdValue.toUsdString()
* As the user is typing the header string, update the subheader string. Do not modify our own internal model yet.
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* Internal model is only modified after [headerUpdated] is called (with valid data).
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fun inputHeaderUpdating(headerValue: String) {
headerValue.safelyConvertToBigDecimal()?.let { headerValueAsDecimal ->
val subheaderValue = headerValueAsDecimal.convertCurrency(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC, sendUiModel.isUsdSelected)
// subheader string contains opposite currency of the selected one. so if usd is selected, format the subheader as zec
val subheaderString = if(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) subheaderValue.toZecString() else subheaderValue.toUsdString()
view.setSubheaderValue(subheaderString, sendUiModel.isUsdSelected)
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
* As the user updates the address, update the error that gets displayed in real-time
* @param addressValue the address that the user has typed, so far
fun inputAddressUpdating(addressValue: String) {
validateAddress(addressValue, true)
* As the user updates the memo, update the error that gets displayed in real-time
* @param memoValue the memo that the user has typed, so far
fun inputMemoUpdating(memoValue: String) {
// treat the memo a little differently because it is more likely for the user to go back and edit invalid chars
// and we want the send button to be active the moment that happens
if(validateMemo(memoValue)) {
updateModel(sendUiModel.copy(memo = memoValue))
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
* Called when the user has completed their update to the header value, typically on focus change.
fun inputHeaderUpdated(amountString: String): Boolean {
if (!validateAmount(amountString)) return false
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// either USD or ZEC -- TODO: use strong typing (and polymorphism) instead of isUsdSelected checks
val amount = amountString.safelyConvertToBigDecimal()!! // we've already validated this as not null and it's immutable
with(sendUiModel) {
if (isUsdSelected) {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// amount represents USD
val headerString = amount.toUsdString()
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val zatoshiValue = amount.convertUsdToZec(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC).convertZecToZatoshi()
val subheaderString = amount.convertUsdToZec(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC).toUsdString()
updateModel(sendUiModel.copy(zatoshiValue = zatoshiValue, usdValue = amount))
view.setHeaders(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected, headerString, subheaderString)
} else {
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// amount represents ZEC
val headerString = amount.toZecString()
val usdValue = amount.convertZecToUsd(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC)
val subheaderString = usdValue.toUsdString()
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
updateModel(sendUiModel.copy(zatoshiValue = amount.convertZecToZatoshi(), usdValue = usdValue))
twig("calling setHeaders with $headerString $subheaderString")
view.setHeaders(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected, headerString, subheaderString)
return true
fun inputAddressUpdated(newAddress: String): Boolean {
if (!validateAddress(newAddress)) return false
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
updateModel(sendUiModel.copy(toAddress = newAddress))
return true
fun inputMemoUpdated(newMemo: String): Boolean {
if (!validateMemo(newMemo)) return false
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
updateModel(sendUiModel.copy(memo = newMemo))
return true
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
fun inputSendPressed(): Boolean {
// double sanity check. Make sure view and model agree and are each valid and if not, highlight the error.
if (!view.checkAllInput() || !validateAll()) return false
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
with(sendUiModel) {
zecString = zatoshiValue.convertZatoshiToZecString(),
usdString = usdValue.toUsdString(),
toAddress = toAddress,
hasMemo = !memo.isBlank()
return true
fun bind(newZecBalance: Long) {
if (newZecBalance >= 0) {
twig("binding balance of $newZecBalance")
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
fun updateModel(newModel: SendUiModel) {
sendUiModel = newModel.apply { hasBeenUpdated = true }
// now that we have new data, check and see if we can clear errors and re-enable the send button
if (requiresValidation) validateAll()
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
// Validation
* Called after any user interaction. This is a potential time that errors should be shown, but only if data has
* already been entered. The view should call this method on focus change.
fun invalidate() {
requiresValidation = true
* Validates the given memo, ensuring that it does not contain unsupported characters. For now, we're very
* restrictive until we define more clear requirements for the values that can safely be entered in this field
* without introducing security risks.
* @param memo the memo to consider for validation
* @return true when the memo contains valid characters, which includes being blank
private fun validateMemo(memo: String): Boolean {
return if (memo.all { it.isLetterOrDigit() || it in validMemoChars }) {
} else {
view.setMemoError("Only letters and numbers are allowed in memo at this time")
requiresValidation = true
* Validates the given address
* @param toAddress the address to consider for validation
* @param ignoreLength whether to ignore the length while validating, this is helpful when the user is still
* actively typing the address
private fun validateAddress(toAddress: String, ignoreLength: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// TODO: later expose a method in the synchronizer for validating addresses.
// Right now it's not available so we do it ourselves
return if (!ignoreLength && sendUiModel.hasBeenUpdated && toAddress.length < 20) {// arbitrary length for now
requiresValidation = true
} else if (!toAddress.startsWith("zt") && !toAddress.startsWith("zs")) {
requiresValidation = true
} else if (toAddress.any { !it.isLetterOrDigit() }) {
requiresValidation = true
} else {
* Validates the given amount, calling the related `showError` methods on the view, when appropriate
* @param amount the amount to consider for validation, for now this can be either USD or ZEC. In the future we will
* will separate those into types.
* @return true when the given amount is valid and all errors have been cleared on the view
private fun validateAmount(amountString: String): Boolean {
if (!sendUiModel.hasBeenUpdated) return true // don't mark zero as bad until the model has been updated
var amount = amountString.safelyConvertToBigDecimal()
// no need to convert when we know it's null
return if (amount == null ) {
} else {
val zecAmount =
if (sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) amount.convertUsdToZec(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC) else amount
private fun validateZatoshiAmount(zatoshiValue: Long?): Boolean {
return if (zatoshiValue == null || zatoshiValue <= minimumZatoshiAllowed) {
view.setAmountError("Please specify a larger amount")
requiresValidation = true
} else {
fun validateAll(): Boolean {
with(sendUiModel) {
val isValid = validateZatoshiAmount(zatoshiValue)
&& validateAddress(toAddress)
&& validateMemo(memo)
requiresValidation = !isValid
return isValid
2019-02-20 22:37:09 -08:00
data class SendUiModel(
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var hasBeenUpdated: Boolean = false,
val isUsdSelected: Boolean = true,
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val zatoshiValue: Long? = null,
val usdValue: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.ZERO,
val toAddress: String = "",
val memo: String = ""