package import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import android.os.Bundle import android.text.Spanned import import import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager import androidx.annotation.ColorRes import androidx.appcompat.widget.TooltipCompat import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.core.content.getSystemService import import androidx.core.text.toSpannable import androidx.databinding.DataBindingUtil import import import import import* import import import import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.convertZatoshiToZecString import dagger.Binds import dagger.Module import import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton /** * Fragment for sending Zcash. * */ class SendFragment : BaseFragment(), SendPresenter.SendView, ScanFragment.BarcodeCallback { private val zec = R.string.zec_abbreviation.toAppString() private val usd = R.string.usd_abbreviation.toAppString() @Inject lateinit var sendPresenter: SendPresenter private lateinit var binding: FragmentSendBinding // // Lifecycle // override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return DataBindingUtil.inflate( inflater, R.layout.fragment_send, container, false ).let { binding = it it.root } } override fun onAttachFragment(childFragment: Fragment?) { super.onAttachFragment(childFragment) (childFragment as? ScanFragment)?.barcodeCallback = this } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) init() } override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) mainActivity?.setToolbarShown(true) } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() launch { sendPresenter.start() } } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() sendPresenter.stop() } // // SendView Implementation // override fun exit() { mainActivity?.navController?.navigate( } override fun setHeaders(isUsdSelected: Boolean, headerString: String, subheaderString: String) { showCurrencySymbols(isUsdSelected) setHeaderValue(headerString) setSubheaderValue(subheaderString, isUsdSelected) } override fun setHeaderValue(value: String) { binding.textValueHeader.setText(value) } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") // SetTextI18n lint logic has errors and does not recognize that the entire string contains variables, formatted per locale and loaded from string resources. override fun setSubheaderValue(value: String, isUsdSelected: Boolean) { val subheaderLabel = if (isUsdSelected) zec else usd binding.textValueSubheader.text = "$value $subheaderLabel" //ignore SetTextI18n error here because it is invalid } override fun showSendDialog(zecString: String, usdString: String, toAddress: String, hasMemo: Boolean) { hideKeyboard() setSendEnabled(false) // partially because we need to lower the button elevation binding.dialogTextTitle.text = getString(R.string.send_dialog_title, zecString, zec, usdString) binding.dialogTextAddress.text = toAddress binding.dialogTextMemoIncluded.visibility = if(hasMemo) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE binding.groupDialogSend.visibility = View.VISIBLE } override fun updateBalance(new: Long) { // TODO: use a formatted string resource here val availableTextSpan = "${new.convertZatoshiToZecString(8)} $zec Available".toSpannable() availableTextSpan.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(R.color.colorPrimary.toAppColor()), availableTextSpan.length - "Available".length, availableTextSpan.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) availableTextSpan.setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, 6, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) binding.textZecValueAvailable.text = availableTextSpan } override fun setSendEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean) { binding.buttonSendZec.isEnabled = isEnabled } // // ScanFragment.BarcodeCallback implemenation // override fun onBarcodeScanned(value: String) { exitScanMode() binding.inputZcashAddress.setText(value) sendPresenter.inputAddressUpdated(value) } // // Internal View Logic // /** * Initialize view logic only. Click listeners, text change handlers and tooltips. */ private fun init() { /* Init - Text Input */ binding.textValueHeader.apply { setSelectAllOnFocus(true) afterTextChanged { if (it.isNotEmpty()) sendPresenter.inputHeaderUpdating(it) } doOnDoneOrFocusLost { sendPresenter.inputHeaderUpdated(it) } } binding.inputZcashAddress.apply { afterTextChanged { if (it.isNotEmpty()) sendPresenter.inputAddressUpdating(it) } doOnDoneOrFocusLost { sendPresenter.inputAddressUpdated(it) } } binding.textAreaMemo.apply { afterTextChanged { if (it.isNotEmpty()) sendPresenter.inputMemoUpdating(it) binding.textMemoCharCount.text = "${text.length} / ${resources.getInteger(R.integer.memo_max_length)}" } doOnDoneOrFocusLost { sendPresenter.inputMemoUpdated(it) } } /* Init - Taps */ binding.imageSwapCurrency.setOnClickListener { // validate the amount before we toggle (or else we lose their uncommitted change) sendPresenter.inputHeaderUpdated(binding.textValueHeader.text.toString()) sendPresenter.inputToggleCurrency() } binding.buttonSendZec.setOnClickListener{ exitScanMode() sendPresenter.inputSendPressed() } // allow background taps to dismiss the keyboard and clear focus binding.contentFragmentSend.setOnClickListener { sendPresenter.invalidate() hideKeyboard() } /* Non-Presenter calls (UI-only logic) */ binding.imageScanQr.apply { TooltipCompat.setTooltipText(this, context.getString(R.string.send_tooltip_scan_qr)) } binding.imageAddressShortcut?.apply { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { visibility = View.VISIBLE TooltipCompat.setTooltipText(this, context.getString(R.string.send_tooltip_address_shortcut)) setOnClickListener(::onPasteShortcutAddress) } else { visibility = View.GONE } } binding.dialogSendBackground.setOnClickListener { hideSendDialog() } binding.dialogSubmitButton.setOnClickListener { onSendZec() } binding.imageScanQr.setOnClickListener(::onScanQrCode) binding.buttonSendZec.text = getString(R.string.send_button_label, zec) setSendEnabled(false) } private fun showCurrencySymbols(isUsdSelected: Boolean) { // visibility has some kind of bug that appears to be related to layout groups. So using alpha instead since our API level is high enough to support that if (isUsdSelected) { binding.textDollarSymbolHeader.alpha = 1.0f binding.imageZecSymbolSubheader.alpha = 1.0f binding.imageZecSymbolHeader.alpha = 0.0f binding.textDollarSymbolSubheader.alpha = 0.0f } else { binding.imageZecSymbolHeader.alpha = 1.0f binding.textDollarSymbolSubheader.alpha = 1.0f binding.textDollarSymbolHeader.alpha = 0.0f binding.imageZecSymbolSubheader.alpha = 0.0f } } private fun onScanQrCode(view: View) { hideKeyboard() val fragment = ScanFragment() val ft = childFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .add(, fragment, "camera_fragment") .addToBackStack("camera_fragment_scanning") .commit() binding.groupHiddenDuringScan.visibility = View.INVISIBLE binding.buttonCancelScan.apply { visibility = View.VISIBLE animate().alpha(1.0f).apply { duration = 3000L } setOnClickListener { exitScanMode() } } } // TODO: possibly move this behavior to only live in the debug build. Perhaps with a viewholder that I just delegate to. Then inject the holder in this class with production verstion getting an empty implementation that just hides the icon. private fun onPasteShortcutAddress(view: View) { view.context.alert(R.string.send_alert_shortcut_clicked) { val address = SampleProperties.wallet.defaultSendAddress binding.inputZcashAddress.setText(address) sendPresenter.inputAddressUpdated(address) hideKeyboard() } } /** * Called after confirmation dialog is affirmed. Begins the process of actually sending ZEC. */ private fun onSendZec() { setSendEnabled(false) sendPresenter.sendFunds() } private fun exitScanMode() { val cameraFragment = childFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("camera_fragment") if (cameraFragment != null) { val ft = childFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .remove(cameraFragment) .commit() } binding.buttonCancelScan.visibility = View.GONE binding.groupHiddenDuringScan.visibility = View.VISIBLE } private fun hideKeyboard() { mainActivity?.getSystemService() ?.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view?.windowToken, InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS) checkAllInput() } private fun hideSendDialog() { setSendEnabled(true) binding.groupDialogSend.visibility = View.GONE } private fun setAddressLineColor(@ColorRes colorRes: Int = R.color.zcashBlack_12) { if (mainActivity != null) { DrawableCompat.setTint( binding.inputZcashAddress.background, ContextCompat.getColor(mainActivity!!, colorRes) ) } } /* Error handling */ override fun setAmountError(message: String?) { if (message == null) { binding.textValueError.visibility = View.GONE binding.textValueError.text = null } else { binding.textValueError.text = message binding.textValueError.visibility = View.VISIBLE setSendEnabled(false) } } override fun setAddressError(message: String?) { if (message == null) { setAddressLineColor() binding.textAddressError.text = null binding.textAddressError.visibility = View.GONE } else { setAddressLineColor(R.color.zcashRed) binding.textAddressError.text = message binding.textAddressError.visibility = View.VISIBLE setSendEnabled(false) } } override fun setMemoError(message: String?) { val validColor = R.color.zcashBlack_12.toAppColor() val errorColor = R.color.zcashRed.toAppColor() if (message == null) { binding.dividerMemo.setBackgroundColor(validColor) binding.textMemoCharCount.setTextColor(validColor) binding.textAreaMemo.setTextColor(R.color.text_dark.toAppColor()) } else { binding.dividerMemo.setBackgroundColor(errorColor) binding.textMemoCharCount.setTextColor(errorColor) binding.textAreaMemo.setTextColor(errorColor) setSendEnabled(false) } } /** * Validate all input. This is essentially the same as extracting a model out of the view and validating it with the * presenter. Basically, this needs to happen anytime something is edited, in order to try and enable Send. Right * now this method is called 1) any time the model is updated with valid input, 2) anytime the keyboard is hidden, * and 3) anytime send is pressed. It also triggers the only logic that can set "requiresValidation" to false. */ override fun checkAllInput(): Boolean { with(binding) { return sendPresenter.inputHeaderUpdated(textValueHeader.text.toString()) && sendPresenter.inputAddressUpdated(inputZcashAddress.text.toString()) && sendPresenter.inputMemoUpdated(textAreaMemo.text.toString()) } } // TODO: come back to this test code later and fix the shared element transitions // // fun submitWithSharedElements() { // var extras = with(binding) { // listOf(dialogSendBackground, dialogSendContents, dialogTextTitle, dialogTextAddress) // .map{ it to it.transitionName } // .let { FragmentNavigatorExtras(*it.toTypedArray()) } // } // val extras = FragmentNavigatorExtras( // binding.dialogSendContents to binding.dialogSendContents.transitionName, // binding.dialogTextTitle to getString(R.string.transition_active_transaction_title), // binding.dialogTextAddress to getString(R.string.transition_active_transaction_address), // binding.dialogSendBackground to getString(R.string.transition_active_transaction_background) // ) // // mainActivity?.navController.navigate(, // null, // null, // extras) // } } @Module abstract class SendFragmentModule { @ContributesAndroidInjector abstract fun contributeSendFragment(): SendFragment @Binds @Singleton abstract fun providePresenter(sendPresenter: SendPresenter): Presenter }