package import android.util.Log import import import import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.* import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.math.BigDecimal class SendPresenter( private val view: SendView, private val synchronizer: Synchronizer ) : Presenter { interface SendView : PresenterView { fun updateBalance(old: Long, new: Long) fun setHeaders(isUsdSelected: Boolean, headerString: String, subheaderString: String) fun setHeaderValue(usdString: String) fun setSubheaderValue(usdString: String, isUsdSelected: Boolean) fun showSendDialog(zecString: String, usdString: String, toAddress: String, hasMemo: Boolean) fun validateUserInput(): Boolean fun submit() } private var balanceJob: Job? = null var sendUiModel = SendUiModel() // // LifeCycle // override suspend fun start() { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "sendPresenter starting!") // set the currency to zec and update the view, intializing everything to zero toggleCurrency() with(view) { balanceJob = launchBalanceBinder(synchronizer.balance()) } } override fun stop() { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "sendPresenter stopping!") balanceJob?.cancel()?.also { balanceJob = null } } fun CoroutineScope.launchBalanceBinder(channel: ReceiveChannel) = launch { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "send balance binder starting!") for (new in channel) { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "send polled a balance item") bind(new) } Log.e("@TWIG-v", "send balance binder exiting!") } // // Public API // fun sendFunds() { //TODO: prehaps grab the activity scope or let the sycnchronizer have scope and make that function not suspend // also, we need to handle cancellations. So yeah, definitely do this differently GlobalScope.launch { synchronizer.sendToAddress(sendUiModel.zecValue!!, sendUiModel.toAddress) } view.submit() } /** * Called when the user has tapped on the button for toggling currency, swapping zec for usd */ fun toggleCurrency() { view.validateUserInput() sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(isUsdSelected = !sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) with(sendUiModel) { view.setHeaders( isUsdSelected = isUsdSelected, headerString = if (isUsdSelected) usdValue.toUsdString() else zecValue.convertZatoshiToZecString(), subheaderString = if (isUsdSelected) zecValue.convertZatoshiToZecString() else usdValue.toUsdString() ) } } /** * As the user is typing the header string, update the subheader string. Do not modify our own internal model yet. * Internal model is only updated after [headerValidated] is called. */ fun headerUpdating(headerValue: String) { headerValue.safelyConvertToBigDecimal()?.let { headerValueAsDecimal -> val subheaderValue = headerValueAsDecimal.convertCurrency(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC, sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) // subheader string contains opposite currency of the selected one. so if usd is selected, format the subheader as zec val subheaderString = if(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) subheaderValue.toZecString() else subheaderValue.toUsdString() view.setSubheaderValue(subheaderString, sendUiModel.isUsdSelected) } } fun sendPressed() { with(sendUiModel) { view.showSendDialog( zecString = zecValue.convertZatoshiToZecString(), usdString = usdValue.toUsdString(), toAddress = toAddress, hasMemo = !memo.isBlank() ) } } fun headerValidated(amount: BigDecimal) { with(sendUiModel) { if (isUsdSelected) { val headerString = amount.toUsdString() val usdValue = amount val zecValue = amount.convertUsdToZec(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC) val subheaderString = zecValue.toZecString() sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(zecValue = zecValue.convertZecToZatoshi(), usdValue = usdValue) view.setHeaders(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected, headerString, subheaderString) } else { val headerString = amount.toZecString() val zecValue = amount val usdValue = amount.convertZecToUsd(SampleProperties.USD_PER_ZEC) val subheaderString = usdValue.toUsdString() sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(zecValue = zecValue.convertZecToZatoshi(), usdValue = usdValue) println("calling setHeaders with $headerString $subheaderString") view.setHeaders(sendUiModel.isUsdSelected, headerString, subheaderString) } } } fun addressValidated(address: String) { sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(toAddress = address) } /** * After the user has typed a memo, validated by the UI, then update the model. * * assert: this method is only called after the memo input has been validated by the UI */ fun memoValidated(sanitizedValue: String) { sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(memo = sanitizedValue) } fun bind(newZecBalance: Long) { if (newZecBalance >= 0) { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "binding balance of $newZecBalance") val old = sendUiModel.zecValue sendUiModel = sendUiModel.copy(zecValue = newZecBalance) view.updateBalance(old ?: 0L, newZecBalance) } } data class SendUiModel( val isUsdSelected: Boolean = true, val zecValue: Long? = null, val usdValue: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.ZERO, val toAddress: String = "", val memo: String = "" ) }