package import android.util.Log import import import import import import import import import cash.z.wallet.sdk.vo.NoteQuery import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Main import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel import java.math.BigDecimal import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext class HomePresenter( private val view: HomeView, private val synchronizer: Synchronizer ) : Presenter, CoroutineScope { private val job = Job() override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = Dispatchers.IO + job interface HomeView : PresenterView { fun setTransactions(transactions: List) fun updateBalance(old: Long, new: Long) fun showProgress(progress: Int) fun setActiveTransactions(activeTransactionMap: Map) } override suspend fun start() { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "homePresenter starting!") launchBalanceBinder(synchronizer.repository.balance()) launchTransactionBinder(synchronizer.repository.allTransactions()) launchProgressMonitor(synchronizer.downloader.progress()) launchActiveTransactionMonitor(synchronizer.activeTransactions()) } override fun stop() { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "homePresenter stopping!") job.cancel() } private fun CoroutineScope.launchBalanceBinder(channel: ReceiveChannel) = launch { var old: Long? = null Log.e("@TWIG-t", "balance binder starting!") for (new in channel) { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "polled a balance item") bind(old, new).also { old = new } } Log.e("@TWIG", "balance binder exiting!") } private fun CoroutineScope.launchTransactionBinder(channel: ReceiveChannel>) = launch { Log.e("@TWIG", "transaction binder starting!") for (noteQueryList in channel) { Log.e("@TWIG", "received ${noteQueryList.size} transactions for presenting") bind( { val time = updateTimeStamp(it) it.toWalletTransaction(time) }) } Log.e("@TWIG", "transaction binder exiting!") } private suspend fun updateTimeStamp(noteQuery: NoteQuery) = synchronizer.updateTimeStamp(noteQuery.height) private fun CoroutineScope.launchProgressMonitor(channel: ReceiveChannel) = launch { Log.e("@TWIG", "progress monitor starting on thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}!") for (i in channel) { bind(i) } Log.e("@TWIG", "progress monitor exiting!") } private fun CoroutineScope.launchActiveTransactionMonitor(channel: ReceiveChannel>) = launch { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "active transaction monitor starting!") for (i in channel) { bind(i) } Log.e("@TWIG-v", "active transaction monitor exiting!") } // // View Callbacks on Main Thread // private fun bind(old: Long?, new: Long) = onMain { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "binding balance of $new") view.updateBalance(old ?: 0L, new) } private fun bind(transactions: List) = onMain { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "binding ${transactions.size} walletTransactions") view.setTransactions(transactions) } private fun bind(progress: Int) = onMain { view.showProgress(progress) } private fun bind(activeTransactionMap: Map) = onMain { Log.e("@TWIG-v", "binding a.t. map of size ${activeTransactionMap.size}") if (activeTransactionMap.isNotEmpty()) view.setActiveTransactions(activeTransactionMap) } fun onCancelActiveTransaction() { // TODO: hold a reference to the job and cancel it Toaster.short("Cancelled transaction!") } private fun onMain(block: () -> Unit) = launch { withContext(Main) { Log.e("@TWIG-t", "running task on main thread - start ${coroutineContext[Job]} | ${coroutineContext[CoroutineName]}") block() Log.e("@TWIG-t", "running task on main thread - complete") } } private fun NoteQuery.toWalletTransaction(timeOverride: Long? = null): WalletTransaction { // convert time from seconds to milliseconds val timestamp = if (timeOverride == null) time * 1000 else timeOverride * 1000 Log.e("@TWIG-u", "setting timestamp to $timestamp for value $value") return WalletTransaction(height, if (sent) SENT else RECEIVED, timestamp, BigDecimal(value / 1e8)) } }