
125 lines
4.2 KiB

use bip39::{Mnemonic, Language, Seed};
use failure::format_err;
use std::path::Path;
use zcash_primitives::{
MainNetwork, Parameters, NetworkUpgrade
use zcash_client_backend::{data_api::{DecryptedTransaction, WalletRead, WalletWrite, error::Error}, decrypt_transaction};
use zcash_client_sqlite::WalletDB;
fn main() {
// TODO: get this path from CLI args
let network = MainNetwork;
let db_path = "/home/gmale/kg/work/clones/librustzcash/ZcashSdk_mainnet_Data.db";
let db_path_tmp = "/home/gmale/kg/work/clones/librustzcash/temp.db";
let db_data = wallet_db(db_path, network).unwrap();
let db_tmp = wallet_db(db_path_tmp, network).unwrap();
let phrase = "chat error pigeon main parade window scene breeze scene frog inherit enforce wise resist rotate van pistol coral tide faint arm elegant velvet anxiety";
let tx = load_tx(&db_data, 25);
let t = tx.unwrap();
println!("loaded tx: {:?}", &t);
println!("tx.vout: {} tx.vin: {} tx.shout: {} tx.shin: {}", t.vout.len(), t.vin.len(), t.shielded_outputs.len(), t.shielded_spends.len());
let mut db_tmp = db_tmp.get_update_ops().unwrap();
println!("decrypting transaction into temp DB...");
decrypt_tx_to(&db_data, &mut db_tmp, &network, 3).unwrap()
fn wallet_db<P: Parameters>(db_path: &str, params: P) -> Result<WalletDB<P>, failure::Error> {
if !Path::new(db_path).exists() {
Err(format_err!("Path {} did not exist", db_path))
} else {
WalletDB::for_path(db_path, params)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Error opening wallet database connection: {}", e))
// fn fetch_tx<P: Parameters>(db_data: &WalletDB<P>, id_tx: i64) -> Result<Transaction, failure::Error> {
// let tx = load_tx(&db_data, id_tx);
// }
fn load_tx<P: Parameters>(db_data: &WalletDB<P>, id_tx: i64) -> Result<Transaction, failure::Error> {
return (&db_data).get_transaction(id_tx).map_err(|_| format_err!("Invalid amount, out of range"));
/// Take a transaction out of one db, then decrypt it and store it in another db.
/// This is useful for exercising decrypt code to see what it discovers,
/// without contaminating the original data.
fn decrypt_tx_to<P, W, E, N>(db_src: &WalletDB<P>, db_dest: &mut W, params: &P, id_tx: i64) -> Result<(), E>
E: From<Error<N>>,
P: Parameters,
W: WalletWrite<Error = E>
let tx = &load_tx(&db_src, id_tx).unwrap();
// Fetch the ExtendedFullViewingKeys we are tracking
let extfvks = db_src.get_extended_full_viewing_keys().unwrap();
// Height is block height for mined transactions, and the "mempool height" (chain height + 1)
// for mempool transactions.
let height = db_src
.map(|(_, max_height)| max_height + 1))
.or_else(|| params.activation_height(NetworkUpgrade::Sapling))
let sapling_outputs = decrypt_transaction(params, height, tx, &extfvks);
let nullifiers = db_src.get_nullifiers().unwrap();
if !(sapling_outputs.is_empty() && tx.vout.is_empty()) {
&DecryptedTransaction { tx, sapling_outputs: &sapling_outputs, },
// seed things
fn show_seed(phrase: &str) {
let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_phrase(phrase, Language::English).unwrap();
let seed = Seed::new(&mnemonic, "");
println!("{:X}", seed);
// GRPC things
// fn init_grpc() -> CompactTxStreamerClient {
// let tls = {
// let mut tls_connector = tls_api_rustls::TlsConnector::builder()?;
// if tls_api_rustls::TlsConnector::supports_alpn() {
// tls_connector.set_alpn_protocols(&[b"h2"])?;
// }
// let tls_connector = tls_connector.build()?;
// let tls_connector = Arc::new(tls_connector);
// ClientTlsOption::Tls(LIGHTWALLETD_HOST.to_owned(), tls_connector)
// };
// return grpc::ClientBuilder::new(LIGHTWALLETD_HOST, LIGHTWALLETD_PORT)
// .explicit_tls(tls)
// .build()
// .map(|c| service_grpc::CompactTxStreamerClient::with_client(Arc::new(c)))?;
// }