
596 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 The Zcash developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
"""Simple Transaction Analysis
This contains a class, `Analyzer`, for defining analyses of the blocks and
transactions on the blockchain. It also exposes a function
`analyze_blocks`, which handles applying multiple analyses simultaneously over
some common range of blocks.
import datetime
import itertools
import math
import numpy as np
from statistics import mean
import sys
from zcash_graphs.analysis.analyze import Analysis, Analyzer
from zcash_graphs.analysis.helpers import *
### TODO: Get host/port from config
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
connection_string = sys.argv[1]
raise Exception(
"%s needs to be provided a connection string, like \"http://user:pass@localhost:port\"."
% (sys.argv[0],))
analyzer = Analyzer(connection_string)
### Requested Statistics
def storeAnchor(pool, cache, block):
Caches the block height as the value for its anchor hash.
final_root = block[pool]
except KeyError:
cache[final_root] = block['height']
except KeyError:
return cache
# "how old of anchors are people picking"
# --- https://zcash.slack.com/archives/CP6SKNCJK/p1660103126252979
anchor_age_orchard = Analysis(
"how old of anchors are people picking (for orchard)",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_orchard_tx(tx),
[(orchard_anchorage, sum)],
lambda *_: 1,
({}, lambda c, b: storeAnchor('finalorchardroot', c, b)),
blocks_per_hour * 24
anchor_age_sapling = Analysis(
"how old of anchors are people picking (for sapling)",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_saplingspend_tx(tx),
[(sapling_anchorage, sum)],
lambda *_: 1,
({}, lambda c, b: storeAnchor('finalsaplingroot', c, b)),
blocks_per_hour * 24
# "what's the distribution of expiry height deltas"
# --- https://zcash.slack.com/archives/CP6SKNCJK/p1660103126252979
expiry_height_deltas = Analysis(
"distribution of expiry height deltas",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _, b, t: expiry_height_delta(b, t), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
tx_type_with_long_expiry = Analysis(
"types of tx with expiries longer than about a month",
lambda _, b, t: expiry_height_delta(b, t) >= blocks_per_hour * 24 * 30,
[# (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
# identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
# "does anyone use locktime"
# --- https://zcash.slack.com/archives/CP6SKNCJK/p1660103126252979
locktime_usage = Analysis(
"proportion of tx using locktime",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda *_: 1,
lambda d: dict(d)[True] / (dict(d)[False] + dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: tx['locktime'] != 0, sum)],
lambda *_: 1
# "I'm seeing a slightly different pattern to the sandblasting transactions,
# unless I've just missed this before. The transactions I've looked at recently
# have had > 400 sapling outputs. Has this been the case before and I just
# missed it? I thought primarily these transactions had slightly over 100
# outputs in most cases."
# --- https://zcash.slack.com/archives/CP6SKNCJK/p1660195664187769
# "Calculate the POFM threshold for historical transactions on-chain and
# calculate what proportion of those transactions would fall below the POFM
# threshold"
# --- https://docs.google.com/document/d/18wtGFCB2N4FO7SoqDPnEgVudAMlCArHMz0EwhE1HNPY/edit
tx_below_pofm_threshold = Analysis(
"rate of transactions below POFM threshold",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: dict(d)[False] / (dict(d)[False] + dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 4 > 0, sum)
lambda *_: 1
tx_below_pofm_threshold_abs = Analysis(
"transactions below POFM threshold",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: (dict(d)[False], dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 4 > 0, sum)
lambda *_: 1
outs_below_pofm_threshold_abs = Analysis(
"outputs below POFM threshold",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: (dict(d)[False], dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 4 > 0, sum)
lambda _c, _b, tx: count_outputs(tx)
tx_below_pofm_threshold_5 = Analysis(
"rate of transactions below POFM threshold with a grace window of 5",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: dict(d)[False] / (dict(d)[False] + dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 5 > 0, sum)
lambda *_: 1
tx_below_pofm_threshold_max = Analysis(
"rate of transactions below POFM threshold with max",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: dict(d)[False] / (dict(d)[False] + dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_actions(tx) - 4 > 0, sum)
lambda *_: 1
tx_below_pofm_threshold_ins = Analysis(
"rate of transactions below POFM threshold only on inputs",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda d: dict(d)[False] / (dict(d)[False] + dict(d)[True])),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: count_inputs(tx) - 4 > 0, sum)
lambda *_: 1
### Other Examples
tx_per_day = Analysis(
"count transactions per day (treating block 0 as midnight ZST)",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
mean_tx_per_day = Analysis(
"mean transactions per day, by block",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] % (blocks_per_hour * 24)), lambda d: mean([x[1] for x in d])),
(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height']/(blocks_per_hour * 24)), sum)
lambda *_: 1
mean_inout_per_tx_per_day = Analysis(
"mean inputs, outputs per transaction per day, by block",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] % (blocks_per_hour * 24)), lambda d: mean(itertools.chain(d.values()))),
(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity)
lambda _c, _b, tx: (count_inputs(tx), count_outputs(tx))
mean_inout_per_tx = Analysis(
"mean inputs, outputs per transaction, by week",
lambda *_: True,
[ ( lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height']/(blocks_per_hour * 24 * 7)),
lambda d: (mean([x[0] for x in d]), mean([x[1] for x in d]))
lambda _c, _b, tx: (count_inputs(tx), count_outputs(tx))
minimum_pofm_fees_nuttycom = Analysis(
"distribution of fees in ZAT, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: math.ceil(math.log((1000 + 250 * max(0, count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 4)) / 1000, 2)), sum)
lambda *_: 1
minimum_pofm_fees_nuttycom = Analysis(
"distribution of fees in ZAT, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: math.ceil(math.log((1000 + 250 * max(0, count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 4)) / 1000, 2)), sum)
lambda *_: 1
minimum_pofm_fees_nuttycom2 = Analysis(
"distribution of fees in ZAT, by day, using nuttycom's changed pricing",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: math.ceil(math.log((1000 + 200 * max(0, count_ins_and_outs(tx) - 5)) / 1000, 2)), sum)
lambda *_: 1
def meh_fees(tx):
fee = tx['feePaid']
if fee == 0:
return -1
result = math.ceil(math.log(tx['feePaid'], 2))
return result
actual_fees = Analysis(
"actual fees",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, _b, tx: meh_fees(tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
proposed_fees = Analysis(
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, _b, tx: math.ceil(math.log(5000 * max(2, count_actions(tx)), 2)), sum)
lambda *_: 1
arity_heat_map = Analysis(
"inputs vs outputs",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_outputs(tx)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_inputs(tx)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
input_size_dist = Analysis(
"distribution of input sizes",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: [len(x['scriptSig']['hex']) for x in tx['vin']], identity)],
lambda *_: 1,
# very_high_inout_tx = Analysis(
# "tx with very high in/out counts",
# lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) > 100,
# [(lambda _c, _b, tx: (count_inputs(tx), count_outputs(tx)), identity)],
# lambda _c, _b, tx: tx['txid']
# )
very_high_inout_tx = Analysis(
"tx with very high in/out counts",
lambda _c, _b, tx: count_ins_and_outs(tx) > 5000,
lambda _c, _b, tx: (tx['txid'], count_ins_and_outs(tx))
def track_utxos(cache, block):
for tx in block[tx]:
for vin in tx['vin']:
del cache[(vin['txid'], vin['vout'])]
for vout in tx['vout']:
cache[(tx['txid'], vout['n'])] = vout['valueZat']
return cache
utxo_distribution = Analysis(
"how many UTXOs and how big are they?",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)),
lambda caches: sum([caches[-1][k] for k in caches[-1]]))],
lambda cache, _b, _t: cache,
({}, track_utxos),
1_000_000_000 # back to block 0, TODO: should be able to say this explicitly
def is_sandblasting(tx):
return get_shielded_outputs(tx) > 300
sandblasters_per_day = Analysis(
"how many transactions have >300 Sapling outputs each day?",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_sandblasting(tx),
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
sandblasters_and_more_per_day = Analysis(
"how many transactions have >300 outputs each day?",
lambda _c, _b, tx: count_outputs(tx) > 300,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
sandblaster_average_outputs_per_day = Analysis(
"how many outputs do sandblasters have?",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_sandblasting(tx),
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), (lambda txs: sum(txs) / len(txs)))],
lambda _c, _b, tx: count_outputs(tx)
nuttycom_fees_vs_actual = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(250 * max(4, count_ins_and_outs(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
action_fees_vs_actual = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(500 * max(3, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
nuttycom_fees_vs_actual_trans = Analysis(
"transparent transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t',
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(250 * max(4, count_ins_and_outs(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
action_fees_vs_actual_trans = Analysis(
"transparent transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t',
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(500 * max(3, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
greg_fees_vs_actual = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(250 * max(4, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
greg_fees_vs_actual_trans = Analysis(
"transparent transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t',
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(250 * max(4, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
latest_fees_vs_actual = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(1000 * max(2, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
latest_fees_vs_actual_trans = Analysis(
"transparent transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t',
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(1000 * max(2, count_actions(tx)), tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
flat_fees_vs_actual = Analysis(
"transactions that would pass the original 10k ZAT fee, by day",
lambda *_: True,
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(10_000, tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
shielding_tx_heat_map = Analysis(
"shielding tx",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx) and (tx_type(tx) == 't-z' or tx_type(tx) == 'm-z'),
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_outputs(tx)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_inputs(tx)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
shielding_tx_actions = Analysis(
"shielding tx",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx) and (tx_type(tx) == 't-z' or tx_type(tx) == 'm-z'),
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_actions(tx)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
fees_from_sandblasting = Analysis(
"fees collected from sandblasting",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_sandblasting(tx),
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), sum)],
lambda _c, _b, tx: 500 * max(2, count_actions(tx))
flat_fees_vs_actual_trans = Analysis(
"transparent transactions that would pass the original 10k ZAT fee, by day",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t',
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: getFeeDiff(10_000, tx), sum)
lambda *_: 1
transparent_tx_that_would_fail_heat_map = Analysis(
"heat map of transparent tx that would fail under `500 * max(3, |actions|)`",
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_type(tx) == 't-t' and getFeeDiff(500 * max(3, count_actions(tx)), tx) == False,
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_outputs(tx)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_inputs(tx)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
historical_fees = Analysis(
"histogram of actual fees paid",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: check_fee_paid(tx), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
arity_heat_map = Analysis(
"inputs vs outputs",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_outputs(tx)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, count_inputs(tx)), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
transparent_input_histogram = Analysis(
"how many transparent inputs do txs have?",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: min(100, len(tx['vin'])), sum)],
lambda *_: 1
nuttycom_fees_vs_10k = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 250 * max(4, count_ins_and_outs(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
action_fees_vs_10k = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 500 * max(3, count_actions(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
latest_fees_vs_10k = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 1000 * max(2, count_actions(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
def make_weekly_range(starting_week, number_of_weeks):
start_of_range = blocks_per_hour * 24 * 7 * starting_week
end_of_range = start_of_range + (blocks_per_hour * 24 * 7 * number_of_weeks)
return range(start_of_range, end_of_range)
# start about a month before sandblasting, overlapping with it
pre_sandblasting_range = make_weekly_range(206, 12)
# well into sandblasting
recent_range = make_weekly_range(220, 1)
start = datetime.datetime.now()
for analysis in analyzer.analyze_blocks(pre_sandblasting_range,
[ # sandblaster_average_outputs_per_day,
# flat_fees_vs_actual,
# flat_fees_vs_actual_trans,
# transparent_tx_that_would_fail_heat_map
# historical_fees,
# transparent_input_histogram,
print(datetime.datetime.now() - start)
# rerunning old data …
start = datetime.datetime.now()
for analysis in analyzer.analyze_blocks(make_weekly_range(206, 1),
[ actual_fees,
print(datetime.datetime.now() - start)
nuttycom_fees_vs_10k2 = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using nuttycom's pricing",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx) and not is_sandblasting(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 250 * max(4, count_ins_and_outs(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
action_fees_vs_10k2 = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx) and not is_sandblasting(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 500 * max(3, count_actions(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
latest_fees_vs_10k2 = Analysis(
"transactions that wouldn't pay more under the new model, by day, using actions",
lambda _c, _b, tx: is_not_coinbase(tx) and not is_sandblasting(tx),
[ (lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), identity),
(lambda _c, _b, tx: 1000 * max(2, count_actions(tx)) <= 10_000, sum)
lambda *_: 1
pool_movement = Analysis(
"how are funds moving between pools?",
lambda *_: True,
[(lambda _c, block, _t: int(block['height'] / (blocks_per_hour * 24)), lambda vals: np.sum(np.array(vals), 0))],
lambda _c, _b, tx: tx_pool_movement(tx)
start = datetime.datetime.now()
for analysis in analyzer.analyze_blocks(recent_range,
[ pool_movement
print(datetime.datetime.now() - start)
start = datetime.datetime.now()
for analysis in analyzer.analyze_blocks(pre_sandblasting_range,
[ tx_below_pofm_threshold,
print(datetime.datetime.now() - start)