
14 lines
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echo "{\"files\":{$(
find . -type f | # Get list of file paths
grep -v $1 | # Exclude Makefile hashes
grep -v '[.]stamp_' | # Exclude Makefile stamps
sed 's|^[.]/||' | # Remove leading ./
sort | # Sort (for uniformity)
xargs $2 | # Get SHA256 hashes (assumes standard 'H(A) A' format)
awk -v OFS='":"' '{print $2, $1}' | # 'H(A) A' -> 'A":"H(A)'
sed 's|^|"|' | # 'A":"H(A)' -> '"A":"H(A)'
sed 's|$|"|' | # '"A":"H(A)' -> '"A":"H(A)"'
tr '\n' ',' | # Concatenate lines with commas
sed 's|,$||' # Remove any trailing comma (to fit JSON spec)
)},\"package\":$3}" > .cargo-checksum.json