Add new wallet test: GetConflictedSaplingNotes

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Simon 2018-08-07 19:07:46 -07:00
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@ -583,6 +583,130 @@ TEST(WalletTests, GetConflictedSproutNotes) {
EXPECT_EQ(std::set<uint256>({hash2, hash3}), c3);
// Generate note A and spend to create note B, from which we spend to create two conflicting transactions
TEST(WalletTests, GetConflictedSaplingNotes) {
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::ALWAYS_ACTIVE);
UpdateNetworkUpgradeParameters(Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING, Consensus::NetworkUpgrade::ALWAYS_ACTIVE);
auto consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
TestWallet wallet;
// Generate Sapling address
auto sk = libzcash::SaplingSpendingKey::random();
auto expsk = sk.expanded_spending_key();
auto fvk = sk.full_viewing_key();
auto ivk = fvk.in_viewing_key();
auto pk = sk.default_address();
// Generate note A
libzcash::SaplingNote note(pk, 50000);
auto cm =;
SaplingMerkleTree saplingTree;
auto anchor = saplingTree.root();
auto witness = saplingTree.witness();
// Generate tx to create output note B
auto builder = TransactionBuilder(consensusParams, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(builder.AddSaplingSpend(expsk, note, anchor, witness));
builder.AddSaplingOutput(fvk, pk, 35000, {});
auto maybe_tx = builder.Build();
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_tx), true);
auto tx = maybe_tx.get();
CWalletTx wtx {&wallet, tx};
// Fake-mine the transaction
EXPECT_EQ(-1, chainActive.Height());
SproutMerkleTree sproutTree;
CBlock block;
block.hashMerkleRoot = block.BuildMerkleTree();
auto blockHash = block.GetHash();
CBlockIndex fakeIndex {block};
mapBlockIndex.insert(std::make_pair(blockHash, &fakeIndex));
EXPECT_EQ(0, chainActive.Height());
// Simulate SyncTransaction which calls AddToWalletIfInvolvingMe
auto saplingNoteData = wallet.FindMySaplingNotes(wtx);
ASSERT_TRUE(saplingNoteData.size() > 0);
wallet.AddToWallet(wtx, true, NULL);
// Simulate receiving new block and ChainTip signal
wallet.IncrementNoteWitnesses(&fakeIndex, &block, sproutTree, saplingTree);
// Retrieve the updated wtx from wallet
uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
wtx = wallet.mapWallet[hash];
// Decrypt output note B
auto maybe_pt = libzcash::SaplingNotePlaintext::decrypt(
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_pt), true);
auto maybe_note = maybe_pt.get().note(ivk);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_note), true);
auto note2 = maybe_note.get();
SaplingOutPoint sop0(wtx.GetHash(), 0);
auto spend_note_witness = wtx.mapSaplingNoteData[sop0].witnesses.front();
auto maybe_nf = note2.nullifier(fvk, spend_note_witness.position());
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_nf), true);
auto nullifier2 = maybe_nf.get();
anchor = saplingTree.root();
// Create transaction to spend note B
auto builder2 = TransactionBuilder(consensusParams, 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(builder2.AddSaplingSpend(expsk, note2, anchor, spend_note_witness));
builder2.AddSaplingOutput(fvk, pk, 20000, {});
auto maybe_tx2 = builder2.Build();
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_tx2), true);
auto tx2 = maybe_tx2.get();
// Create conflicting transaction which also spends note B
auto builder3 = TransactionBuilder(consensusParams, 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(builder3.AddSaplingSpend(expsk, note2, anchor, spend_note_witness));
builder3.AddSaplingOutput(fvk, pk, 19999, {});
auto maybe_tx3 = builder3.Build();
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(maybe_tx3), true);
auto tx3 = maybe_tx3.get();
CWalletTx wtx2 {&wallet, tx2};
CWalletTx wtx3 {&wallet, tx3};
auto hash2 = wtx2.GetHash();
auto hash3 = wtx3.GetHash();
// No conflicts for no spends (wtx is currently the only transaction in the wallet)
EXPECT_EQ(0, wallet.GetConflicts(hash2).size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, wallet.GetConflicts(hash3).size());
// No conflicts for one spend
wallet.AddToWallet(wtx2, true, NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(0, wallet.GetConflicts(hash2).size());
// Conflicts for two spends
wallet.AddToWallet(wtx3, true, NULL);
auto c3 = wallet.GetConflicts(hash2);
EXPECT_EQ(2, c3.size());
EXPECT_EQ(std::set<uint256>({hash2, hash3}), c3);
// Tear down
TEST(WalletTests, SproutNullifierIsSpent) {
CWallet wallet;