
71 lines
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/** @file
Declaration of bigint wrapper class around GMP's MPZ long integers.
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#ifndef BIGINT_HPP_
#define BIGINT_HPP_
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <gmp.h>
#include "common/serialization.hpp"
namespace libsnark {
template<mp_size_t n> class bigint;
template<mp_size_t n> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const bigint<n>&);
template<mp_size_t n> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &, bigint<n>&);
* Wrapper class around GMP's MPZ long integers. It supports arithmetic operations,
* serialization and randomization. Serialization is fragile, see common/serialization.hpp.
template<mp_size_t n>
class bigint {
static const mp_size_t N = n;
mp_limb_t data[n] = {0};
bigint() = default;
bigint(const unsigned long x); /// Initialize from a small integer
bigint(const char* s); /// Initialize from a string containing an integer in decimal notation
bigint(const mpz_t r); /// Initialize from MPZ element
void print() const;
void print_hex() const;
bool operator==(const bigint<n>& other) const;
bool operator!=(const bigint<n>& other) const;
void clear();
bool is_zero() const;
size_t max_bits() const { return n * GMP_NUMB_BITS; }
size_t num_bits() const;
unsigned long as_ulong() const; /* return the last limb of the integer */
void to_mpz(mpz_t r) const;
bool test_bit(const std::size_t bitno) const;
template<mp_size_t m> inline void operator+=(const bigint<m>& other);
template<mp_size_t m> inline bigint<n+m> operator*(const bigint<m>& other) const;
template<mp_size_t d> static inline void div_qr(bigint<n-d+1>& quotient, bigint<d>& remainder,
const bigint<n>& dividend, const bigint<d>& divisor);
template<mp_size_t m> inline bigint<m> shorten(const bigint<m>& q, const char *msg) const;
inline void limit(const bigint<n>& q, const char *msg) const;
bool operator>(const bigint<n>& other) const;
bigint& randomize();
friend std::ostream& operator<< <n>(std::ostream &out, const bigint<n> &b);
friend std::istream& operator>> <n>(std::istream &in, bigint<n> &b);
} // libsnark
#include "algebra/fields/bigint.tcc"