
74 lines
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#set -eo pipefail # Bail on any errors
#set -x # Echo the command to execute before running it
kind delete cluster --name zcash-testnet-in-a-box || true
kind create cluster --name zcash-testnet-in-a-box
kubectl cluster-info
#Core Tekton CI/CD for creating local zcash tnb artifacts(e.g. binary and chain data)
kubectl apply -f bases/tekton/releases/tekton-pipelines-v0.26.0.yaml
kubectl apply -f bases/tekton/releases/tekton-dashboard-v0.18.1.yaml
kubectl apply -k bases/
## Deploy dashboard
kubectl create configmap grafana-dashboard-zcash-tnb --from-file=./bases/monitoring/grafana-dashboard-zcash-tnb.json
# Finish tasks I can't automate yet
kubectl create -f taskruns/create-zcashrpc-secret.yml
kubectl create -f taskruns/create-monitoring-grafana-admin-secret.yml
# Populate IPFS
kubectl create -f taskruns/import-zcash-params-ipfs.yml
kubectl create -f taskruns/import-zcash-tnb-artifacts-ipfs.yml
kubectl create -f taskruns/import-zcash-snapshot-ipfs.yml
## Watch the taskrun statuses (ctl-c to cancel watching)
kubectl get taskruns -w
# This should eventually return something like
# create-secret-ncjgb Unknown Pending 28s
# create-secret-p6g49 Unknown Pending 27s
# import-zcash-params-ipfs-wlqtx Unknown Running 24s
# import-zcash-snapshot-ipfs-pj76d Unknown Running 23s
# import-zcash-tnb-artifacts-ipfs-22vdz Unknown Running 24s
# import-zcash-tnb-artifacts-ipfs-22vdz True Succeeded 30s 0s
# create-secret-p6g49 Unknown Running 87s
# create-secret-ncjgb Unknown Running 88s
# create-secret-ncjgb True Succeeded 91s 0s
# create-secret-p6g49 True Succeeded 90s 0s
# Use a wait command for scripting
kubectl wait --for=condition=Succeeded taskruns -l import=zcash-snapshot-ipfs --timeout=6000s
## Taking forever? Depending on you geo-location it might be helpful to add some peers:
# Expose the port for IPFS API locally
# (You MUST wait for the initial pods to go from `Pending` to
# `Running` before issueing below command(wait ~30 seconds), after `kubectl get taskruns -w`)
# kubectl port-forward svc/ipfs-cache 5002:5001 &
# ipfs --api=/ip4/ swarm connect /dnsaddr/nyc1-1.hostnodes.pinata.cloud
# ipfs --api=/ip4/ swarm connect /dnsaddr/nyc1-2.hostnodes.pinata.cloud
# ipfs --api=/ip4/ swarm connect /dnsaddr/nyc1-3.hostnodes.pinata.cloud
# Download the ipfs binary from https://dist.ipfs.io/#go-ipfs
# Use it to connect the ipfs-cache to a peer (this is one I set up)
# If you change port numbers, use the ipfs --api flag to specify the endpoint
# ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
## Open a port to the Grafana dashboard
kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring 3000:3000 &
Browse to http://localhost:3000/d/mIrc97CCz/zcash-testnet-in-a-box
# View the logs of BOTH deployed miners
kubectl logs -l "app=zcash-with-exporter" -c zcashd-script -f
# Specific instances have random names, you'll have to pick on pod to view it in isolation
# View the peering process for errors
kubectl logs -l "app=zcashd-peers"
# You can also make use of Lens: https://github.com/zcash-hackworks/zcash-testnet-in-a-box#using-lens-ide