package main // GetBlockchainInfo return the zcashd rpc `getblockchaininfo` status // type GetBlockchainInfo struct { Chain string `json:"chain"` Blocks int `json:"blocks"` Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"` VerificationProgress float64 `json:"verificationprogress"` SizeOnDisk float64 `json:"size_on_disk"` } // GetInfo Returns an object containing various state info. // type GetInfo struct { Version int `json:"version"` } // GetMemPoolInfo return the zcashd rpc `getmempoolinfo` // type GetMemPoolInfo struct { Size float64 `json:"size"` Bytes float64 `json:"bytes"` Usage float64 `json:"usage"` } // ZGetTotalBalance return the node's wallet balances // type ZGetTotalBalance struct { Transparent string `json:"transparent"` Private string `json:"private"` Total string `json:"total"` } // GetPeerInfo Returns data about each connected network node // type GetPeerInfo []PeerInfo type PeerInfo struct { ID int `json:"id"` Addr string `json:"addr"` AddrLocal string `json:"addrlocal"` Services string `json:"services"` LastSend int `json:"lastsend"` LastRecv int `json:"lastrecv"` BytesSent int `json:"bytessent"` BytesRecv int `json:"bytesrecv"` Conntime int `json:"conntime"` Timeoffset int `json:"timeoffset"` PingTime float64 `json:"pingtime"` PingWait int `json:"pingwait"` Version int `json:"version"` Subver string `json:"subver"` Inbound bool `json:"inbound"` Startingheight int `json:"startingheight"` Banscore int `json:"banscore"` SyncedHeaders int `json:"synced_headers"` SyncedBlocks int `json:"synced_blocks"` } // GetChainTips Return information about all known tips in the block tree // type GetChainTips []ChainTip type ChainTip struct { Height int `json:"height"` Hash string `json:"hash"` Branchlen int `json:"branchlen"` Status string `json:"status"` }