Change Log ========== Version 1.0.0-alpha23 *(2020-02-21)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: reorg improvements, squashing critical bugs that disabled wallets - New: extend analytics to include taps, screen views, and send flow. - New: add crash reporting via Crashlytics. - New: expose user logs and developer logs as files. - New: improve feature for creating checkpoints. - New: added DB schemas to the repository for tracking. - Fix: numerous bug fixes, test fixes and cleanup. - New: improved error handling and user experience Version 1.0.0-alpha17 *(2020-02-07)* ------------------------------------ - New: implemented wallet import - New: display the memo when tapping outbound transactions - Fix: removed the sad zebra and softened wording for sending z->t - Fix: removed restriction on smallest sendable ZEC amount - Fix: removed "fund now" - New: turned on developer logging to help with troubleshooting - New: improved wallet details ability to handle small amounts of ZEC - New: added ability to clear the memo - Fix: changed "SEND WITHOUT MEMO" to "OMIT MEMO" - Fix: corrected wording when the address is included in the memo - New: display the approximate wallet birthday with the backup words - New: improved crash reporting - Fix: fixed bug when returning from the background - New: added logging for failed transactions - New: added logic to verify setup and offer explanation when the wallet is corrupted - New: refactored and improved wallet initialization - New: added ability to contribute 'plugins' to the SDK - New: added tons more checkpoints to reduce startup/import time - New: exposed logic to derive addresses directly from seeds - Fix: fixed several crashes Version 1.0.0-alpha11 *(2020-01-15)* ------------------------------------ - Initial ECC release Version 1.0.0-alpha03 *(2019-12-18)* ------------------------------------ - Initial internal wallet team release