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[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
// FetchUnspentTxOutputs.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/2/21.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum FetchUTXOError: Error {
case clearingFailed(_ error: Error?)
case fetchFailed(error: Error)
func fetchUnspentTxOutputs(range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
let tAddresses = try accountRepository.getAll().map({ $0.transparentAddress })
do {
for tAddress in tAddresses {
guard try rustBackend.clearUtxos(
dbData: config.dataDb,
address: tAddress,
sinceHeight: config.walletBirthday - 1,
networkType: config.network.networkType
) >= 0 else {
throw rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")
} catch {
throw FetchUTXOError.clearingFailed(error)
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> = downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: tAddresses, startHeight: config.walletBirthday)
for try await transaction in stream {
var refreshed: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
var skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
for utxo in utxos {
do {
try rustBackend.putUnspentTransparentOutput(
dbData: config.dataDb,
txid: utxo.txid.bytes,
index: utxo.index,
script: utxo.script.bytes,
value: Int64(utxo.valueZat),
height: utxo.height,
networkType: config.network.networkType
) ? refreshed.append(utxo) : skipped.append(utxo)
} catch {
LoggerProxy.error("failed to put utxo - error: \(error)")
let result = (inserted: refreshed, skipped: skipped)
name: .blockProcessorStoredUTXOs,
object: self,
userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.refreshedUTXOs: result]
if Task.isCancelled {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: fetchUnspentTxOutputs on range \(range) cancelled")
} else {
processBatchFinished(range: range)
} catch {
throw error