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[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
import Combine
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
import Foundation
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
{% macro methodName method%}{%if method|annotated:"mockedName" %}{{ method.annotations.mockedName }}{% else %}{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro swiftifyMethodName name %}{{ name | replace:"(","_" | replace:")","" | replace:":","_" | replace:"`","" | snakeToCamelCase | lowerFirstWord }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodNameUpper method%}{%if method|annotated:"mockedName" %}{{ method.annotations.mockedName }}{% else %}{% call swiftifyMethodNameUpper method.selectorName %}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro swiftifyMethodNameUpper name %}{{ name | replace:"(","_" | replace:")","" | replace:":","_" | replace:"`","" | snakeToCamelCase | upperFirstLetter }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodThrowableErrorDeclaration method type %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}ThrowableError: Error?
{% call methodMockPropertySetter method type "ThrowableError" "Error?" %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodMockPropertySetter method type postfix propertyType %}
{% if type|annotated:"mockActor" %}{% if not method.isStatic %}
func set{% call methodNameUpper method %}{{ postfix }}(_ param: {{ propertyType }}) async {
{% call methodName method %}{{ postfix }} = param
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodThrowableErrorUsage method %}
if let error = {% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}ThrowableError {
throw error
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodReceivedParameters method %}
{%if method.parameters.count == 1 %}
{% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}Received{% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.name|upperFirstLetter }} = {{ param.name }}{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if not method.parameters.count == 0 %}
{% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}ReceivedArguments = ({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.name }}: {{ param.name }}{% if not forloop.last%}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureName method %}{% call methodName method %}Closure{% endmacro %}
{% macro paramTypeName param, method %}{% if method.annotations[param.name] %}{{method.annotations[param.name]}}{% else %}{{ param.typeName }}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro unwrappedParamTypeName param, method %}{% if method.annotations[param.name] %}{{method.annotations[param.name]}}{% else %}{{ param.typeName.unwrappedTypeName }}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro closureType method type %}({% for param in method.parameters %}{% call paramTypeName param, method %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}) {% if method.isAsync %}async {% endif %}{% if method.throws %}throws {% endif %}-> {% if method.isInitializer %}Void{% else %}{{ method.returnTypeName }}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureDeclaration method type %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodClosureName method %}: ({% call closureType method type %})?
{% if type|annotated:"mockActor" %}{% if not method.isStatic %}
func set{% call methodNameUpper method %}Closure(_ param: ({% call closureType method type %})?) async {
{% call methodName method %}Closure = param
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureCallParameters method %}{% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.name }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockMethod method type %}
{% if method|!annotated:"skipAutoMock" %}
// MARK: - {{ method.shortName }}
{% if ((type|annotated:"mockActor") and (method.isAsync) or (method.isStatic)) or (not type|annotated:"mockActor") %}
{% if method.throws %}
{% call methodThrowableErrorDeclaration method type %}
{% endif %}
{% if not method.isInitializer %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}CallsCount = 0
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}Called: Bool {
return {% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}CallsCount > 0
{% endif %}
{% if method.parameters.count == 1 %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}Received{% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.name|upperFirstLetter }}: {% if param.isClosure %}({% endif %}{% call unwrappedParamTypeName param, method %}{% if param.isClosure %}){% endif %}?{% endfor %}
{% else %}{% if not method.parameters.count == 0 %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}ReceivedArguments: ({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.name }}: {% if param.typeAttributes.escaping %}{% call unwrappedParamTypeName param, method %}{% else %}{% call paramTypeName param, method %}{% endif %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})?
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if not method.returnTypeName.isVoid and not method.isInitializer %}
{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}var {% call methodName method %}ReturnValue: {{ method.returnTypeName }}{{ '!' if not method.isOptionalReturnType }}
{% call methodMockPropertySetter method type "ReturnValue" method.returnTypeName %}
{% endif %}
{% call methodClosureDeclaration method type %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.isInitializer %}
required {{ method.name }} {
{% call methodReceivedParameters method %}
{% call methodClosureName method %}?({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
{% else %}
{% if (not method.isAsync) and (not method.isStatic) and (type|annotated:"mockActor") %}nonisolated {% endif %}{% if method.isStatic %}static {% endif %}func {{ method.name }}{% if method.isAsync %} async{% endif %}{% if method.throws %} throws{% endif %}{% if not method.returnTypeName.isVoid %} -> {{ method.returnTypeName }}{% endif %} {
{% if ((type|annotated:"mockActor") and ((method.isAsync) or (method.isStatic))) or (not type|annotated:"mockActor") %}
{% if method.throws %}
{% call methodThrowableErrorUsage method %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}CallsCount += 1
{% call methodReceivedParameters method %}
{% if method.returnTypeName.isVoid %}
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
{% if method.throws %}try {% endif %}{% if method.isAsync %}await {% endif %}{% call methodClosureName method %}!({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
{% else %}
if let closure = {% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodClosureName method %} {
return {% if method.throws %}try {% endif %}{% if method.isAsync %}await {% endif %}closure({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
} else {
return {% if method.isStatic %}Self.{% endif %}{% call methodName method %}ReturnValue
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if method.throws %}try {% endif %}{% call methodClosureName method %}!({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockOptionalVariable variable %}
var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockNonOptionalArrayOrDictionaryVariable variable %}
var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} {
get{% if variable.isAsync %} async{% endif %} { return {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %} }
var {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} = {% if variable.isArray %}[]{% elif variable.isDictionary %}[:]{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockNonOptionalVariable variable %}
var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} {
get { return {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %} }
var {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}: {% if variable.typeName.isClosure %}({{ variable.typeName }})!{% else %}{{ variable.typeName }}!{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}underlying{{ variable.name|upperFirstLetter }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro initialMockedVariableValue variable %}initial{{ variable.name|upperFirstLetter }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockedVariableName variable %}{{ variable.name }}{% endmacro %}
// MARK: - AutoMockable protocols
{% for type in types.protocols where type.based.AutoMockable or type|annotated:"AutoMockable" %}{% if type.name != "AutoMockable" %}
{% if type|annotated:"moduleName" %}
/// Imported from {{ type.annotations.moduleName }} module
{% endif %}
{% if type|annotated:"targetOS" %}
#if os({{ type.annotations.targetOS }})
{% endif %}
{% if type|annotated:"mockActor" %}actor {% else %}class {% endif %}{{ type.name }}Mock: {% if type|annotated:"baseClass" %}{{ type.annotations.baseClass }}, {% endif %}{% if type|annotated:"moduleName" %}{{ type.annotations.moduleName }}.{% endif %}{{ type.name }} {
{% for method in type.allMethods|!definedInExtension %}
{% if (not method.isAsync) and (not method.isStatic) and (type|annotated:"mockActor") %}
nonisolated let {% call methodName method %}Closure: ({% call closureType method type %})?
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for method in type.allMethods|!definedInExtension where ((not method.isAsync) and (not method.isStatic) and (type|annotated:"mockActor")) %}
{% call methodName method %}Closure: ({% call closureType method type %})? = nil{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
) {
{% for method in type.allMethods|!definedInExtension %}
{% if (not method.isAsync) and (not method.isStatic) and (type|annotated:"mockActor") %}
self.{% call methodName method %}Closure = {% call methodName method %}Closure
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for variable in type.allVariables|!definedInExtension %}
{% if variable|!annotated:"skipAutoMock" %}
{% if variable.isOptional %}{% call mockOptionalVariable variable %}
{% elif variable.isArray or variable.isDictionary %}{% call mockNonOptionalArrayOrDictionaryVariable variable %}
{% else %}{% call mockNonOptionalVariable variable %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for method in type.allMethods|!definedInExtension %}
{% call mockMethod method type %}
{% endfor %}
{% if type|annotated:"targetOS" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}