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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: service.proto
// Copyright 2018, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Dispatch
import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
import SwiftProtobuf
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCall: ClientCallUnary {}
fileprivate final class CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCallBase: ClientCallUnaryBase<ChainSpec, BlockID>, CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCall {
override class var method: String { return "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock" }
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCall: ClientCallUnary {}
fileprivate final class CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCallBase: ClientCallUnaryBase<BlockID, CompactBlock>, CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCall {
override class var method: String { return "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock" }
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall: ClientCallServerStreaming {
/// Do not call this directly, call `receive()` in the protocol extension below instead.
func _receive(timeout: DispatchTime) throws -> CompactBlock?
/// Call this to wait for a result. Nonblocking.
func receive(completion: @escaping (ResultOrRPCError<CompactBlock?>) -> Void) throws
internal extension CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
/// Call this to wait for a result. Blocking.
func receive(timeout: DispatchTime = .distantFuture) throws -> CompactBlock? { return try self._receive(timeout: timeout) }
fileprivate final class CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCallBase: ClientCallServerStreamingBase<BlockRange, CompactBlock>, CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
override class var method: String { return "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockRange" }
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCall: ClientCallUnary {}
fileprivate final class CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCallBase: ClientCallUnaryBase<TxFilter, RawTransaction>, CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCall {
override class var method: String { return "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTransaction" }
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCall: ClientCallUnary {}
fileprivate final class CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCallBase: ClientCallUnaryBase<RawTransaction, SendResponse>, CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCall {
override class var method: String { return "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/SendTransaction" }
/// Instantiate CompactTxStreamerServiceClient, then call methods of this protocol to make API calls.
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerService: ServiceClient {
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> BlockID
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (BlockID?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCall
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getBlock(_ request: BlockID, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> CompactBlock
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getBlock(_ request: BlockID, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (CompactBlock?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCall
/// Asynchronous. Server-streaming.
/// Send the initial message.
/// Use methods on the returned object to get streamed responses.
func getBlockRange(_ request: BlockRange, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: ((CallResult) -> Void)?) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> RawTransaction
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (RawTransaction?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCall
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> SendResponse
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (SendResponse?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCall
internal extension CompactTxStreamerService {
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec) throws -> BlockID {
return try self.getLatestBlock(request, metadata: self.metadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec, completion: @escaping (BlockID?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCall {
return try self.getLatestBlock(request, metadata: self.metadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getBlock(_ request: BlockID) throws -> CompactBlock {
return try self.getBlock(request, metadata: self.metadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getBlock(_ request: BlockID, completion: @escaping (CompactBlock?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCall {
return try self.getBlock(request, metadata: self.metadata, completion: completion)
/// Asynchronous. Server-streaming.
func getBlockRange(_ request: BlockRange, completion: ((CallResult) -> Void)?) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
return try self.getBlockRange(request, metadata: self.metadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter) throws -> RawTransaction {
return try self.getTransaction(request, metadata: self.metadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter, completion: @escaping (RawTransaction?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCall {
return try self.getTransaction(request, metadata: self.metadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction) throws -> SendResponse {
return try self.sendTransaction(request, metadata: self.metadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction, completion: @escaping (SendResponse?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCall {
return try self.sendTransaction(request, metadata: self.metadata, completion: completion)
internal final class CompactTxStreamerServiceClient: ServiceClientBase, CompactTxStreamerService {
/// Synchronous. Unary.
internal func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> BlockID {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCallBase(channel)
.run(request: request, metadata: customMetadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
internal func getLatestBlock(_ request: ChainSpec, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (BlockID?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCall {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetLatestBlockCallBase(channel)
.start(request: request, metadata: customMetadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
internal func getBlock(_ request: BlockID, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> CompactBlock {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCallBase(channel)
.run(request: request, metadata: customMetadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
internal func getBlock(_ request: BlockID, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (CompactBlock?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCall {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetBlockCallBase(channel)
.start(request: request, metadata: customMetadata, completion: completion)
/// Asynchronous. Server-streaming.
/// Send the initial message.
/// Use methods on the returned object to get streamed responses.
internal func getBlockRange(_ request: BlockRange, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: ((CallResult) -> Void)?) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCallBase(channel)
.start(request: request, metadata: customMetadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
internal func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> RawTransaction {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCallBase(channel)
.run(request: request, metadata: customMetadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
internal func getTransaction(_ request: TxFilter, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (RawTransaction?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCall {
return try CompactTxStreamerGetTransactionCallBase(channel)
.start(request: request, metadata: customMetadata, completion: completion)
/// Synchronous. Unary.
internal func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction, metadata customMetadata: Metadata) throws -> SendResponse {
return try CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCallBase(channel)
.run(request: request, metadata: customMetadata)
/// Asynchronous. Unary.
internal func sendTransaction(_ request: RawTransaction, metadata customMetadata: Metadata, completion: @escaping (SendResponse?, CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCall {
return try CompactTxStreamerSendTransactionCallBase(channel)
.start(request: request, metadata: customMetadata, completion: completion)