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// TransactionEncoder.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/20/19.
import Foundation
typealias TransactionEncoderResultBlock = (_ result: Result<EncodedTransaction,Error>) -> Void
public enum TransactionEncoderError: Error {
case notFound(transactionId: Int)
case NotEncoded(transactionId: Int)
case missingParams
case spendingKeyWrongNetwork
case couldNotExpand(txId: Data)
protocol TransactionEncoder {
Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using
double-bangs for things).
- Parameters:
- Parameter spendingKey: a string containing the spending key
- Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in zatoshis
- Parameter to: string containing the recipient address
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- Parameter memo: string containing the memo (optional)
- Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
- Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func createTransaction(spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Int, to: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int) throws -> EncodedTransaction
Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using
double-bangs for things).
- Parameters:
- Parameter spendingKey: a string containing the spending key
- Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in zatoshis
- Parameter to: string containing the recipient address
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- Parameter memo: string containing the memo (optional)
- Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
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- Parameter result: a non escaping closure that receives a Result containing either an EncodedTransaction or a TransactionEncoderError
func createTransaction(spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Int, to: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int, result: @escaping TransactionEncoderResultBlock)
Fetch the Transaction Entity from the encoded representation
- Parameter encodedTransaction: The encoded transaction to expand
- Returns: a TransactionEntity based on the given Encoded Transaction
- Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func expandEncodedTransaction(_ encodedTransaction: EncodedTransaction) throws -> TransactionEntity