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[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
// CompactBlockDownload.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: Int,
startHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
targetHeight: BlockHeight? = nil
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
var buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
var targetHeightInternal: BlockHeight?
do {
targetHeightInternal = targetHeight
if targetHeight == nil {
targetHeightInternal = try await service.latestBlockHeightAsync()
guard let latestHeight = targetHeightInternal else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "missing target height on compactBlockStreamDownload")
try Task.checkCancellation()
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
let latestDownloaded = try await storage.latestHeightAsync()
let startHeight = max(startHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty(), latestDownloaded)
let stream = service.blockStream(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: latestHeight
for try await zcashCompactBlock in stream {
try Task.checkCancellation()
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
if buffer.count >= blockBufferSize {
// TODO: writeAsync doesn't make sense here, awaiting it or calling blocking API have the same result and impact
try storage.write(blocks: buffer)
buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
let progress = BlockProgress(
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: latestHeight,
progressHeight: zcashCompactBlock.height
// TODO: writeAsync doesn't make sense here, awaiting it or calling blocking API have the same result and impact
try storage.write(blocks: buffer)
buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
} catch {
guard let err = error as? LightWalletServiceError, case .userCancelled = err else {
throw error
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockDownload(
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
range: CompactBlockRange
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
try await downloader.downloadBlockRangeAsync(range)
} catch {
throw error
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum CompactBlockBatchDownloadError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
case batchDownloadFailed(range: CompactBlockRange, error: Error?)
func compactBlockBatchDownload(
range: CompactBlockRange,
batchSize: Int = 100,
maxRetries: Int = 5
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
var startHeight = range.lowerBound
let targetHeight = range.upperBound
do {
let localDownloadedHeight = try await self.storage.latestHeightAsync()
if localDownloadedHeight != BlockHeight.empty() && localDownloadedHeight > startHeight {
LoggerProxy.warn("provided startHeight (\(startHeight)) differs from local latest downloaded height (\(localDownloadedHeight))")
startHeight = localDownloadedHeight + 1
var currentHeight = startHeight
startHeight: currentHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: currentHeight
while !Task.isCancelled && currentHeight <= targetHeight {
var retries = 0
var success = true
var localError: Error?
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: currentHeight, upper: min(currentHeight + batchSize, targetHeight)))
repeat {
do {
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> = service.blockRange(range)
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await compactBlock in stream {
try storage.insert(blocks)
success = true
} catch {
success = false
localError = error
retries += 1
} while !Task.isCancelled && !success && retries < maxRetries
if retries >= maxRetries {
throw CompactBlockBatchDownloadError.batchDownloadFailed(range: range, error: localError)
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: range.upperBound
currentHeight = range.upperBound + 1
} catch {
throw error