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// CompactBlockProcessor.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 18/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
// swiftlint:disable file_length type_body_length
import Foundation
import GRPC
public typealias RefreshedUTXOs = (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity])
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Errors thrown by CompactBlock Processor
public enum CompactBlockProcessorError: Error {
case invalidConfiguration
case missingDbPath(path: String)
case dataDbInitFailed(path: String)
case connectionError(underlyingError: Error)
case grpcError(statusCode: Int, message: String)
case connectionTimeout
case generalError(message: String)
case maxAttemptsReached(attempts: Int)
case unspecifiedError(underlyingError: Error)
case criticalError
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
case invalidAccount
case wrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally: ConsensusBranchID, found: ConsensusBranchID)
2021-07-26 16:22:30 -07:00
case networkMismatch(expected: NetworkType, found: NetworkType)
case saplingActivationMismatch(expected: BlockHeight, found: BlockHeight)
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
case unknown
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
CompactBlockProcessor notification userInfo object keys.
check Notification.Name extensions for more details.
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
public enum CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey {
public static let progress = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress"
public static let progressBlockTime = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progressBlockTime"
public static let reorgHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight"
public static let latestScannedBlockHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.latestScannedBlockHeight"
public static let rewindHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight"
public static let foundTransactions = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactions"
2021-04-01 07:27:26 -07:00
public static let foundBlocks = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundBlocks"
public static let foundTransactionsRange = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactionsRange"
public static let error = "error"
2021-04-01 07:27:26 -07:00
public static let refreshedUTXOs = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.refreshedUTXOs"
public static let enhancementProgress = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.enhancementProgress"
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
public static let previousStatus = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.previousStatus"
public static let newStatus = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.newStatus"
public static let currentConnectivityStatus = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.currentConnectivityStatus"
public static let previousConnectivityStatus = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.previousConnectivityStatus"
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
public enum CompactBlockProgress {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case download(_ progress: BlockProgress)
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
case validate
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case scan(_ progress: BlockProgress)
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
case enhance(_ progress: EnhancementStreamProgress)
case fetch
public var progress: Float {
switch self {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case .download(let blockProgress), .scan(let blockProgress):
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
return blockProgress.progress
case .enhance(let enhancementProgress):
return enhancementProgress.progress
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
return 0
public var progressHeight: BlockHeight? {
switch self {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case .download(let blockProgress), .scan(let blockProgress):
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
return blockProgress.progressHeight
case .enhance(let enhancementProgress):
return enhancementProgress.lastFoundTransaction?.minedHeight
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
return 0
public var blockDate: Date? {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
if case .enhance(let enhancementProgress) = self, let time = enhancementProgress.lastFoundTransaction?.blockTimeInSeconds {
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: time)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
return nil
2021-07-07 07:42:45 -07:00
public var targetHeight: BlockHeight? {
switch self {
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
case .download(let blockProgress), .scan(let blockProgress):
return blockProgress.targetHeight
2021-07-07 07:42:45 -07:00
return nil
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
protocol EnhancementStreamDelegate: AnyObject {
func transactionEnhancementProgressUpdated(_ progress: EnhancementProgress)
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
public protocol EnhancementProgress {
var totalTransactions: Int { get }
var enhancedTransactions: Int { get }
var lastFoundTransaction: ConfirmedTransactionEntity? { get }
var range: CompactBlockRange { get }
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
public struct EnhancementStreamProgress: EnhancementProgress {
public var totalTransactions: Int
public var enhancedTransactions: Int
public var lastFoundTransaction: ConfirmedTransactionEntity?
public var range: CompactBlockRange
public var progress: Float {
totalTransactions > 0 ? Float(enhancedTransactions) / Float(totalTransactions) : 0
public extension Notification.Name {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Processing progress update
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Query the userInfo object for the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress for a CompactBlockProgress struct
static let blockProcessorUpdated = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorUpdated")
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
notification sent when processor status changed
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
static let blockProcessorStatusChanged = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStatusChanged")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when a compact block processor starts downloading
static let blockProcessorStartedDownloading = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedDownloading")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor starts validating the chain state
static let blockProcessorStartedValidating = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedValidating")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor starts scanning blocks from the cache
static let blockProcessorStartedScanning = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedScanning")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor stop() method is called
static let blockProcessorStopped = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStopped")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor presented an error.
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Query userInfo object on the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.error
static let blockProcessorFailed = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorFailed")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor has finished syncing the blockchain to latest height
static let blockProcessorFinished = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorFinished")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor is doing nothing
static let blockProcessorIdle = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorIdle")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when something odd happened. probably going from a state to another state that shouldn't be the next state.
static let blockProcessorUnknownTransition = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorTransitionUnknown")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor handled a ReOrg.
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Query the userInfo object on the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight for the height on which the reorg was detected. CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight for the height that the processor backed to in order to solve the Reorg
static let blockProcessorHandledReOrg = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorHandledReOrg")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor enhanced a bunch of transactions
Query the user info object for CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactions which will contain an [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] Array with the found transactions and CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactionsrange
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
static let blockProcessorFoundTransactions = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorFoundTransactions")
2021-04-01 07:27:26 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the compact block processor fetched utxos from lightwalletd attempted to store them
Query the user info object for CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.blockProcessorStoredUTXOs which will contain a RefreshedUTXOs tuple with the collection of UTXOs stored or skipped
2021-04-01 07:27:26 -07:00
static let blockProcessorStoredUTXOs = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStoredUTXOs")
static let blockProcessorStartedEnhancing = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedEnhancing")
static let blockProcessorEnhancementProgress = Notification.Name("CompactBlockProcessorEnhancementProgress")
static let blockProcessorStartedFetching = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedFetching")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Notification sent when the grpc service connection detects a change. Query the user info object for status change details `currentConnectivityStatus` for current and previous with `previousConnectivityStatus`
static let blockProcessorConnectivityStateChanged = Notification.Name("CompactBlockProcessorConnectivityStateChanged")
/// The compact block processor is in charge of orchestrating the download and caching of compact blocks from a LightWalletEndpoint
/// when started the processor downloads does a download - validate - scan cycle until it reaches latest height on the blockchain.
public class CompactBlockProcessor {
/// Compact Block Processor configuration
/// Property: cacheDbPath absolute file path of the DB where raw, unprocessed compact blocks are stored.
/// Property: dataDbPath absolute file path of the DB where all information derived from the cache DB is stored.
public struct Configuration {
public var cacheDb: URL
public var dataDb: URL
public var downloadBatchSize = ZcashSDK.DefaultDownloadBatch
public var scanningBatchSize = ZcashSDK.DefaultScanningBatch
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
public var retries = ZcashSDK.defaultRetries
public var maxBackoffInterval = ZcashSDK.defaultMaxBackOffInterval
public var rewindDistance = ZcashSDK.defaultRewindDistance
public var walletBirthday: BlockHeight
public private(set) var downloadBufferSize: Int = 10
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
private(set) var network: ZcashNetwork
private(set) var saplingActivation: BlockHeight
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
public var blockPollInterval: TimeInterval {
TimeInterval.random(in: ZcashSDK.defaultPollInterval / 2 ... ZcashSDK.defaultPollInterval * 1.5)
init (
2021-07-26 16:22:30 -07:00
cacheDb: URL,
dataDb: URL,
downloadBatchSize: Int,
retries: Int,
maxBackoffInterval: TimeInterval,
rewindDistance: Int,
walletBirthday: BlockHeight,
saplingActivation: BlockHeight,
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
network: ZcashNetwork
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
) {
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb
2021-07-26 16:22:30 -07:00
self.network = network
self.downloadBatchSize = downloadBatchSize
self.retries = retries
self.maxBackoffInterval = maxBackoffInterval
self.rewindDistance = rewindDistance
self.walletBirthday = walletBirthday
self.saplingActivation = saplingActivation
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
public init(cacheDb: URL, dataDb: URL, walletBirthday: BlockHeight, network: ZcashNetwork) {
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.walletBirthday = walletBirthday
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
self.saplingActivation = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
self.network = network
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Represents the possible states of a CompactBlockProcessor
public enum State {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
connected and downloading blocks
case downloading
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
was doing something but was paused
case stopped
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
processor is validating
case validating
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
processor is scanning
case scanning
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Processor is Enhancing transactions
case enhancing
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
fetching utxos
case fetching
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
was processing but erred
case error(_ e: Error)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Processor is up to date with the blockchain and you can now make transactions.
case synced
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
// TODO: this isn't an Actor even though it looks like a good candidate, the reason:
// `state` lives in both sync and async environments. An Actor is demanding async context only
// so we can't take the advantage unless we encapsulate all `state` reads/writes to async context.
// Therefore solution with class + lock works for us butr eventually will be replaced.
// The future of CompactBlockProcessor is an actor (we won't need to encapsulate the state separately), issue 523,
// https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/523
public class ThreadSafeState {
private var state: State = .stopped
let lock = NSLock()
func setState(_ newState: State) {
defer { lock.unlock() }
state = newState
public func getState() -> State {
defer { lock.unlock() }
return state
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
public internal(set) var state = ThreadSafeState()
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
var config: Configuration {
willSet {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
var maxAttemptsReached: Bool {
self.retryAttempts >= self.config.retries
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
var shouldStart: Bool {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
switch self.state.getState() {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case .stopped, .synced, .error:
return !maxAttemptsReached
return false
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
var service: LightWalletService
private(set) var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
var storage: CompactBlockStorage
var transactionRepository: TransactionRepository
var accountRepository: AccountRepository
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var retryAttempts: Int = 0
private var backoffTimer: Timer?
private var lowerBoundHeight: BlockHeight?
private var latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight
private var lastChainValidationFailure: BlockHeight?
private var consecutiveChainValidationErrors: Int = 0
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
var processingError: Error?
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
private var foundBlocks = false
private var maxAttempts: Int {
private var batchSize: BlockHeight {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
private var cancelableTask: Task<Void, Error>?
/// Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance
/// - Parameters:
/// - service: concrete implementation of `LightWalletService` protocol
/// - storage: concrete implementation of `CompactBlockStorage` protocol
/// - backend: a class that complies to `ZcashRustBackendWelding`
/// - config: `Configuration` struct for this processor
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
convenience init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
backend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
config: Configuration
) {
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: backend,
config: config,
repository: TransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(
dataDbURL: config.dataDb
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
accountRepository: AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(dataDbURL: config.dataDb, readOnly: true)
/// Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance from an Initialized object
/// - Parameters:
/// - initializer: an instance that complies to CompactBlockDownloading protocol
public convenience init(initializer: Initializer) {
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
service: initializer.lightWalletService,
storage: initializer.storage,
backend: initializer.rustBackend,
config: Configuration(
cacheDb: initializer.cacheDbURL,
dataDb: initializer.dataDbURL,
walletBirthday: Checkpoint.birthday(
with: initializer.walletBirthday,
network: initializer.network
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
network: initializer.network
repository: initializer.transactionRepository,
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
accountRepository: initializer.accountRepository
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
internal init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
backend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
config: Configuration,
repository: TransactionRepository,
accountRepository: AccountRepository
) {
self.service = service
self.downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: storage)
self.rustBackend = backend
self.storage = storage
self.config = config
self.transactionRepository = repository
self.latestBlockHeight = config.walletBirthday
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
self.accountRepository = accountRepository
deinit {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
func setState(_ newState: State) {
let oldValue = state.getState()
transitionState(from: oldValue, to: newState)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
static func validateServerInfo(
_ info: LightWalletdInfo,
saplingActivation: BlockHeight,
localNetwork: ZcashNetwork,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
) throws {
// check network types
guard let remoteNetworkType = NetworkType.forChainName(info.chainName) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(
message: "Chain name does not match. Expected either 'test' or 'main' but received '\(info.chainName)'." +
"this is probably an API or programming error"
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
guard remoteNetworkType == localNetwork.networkType else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.networkMismatch(expected: localNetwork.networkType, found: remoteNetworkType)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
guard saplingActivation == info.saplingActivationHeight else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.saplingActivationMismatch(expected: saplingActivation, found: BlockHeight(info.saplingActivationHeight))
// check branch id
let localBranch = try rustBackend.consensusBranchIdFor(height: Int32(info.blockHeight), networkType: localNetwork.networkType)
guard let remoteBranchID = ConsensusBranchID.fromString(info.consensusBranchID) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: "Consensus BranchIDs don't match this is probably an API or programming error")
guard remoteBranchID == localBranch else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.wrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally: localBranch, found: remoteBranchID)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
static func nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: BlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: BlockHeight, walletBirthday: BlockHeight) -> CompactBlockRange {
let lowerBound = latestDownloadedHeight <= walletBirthday ? walletBirthday : latestDownloadedHeight + 1
let upperBound = latestHeight
return lowerBound ... upperBound
/// Starts the CompactBlockProcessor instance and starts downloading and processing blocks
/// triggers the blockProcessorStartedDownloading notification
/// - Important: subscribe to the notifications before calling this method
public func start(retry: Bool = false) throws {
if retry {
self.retryAttempts = 0
self.processingError = nil
self.backoffTimer = nil
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
guard shouldStart else {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
switch self.state.getState() {
case .error(let e):
// max attempts have been reached
LoggerProxy.info("max retry attempts reached with error: \(e)")
notifyError(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.maxAttempts))
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
case .stopped:
// max attempts have been reached
LoggerProxy.info("max retry attempts reached")
notifyError(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.maxAttempts))
case .synced:
// max attempts have been reached
LoggerProxy.warn("max retry attempts reached on synced state, this indicates malfunction")
notifyError(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.maxAttempts))
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: compact block processor was started while busy!!!!")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Stops the CompactBlockProcessor
Note: retry count is reset
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
public func stop() {
self.backoffTimer = nil
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
self.retryAttempts = 0
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Rewinds to provided height.
If nil is provided, it will rescan to nearest height (quick rescan)
public func rewindTo(_ height: BlockHeight?) throws -> BlockHeight {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
let lastDownloaded = try downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight()
let height = Int32(height ?? lastDownloaded)
let nearestHeight = rustBackend.getNearestRewindHeight(
dbData: config.dataDb,
height: height,
networkType: self.config.network.networkType
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
2021-04-19 10:07:50 -07:00
guard nearestHeight > 0 else {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
let error = rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(
message: "unknown error getting nearest rewind height for height: \(height)"
2021-04-19 10:07:50 -07:00
throw error
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
// FIXME: this should be done on the rust layer
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
let rewindHeight = max(Int32(nearestHeight - 1), Int32(config.walletBirthday))
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
guard rustBackend.rewindToHeight(dbData: config.dataDb, height: rewindHeight, networkType: self.config.network.networkType) else {
2021-04-19 10:07:50 -07:00
let error = rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "unknown error rewinding to height \(height)")
throw error
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
// clear cache
2021-04-19 10:07:50 -07:00
try downloader.rewind(to: BlockHeight(rewindHeight))
2021-04-12 09:10:14 -07:00
self.lastChainValidationFailure = nil
self.lowerBoundHeight = try? downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight()
return BlockHeight(rewindHeight)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
changes the wallet birthday in configuration. Use this method when wallet birthday is not available and the processor can't be lazy initialized.
- Note: this does not rewind your chain state
- Parameter startHeight: the wallet birthday for this compact block processor
- Throws CompactBlockProcessorError.invalidConfiguration if block height is invalid or if processor is already started
func setStartHeight(_ startHeight: BlockHeight) throws {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
guard self.state.getState() == .stopped, startHeight >= config.network.constants.saplingActivationHeight else {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.invalidConfiguration
var config = self.config
config.walletBirthday = startHeight
self.config = config
func validateServer(completionBlock: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
Task { @MainActor in
do {
let info = try await self.service.getInfo()
try Self.validateServerInfo(
saplingActivation: self.config.saplingActivation,
localNetwork: self.config.network,
rustBackend: self.rustBackend
} catch let error as LightWalletServiceError {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
} catch {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
/// Processes new blocks on the given range based on the configuration set for this instance
func processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange) {
2021-04-01 07:27:26 -07:00
self.foundBlocks = true
self.backoffTimer = nil
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
cancelableTask = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
do {
try await compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: config.downloadBufferSize,
startHeight: range.lowerBound,
targetHeight: range.upperBound
try await compactBlockValidation()
try await compactBlockBatchScanning(range: range)
try await compactBlockEnhancement(range: range)
try await fetchUnspentTxOutputs(range: range)
} catch {
if error is CancellationError {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
if !(Task.isCancelled) {
func calculateProgress(start: BlockHeight, current: BlockHeight, latest: BlockHeight) -> Float {
let totalBlocks = Float(abs(latest - start))
let completed = Float(abs(current - start))
let progress = completed / totalBlocks
return progress
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
func notifyProgress(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
userInfo[CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress] = progress
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
LoggerProxy.debug("progress: \(progress)")
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorUpdated,
object: self,
userInfo: userInfo
func notifyTransactions(_ txs: [ConfirmedTransactionEntity], in range: BlockRange) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: .blockProcessorFoundTransactions,
object: self,
userInfo: [
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactions: txs,
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundTransactionsRange: ClosedRange(uncheckedBounds: (range.start.height, range.end.height))
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
func determineLowerBound(
errorHeight: Int,
consecutiveErrors: Int,
walletBirthday: BlockHeight
) -> BlockHeight {
let offset = min(ZcashSDK.maxReorgSize, ZcashSDK.defaultRewindDistance * (consecutiveErrors + 1))
return max(errorHeight - offset, walletBirthday - ZcashSDK.maxReorgSize)
func severeFailure(_ error: Error) {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
LoggerProxy.error("show stoppper failure: \(error)")
self.retryAttempts = config.retries
self.processingError = error
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
func fail(_ error: Error) {
// todo specify: failure
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
self.retryAttempts += 1
self.processingError = error
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
switch self.state.getState() {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case .error:
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
guard self.maxAttemptsReached else { return }
// don't set a new timer if there are no more attempts.
func retryProcessing(range: CompactBlockRange) {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
// update retries
self.retryAttempts += 1
self.processingError = nil
guard self.retryAttempts < config.retries else {
self.notifyError(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.retryAttempts))
do {
try downloader.rewind(to: max(range.lowerBound, self.config.walletBirthday))
// process next batch
// processNewBlocks(range: Self.nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: latestBlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: try downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight(), walletBirthday: config.walletBirthday))
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
} catch {
func mapError(_ error: Error) -> CompactBlockProcessorError {
if let processorError = error as? CompactBlockProcessorError {
return processorError
if let lwdError = error as? LightWalletServiceError {
return lwdError.mapToProcessorError()
} else if let rpcError = error as? GRPC.GRPCStatus {
switch rpcError {
case .ok:
LoggerProxy.warn("Error Raised when status is OK")
return CompactBlockProcessorError.grpcError(
statusCode: rpcError.code.rawValue,
message: rpcError.message ?? "Error Raised when status is OK"
return CompactBlockProcessorError.grpcError(statusCode: rpcError.code.rawValue, message: rpcError.message ?? "No message")
return .unspecifiedError(underlyingError: error)
private func validateConfiguration() throws {
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: config.cacheDb.absoluteString) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.missingDbPath(path: config.cacheDb.absoluteString)
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: config.dataDb.absoluteString) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.missingDbPath(path: config.dataDb.absoluteString)
private func nextBatch() {
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
Task { @MainActor [self] in
do {
let nextState = try await NextStateHelper.nextStateAsync(
service: self.service,
downloader: self.downloader,
config: self.config,
rustBackend: self.rustBackend
switch nextState {
case .finishProcessing(let height):
self.latestBlockHeight = height
self.processingFinished(height: height)
case .processNewBlocks(let range):
self.latestBlockHeight = range.upperBound
self.lowerBoundHeight = range.lowerBound
self.processNewBlocks(range: range)
case let .wait(latestHeight, latestDownloadHeight):
// Lightwalletd might be syncing
self.lowerBoundHeight = latestDownloadHeight
self.latestBlockHeight = latestHeight
"Lightwalletd might be syncing: latest downloaded block height is: \(latestDownloadHeight)" +
"while latest blockheight is reported at: \(latestHeight)"
self.processingFinished(height: latestDownloadHeight)
} catch {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
internal func validationFailed(at height: BlockHeight) {
// cancel all Tasks
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2020-12-05 10:11:29 -08:00
// register latest failure
self.lastChainValidationFailure = height
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
self.consecutiveChainValidationErrors += 1
// rewind
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
let rewindHeight = determineLowerBound(
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
errorHeight: height,
consecutiveErrors: consecutiveChainValidationErrors,
walletBirthday: self.config.walletBirthday
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
guard rustBackend.rewindToHeight(dbData: config.dataDb, height: Int32(rewindHeight), networkType: self.config.network.networkType) else {
fail(rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "unknown error rewinding to height \(height)"))
do {
try downloader.rewind(to: rewindHeight)
// notify reorg
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorHandledReOrg,
object: self,
userInfo: [
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight: height, CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight: rewindHeight
// process next batch
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
} catch {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
internal func processBatchFinished(range: CompactBlockRange) {
guard processingError == nil else {
retryProcessing(range: range)
retryAttempts = 0
consecutiveChainValidationErrors = 0
guard !range.isEmpty else {
processingFinished(height: range.upperBound)
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
private func processingFinished(height: BlockHeight) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorFinished,
object: self,
userInfo: [
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.latestScannedBlockHeight: height,
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundBlocks: self.foundBlocks
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
private func setTimer() {
let interval = self.config.blockPollInterval
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
let timer = Timer(
timeInterval: interval,
repeats: true,
block: { [weak self] _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
do {
if self.shouldStart {
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
Timer triggered: Starting compact Block processor!.
Processor State: \(self.state)
latestHeight: \(self.latestBlockHeight)
attempts: \(self.retryAttempts)
lowerbound: \(String(describing: self.lowerBoundHeight))
try self.start()
} else if self.maxAttemptsReached {
self.fail(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.config.retries))
} catch {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .default)
self.backoffTimer = timer
private func transitionState(from oldValue: State, to newValue: State) {
guard oldValue != newValue else {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: .blockProcessorStatusChanged,
object: self,
userInfo: [
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.previousStatus: oldValue,
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.newStatus: newValue
switch newValue {
case .downloading:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedDownloading, object: self)
case .synced:
// transition to this state is handled by `processingFinished(height: BlockHeight)`
case .error(let err):
case .scanning:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedScanning, object: self)
case .stopped:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStopped, object: self)
case .validating:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedValidating, object: self)
case .enhancing:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedEnhancing, object: self)
case .fetching:
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedFetching, object: self)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
private func notifyError(_ err: Error) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorFailed,
object: self,
userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.error: mapError(err)]
// TODO: encapsulate service errors better
public extension CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
Standard configuration for most compact block processors
2021-07-28 09:59:10 -07:00
static func standard(for network: ZcashNetwork, walletBirthday: BlockHeight) -> CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration {
let pathProvider = DefaultResourceProvider(network: network)
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
return CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
cacheDb: pathProvider.cacheDbURL,
dataDb: pathProvider.dataDbURL,
walletBirthday: walletBirthday,
network: network
extension LightWalletServiceError {
func mapToProcessorError() -> CompactBlockProcessorError {
switch self {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case let .failed(statusCode, message):
return CompactBlockProcessorError.grpcError(statusCode: statusCode, message: message)
case .invalidBlock:
return CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: "\(self)")
case .generalError(let message):
return CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: message)
case .sentFailed(let error):
return CompactBlockProcessorError.connectionError(underlyingError: error)
case .genericError(let error):
return CompactBlockProcessorError.unspecifiedError(underlyingError: error)
case .timeOut:
return CompactBlockProcessorError.connectionTimeout
case .criticalError:
return CompactBlockProcessorError.criticalError
case .userCancelled:
return CompactBlockProcessorError.connectionTimeout
case .unknown:
return CompactBlockProcessorError.unspecifiedError(underlyingError: self)
extension CompactBlockProcessor.State: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: CompactBlockProcessor.State, rhs: CompactBlockProcessor.State) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
(.downloading, .downloading),
(.scanning, .scanning),
(.validating, .validating),
(.stopped, .stopped),
(.error, .error),
(.synced, .synced),
(.enhancing, enhancing),
(.fetching, .fetching):
return true
return false
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
public func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> UnifiedAddress? {
try? rustBackend.getCurrentAddress(
dbData: config.dataDb,
account: Int32(accountIndex),
networkType: config.network.networkType
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
[#461] Adopt a Type-Safe Keys and Addresses API This PR creates data types for Addresses and Keys so that they are not represented by Strings anymore. This avoids mistakenly use the wrong keys because they are all alike for the type system. New Protocols: ============= StringEncoded -> Protocol that makes a type can be expressed in an string-encoded fashion either for UI or Interchange purposes. Undescribable -> A protocol that implements methods that override default decriptions used by debuggers, loggers and event trackers to avoid types conforming to it to be leaked to logs. Deleted Protocols: ================== UnifiedFullViewingKey --> turned into a struct. UnifiedAddress --> turned into a struct new Error Type: ================ ```` enum KeyEncodingError: Error { case invalidEncoding } ```` This error is thrown when an Address or Key type (addresses are public keys in the end) can be decoded from their String representation, typically upon initialization from a User input. New Types: ========= SaplingExtendedSpendingKey -> Type for Sapling Extended Full Viewing Keys this type will be replaced with Unified Spending Keys soon. SaplingExtendedFullViewingKey -> Extended Full Viewing Key for Sapling. Maintains existing funcionality. Will be probably deprecated in favor of UFVK. TransparentAccountPrivKey -> Private key for transparent account. Used only for shielding operations. Note: this will probably be deprecated soon. UnifiedFullViewingKey -> Replaces the protocol that had the same name. TransparentAddress -> Replaces a type alias with a struct SaplingAddress --> Represents a Sapling receiver address. Comonly called zAddress. This address corresponds to the Zcash Sapling shielded pool. Although this it is fully functional, we encourage developers to choose `UnifiedAddress` before Sapling or Transparent ones. UnifiedAddress -> Represents a UA. String-encodable and Equatable. Use of UAs must be favored instead of individual receivers for different pools. This type can't be decomposed into their Receiver types yet. Recipient -> This represents all valid receiver types to be used as inputs for outgoing transactions. ```` public enum Recipient: Equatable, StringEncoded { case transparent(TransparentAddress) case sapling(SaplingAddress) case unified(UnifiedAddress) ```` The wrapped concrete receiver is a valid receiver type. Deleted Type Aliases: ===================== The following aliases were deleted and turned into types ```` public typealias TransparentAddress = String public typealias SaplingShieldedAddress = String ```` Changes to Derivation Tool ========================== DerivationTool has been changed to accomodate this new types and remove Strings whenever possible. Changes to Synchronizer and CompactBlockProcessor ================================================= Accordingly these to components have been modified to accept the new types intead of strings when possible. Changes to Demo App =================== The demo App has been patch to compile and work with the new types. Developers must consider that the use (and abuse) of forced_try and forced unwrapping is a "license" that maintainers are using for the sake of brevity. We consider that clients of this SDK do know how to handle Errors and Optional and it is not the objective of the demo code to show good practices on those matters. Closes #461
2022-08-20 15:10:22 -07:00
public func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> SaplingAddress? {
getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)?.saplingReceiver()
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
public func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> TransparentAddress? {
getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)?.transparentReceiver()
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
public func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) throws -> WalletBalance {
guard accountIndex >= 0 else {
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.invalidAccount
return WalletBalance(
verified: Zatoshi(
try rustBackend.getVerifiedTransparentBalance(
dbData: config.dataDb,
account: Int32(accountIndex),
networkType: config.network.networkType)
total: Zatoshi(
try rustBackend.getTransparentBalance(
dbData: config.dataDb,
account: Int32(accountIndex),
networkType: config.network.networkType
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func refreshUTXOs(tAddress: TransparentAddress, startHeight: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs {
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
let dataDb = self.config.dataDb
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> = downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: tAddress.stringEncoded, startHeight: startHeight)
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
do {
for try await utxo in stream {
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
guard try rustBackend.clearUtxos(
dbData: dataDb,
address: tAddress,
sinceHeight: startHeight - 1,
networkType: self.config.network.networkType
) >= 0 else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")
return storeUTXOs(utxos, in: dataDb)
} catch {
throw mapError(error)
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
private func storeUTXOs(_ utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], in dataDb: URL) -> RefreshedUTXOs {
var refreshed: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
var skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
for utxo in utxos {
do {
try self.rustBackend.putUnspentTransparentOutput(
dbData: dataDb,
txid: utxo.txid.bytes,
index: utxo.index,
script: utxo.script.bytes,
value: Int64(utxo.valueZat),
2021-07-26 16:22:30 -07:00
height: utxo.height,
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
networkType: self.config.network.networkType
) ? refreshed.append(utxo) : skipped.append(utxo)
2021-04-08 10:18:16 -07:00
} catch {
LoggerProxy.info("failed to put utxo - error: \(error)")
return (inserted: refreshed, skipped: skipped)
extension CompactBlockProcessorError: LocalizedError {
/// A localized message describing what error occurred.
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .dataDbInitFailed(let path):
return "Data Db file couldn't be initialized at path: \(path)"
case .connectionError(let underlyingError):
return "There's a problem with the Network Connection. Underlying error: \(underlyingError.localizedDescription)"
case .connectionTimeout:
return "Network connection timeout"
case .criticalError:
return "Critical Error"
case .generalError(let message):
return "Error Processing Blocks - \(message)"
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case let .grpcError(statusCode, message):
return "Error on gRPC - Status Code: \(statusCode) - Message: \(message)"
case .invalidAccount:
return "Invalid Account"
case .invalidConfiguration:
return "CompactBlockProcessor was started with an Invalid Configuration"
case .maxAttemptsReached(let attempts):
return "Compact Block failed \(attempts) times and reached the maximum amount of retries it was set up to do"
case .missingDbPath(let path):
return "CompactBlockProcessor was set up with path \(path) but thath location couldn't be reached"
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case let .networkMismatch(expected, found):
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
// swiftlint:disable:next line_length
return "A server was reached, but it's targeting the wrong network Type. App Expected \(expected) but found \(found). Make sure you are pointing to the right server"
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case let .saplingActivationMismatch(expected, found):
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
// swiftlint:disable:next line_length
return "A server was reached, it's showing a different sapling activation. App expected sapling activation height to be \(expected) but instead it found \(found). Are you sure you are pointing to the right server?"
case .unspecifiedError(let underlyingError):
return "Unspecified error caused by this underlying error: \(underlyingError)"
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
case let .wrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally, found):
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
// swiftlint:disable:next line_length
return "The remote server you are connecting to is publishing a different branch ID \(found) than the one your App is expecting to be (\(expectedLocally)). This could be caused by your App being out of date or the server you are connecting you being either on a different network or out of date after a network upgrade."
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
case .unknown: return "Unknown error occured."
/// A localized message describing the reason for the failure.
public var failureReason: String? {
/// A localized message describing how one might recover from the failure.
public var recoverySuggestion: String? {
/// A localized message providing "help" text if the user requests help.
public var helpAnchor: String? {
extension CompactBlockProcessor: EnhancementStreamDelegate {
2021-06-07 16:00:33 -07:00
func transactionEnhancementProgressUpdated(_ progress: EnhancementProgress) {
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
name: .blockProcessorEnhancementProgress,
object: self,
userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.enhancementProgress: progress]
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
2021-09-15 05:21:29 -07:00
enum NextStateHelper {
static func nextStateAsync(
service: LightWalletService,
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
config: Configuration,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
[476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - getting rid of the Operation Queue - the cleanup is needed - the update of tests is needed - tested and it successfully finishes the sync process [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - old processNewBlocks() removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unused operations removed [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests update [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - unit tests refactored [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - cleanup of deprecated method [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - fail(error) was called even for canceled tasks but that must be excluded [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - removal of all ZcashOperations from the code (unit test will follow) [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - network tests in building and success order again [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await - offline tests in building and success order [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup of suspending the task [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - most comments resolved [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - thread safe state for both sync and async context [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - fixed build for a sample project [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - func testStartNotifiesSuscriptors() reverted [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - TODO added to track why we used NSLock instead of an Actor - Task priority enhanced [476] CompactBlockProcessor to async/await (519) - cleanup in Tasks and priorities
2022-09-01 05:58:41 -07:00
) async throws -> NextState {
let task = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
do {
let info = try await service.getInfo()
try CompactBlockProcessor.validateServerInfo(
saplingActivation: config.saplingActivation,
localNetwork: config.network,
rustBackend: rustBackend
2021-09-17 06:49:58 -07:00
// get latest block height
let latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight = max(config.walletBirthday, try downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight())
let latestBlockheight = try service.latestBlockHeight()
if latestDownloadedBlockHeight < latestBlockheight {
return NextState.processNewBlocks(
range: CompactBlockProcessor.nextBatchBlockRange(
latestHeight: latestBlockheight,
latestDownloadedHeight: latestDownloadedBlockHeight,
walletBirthday: config.walletBirthday
} else if latestBlockheight == latestDownloadedBlockHeight {
return .finishProcessing(height: latestBlockheight)
return .wait(latestHeight: latestBlockheight, latestDownloadHeight: latestBlockheight)
} catch {
throw error
return try await task.value