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// ServiceHelper.swift
// gRPC-PoC
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 29/08/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
Swift GRPC implementation of Lightwalletd service */
2019-10-31 15:43:09 -07:00
public class LightWalletGRPCService {
var queue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "LightWalletGRPCService")
let channel: Channel
let compactTxStreamer: CompactTxStreamerServiceClient
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public init(channel: Channel) {
self.channel = channel
compactTxStreamer = CompactTxStreamerServiceClient(channel: self.channel)
public convenience init(endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint) {
self.init(host: endpoint.host, secure: endpoint.secure)
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public convenience init(host: String, secure: Bool = true) {
let channel = Channel(address: host, secure: secure, arguments: [])
self.init(channel: channel)
func blockRange(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight? = nil, result: @escaping (CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
try compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(BlockRange(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: endHeight)) { result($0) }
func latestBlock() throws -> BlockID {
try compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec())
func getTx(hash: String) throws -> RawTransaction {
var filter = TxFilter()
filter.hash = Data(hash.utf8)
return try compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(filter)
func getAllBlocksSinceSaplingLaunch(_ result: @escaping (CallResult) -> Void) throws -> CompactTxStreamerGetBlockRangeCall {
try compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(BlockRange.sinceSaplingActivation(), completion: result)
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
do {
let response = try self.compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(RawTransaction(serializedData: spendTransaction))
} catch {
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: error)))
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
let rawTx = RawTransaction.with { (raw) in
raw.data = spendTransaction
return try compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(rawTx)
2019-10-31 15:43:09 -07:00
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws -> [ZcashCompactBlock] {
var blocks = [ZcashCompactBlock]()
let call = try compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(), completion: { statusCode in
LoggerProxy.debug("finished with statusCode: \(statusCode)")
while let block = try call.receive() {
if let compactBlock = ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: block) {
} else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock
return blocks
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public func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
do {
2020-01-14 14:25:14 -08:00
try compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()) { (blockID, callResult) in
guard let rawHeight = blockID?.height, let blockHeight = Int(exactly: rawHeight) else {
2020-01-14 14:25:14 -08:00
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.failed(statusCode: callResult.statusCode, message: callResult.statusMessage ?? "No message")))
} catch {
// TODO: Handle Error
// TODO: Make cancellable
2019-10-31 15:43:09 -07:00
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
var blocks = [CompactBlock]()
var isSyncing = true
guard let response = try? self.compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(),completion: { (callResult) in
isSyncing = false
if callResult.success {
let code = callResult.statusCode
switch code{
case .ok:
do {
result(.success(try blocks.asZcashCompactBlocks()))
} catch {
2020-01-14 14:25:14 -08:00
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.failed(statusCode: code, message: callResult.statusMessage ?? "No Message")))
} else {
}) else {
do {
var element: CompactBlock?
repeat {
element = try response.receive()
if let e = element {
} while isSyncing && element != nil
} catch {
2019-10-31 15:43:09 -07:00
public func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
guard let height = try? latestBlock().compactBlockHeight() else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock
return height