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[#361] Introduce ZcashError (#1005) This PR introduces `ZcashError` enum. This enum represents any error that can be thrown inside of the SDK and outside of the SDK. Also `ZcashError` is used in `LightWalletGRPCService` and handled in `CompactBlockProcessor` as example. Why enum? First I tried this with some structure which contained code, message and underlyingError. Problem was when some specific place in the SDK would like to attach some additional data to error. I didn't want to add some generic dictionary to store anything with the error. So I used enum to identify error. Each member can have specified amount of associated values. So specific error can bring some context data. And it's type safe. Each error has also a code. Relationship between errors and codes is 1:1. It may looks bit redundant but it's important. The client app now can choose how to process errors. Either identify those by the error itself or by code. Definition or errors and codes is in `ZcashErrorDefinition`. And then `ZcashError` and `ZcashErrorCode` are generated by Sourcery. Thanks to this it is easier to maintain the final code. And it gives us ability to generate any kind of documentation for the errors and codes. I created simple example of this in this PR. And it doesn't make the SDK completely dependent on the Sourcery. Final structures aren't super complicated and can be written manually if needed. [#923] Update error handling in DatabaseStorageManager.swift - cleanup of DatabaseStorageManager, not used anymore - ZcashError for SimpleConnectionProvider Revert "[#923] Update error handling in DatabaseStorageManager.swift" This reverts commit 94e028d31a0f6635800c297eb741db74c6a6ff45. Fix script which generates ZcashError [#922] Update error handling in DatabaseMigrationManager.swift Closes #922 [#923] Update error handling in DatabaseStorageManager.swift - The DatabaseStorageManager is not used so I deleted it - SimpleConnectionProvider's errors updated Fix tests [#955] Update error handling in SaplingParameterDownloader Closes #955 [#936] Update error handling in NotesDao Closes #936 [#935] Update error handling in BlockDao Closes #935 [#931] InternalSyncProgress.computeNextState doesn't need to throw Closes #931 [#950] Update error handling in rust backend Closes #949 Closes #950 [#941] Update error handling in AccountEntity Closes #941 [#928] Update error handling in FSCompactBlockRepository Closes #928 [#925] Update error handling in BlockDownloaderService (#974) - BlockDownloaderService errors updated [#924] Update error handling in BlockDownloader (#973) - BlockDownloaderStream nextBlock updated [#942] Update error handling in TransactionEntity (#977) - ZcashTransaction init errors converted to the ZcashError [#939] Update error handling in TransactionDao (#976) - TransactionRepositoryError removed and replaced with ZcashError - all TransactionDAO errors converted to ZcashError [#943] Update error handling in ZcashCompactBlock Closes #943 [#945] Update error handling in Memo Closes #945 [#934] Update error handling in Checkpoint Closes #944 Closes #934 [#938] Update error handling in PendingTransactionDao Closes #938 [#926] Update error handling in BlockEnhancer - WIP, switching to transaction repository to unblock this ticket [#926] Update error handling in BlockEnhancer - enhancer's errors done [#926] Update error handling in BlockEnhancer (#994) - cleanup [#952] Update error handling in DerivationTool Closes #952 [#932] Update error handling in BlockValidator Closes #932 [#940] Update error handling in UnspentTransactionOutputDao Closes #940 [#946] Update error handling in WalletTypes Closes #946 [#954] Update error handling in WalletTransactionEncoder Closes #954 [#953] Update error handling in PersistentTransactionManager Closes #953 [#956] Update error handling in Initializer Closes #956 [#947] Update error handling in Zatoshi (#996) - Zatoshi's errors converted to ZcashError [#927] Update error handling in UTXOFetcher (#997) - UTXOFetcher resolved Use let instead of var where applicable In the SDK `var` was used on places where `let` would be sufficient. And default strategy in Swift should use use `let` until mutability is required. So all these places are changed. No logic is changed. [#933] Update error handling in CompactBlockProcessor - CompactBlockProcessor's errors refactored to ZcashError [#933] Update error handling in CompactBlockProcessor #999 - comments addressed [#951] Update error handling in SDKSynchronizer - SDKSynchronizer's errors refactored to ZcashError [#951] Update error handling in SDKSynchronizer (#1002) - comments resolved Make DerivationTool constructor public DerivationTool.init should be public. This was removed by accident when adopting async. [#361] Add changelog
2023-04-24 14:15:20 -07:00
// ZcashErrorDefinition.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 10.04.2023.
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable identifier_name
This enum won't every be directly used in the code. It is just definition of errors and it used as source for Sourcery. And the files used in the
code are then generated. Check `ZcashError` and `ZcashErrorCode`.
Please pay attention how each error is defined here. Important part is to raw code for each error. And it's important to use /// for the
documentation and only // for the sourcery command.
First line of documentation for each error will be used in automatically generated `message` property.
Error code should always start with `Z` letter. Then there should be 0-4 letters that marks in which part of the SDK is the code used. And then 4
numbers. This is suggestion to keep some order when it comes to error codes. Each code must be unique. `ZcashErrorCode` enum is generated from these
codes. So if the code isn't unique generated code won't compile.
enum ZcashErrorDefinition {
// MARK: - Initializer
/// Updating of paths in `Initilizer` according to alias failed.
// sourcery: code="ZINIT0001"
case initializerCantUpdateURLWithAlias(_ url: URL)
/// Alias used to create this instance of the `SDKSynchronizer` is already used by other instance.
// sourcery: code="ZINIT0002"
case initializerAliasAlreadyInUse(_ alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias)
// MARK: - LightWalletService
/// Unknown GRPC Service error
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0001"
case serviceUnknownError(_ error: Error)
/// LightWalletService.getInfo failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0002"
case serviceGetInfoFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.latestBlock failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0003"
case serviceLatestBlockFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.latestBlockHeight failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0004"
case serviceLatestBlockHeightFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.blockRange failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0005"
case serviceBlockRangeFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.submit failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0006"
case serviceSubmitFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.fetchTransaction failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0007"
case serviceFetchTransactionFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.fetchUTXOs failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0008"
case serviceFetchUTXOsFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
/// LightWalletService.blockStream failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSRVC0000"
case serviceBlockStreamFailed(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
// MARK: - DB Migration
/// Migration of the pending DB failed because of unspecific reason.
// sourcery: code="ZDBMG0001"
case dbMigrationGenericFailure(_ error: Error)
/// Migration of the pending DB failed because unknown version of the existing database.
// sourcery: code="ZDBMG00002"
case dbMigrationInvalidVersion
/// Migration of the pending DB to version 1 failed.
// sourcery: code="ZDBMG00003"
case dbMigrationV1(_ dbError: Error)
/// Migration of the pending DB to version 2 failed.
// sourcery: code="ZDBMG00004"
case dbMigrationV2(_ dbError: Error)
// MARK: SQLite connection
/// SimpleConnectionProvider init of Connection failed.
// sourcery: code="ZSCPC0001"
case simpleConnectionProvider(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - Sapling parameters download
/// Downloaded file with sapling spending parameters isn't valid.
// sourcery: code="ZSAPP0001"
case saplingParamsInvalidSpendParams
/// Downloaded file with sapling output parameters isn't valid.
// sourcery: code="ZSAPP0002"
case saplingParamsInvalidOutputParams
/// Failed to download sapling parameters file
/// - `error` is download error.
/// - `downloadURL` is URL from which was file downloaded.
// sourcery: code="ZSAPP0003"
case saplingParamsDownload(_ error: Error, _ downloadURL: URL)
/// Failed to move sapling parameters file to final destination after download.
/// - `error` is move error.
/// - `downloadURL` is URL from which was file downloaded.
/// - `destination` is filesystem URL pointing to location where downloaded file should be moved.
// sourcery: code="ZSAPP0004"
case saplingParamsCantMoveDownloadedFile(_ error: Error, _ downloadURL: URL, _ destination: URL)
// MARK: - NotesDAO
/// SQLite query failed when fetching received notes count from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0001"
case notesDAOReceivedCount(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching received notes from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0002"
case notesDAOReceivedNote(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched note from the SQLite but can't decode that.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0003"
case notesDAOReceivedCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching sent notes count from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0004"
case notesDAOSentCount(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching sent notes from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0005"
case notesDAOSentNote(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched note from the SQLite but can't decode that.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZNDAO0006"
case notesDAOSentCantDecode(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - BlockDAO
/// SQLite query failed when fetching block information from database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZBDAO0001"
case blockDAOBlock(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched block information from DB but can't decode them.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZBDAO0002"
case blockDAOCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching height of the latest block from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZBDAO0003"
case blockDAOLatestBlockHeight(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching the latest block from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZBDAO0004"
case blockDAOLatestBlock(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched latesxt block information from DB but can't decode them.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZBDAO0005"
case blockDAOLatestBlockCantDecode(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - Rust
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.createAccount
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0001"
case rustCreateAccount(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.createToAddress
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0002"
case rustCreateToAddress(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.decryptAndStoreTransaction
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0003"
case rustDecryptAndStoreTransaction(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getBalance.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0004"
case rustGetBalance(_ account: Int, _ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getCurrentAddress
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0005"
case rustGetCurrentAddress(_ rustError: String)
/// Unified address generated by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.getCurrentAddress
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0006"
case rustGetCurrentAddressInvalidAddress
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getNearestRewindHeight
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0007"
case rustGetNearestRewindHeight(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getNextAvailableAddress
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0008"
case rustGetNextAvailableAddress(_ rustError: String)
/// Unified address generated by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.getNextAvailableAddress
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0009"
case rustGetNextAvailableAddressInvalidAddress
/// account parameter is lower than 0 when calling ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentBalance.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0010"
case rustGetTransparentBalanceNegativeAccount(_ account: Int)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentBalance.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0011"
case rustGetTransparentBalance(_ account: Int, _ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedBalance.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0012"
case rustGetVerifiedBalance(_ account: Int, _ rustError: String)
/// account parameter is lower than 0 when calling ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedTransparentBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedTransparentBalance.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0013"
case rustGetVerifiedTransparentBalanceNegativeAccount(_ account: Int)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedTransparentBalance
/// - `account` is account passed to ZcashRustBackend.getVerifiedTransparentBalance.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0014"
case rustGetVerifiedTransparentBalance(_ account: Int, _ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initDataDb
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0015"
case rustInitDataDb(_ rustError: String)
/// Any of the viewing keys passed to the ZcashRustBackend.initAccountsTable method contains null bytes before end
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0016"
case rustInitAccountsTableViewingKeyCotainsNullBytes
/// Any of the viewing keys passed to the ZcashRustBackend.initAccountsTable method isn't valid
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0017"
case rustInitAccountsTableViewingKeyIsInvalid
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initAccountsTable
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0018"
case rustInitAccountsTableDataDbNotEmpty
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initAccountsTable
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0019"
case rustInitAccountsTable(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initBlockMetadataDb
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0020"
case rustInitBlockMetadataDb(_ rustError: String)
/// Unable to allocate memory required to write blocks when calling ZcashRustBackend.writeBlocksMetadata
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0021"
case rustWriteBlocksMetadataAllocationProblem
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.writeBlocksMetadata
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0022"
case rustWriteBlocksMetadata(_ rustError: String)
/// hash passed to the ZcashRustBackend.initBlocksTable method contains null bytes before end
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0023"
case rustInitBlocksTableHashContainsNullBytes
/// saplingTree passed to the ZcashRustBackend.initBlocksTable method contains null bytes before end
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0024"
case rustInitBlocksTableSaplingTreeContainsNullBytes
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initBlocksTable
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0025"
case rustInitBlocksTableDataDbNotEmpty
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.initBlocksTable
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0026"
case rustInitBlocksTable(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.listTransparentReceivers
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0027"
case rustListTransparentReceivers(_ rustError: String)
/// Transparent receiver generated by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.listTransparentReceivers
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0028"
case rustListTransparentReceiversInvalidAddress
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.putUnspentTransparentOutput
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0029"
case rustPutUnspentTransparentOutput(_ rustError: String)
/// Error unrelated to chain validity from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.validateCombinedChain
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0030"
case rustValidateCombinedChainValidationFailed(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer which means that combined chain isn't valid.
/// - `upperBound` is the height of the highest invalid block (on the assumption that the highest block in the cache database is correct).
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0031"
case rustValidateCombinedChainInvalidChain(_ upperBound: Int32)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.rewindToHeight
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0032"
case rustRewindToHeight(_ height: Int32, _ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.rewindCacheToHeight
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0033"
case rustRewindCacheToHeight(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.scanBlocks
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0034"
case rustScanBlocks(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.shieldFunds
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0035"
case rustShieldFunds(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.consensusBranchIdFor
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0036"
case rustNoConsensusBranchId(_ height: Int32)
/// address passed to the ZcashRustBackend.receiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddress method contains null bytes before end
/// - `address` is address passed to ZcashRustBackend.receiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddress.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0037"
case rustReceiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddressContainsNullBytes(_ address: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.receiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddress
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0038"
case rustRustReceiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddressMalformed
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.deriveUnifiedSpendingKey
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0039"
case rustDeriveUnifiedSpendingKey(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0040"
case rustDeriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ rustError: String)
/// Viewing key derived by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0041"
case rustDeriveUnifiedFullViewingKeyInvalidDerivedKey
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getSaplingReceiver
/// - `address` is address passed to ZcashRustBackend.getSaplingReceiver.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0042"
case rustGetSaplingReceiverInvalidAddress(_ address: UnifiedAddress)
/// Sapling receiver generated by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.getSaplingReceiver
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0043"
case rustGetSaplingReceiverInvalidReceiver
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentReceiver
/// - `address` is address passed to ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentReceiver.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0044"
case rustGetTransparentReceiverInvalidAddress(_ address: UnifiedAddress)
/// Transparent receiver generated by rust layer is invalid when calling ZcashRustBackend.getTransparentReceiver
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0045"
case rustGetTransparentReceiverInvalidReceiver
// MARK: - Account DAO
/// SQLite query failed when fetching all accounts from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0001"
case accountDAOGetAll(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched accounts from SQLite but can't decode them.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0002"
case accountDAOGetAllCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when seaching for accounts in the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0003"
case accountDAOFindBy(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched accounts from SQLite but can't decode them.
/// - `error` is decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0004"
case accountDAOFindByCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// Object passed to update() method conforms to `AccountEntity` protocol but isn't exactly `Account` type.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0005"
case accountDAOUpdateInvalidAccount
/// SQLite query failed when updating account in the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0006"
case accountDAOUpdate(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Update of the account updated 0 rows in the database. One row should be updated.
// sourcery: code="ZADAO0007"
case accountDAOUpdatedZeroRows
// MARK: - Block storage
/// Failed to write block to disk.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP00001"
case blockRepositoryWriteBlock(_ block: ZcashCompactBlock)
/// Failed to get filename for the block from file URL.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0002"
case blockRepositoryGetFilename(_ url: URL)
/// Failed to parse block height from filename.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0003"
case blockRepositoryParseHeightFromFilename(_ filename: String)
/// Failed to remove existing block from disk.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0004"
case blockRepositoryRemoveExistingBlock(_ error: Error)
/// Failed to get filename and information if url points to directory from file URL.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0005"
case blockRepositoryGetFilenameAndIsDirectory(_ url: URL)
/// Failed to create blocks cache directory.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0006"
case blockRepositoryCreateBlocksCacheDirectory(_ url: URL)
/// Failed to read content of directory.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0007"
case blockRepositoryReadDirectoryContent(_ url: URL)
/// Failed to remove block from disk after rewind operation.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0008"
case blockRepositoryRemoveBlockAfterRewind(_ url: URL)
/// Failed to remove blocks cache directory while clearing storage.
// sourcery: code="ZBLRP0009"
case blockRepositoryRemoveBlocksCacheDirectory(_ url: URL)
// MARK: - BlockDownloaderService
/// Stream downloading the given block range failed.
// sourcery: code="ZBDSEO0001"
case blockDownloaderServiceDownloadBlockRange(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - Transaction Entity / ZcashTransaction
/// Initialization of `ZcashTransaction.Overview` failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTEZT0001"
case zcashTransactionOverviewInit(_ error: Error)
/// Initialization of `ZcashTransaction.Received` failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTEZT0002"
case zcashTransactionReceivedInit(_ error: Error)
/// Initialization of `ZcashTransaction.Sent` failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTEZT0003"
case zcashTransactionSentInit(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - Transaction Repository
/// Entity not found in the database, result of `createEntity` execution.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0001"
case transactionRepositoryEntityNotFound
/// `Find` call is missing fields, required fields are transaction `index` and `blockTime`.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0002"
case transactionRepositoryTransactionMissingRequiredFields
/// Counting all transactions failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0003"
case transactionRepositoryCountAll(_ error: Error)
/// Counting all unmined transactions failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0004"
case transactionRepositoryCountUnmined(_ error: Error)
/// Execution of a query failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0005"
case transactionRepositoryQueryExecute(_ error: Error)
/// Finding memos in the database failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTREE0006"
case transactionRepositoryFindMemos(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - ZcashCompactBlock
/// Can't encode `ZcashCompactBlock` object.
// sourcery: code="ZCMPB0001"
case compactBlockEncode(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - Memo
/// Invalid UTF-8 Bytes where detected when attempting to create a MemoText.
// sourcery: code="ZMEMO0001"
case memoTextInvalidUTF8
/// Trailing null-bytes were found when attempting to create a MemoText.
// sourcery: code="ZMEMO0002"
case memoTextInputEndsWithNullBytes
/// The resulting bytes provided are too long to be stored as a MemoText.
// sourcery: code="ZMEMO0003"
case memoTextInputTooLong(_ length: Int)
/// The resulting bytes provided are too long to be stored as a MemoBytes.
// sourcery: code="ZMEMO0004"
case memoBytesInputTooLong(_ length: Int)
/// Invalid UTF-8 Bytes where detected when attempting to convert MemoBytes to Memo.
// sourcery: code="ZMEMO0005"
case memoBytesInvalidUTF8
// MARK: - Checkpoint
/// Failed to load JSON with checkpoint from disk.
// sourcery: code="ZCHKP0001"
case checkpointCantLoadFromDisk(_ error: Error)
/// Failed to decode `Checkpoint` object.
// sourcery: code="ZCHKP0002"
case checkpointDecode(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - PendingTransactionDAO
/// Decoding of `PendingTransaction` failed because of specific invalid data.
/// - `field` is list of fields names that contain invalid data.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0001"
case pendingTransactionDecodeInvalidData(_ fields: [String])
/// Can't decode `PendingTransaction`.
/// - `error` is error which described why decoding failed.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0002"
case pendingTransactionCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// Can't encode `PendingTransaction`.
/// - `error` is error which described why encoding failed.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0003"
case pendingTransactionCantEncode(_ error: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when creating pending transaction.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0004"
case pendingTransactionDAOCreate(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Pending transaction which should be updated is missing ID.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0005"
case pendingTransactionDAOUpdateMissingID
/// SQLite query failed when updating pending transaction.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0006"
case pendingTransactionDAOUpdate(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Pending transaction which should be deleted is missing ID.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0007"
case pendingTransactionDAODeleteMissingID
/// SQLite query failed when deleting pending transaction.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0008"
case pendingTransactionDAODelete(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Pending transaction which should be canceled is missing ID.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0009"
case pendingTransactionDAOCancelMissingID
/// SQLite query failed when canceling pending transaction.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0010"
case pendingTransactionDAOCancel(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when seaching for pending transaction.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0011"
case pendingTransactionDAOFind(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when getting pending transactions.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0012"
case pendingTransactionDAOGetAll(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when applying mined height.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZPETR0013"
case pendingTransactionDAOApplyMinedHeight(_ sqliteError: Error)
// MARK: - DerivationTool
/// Invalid account when trying to derive spending key
// sourcery: code="ZDRVT0001"
case derivationToolSpendingKeyInvalidAccount
// MARK: - UnspentTransactionOutputDAO
/// Creation of the table for unspent transaction output failed.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0001"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOCreateTable(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when storing unspent transaction output.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0002"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOStore(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when removing all the unspent transation outputs.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0003"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOClearAll(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// Fetched information about unspent transaction output from the DB but it can't be decoded to `UTXO` object.
/// - `error` decoding error.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0004"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOGetAllCantDecode(_ error: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when getting all the unspent transation outputs.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0005"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOGetAll(_ sqliteError: Error)
/// SQLite query failed when getting balance.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
// sourcery: code="ZUTOD0006"
case unspentTransactionOutputDAOBalance(_ sqliteError: Error)
// MARK: - WalletTypes
/// Can't create `SaplingExtendedSpendingKey` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0001"
case spendingKeyInvalidInput
/// Can't create `UnifiedFullViewingKey` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0002"
case unifiedFullViewingKeyInvalidInput
/// Can't create `SaplingExtendedFullViewingKey` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0003"
case extetendedFullViewingKeyInvalidInput
/// Can't create `TransparentAddress` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0004"
case transparentAddressInvalidInput
/// Can't create `SaplingAddress` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0005"
case saplingAddressInvalidInput
/// Can't create `UnifiedAddress` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0006"
case unifiedAddressInvalidInput
/// Can't create `Recipient` because input is invalid.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTP0007"
case recipientInvalidInput
// MARK: - WalletTransactionEncoder
/// WalletTransactionEncoder wants to create transaction but files with sapling parameters are not present on disk.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTE0001"
case walletTransEncoderCreateTransactionMissingSaplingParams
/// WalletTransactionEncoder wants to shield funds but files with sapling parameters are not present on disk.
// sourcery: code="ZWLTE0002"
case walletTransEncoderShieldFundsMissingSaplingParams
// MARK: - PersistentTransactionManager
/// PersistentTransactionsManager cant create transaction.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0001"
case persistentTransManagerCantCreateTransaction(_ recipient: PendingTransactionRecipient, _ account: Int, _ zatoshi: Zatoshi)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager cant get to address from pending transaction.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0002"
case persistentTransManagerEncodeUknownToAddress(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to submit pending transaction but transaction is missing id.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0003"
case persistentTransManagerSubmitTransactionIDMissing(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to submit pending transaction but transaction is missing id. Transaction is probably not stored.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0004"
case persistentTransManagerSubmitTransactionNotFound(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to submit pending transaction but transaction is canceled.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0005"
case persistentTransManagerSubmitTransactionCanceled(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to submit pending transaction but transaction is missing raw data.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0006"
case persistentTransManagerSubmitTransactionRawDataMissing(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to submit pending transaction but submit API call failed.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0007"
case persistentTransManagerSubmitFailed(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity, _ serviceErrorCode: Int)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to apply mined height to transaction but transaction is missing id. Transaction is probably not stored.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0008"
case persistentTransManagerApplyMinedHeightTransactionIDMissing(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
/// PersistentTransactionsManager wants to apply mined height to transaction but transaction is not found in storage. Transaction is probably not stored.
// sourcery: code="ZPTRM0009"
case persistentTransManagerApplyMinedHeightTransactionNotFound(_ entity: PendingTransactionEntity)
// MARK: - Zatoshi
/// Initiatilzation fo `Zatoshi` from a decoder failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTSHO0001"
case zatoshiDecode(_ error: Error)
/// Encode of `Zatoshi` failed.
// sourcery: code="ZTSHO0002"
case zatoshiEncode(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - UTXOFetcher
/// Awaiting transactions from the stream failed.
// sourcery: code="ZUTXO0001"
case unspentTransactionFetcherStream(_ error: Error)
// MARK: - CompactBlockProcessor
/// CompactBlockProcessor was started with an invalid configuration.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0001"
case compactBlockProcessorInvalidConfiguration
/// CompactBlockProcessor was set up with path but that location couldn't be reached.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0002"
case compactBlockProcessorMissingDbPath(_ path: String)
/// Data Db file couldn't be initialized at path.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0003"
case compactBlockProcessorDataDbInitFailed(_ path: String)
/// There's a problem with the network connection.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0004"
case compactBlockProcessorConnection(_ underlyingError: Error)
/// Error on gRPC happened.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0005"
case compactBlockProcessorGrpcError(statusCode: Int, message: String)
/// Network connection timeout.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0006"
case compactBlockProcessorConnectionTimeout
/// Compact Block failed and reached the maximum amount of retries it was set up to do.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0007"
case compactBlockProcessorMaxAttemptsReached(_ attempts: Int)
/// Unspecified error occured.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0008"
case compactBlockProcessorUnspecified(_ underlyingError: Error)
/// Critical error occured.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0009"
case compactBlockProcessorCritical
/// Invalid Account.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0010"
case compactBlockProcessorInvalidAccount
/// The remote server you are connecting to is publishing a different branch ID than the one your App is expecting This could be caused by your App being out of date or the server you are connecting you being either on a different network or out of date after a network upgrade.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0011"
case compactBlockProcessorWrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally: ConsensusBranchID, found: ConsensusBranchID)
/// A server was reached, but it's targeting the wrong network Type. Make sure you are pointing to the right server.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0012"
case compactBlockProcessorNetworkMismatch(expected: NetworkType, found: NetworkType)
/// A server was reached, it's showing a different sapling activation. Are you sure you are pointing to the right server?
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0013"
case compactBlockProcessorSaplingActivationMismatch(expected: BlockHeight, found: BlockHeight)
/// when the given URL is the same URL than the one provided as `self.fsBlockDbRoot` assuming that's a programming error being the `legacyCacheDbURL` a sqlite database file and not a directory
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0014"
case compactBlockProcessorCacheDbMigrationFsCacheMigrationFailedSameURL
/// Deletion of readable file at the provided URL failed.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0015"
case compactBlockProcessorCacheDbMigrationFailedToDeleteLegacyDb(_ error: Error)
/// Chain name does not match. Expected either 'test' or 'main'. This is probably an API or programming error.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0016"
case compactBlockProcessorChainName(_ name: String)
/// Consensus BranchIDs don't match this is probably an API or programming error.
// sourcery: code="ZCBPEO0017"
case compactBlockProcessorConsensusBranchID
// MARK: - SDKSynchronizer
/// The synchronizer is unprepared.
// sourcery: code="ZSYNCO0001"
case synchronizerNotPrepared
/// Memos can't be sent to transparent addresses.
// sourcery: code="ZSYNCO0002"
case synchronizerSendMemoToTransparentAddress
/// There is not enough transparent funds to cover fee for the shielding.
// sourcery: code="ZSYNCO0003"
case synchronizerShieldFundsInsuficientTransparentFunds
/// LatestUTXOs for the address failed, invalid t-address.
// sourcery: code="ZSYNCO0004"
case synchronizerLatestUTXOsInvalidTAddress
/// Rewind failed, unknown archor height
// sourcery: code="ZSYNCO0005"
case synchronizerRewindUnknownArchorHeight