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// Generated using Sourcery 2.1.4 https://github.com/krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
import Combine
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
import Foundation
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - AutoMockable protocols
class ActionContextMock: ActionContext {
) {
var state: CBPState {
get { return underlyingState }
var underlyingState: CBPState!
var prevState: CBPState?
var syncControlData: SyncControlData {
get { return underlyingSyncControlData }
var underlyingSyncControlData: SyncControlData!
var requestedRewindHeight: BlockHeight?
var processedHeight: BlockHeight {
get { return underlyingProcessedHeight }
var underlyingProcessedHeight: BlockHeight!
var lastChainTipUpdateTime: TimeInterval {
get { return underlyingLastChainTipUpdateTime }
var underlyingLastChainTipUpdateTime: TimeInterval!
var lastScannedHeight: BlockHeight?
var lastEnhancedHeight: BlockHeight?
// MARK: - update
var updateStateCallsCount = 0
var updateStateCalled: Bool {
return updateStateCallsCount > 0
var updateStateReceivedState: CBPState?
var updateStateClosure: ((CBPState) async -> Void)?
func update(state: CBPState) async {
updateStateCallsCount += 1
updateStateReceivedState = state
await updateStateClosure!(state)
// MARK: - update
var updateSyncControlDataCallsCount = 0
var updateSyncControlDataCalled: Bool {
return updateSyncControlDataCallsCount > 0
var updateSyncControlDataReceivedSyncControlData: SyncControlData?
var updateSyncControlDataClosure: ((SyncControlData) async -> Void)?
func update(syncControlData: SyncControlData) async {
updateSyncControlDataCallsCount += 1
updateSyncControlDataReceivedSyncControlData = syncControlData
await updateSyncControlDataClosure!(syncControlData)
// MARK: - update
var updateProcessedHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateProcessedHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateProcessedHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateProcessedHeightReceivedProcessedHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateProcessedHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func update(processedHeight: BlockHeight) async {
updateProcessedHeightCallsCount += 1
updateProcessedHeightReceivedProcessedHeight = processedHeight
await updateProcessedHeightClosure!(processedHeight)
// MARK: - update
var updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeCallsCount = 0
var updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeCalled: Bool {
return updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeCallsCount > 0
var updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeReceivedLastChainTipUpdateTime: TimeInterval?
var updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeClosure: ((TimeInterval) async -> Void)?
func update(lastChainTipUpdateTime: TimeInterval) async {
updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeCallsCount += 1
updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeReceivedLastChainTipUpdateTime = lastChainTipUpdateTime
await updateLastChainTipUpdateTimeClosure!(lastChainTipUpdateTime)
// MARK: - update
var updateLastScannedHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateLastScannedHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateLastScannedHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateLastScannedHeightReceivedLastScannedHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateLastScannedHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func update(lastScannedHeight: BlockHeight) async {
updateLastScannedHeightCallsCount += 1
updateLastScannedHeightReceivedLastScannedHeight = lastScannedHeight
await updateLastScannedHeightClosure!(lastScannedHeight)
// MARK: - update
var updateLastDownloadedHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateLastDownloadedHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateLastDownloadedHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateLastDownloadedHeightReceivedLastDownloadedHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateLastDownloadedHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func update(lastDownloadedHeight: BlockHeight) async {
updateLastDownloadedHeightCallsCount += 1
updateLastDownloadedHeightReceivedLastDownloadedHeight = lastDownloadedHeight
await updateLastDownloadedHeightClosure!(lastDownloadedHeight)
// MARK: - update
var updateLastEnhancedHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateLastEnhancedHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateLastEnhancedHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateLastEnhancedHeightReceivedLastEnhancedHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateLastEnhancedHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight?) async -> Void)?
func update(lastEnhancedHeight: BlockHeight?) async {
updateLastEnhancedHeightCallsCount += 1
updateLastEnhancedHeightReceivedLastEnhancedHeight = lastEnhancedHeight
await updateLastEnhancedHeightClosure!(lastEnhancedHeight)
// MARK: - update
var updateRequestedRewindHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateRequestedRewindHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateRequestedRewindHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateRequestedRewindHeightReceivedRequestedRewindHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateRequestedRewindHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func update(requestedRewindHeight: BlockHeight) async {
updateRequestedRewindHeightCallsCount += 1
updateRequestedRewindHeightReceivedRequestedRewindHeight = requestedRewindHeight
await updateRequestedRewindHeightClosure!(requestedRewindHeight)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class BlockDownloaderMock: BlockDownloader {
) {
// MARK: - setDownloadLimit
var setDownloadLimitCallsCount = 0
var setDownloadLimitCalled: Bool {
return setDownloadLimitCallsCount > 0
var setDownloadLimitReceivedLimit: BlockHeight?
var setDownloadLimitClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func setDownloadLimit(_ limit: BlockHeight) async {
setDownloadLimitCallsCount += 1
setDownloadLimitReceivedLimit = limit
await setDownloadLimitClosure!(limit)
// MARK: - setSyncRange
var setSyncRangeBatchSizeThrowableError: Error?
var setSyncRangeBatchSizeCallsCount = 0
var setSyncRangeBatchSizeCalled: Bool {
return setSyncRangeBatchSizeCallsCount > 0
var setSyncRangeBatchSizeReceivedArguments: (range: CompactBlockRange, batchSize: Int)?
var setSyncRangeBatchSizeClosure: ((CompactBlockRange, Int) async throws -> Void)?
func setSyncRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, batchSize: Int) async throws {
if let error = setSyncRangeBatchSizeThrowableError {
throw error
setSyncRangeBatchSizeCallsCount += 1
setSyncRangeBatchSizeReceivedArguments = (range: range, batchSize: batchSize)
try await setSyncRangeBatchSizeClosure!(range, batchSize)
// MARK: - startDownload
var startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeCallsCount = 0
var startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeCalled: Bool {
return startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeCallsCount > 0
var startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeReceivedMaxBlockBufferSize: Int?
var startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeClosure: ((Int) async -> Void)?
func startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: Int) async {
startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeCallsCount += 1
startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeReceivedMaxBlockBufferSize = maxBlockBufferSize
await startDownloadMaxBlockBufferSizeClosure!(maxBlockBufferSize)
// MARK: - stopDownload
var stopDownloadCallsCount = 0
var stopDownloadCalled: Bool {
return stopDownloadCallsCount > 0
var stopDownloadClosure: (() async -> Void)?
func stopDownload() async {
stopDownloadCallsCount += 1
await stopDownloadClosure!()
// MARK: - waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded
var waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInThrowableError: Error?
var waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInCallsCount = 0
var waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInCalled: Bool {
return waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInCallsCount > 0
var waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInReceivedRange: CompactBlockRange?
var waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInClosure: ((CompactBlockRange) async throws -> Void)?
func waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded(in range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
if let error = waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInThrowableError {
throw error
waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInCallsCount += 1
waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInReceivedRange = range
try await waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloadedInClosure!(range)
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
// MARK: - update
var updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceCallsCount = 0
var updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceCalled: Bool {
return updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceCallsCount > 0
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
var updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceReceivedArguments: (latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight, force: Bool)?
var updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceClosure: ((BlockHeight, Bool) async -> Void)?
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
func update(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight, force: Bool) async {
updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceCallsCount += 1
updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceReceivedArguments = (latestDownloadedBlockHeight: latestDownloadedBlockHeight, force: force)
await updateLatestDownloadedBlockHeightForceClosure!(latestDownloadedBlockHeight, force)
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
// MARK: - latestDownloadedBlockHeight
var latestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestDownloadedBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestDownloadedBlockHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var latestDownloadedBlockHeightClosure: (() async -> BlockHeight)?
func latestDownloadedBlockHeight() async -> BlockHeight {
latestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestDownloadedBlockHeightClosure {
return await closure()
} else {
return latestDownloadedBlockHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - rewind
var rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightReceivedLatestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight?
var rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight?) async -> Void)?
func rewind(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight?) async {
rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightReceivedLatestDownloadedBlockHeight = latestDownloadedBlockHeight
await rewindLatestDownloadedBlockHeightClosure!(latestDownloadedBlockHeight)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class BlockDownloaderServiceMock: BlockDownloaderService {
) {
var storage: CompactBlockRepository {
get { return underlyingStorage }
var underlyingStorage: CompactBlockRepository!
// MARK: - downloadBlockRange
var downloadBlockRangeThrowableError: Error?
var downloadBlockRangeCallsCount = 0
var downloadBlockRangeCalled: Bool {
return downloadBlockRangeCallsCount > 0
var downloadBlockRangeReceivedHeightRange: CompactBlockRange?
var downloadBlockRangeClosure: ((CompactBlockRange) async throws -> Void)?
func downloadBlockRange(_ heightRange: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
if let error = downloadBlockRangeThrowableError {
throw error
downloadBlockRangeCallsCount += 1
downloadBlockRangeReceivedHeightRange = heightRange
try await downloadBlockRangeClosure!(heightRange)
// MARK: - rewind
var rewindToThrowableError: Error?
var rewindToCallsCount = 0
var rewindToCalled: Bool {
return rewindToCallsCount > 0
var rewindToReceivedHeight: BlockHeight?
var rewindToClosure: ((BlockHeight) async throws -> Void)?
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
if let error = rewindToThrowableError {
throw error
rewindToCallsCount += 1
rewindToReceivedHeight = height
try await rewindToClosure!(height)
// MARK: - lastDownloadedBlockHeight
var lastDownloadedBlockHeightThrowableError: Error?
var lastDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var lastDownloadedBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return lastDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var lastDownloadedBlockHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var lastDownloadedBlockHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
func lastDownloadedBlockHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = lastDownloadedBlockHeightThrowableError {
throw error
lastDownloadedBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = lastDownloadedBlockHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return lastDownloadedBlockHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - latestBlockHeight
var latestBlockHeightThrowableError: Error?
var latestBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestBlockHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var latestBlockHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
func latestBlockHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = latestBlockHeightThrowableError {
throw error
latestBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestBlockHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return latestBlockHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchTransaction
var fetchTransactionTxIdThrowableError: Error?
var fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount = 0
var fetchTransactionTxIdCalled: Bool {
return fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount > 0
var fetchTransactionTxIdReceivedTxId: Data?
var fetchTransactionTxIdReturnValue: ZcashTransaction.Fetched!
var fetchTransactionTxIdClosure: ((Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Fetched)?
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Fetched {
if let error = fetchTransactionTxIdThrowableError {
throw error
fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount += 1
fetchTransactionTxIdReceivedTxId = txId
if let closure = fetchTransactionTxIdClosure {
return try await closure(txId)
} else {
return fetchTransactionTxIdReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightCallsCount = 0
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightCalled: Bool {
return fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightCallsCount > 0
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightReceivedArguments: (tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight)?
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>!
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightClosure: ((String, BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>)?
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightCallsCount += 1
fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightReceivedArguments = (tAddress: tAddress, startHeight: startHeight)
if let closure = fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightClosure {
return closure(tAddress, startHeight)
} else {
return fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressStartHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightCallsCount = 0
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightCalled: Bool {
return fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightCallsCount > 0
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightReceivedArguments: (tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight)?
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>!
var fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightClosure: (([String], BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>)?
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightCallsCount += 1
fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightReceivedArguments = (tAddresses: tAddresses, startHeight: startHeight)
if let closure = fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightClosure {
return closure(tAddresses, startHeight)
} else {
return fetchUnspentTransactionOutputsTAddressesStartHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - closeConnection
var closeConnectionCallsCount = 0
var closeConnectionCalled: Bool {
return closeConnectionCallsCount > 0
var closeConnectionClosure: (() -> Void)?
func closeConnection() {
closeConnectionCallsCount += 1
class BlockEnhancerMock: BlockEnhancer {
) {
// MARK: - enhance
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceThrowableError: Error?
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceCallsCount = 0
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceCalled: Bool {
return enhanceAtDidEnhanceCallsCount > 0
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceReceivedArguments: (range: CompactBlockRange, didEnhance: (EnhancementProgress) async -> Void)?
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]?
var enhanceAtDidEnhanceClosure: ((CompactBlockRange, @escaping (EnhancementProgress) async -> Void) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]?)?
func enhance(at range: CompactBlockRange, didEnhance: @escaping (EnhancementProgress) async -> Void) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]? {
if let error = enhanceAtDidEnhanceThrowableError {
throw error
enhanceAtDidEnhanceCallsCount += 1
enhanceAtDidEnhanceReceivedArguments = (range: range, didEnhance: didEnhance)
if let closure = enhanceAtDidEnhanceClosure {
return try await closure(range, didEnhance)
} else {
return enhanceAtDidEnhanceReturnValue
class BlockScannerMock: BlockScanner {
) {
// MARK: - scanBlocks
var scanBlocksAtDidScanThrowableError: Error?
var scanBlocksAtDidScanCallsCount = 0
var scanBlocksAtDidScanCalled: Bool {
return scanBlocksAtDidScanCallsCount > 0
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var scanBlocksAtDidScanReceivedArguments: (range: CompactBlockRange, didScan: (BlockHeight, UInt32) async throws -> Void)?
var scanBlocksAtDidScanReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var scanBlocksAtDidScanClosure: ((CompactBlockRange, @escaping (BlockHeight, UInt32) async throws -> Void) async throws -> BlockHeight)?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
func scanBlocks(at range: CompactBlockRange, didScan: @escaping (BlockHeight, UInt32) async throws -> Void) async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = scanBlocksAtDidScanThrowableError {
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
throw error
scanBlocksAtDidScanCallsCount += 1
scanBlocksAtDidScanReceivedArguments = (range: range, didScan: didScan)
if let closure = scanBlocksAtDidScanClosure {
return try await closure(range, didScan)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
} else {
return scanBlocksAtDidScanReturnValue
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class CompactBlockRepositoryMock: CompactBlockRepository {
) {
// MARK: - create
var createThrowableError: Error?
var createCallsCount = 0
var createCalled: Bool {
return createCallsCount > 0
var createClosure: (() async throws -> Void)?
func create() async throws {
if let error = createThrowableError {
throw error
createCallsCount += 1
try await createClosure!()
// MARK: - latestHeight
var latestHeightThrowableError: Error?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var latestHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var latestHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
func latestHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = latestHeightThrowableError {
throw error
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
latestHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
} else {
return latestHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - write
var writeBlocksThrowableError: Error?
var writeBlocksCallsCount = 0
var writeBlocksCalled: Bool {
return writeBlocksCallsCount > 0
var writeBlocksReceivedBlocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]?
var writeBlocksClosure: (([ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws -> Void)?
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
if let error = writeBlocksThrowableError {
throw error
writeBlocksCallsCount += 1
writeBlocksReceivedBlocks = blocks
try await writeBlocksClosure!(blocks)
// MARK: - rewind
var rewindToThrowableError: Error?
var rewindToCallsCount = 0
var rewindToCalled: Bool {
return rewindToCallsCount > 0
var rewindToReceivedHeight: BlockHeight?
var rewindToClosure: ((BlockHeight) async throws -> Void)?
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
if let error = rewindToThrowableError {
throw error
rewindToCallsCount += 1
rewindToReceivedHeight = height
try await rewindToClosure!(height)
// MARK: - clear
var clearUpToThrowableError: Error?
var clearUpToCallsCount = 0
var clearUpToCalled: Bool {
return clearUpToCallsCount > 0
var clearUpToReceivedHeight: BlockHeight?
var clearUpToClosure: ((BlockHeight) async throws -> Void)?
func clear(upTo height: BlockHeight) async throws {
if let error = clearUpToThrowableError {
throw error
clearUpToCallsCount += 1
clearUpToReceivedHeight = height
try await clearUpToClosure!(height)
// MARK: - clear
var clearThrowableError: Error?
var clearCallsCount = 0
var clearCalled: Bool {
return clearCallsCount > 0
var clearClosure: (() async throws -> Void)?
func clear() async throws {
if let error = clearThrowableError {
throw error
clearCallsCount += 1
try await clearClosure!()
class LatestBlocksDataProviderMock: LatestBlocksDataProvider {
) {
var fullyScannedHeight: BlockHeight {
get { return underlyingFullyScannedHeight }
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var underlyingFullyScannedHeight: BlockHeight!
var maxScannedHeight: BlockHeight {
get { return underlyingMaxScannedHeight }
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var underlyingMaxScannedHeight: BlockHeight!
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight {
get { return underlyingLatestBlockHeight }
var underlyingLatestBlockHeight: BlockHeight!
var walletBirthday: BlockHeight {
get { return underlyingWalletBirthday }
var underlyingWalletBirthday: BlockHeight!
// MARK: - updateScannedData
var updateScannedDataCallsCount = 0
var updateScannedDataCalled: Bool {
return updateScannedDataCallsCount > 0
var updateScannedDataClosure: (() async -> Void)?
func updateScannedData() async {
updateScannedDataCallsCount += 1
await updateScannedDataClosure!()
// MARK: - updateBlockData
var updateBlockDataCallsCount = 0
var updateBlockDataCalled: Bool {
return updateBlockDataCallsCount > 0
var updateBlockDataClosure: (() async -> Void)?
func updateBlockData() async {
updateBlockDataCallsCount += 1
await updateBlockDataClosure!()
// MARK: - updateWalletBirthday
var updateWalletBirthdayCallsCount = 0
var updateWalletBirthdayCalled: Bool {
return updateWalletBirthdayCallsCount > 0
var updateWalletBirthdayReceivedWalletBirthday: BlockHeight?
var updateWalletBirthdayClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func updateWalletBirthday(_ walletBirthday: BlockHeight) async {
updateWalletBirthdayCallsCount += 1
updateWalletBirthdayReceivedWalletBirthday = walletBirthday
await updateWalletBirthdayClosure!(walletBirthday)
// MARK: - update
var updateCallsCount = 0
var updateCalled: Bool {
return updateCallsCount > 0
var updateReceivedLatestBlockHeight: BlockHeight?
var updateClosure: ((BlockHeight) async -> Void)?
func update(_ latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight) async {
updateCallsCount += 1
updateReceivedLatestBlockHeight = latestBlockHeight
await updateClosure!(latestBlockHeight)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class LightWalletServiceMock: LightWalletService {
) {
var connectionStateChange: ((_ from: ConnectionState, _ to: ConnectionState) -> Void)?
// MARK: - getInfo
var getInfoThrowableError: Error?
var getInfoCallsCount = 0
var getInfoCalled: Bool {
return getInfoCallsCount > 0
var getInfoReturnValue: LightWalletdInfo!
var getInfoClosure: (() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo)?
func getInfo() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
if let error = getInfoThrowableError {
throw error
getInfoCallsCount += 1
if let closure = getInfoClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return getInfoReturnValue
// MARK: - latestBlock
var latestBlockThrowableError: Error?
var latestBlockCallsCount = 0
var latestBlockCalled: Bool {
return latestBlockCallsCount > 0
var latestBlockReturnValue: BlockID!
var latestBlockClosure: (() async throws -> BlockID)?
func latestBlock() async throws -> BlockID {
if let error = latestBlockThrowableError {
throw error
latestBlockCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestBlockClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return latestBlockReturnValue
// MARK: - latestBlockHeight
var latestBlockHeightThrowableError: Error?
var latestBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestBlockHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var latestBlockHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
func latestBlockHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = latestBlockHeightThrowableError {
throw error
latestBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestBlockHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return latestBlockHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - blockRange
var blockRangeCallsCount = 0
var blockRangeCalled: Bool {
return blockRangeCallsCount > 0
var blockRangeReceivedRange: CompactBlockRange?
var blockRangeReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>!
var blockRangeClosure: ((CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>)?
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
blockRangeCallsCount += 1
blockRangeReceivedRange = range
if let closure = blockRangeClosure {
return closure(range)
} else {
return blockRangeReturnValue
// MARK: - submit
var submitSpendTransactionThrowableError: Error?
var submitSpendTransactionCallsCount = 0
var submitSpendTransactionCalled: Bool {
return submitSpendTransactionCallsCount > 0
var submitSpendTransactionReceivedSpendTransaction: Data?
var submitSpendTransactionReturnValue: LightWalletServiceResponse!
var submitSpendTransactionClosure: ((Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse)?
func submit(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
if let error = submitSpendTransactionThrowableError {
throw error
submitSpendTransactionCallsCount += 1
submitSpendTransactionReceivedSpendTransaction = spendTransaction
if let closure = submitSpendTransactionClosure {
return try await closure(spendTransaction)
} else {
return submitSpendTransactionReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchTransaction
var fetchTransactionTxIdThrowableError: Error?
var fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount = 0
var fetchTransactionTxIdCalled: Bool {
return fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount > 0
var fetchTransactionTxIdReceivedTxId: Data?
var fetchTransactionTxIdReturnValue: ZcashTransaction.Fetched!
var fetchTransactionTxIdClosure: ((Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Fetched)?
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Fetched {
if let error = fetchTransactionTxIdThrowableError {
throw error
fetchTransactionTxIdCallsCount += 1
fetchTransactionTxIdReceivedTxId = txId
if let closure = fetchTransactionTxIdClosure {
return try await closure(txId)
} else {
return fetchTransactionTxIdReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchUTXOs
var fetchUTXOsSingleCallsCount = 0
var fetchUTXOsSingleCalled: Bool {
return fetchUTXOsSingleCallsCount > 0
var fetchUTXOsSingleReceivedArguments: (tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight)?
var fetchUTXOsSingleReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>!
var fetchUTXOsSingleClosure: ((String, BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>)?
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
fetchUTXOsSingleCallsCount += 1
fetchUTXOsSingleReceivedArguments = (tAddress: tAddress, height: height)
if let closure = fetchUTXOsSingleClosure {
return closure(tAddress, height)
} else {
return fetchUTXOsSingleReturnValue
// MARK: - fetchUTXOs
var fetchUTXOsForHeightCallsCount = 0
var fetchUTXOsForHeightCalled: Bool {
return fetchUTXOsForHeightCallsCount > 0
var fetchUTXOsForHeightReceivedArguments: (tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight)?
var fetchUTXOsForHeightReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>!
var fetchUTXOsForHeightClosure: (([String], BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>)?
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
fetchUTXOsForHeightCallsCount += 1
fetchUTXOsForHeightReceivedArguments = (tAddresses: tAddresses, height: height)
if let closure = fetchUTXOsForHeightClosure {
return closure(tAddresses, height)
} else {
return fetchUTXOsForHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - blockStream
var blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightCallsCount = 0
var blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightCalled: Bool {
return blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightCallsCount > 0
var blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightReceivedArguments: (startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight)?
var blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>!
var blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightClosure: ((BlockHeight, BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>)?
func blockStream(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightCallsCount += 1
blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightReceivedArguments = (startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: endHeight)
if let closure = blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightClosure {
return closure(startHeight, endHeight)
} else {
return blockStreamStartHeightEndHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - closeConnection
var closeConnectionCallsCount = 0
var closeConnectionCalled: Bool {
return closeConnectionCallsCount > 0
var closeConnectionClosure: (() -> Void)?
func closeConnection() {
closeConnectionCallsCount += 1
// MARK: - getSubtreeRoots
var getSubtreeRootsCallsCount = 0
var getSubtreeRootsCalled: Bool {
return getSubtreeRootsCallsCount > 0
var getSubtreeRootsReceivedRequest: GetSubtreeRootsArg?
var getSubtreeRootsReturnValue: AsyncThrowingStream<SubtreeRoot, Error>!
var getSubtreeRootsClosure: ((GetSubtreeRootsArg) -> AsyncThrowingStream<SubtreeRoot, Error>)?
func getSubtreeRoots(_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg) -> AsyncThrowingStream<SubtreeRoot, Error> {
getSubtreeRootsCallsCount += 1
getSubtreeRootsReceivedRequest = request
if let closure = getSubtreeRootsClosure {
return closure(request)
} else {
return getSubtreeRootsReturnValue
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class LightWalletdInfoMock: LightWalletdInfo {
) {
var version: String {
get { return underlyingVersion }
var underlyingVersion: String!
var vendor: String {
get { return underlyingVendor }
var underlyingVendor: String!
var taddrSupport: Bool {
get { return underlyingTaddrSupport }
var underlyingTaddrSupport: Bool!
var chainName: String {
get { return underlyingChainName }
var underlyingChainName: String!
var saplingActivationHeight: UInt64 {
get { return underlyingSaplingActivationHeight }
var underlyingSaplingActivationHeight: UInt64!
var consensusBranchID: String {
get { return underlyingConsensusBranchID }
var underlyingConsensusBranchID: String!
var blockHeight: UInt64 {
get { return underlyingBlockHeight }
var underlyingBlockHeight: UInt64!
var gitCommit: String {
get { return underlyingGitCommit }
var underlyingGitCommit: String!
var branch: String {
get { return underlyingBranch }
var underlyingBranch: String!
var buildDate: String {
get { return underlyingBuildDate }
var underlyingBuildDate: String!
var buildUser: String {
get { return underlyingBuildUser }
var underlyingBuildUser: String!
var estimatedHeight: UInt64 {
get { return underlyingEstimatedHeight }
var underlyingEstimatedHeight: UInt64!
var zcashdBuild: String {
get { return underlyingZcashdBuild }
var underlyingZcashdBuild: String!
var zcashdSubversion: String {
get { return underlyingZcashdSubversion }
var underlyingZcashdSubversion: String!
class LoggerMock: Logger {
) {
// MARK: - debug
var debugFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var debugFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return debugFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var debugFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var debugFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func debug(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
debugFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
debugFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
debugFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
// MARK: - info
var infoFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var infoFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return infoFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var infoFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var infoFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func info(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
infoFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
infoFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
infoFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
// MARK: - event
var eventFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var eventFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return eventFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var eventFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var eventFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func event(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
eventFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
eventFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
eventFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
// MARK: - warn
var warnFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var warnFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return warnFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var warnFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var warnFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func warn(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
warnFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
warnFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
warnFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
// MARK: - error
var errorFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var errorFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return errorFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var errorFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var errorFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func error(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
errorFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
errorFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
errorFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
// MARK: - sync
var syncFileFunctionLineCallsCount = 0
var syncFileFunctionLineCalled: Bool {
return syncFileFunctionLineCallsCount > 0
var syncFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments: (message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int)?
var syncFileFunctionLineClosure: ((String, StaticString, StaticString, Int) -> Void)?
func sync(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString, line: Int) {
syncFileFunctionLineCallsCount += 1
syncFileFunctionLineReceivedArguments = (message: message, file: file, function: function, line: line)
syncFileFunctionLineClosure!(message, file, function, line)
class SDKMetricsMock: SDKMetrics {
) {
// MARK: - cbpStart
var cbpStartCallsCount = 0
var cbpStartCalled: Bool {
return cbpStartCallsCount > 0
var cbpStartClosure: (() -> Void)?
func cbpStart() {
cbpStartCallsCount += 1
// MARK: - actionStart
var actionStartCallsCount = 0
var actionStartCalled: Bool {
return actionStartCallsCount > 0
var actionStartReceivedAction: CBPState?
var actionStartClosure: ((CBPState) -> Void)?
func actionStart(_ action: CBPState) {
actionStartCallsCount += 1
actionStartReceivedAction = action
// MARK: - actionDetail
var actionDetailForCallsCount = 0
var actionDetailForCalled: Bool {
return actionDetailForCallsCount > 0
var actionDetailForReceivedArguments: (detail: String, action: CBPState)?
var actionDetailForClosure: ((String, CBPState) -> Void)?
func actionDetail(_ detail: String, `for` action: CBPState) {
actionDetailForCallsCount += 1
actionDetailForReceivedArguments = (detail: detail, action: action)
actionDetailForClosure!(detail, action)
// MARK: - actionStop
var actionStopCallsCount = 0
var actionStopCalled: Bool {
return actionStopCallsCount > 0
var actionStopClosure: (() -> Void)?
func actionStop() {
actionStopCallsCount += 1
// MARK: - logCBPOverviewReport
var logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryCallsCount = 0
var logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryCalled: Bool {
return logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryCallsCount > 0
var logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryReceivedArguments: (logger: Logger, walletSummary: WalletSummary?)?
var logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryClosure: ((Logger, WalletSummary?) async -> Void)?
func logCBPOverviewReport(_ logger: Logger, walletSummary: WalletSummary?) async {
logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryCallsCount += 1
logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryReceivedArguments = (logger: logger, walletSummary: walletSummary)
await logCBPOverviewReportWalletSummaryClosure!(logger, walletSummary)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class SaplingParametersHandlerMock: SaplingParametersHandler {
) {
// MARK: - handleIfNeeded
var handleIfNeededThrowableError: Error?
var handleIfNeededCallsCount = 0
var handleIfNeededCalled: Bool {
return handleIfNeededCallsCount > 0
var handleIfNeededClosure: (() async throws -> Void)?
func handleIfNeeded() async throws {
if let error = handleIfNeededThrowableError {
throw error
handleIfNeededCallsCount += 1
try await handleIfNeededClosure!()
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
class SynchronizerMock: Synchronizer {
) {
var alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias {
get { return underlyingAlias }
var underlyingAlias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias!
var latestState: SynchronizerState {
get { return underlyingLatestState }
var underlyingLatestState: SynchronizerState!
var connectionState: ConnectionState {
get { return underlyingConnectionState }
var underlyingConnectionState: ConnectionState!
var stateStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerState, Never> {
get { return underlyingStateStream }
var underlyingStateStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerState, Never>!
var eventStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerEvent, Never> {
get { return underlyingEventStream }
var underlyingEventStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerEvent, Never>!
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
get async { return underlyingTransactions }
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var underlyingTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] = []
var sentTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
get async { return underlyingSentTransactions }
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var underlyingSentTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] = []
var receivedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
get async { return underlyingReceivedTransactions }
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var underlyingReceivedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] = []
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - prepare
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForThrowableError: Error?
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForCallsCount = 0
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForCalled: Bool {
return prepareWithWalletBirthdayForCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForReceivedArguments: (seed: [UInt8]?, walletBirthday: BlockHeight, walletMode: WalletInitMode)?
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForReturnValue: Initializer.InitializationResult!
var prepareWithWalletBirthdayForClosure: (([UInt8]?, BlockHeight, WalletInitMode) async throws -> Initializer.InitializationResult)?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func prepare(with seed: [UInt8]?, walletBirthday: BlockHeight, for walletMode: WalletInitMode) async throws -> Initializer.InitializationResult {
if let error = prepareWithWalletBirthdayForThrowableError {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
throw error
prepareWithWalletBirthdayForCallsCount += 1
prepareWithWalletBirthdayForReceivedArguments = (seed: seed, walletBirthday: walletBirthday, walletMode: walletMode)
if let closure = prepareWithWalletBirthdayForClosure {
return try await closure(seed, walletBirthday, walletMode)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
} else {
return prepareWithWalletBirthdayForReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - start
var startRetryThrowableError: Error?
var startRetryCallsCount = 0
var startRetryCalled: Bool {
return startRetryCallsCount > 0
var startRetryReceivedRetry: Bool?
var startRetryClosure: ((Bool) async throws -> Void)?
func start(retry: Bool) async throws {
if let error = startRetryThrowableError {
throw error
startRetryCallsCount += 1
startRetryReceivedRetry = retry
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await startRetryClosure!(retry)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - stop
var stopCallsCount = 0
var stopCalled: Bool {
return stopCallsCount > 0
var stopClosure: (() -> Void)?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func stop() {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
stopCallsCount += 1
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - getSaplingAddress
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getSaplingAddressAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexReturnValue: SaplingAddress!
var getSaplingAddressAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> SaplingAddress)?
func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> SaplingAddress {
if let error = getSaplingAddressAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getSaplingAddressAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getSaplingAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getSaplingAddressAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getSaplingAddressAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - getUnifiedAddress
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexReturnValue: UnifiedAddress!
var getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> UnifiedAddress)?
func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> UnifiedAddress {
if let error = getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getUnifiedAddressAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - getTransparentAddress
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getTransparentAddressAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexReturnValue: TransparentAddress!
var getTransparentAddressAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> TransparentAddress)?
func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> TransparentAddress {
if let error = getTransparentAddressAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getTransparentAddressAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getTransparentAddressAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getTransparentAddressAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getTransparentAddressAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - sendToAddress
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoThrowableError: Error?
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoCallsCount = 0
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoCalled: Bool {
return sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoCallsCount > 0
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoReceivedArguments: (spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, zatoshi: Zatoshi, toAddress: Recipient, memo: Memo?)?
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoReturnValue: ZcashTransaction.Overview!
var sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoClosure: ((UnifiedSpendingKey, Zatoshi, Recipient, Memo?) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview)?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
func sendToAddress(spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, zatoshi: Zatoshi, toAddress: Recipient, memo: Memo?) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
if let error = sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoThrowableError {
throw error
sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoCallsCount += 1
sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoReceivedArguments = (spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: zatoshi, toAddress: toAddress, memo: memo)
if let closure = sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoClosure {
return try await closure(spendingKey, zatoshi, toAddress, memo)
} else {
return sendToAddressSpendingKeyZatoshiToAddressMemoReturnValue
// MARK: - shieldFunds
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError: Error?
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount = 0
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdCalled: Bool {
return shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount > 0
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdReceivedArguments: (spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, memo: Memo, shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi)?
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue: ZcashTransaction.Overview!
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdClosure: ((UnifiedSpendingKey, Memo, Zatoshi) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview)?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
func shieldFunds(spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, memo: Memo, shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
if let error = shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError {
throw error
shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount += 1
shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdReceivedArguments = (spendingKey: spendingKey, memo: memo, shieldingThreshold: shieldingThreshold)
if let closure = shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdClosure {
return try await closure(spendingKey, memo, shieldingThreshold)
} else {
return shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue
// MARK: - paginatedTransactions
var paginatedTransactionsOfCallsCount = 0
var paginatedTransactionsOfCalled: Bool {
return paginatedTransactionsOfCallsCount > 0
var paginatedTransactionsOfReceivedKind: TransactionKind?
var paginatedTransactionsOfReturnValue: PaginatedTransactionRepository!
var paginatedTransactionsOfClosure: ((TransactionKind) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository)?
func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository {
paginatedTransactionsOfCallsCount += 1
paginatedTransactionsOfReceivedKind = kind
if let closure = paginatedTransactionsOfClosure {
return closure(kind)
} else {
return paginatedTransactionsOfReturnValue
// MARK: - getMemos
var getMemosForClearedTransactionThrowableError: Error?
var getMemosForClearedTransactionCallsCount = 0
var getMemosForClearedTransactionCalled: Bool {
return getMemosForClearedTransactionCallsCount > 0
var getMemosForClearedTransactionReceivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
var getMemosForClearedTransactionReturnValue: [Memo]!
var getMemosForClearedTransactionClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo])?
func getMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo] {
if let error = getMemosForClearedTransactionThrowableError {
throw error
getMemosForClearedTransactionCallsCount += 1
getMemosForClearedTransactionReceivedTransaction = transaction
if let closure = getMemosForClearedTransactionClosure {
return try await closure(transaction)
} else {
return getMemosForClearedTransactionReturnValue
// MARK: - getRecipients
var getRecipientsForClearedTransactionCallsCount = 0
var getRecipientsForClearedTransactionCalled: Bool {
return getRecipientsForClearedTransactionCallsCount > 0
var getRecipientsForClearedTransactionReceivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
var getRecipientsForClearedTransactionReturnValue: [TransactionRecipient]!
var getRecipientsForClearedTransactionClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [TransactionRecipient])?
func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [TransactionRecipient] {
getRecipientsForClearedTransactionCallsCount += 1
getRecipientsForClearedTransactionReceivedTransaction = transaction
if let closure = getRecipientsForClearedTransactionClosure {
return await closure(transaction)
} else {
return getRecipientsForClearedTransactionReturnValue
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
// MARK: - getTransactionOutputs
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var getTransactionOutputsForTransactionCallsCount = 0
var getTransactionOutputsForTransactionCalled: Bool {
return getTransactionOutputsForTransactionCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var getTransactionOutputsForTransactionReceivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
var getTransactionOutputsForTransactionReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Output]!
var getTransactionOutputsForTransactionClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [ZcashTransaction.Output])?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
func getTransactionOutputs(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [ZcashTransaction.Output] {
getTransactionOutputsForTransactionCallsCount += 1
getTransactionOutputsForTransactionReceivedTransaction = transaction
if let closure = getTransactionOutputsForTransactionClosure {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
return await closure(transaction)
} else {
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
return getTransactionOutputsForTransactionReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
// MARK: - allTransactions
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var allTransactionsFromLimitThrowableError: Error?
var allTransactionsFromLimitCallsCount = 0
var allTransactionsFromLimitCalled: Bool {
return allTransactionsFromLimitCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
var allTransactionsFromLimitReceivedArguments: (transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int)?
var allTransactionsFromLimitReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var allTransactionsFromLimitClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview, Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
func allTransactions(from transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = allTransactionsFromLimitThrowableError {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
throw error
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
allTransactionsFromLimitCallsCount += 1
allTransactionsFromLimitReceivedArguments = (transaction: transaction, limit: limit)
if let closure = allTransactionsFromLimitClosure {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
return try await closure(transaction, limit)
} else {
[#1001] Remove PendingDb in favor of `v_transactions` and `v_tx_output` Views (#1001) Removes `PendingTransactionEntity` and all of its related components. Pending items are still tracked and visualized by the existing APIs but they are retrieved from the `TransactionRepository` instead by returning `ZcashTransaction.Overview` instead. `pendingDbURL` is removed from every place it was required. Its deletion is responsibility of wallet developers. `ClearedTransactions` are now just `transactions`. `MigrationManager` is deleted. Now all migrations are in charge of the rust welding layer. `PendingTransactionDao.swift` is removed. Implementation of `AccountEntity` called `Account` is now `DbAccount` `ZcashTransaction.Overview` can be checked for "pending-ness" by calling `.isPending(latestHeight:)` latest height must be provided so that minedHeight can be compared with the lastest and the `defaultStaleTolerance` constant. `TransactionRecipient` is now a public type. protocol `PendingTransactionRepository` is removed. `TransactionManagerError` and `PersistentTransactionManager` are deleted. `OutboundTransactionManager` is deleted and replaced by `TransactionEncoder` which now incorporates `submit(encoded:)` functionality `WalletTransactionEncoder` now uses a `LightWalletService` to submit the encoded transactions. Add changelog changes Delete references to PendingDb from tests and documentation. Fixes some typos. Adds the ability to trace transaction repository SQL queries from test Fix rebase conflicts and generate code [#837] Memo tests regarding transparent address Closes #837 Add model for transaction output Point to FFI branch Fix issue where sync wouldn't resume after wipe. Becasue GRPC channel would be closed Fix Tests Fix testPendingTransactionMinedHeightUpdated Fix testLastStates [#921] Fix broken SynchronizerDarksideTests Add ZcashTransaction.Output API to Synchronizer Changelog + comment fix Add Assertions for transaction outputs and recipients Point to FFI 0.3.1 Fix Demo App Compiler errors Fix Demo App Compiler errors fix cacheDb warnings Fix Tests and compiler errors of rebase build demo app Remove `ZcashTransaction.Sent` and `.Received`. Add `.State` and tests Fix SPM warning PR Suggestions Removes errors that are not used anymore fix warnings
2023-05-05 10:30:47 -07:00
return allTransactionsFromLimitReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - latestHeight
var latestHeightThrowableError: Error?
var latestHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
var latestHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
func latestHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = latestHeightThrowableError {
throw error
latestHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return latestHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - refreshUTXOs
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromThrowableError: Error?
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromCallsCount = 0
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromCalled: Bool {
return refreshUTXOsAddressFromCallsCount > 0
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromReceivedArguments: (address: TransparentAddress, height: BlockHeight)?
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromReturnValue: RefreshedUTXOs!
var refreshUTXOsAddressFromClosure: ((TransparentAddress, BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs)?
func refreshUTXOs(address: TransparentAddress, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs {
if let error = refreshUTXOsAddressFromThrowableError {
throw error
refreshUTXOsAddressFromCallsCount += 1
refreshUTXOsAddressFromReceivedArguments = (address: address, height: height)
if let closure = refreshUTXOsAddressFromClosure {
return try await closure(address, height)
} else {
return refreshUTXOsAddressFromReturnValue
// MARK: - getTransparentBalance
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue: WalletBalance!
var getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> WalletBalance)?
func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> WalletBalance {
if let error = getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getTransparentBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - getShieldedBalance
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue: Zatoshi!
var getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> Zatoshi)?
func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> Zatoshi {
if let error = getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getShieldedBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - getShieldedVerifiedBalance
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex: Int?
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue: Zatoshi!
var getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexClosure: ((Int) async throws -> Zatoshi)?
func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> Zatoshi {
if let error = getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexReceivedAccountIndex = accountIndex
if let closure = getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(accountIndex)
} else {
return getShieldedVerifiedBalanceAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - rewind
var rewindCallsCount = 0
var rewindCalled: Bool {
return rewindCallsCount > 0
var rewindReceivedPolicy: RewindPolicy?
var rewindReturnValue: AnyPublisher<Void, Error>!
var rewindClosure: ((RewindPolicy) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>)?
func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
rewindCallsCount += 1
rewindReceivedPolicy = policy
if let closure = rewindClosure {
return closure(policy)
} else {
return rewindReturnValue
// MARK: - wipe
var wipeCallsCount = 0
var wipeCalled: Bool {
return wipeCallsCount > 0
var wipeReturnValue: AnyPublisher<Void, Error>!
var wipeClosure: (() -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>)?
func wipe() -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
wipeCallsCount += 1
if let closure = wipeClosure {
return closure()
} else {
return wipeReturnValue
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class TransactionRepositoryMock: TransactionRepository {
) {
// MARK: - closeDBConnection
var closeDBConnectionCallsCount = 0
var closeDBConnectionCalled: Bool {
return closeDBConnectionCallsCount > 0
var closeDBConnectionClosure: (() -> Void)?
func closeDBConnection() {
closeDBConnectionCallsCount += 1
// MARK: - countAll
var countAllThrowableError: Error?
var countAllCallsCount = 0
var countAllCalled: Bool {
return countAllCallsCount > 0
var countAllReturnValue: Int!
var countAllClosure: (() async throws -> Int)?
func countAll() async throws -> Int {
if let error = countAllThrowableError {
throw error
countAllCallsCount += 1
if let closure = countAllClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return countAllReturnValue
// MARK: - countUnmined
var countUnminedThrowableError: Error?
var countUnminedCallsCount = 0
var countUnminedCalled: Bool {
return countUnminedCallsCount > 0
var countUnminedReturnValue: Int!
var countUnminedClosure: (() async throws -> Int)?
func countUnmined() async throws -> Int {
if let error = countUnminedThrowableError {
throw error
countUnminedCallsCount += 1
if let closure = countUnminedClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return countUnminedReturnValue
// MARK: - isInitialized
var isInitializedThrowableError: Error?
var isInitializedCallsCount = 0
var isInitializedCalled: Bool {
return isInitializedCallsCount > 0
var isInitializedReturnValue: Bool!
var isInitializedClosure: (() async throws -> Bool)?
func isInitialized() async throws -> Bool {
if let error = isInitializedThrowableError {
throw error
isInitializedCallsCount += 1
if let closure = isInitializedClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return isInitializedReturnValue
// MARK: - find
var findRawIDThrowableError: Error?
var findRawIDCallsCount = 0
var findRawIDCalled: Bool {
return findRawIDCallsCount > 0
var findRawIDReceivedRawID: Data?
var findRawIDReturnValue: ZcashTransaction.Overview!
var findRawIDClosure: ((Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview)?
func find(rawID: Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
if let error = findRawIDThrowableError {
throw error
findRawIDCallsCount += 1
findRawIDReceivedRawID = rawID
if let closure = findRawIDClosure {
return try await closure(rawID)
} else {
return findRawIDReturnValue
// MARK: - find
var findOffsetLimitKindThrowableError: Error?
var findOffsetLimitKindCallsCount = 0
var findOffsetLimitKindCalled: Bool {
return findOffsetLimitKindCallsCount > 0
var findOffsetLimitKindReceivedArguments: (offset: Int, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind)?
var findOffsetLimitKindReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findOffsetLimitKindClosure: ((Int, Int, TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func find(offset: Int, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findOffsetLimitKindThrowableError {
throw error
findOffsetLimitKindCallsCount += 1
findOffsetLimitKindReceivedArguments = (offset: offset, limit: limit, kind: kind)
if let closure = findOffsetLimitKindClosure {
return try await closure(offset, limit, kind)
} else {
return findOffsetLimitKindReturnValue
// MARK: - find
var findInLimitKindThrowableError: Error?
var findInLimitKindCallsCount = 0
var findInLimitKindCalled: Bool {
return findInLimitKindCallsCount > 0
var findInLimitKindReceivedArguments: (range: CompactBlockRange, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind)?
var findInLimitKindReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findInLimitKindClosure: ((CompactBlockRange, Int, TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func find(in range: CompactBlockRange, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findInLimitKindThrowableError {
throw error
findInLimitKindCallsCount += 1
findInLimitKindReceivedArguments = (range: range, limit: limit, kind: kind)
if let closure = findInLimitKindClosure {
return try await closure(range, limit, kind)
} else {
return findInLimitKindReturnValue
// MARK: - find
var findFromLimitKindThrowableError: Error?
var findFromLimitKindCallsCount = 0
var findFromLimitKindCalled: Bool {
return findFromLimitKindCallsCount > 0
var findFromLimitKindReceivedArguments: (from: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind)?
var findFromLimitKindReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findFromLimitKindClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview, Int, TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func find(from: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findFromLimitKindThrowableError {
throw error
findFromLimitKindCallsCount += 1
findFromLimitKindReceivedArguments = (from: from, limit: limit, kind: kind)
if let closure = findFromLimitKindClosure {
return try await closure(from, limit, kind)
} else {
return findFromLimitKindReturnValue
// MARK: - findPendingTransactions
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitThrowableError: Error?
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitCallsCount = 0
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitCalled: Bool {
return findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitCallsCount > 0
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitReceivedArguments: (latestHeight: BlockHeight, offset: Int, limit: Int)?
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitClosure: ((BlockHeight, Int, Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func findPendingTransactions(latestHeight: BlockHeight, offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitThrowableError {
throw error
findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitCallsCount += 1
findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitReceivedArguments = (latestHeight: latestHeight, offset: offset, limit: limit)
if let closure = findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitClosure {
return try await closure(latestHeight, offset, limit)
} else {
return findPendingTransactionsLatestHeightOffsetLimitReturnValue
// MARK: - findReceived
var findReceivedOffsetLimitThrowableError: Error?
var findReceivedOffsetLimitCallsCount = 0
var findReceivedOffsetLimitCalled: Bool {
return findReceivedOffsetLimitCallsCount > 0
var findReceivedOffsetLimitReceivedArguments: (offset: Int, limit: Int)?
var findReceivedOffsetLimitReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findReceivedOffsetLimitClosure: ((Int, Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func findReceived(offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findReceivedOffsetLimitThrowableError {
throw error
findReceivedOffsetLimitCallsCount += 1
findReceivedOffsetLimitReceivedArguments = (offset: offset, limit: limit)
if let closure = findReceivedOffsetLimitClosure {
return try await closure(offset, limit)
} else {
return findReceivedOffsetLimitReturnValue
// MARK: - findSent
var findSentOffsetLimitThrowableError: Error?
var findSentOffsetLimitCallsCount = 0
var findSentOffsetLimitCalled: Bool {
return findSentOffsetLimitCallsCount > 0
var findSentOffsetLimitReceivedArguments: (offset: Int, limit: Int)?
var findSentOffsetLimitReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]!
var findSentOffsetLimitClosure: ((Int, Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview])?
func findSent(offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
if let error = findSentOffsetLimitThrowableError {
throw error
findSentOffsetLimitCallsCount += 1
findSentOffsetLimitReceivedArguments = (offset: offset, limit: limit)
if let closure = findSentOffsetLimitClosure {
return try await closure(offset, limit)
} else {
return findSentOffsetLimitReturnValue
// MARK: - findMemos
var findMemosForThrowableError: Error?
var findMemosForCallsCount = 0
var findMemosForCalled: Bool {
return findMemosForCallsCount > 0
var findMemosForReceivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
var findMemosForReturnValue: [Memo]!
var findMemosForClosure: ((ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo])?
func findMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo] {
if let error = findMemosForThrowableError {
throw error
findMemosForCallsCount += 1
findMemosForReceivedTransaction = transaction
if let closure = findMemosForClosure {
return try await closure(transaction)
} else {
return findMemosForReturnValue
// MARK: - getRecipients
var getRecipientsForThrowableError: Error?
var getRecipientsForCallsCount = 0
var getRecipientsForCalled: Bool {
return getRecipientsForCallsCount > 0
var getRecipientsForReceivedRawID: Data?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var getRecipientsForReturnValue: [TransactionRecipient]!
var getRecipientsForClosure: ((Data) async throws -> [TransactionRecipient])?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
func getRecipients(for rawID: Data) async throws -> [TransactionRecipient] {
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
if let error = getRecipientsForThrowableError {
throw error
getRecipientsForCallsCount += 1
getRecipientsForReceivedRawID = rawID
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
if let closure = getRecipientsForClosure {
return try await closure(rawID)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
} else {
return getRecipientsForReturnValue
// MARK: - getTransactionOutputs
var getTransactionOutputsForThrowableError: Error?
var getTransactionOutputsForCallsCount = 0
var getTransactionOutputsForCalled: Bool {
return getTransactionOutputsForCallsCount > 0
var getTransactionOutputsForReceivedRawID: Data?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
var getTransactionOutputsForReturnValue: [ZcashTransaction.Output]!
var getTransactionOutputsForClosure: ((Data) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Output])?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
func getTransactionOutputs(for rawID: Data) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Output] {
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
if let error = getTransactionOutputsForThrowableError {
throw error
getTransactionOutputsForCallsCount += 1
getTransactionOutputsForReceivedRawID = rawID
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
if let closure = getTransactionOutputsForClosure {
return try await closure(rawID)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
} else {
return getTransactionOutputsForReturnValue
class UTXOFetcherMock: UTXOFetcher {
) {
// MARK: - fetch
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
var fetchDidFetchThrowableError: Error?
var fetchDidFetchCallsCount = 0
var fetchDidFetchCalled: Bool {
return fetchDidFetchCallsCount > 0
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
var fetchDidFetchReceivedDidFetch: ((Float) async -> Void)?
var fetchDidFetchReturnValue: (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity])!
var fetchDidFetchClosure: ((@escaping (Float) async -> Void) async throws -> (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]))?
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
func fetch(didFetch: @escaping (Float) async -> Void) async throws -> (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]) {
if let error = fetchDidFetchThrowableError {
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
throw error
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
fetchDidFetchCallsCount += 1
fetchDidFetchReceivedDidFetch = didFetch
if let closure = fetchDidFetchClosure {
return try await closure(didFetch)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
} else {
[#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ClearCache action right after the idle action, clearing out metadata so the sync process can be fully restored from the DB and live blockchain values only. - InternalSyncProgress removed - InternalSyncProgressStorage removed - Sync process control logic updated, controlled by latestScannedHeight and firstUnenhancedHeight only - cleaned up unused code [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - ChecksBeforeSyncAction removed - Offline tests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - fixed injection of a wallet birthday, the sync range must start with wallet BD instead of lower bound [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - Network tests fixed - DarkSideTests partially fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - rewind actions extension in compact block processor added [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - draft [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - DarkSideTests fixed [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges modified to be even less dependent on ranges, now it holds just 3 values (latest block height, latest scanned height if any, first unenhanced height if any), the rest is computed on the fly [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - SyncRanges struct not anymore, refactored to SyncControlData, holding just 3 mentioned values [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts - cleanup [#1140] ClearCache action before anything starts (#1148) - TODO solved, the UTXOs fetcher doesn't work with range anymore, therefore reporting 100%
2023-06-20 02:59:56 -07:00
return fetchDidFetchReturnValue
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
class ZcashFileManagerMock: ZcashFileManager {
) {
// MARK: - isReadableFile
var isReadableFileAtPathCallsCount = 0
var isReadableFileAtPathCalled: Bool {
return isReadableFileAtPathCallsCount > 0
var isReadableFileAtPathReceivedPath: String?
var isReadableFileAtPathReturnValue: Bool!
var isReadableFileAtPathClosure: ((String) -> Bool)?
func isReadableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool {
isReadableFileAtPathCallsCount += 1
isReadableFileAtPathReceivedPath = path
if let closure = isReadableFileAtPathClosure {
return closure(path)
} else {
return isReadableFileAtPathReturnValue
// MARK: - removeItem
var removeItemAtThrowableError: Error?
var removeItemAtCallsCount = 0
var removeItemAtCalled: Bool {
return removeItemAtCallsCount > 0
var removeItemAtReceivedURL: URL?
var removeItemAtClosure: ((URL) throws -> Void)?
func removeItem(at URL: URL) throws {
if let error = removeItemAtThrowableError {
throw error
removeItemAtCallsCount += 1
removeItemAtReceivedURL = URL
try removeItemAtClosure!(URL)
// MARK: - isDeletableFile
var isDeletableFileAtPathCallsCount = 0
var isDeletableFileAtPathCalled: Bool {
return isDeletableFileAtPathCallsCount > 0
var isDeletableFileAtPathReceivedPath: String?
var isDeletableFileAtPathReturnValue: Bool!
var isDeletableFileAtPathClosure: ((String) -> Bool)?
func isDeletableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool {
isDeletableFileAtPathCallsCount += 1
isDeletableFileAtPathReceivedPath = path
if let closure = isDeletableFileAtPathClosure {
return closure(path)
} else {
return isDeletableFileAtPathReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
actor ZcashRustBackendWeldingMock: ZcashRustBackendWelding {
nonisolated let consensusBranchIdForHeightClosure: ((Int32) throws -> Int32)?
consensusBranchIdForHeightClosure: ((Int32) throws -> Int32)? = nil
) {
self.consensusBranchIdForHeightClosure = consensusBranchIdForHeightClosure
// MARK: - createAccount
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilThrowableError: Error?
func setCreateAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilThrowableError = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilCallsCount = 0
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilCalled: Bool {
return createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReceivedArguments: (seed: [UInt8], treeState: TreeState, recoverUntil: UInt32?)?
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReturnValue: UnifiedSpendingKey!
func setCreateAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReturnValue(_ param: UnifiedSpendingKey) async {
createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReturnValue = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilClosure: (([UInt8], TreeState, UInt32?) async throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey)?
func setCreateAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilClosure(_ param: (([UInt8], TreeState, UInt32?) async throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey)?) async {
createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilClosure = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func createAccount(seed: [UInt8], treeState: TreeState, recoverUntil: UInt32?) async throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey {
if let error = createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilThrowableError {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
throw error
createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilCallsCount += 1
createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReceivedArguments = (seed: seed, treeState: treeState, recoverUntil: recoverUntil)
if let closure = createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilClosure {
return try await closure(seed, treeState, recoverUntil)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
} else {
return createAccountSeedTreeStateRecoverUntilReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - decryptAndStoreTransaction
var decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setDecryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightThrowableError = param
var decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightCallsCount = 0
var decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightCalled: Bool {
return decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightCallsCount > 0
var decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightReceivedArguments: (txBytes: [UInt8], minedHeight: Int32)?
var decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightClosure: (([UInt8], Int32) async throws -> Void)?
func setDecryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightClosure(_ param: (([UInt8], Int32) async throws -> Void)?) async {
decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightClosure = param
func decryptAndStoreTransaction(txBytes: [UInt8], minedHeight: Int32) async throws {
if let error = decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightThrowableError {
throw error
decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightCallsCount += 1
decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightReceivedArguments = (txBytes: txBytes, minedHeight: minedHeight)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await decryptAndStoreTransactionTxBytesMinedHeightClosure!(txBytes, minedHeight)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - getCurrentAddress
var getCurrentAddressAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setGetCurrentAddressAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getCurrentAddressAccountThrowableError = param
var getCurrentAddressAccountCallsCount = 0
var getCurrentAddressAccountCalled: Bool {
return getCurrentAddressAccountCallsCount > 0
var getCurrentAddressAccountReceivedAccount: Int32?
var getCurrentAddressAccountReturnValue: UnifiedAddress!
func setGetCurrentAddressAccountReturnValue(_ param: UnifiedAddress) async {
getCurrentAddressAccountReturnValue = param
var getCurrentAddressAccountClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress)?
func setGetCurrentAddressAccountClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress)?) async {
getCurrentAddressAccountClosure = param
func getCurrentAddress(account: Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress {
if let error = getCurrentAddressAccountThrowableError {
throw error
getCurrentAddressAccountCallsCount += 1
getCurrentAddressAccountReceivedAccount = account
if let closure = getCurrentAddressAccountClosure {
return try await closure(account)
} else {
return getCurrentAddressAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - getNearestRewindHeight
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setGetNearestRewindHeightHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getNearestRewindHeightHeightThrowableError = param
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightCallsCount = 0
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightCalled: Bool {
return getNearestRewindHeightHeightCallsCount > 0
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightReceivedHeight: Int32?
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightReturnValue: Int32!
func setGetNearestRewindHeightHeightReturnValue(_ param: Int32) async {
getNearestRewindHeightHeightReturnValue = param
var getNearestRewindHeightHeightClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Int32)?
func setGetNearestRewindHeightHeightClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Int32)?) async {
getNearestRewindHeightHeightClosure = param
func getNearestRewindHeight(height: Int32) async throws -> Int32 {
if let error = getNearestRewindHeightHeightThrowableError {
throw error
getNearestRewindHeightHeightCallsCount += 1
getNearestRewindHeightHeightReceivedHeight = height
if let closure = getNearestRewindHeightHeightClosure {
return try await closure(height)
} else {
return getNearestRewindHeightHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - getNextAvailableAddress
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setGetNextAvailableAddressAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getNextAvailableAddressAccountThrowableError = param
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountCallsCount = 0
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountCalled: Bool {
return getNextAvailableAddressAccountCallsCount > 0
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountReceivedAccount: Int32?
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountReturnValue: UnifiedAddress!
func setGetNextAvailableAddressAccountReturnValue(_ param: UnifiedAddress) async {
getNextAvailableAddressAccountReturnValue = param
var getNextAvailableAddressAccountClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress)?
func setGetNextAvailableAddressAccountClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress)?) async {
getNextAvailableAddressAccountClosure = param
func getNextAvailableAddress(account: Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress {
if let error = getNextAvailableAddressAccountThrowableError {
throw error
getNextAvailableAddressAccountCallsCount += 1
getNextAvailableAddressAccountReceivedAccount = account
if let closure = getNextAvailableAddressAccountClosure {
return try await closure(account)
} else {
return getNextAvailableAddressAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - getMemo
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexThrowableError: Error?
func setGetMemoTxIdOutputIndexThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getMemoTxIdOutputIndexThrowableError = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexCallsCount = 0
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexCalled: Bool {
return getMemoTxIdOutputIndexCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexReceivedArguments: (txId: Data, outputIndex: UInt16)?
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexReturnValue: Memo?
func setGetMemoTxIdOutputIndexReturnValue(_ param: Memo?) async {
getMemoTxIdOutputIndexReturnValue = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var getMemoTxIdOutputIndexClosure: ((Data, UInt16) async throws -> Memo?)?
func setGetMemoTxIdOutputIndexClosure(_ param: ((Data, UInt16) async throws -> Memo?)?) async {
getMemoTxIdOutputIndexClosure = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func getMemo(txId: Data, outputIndex: UInt16) async throws -> Memo? {
if let error = getMemoTxIdOutputIndexThrowableError {
throw error
getMemoTxIdOutputIndexCallsCount += 1
getMemoTxIdOutputIndexReceivedArguments = (txId: txId, outputIndex: outputIndex)
if let closure = getMemoTxIdOutputIndexClosure {
return try await closure(txId, outputIndex)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
} else {
return getMemoTxIdOutputIndexReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - getTransparentBalance
var getTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setGetTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError = param
var getTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount = 0
var getTransparentBalanceAccountCalled: Bool {
return getTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount > 0
var getTransparentBalanceAccountReceivedAccount: Int32?
var getTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue: Int64!
func setGetTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue(_ param: Int64) async {
getTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue = param
var getTransparentBalanceAccountClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Int64)?
func setGetTransparentBalanceAccountClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Int64)?) async {
getTransparentBalanceAccountClosure = param
func getTransparentBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64 {
if let error = getTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError {
throw error
getTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount += 1
getTransparentBalanceAccountReceivedAccount = account
if let closure = getTransparentBalanceAccountClosure {
return try await closure(account)
} else {
return getTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - initDataDb
var initDataDbSeedThrowableError: Error?
func setInitDataDbSeedThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
initDataDbSeedThrowableError = param
var initDataDbSeedCallsCount = 0
var initDataDbSeedCalled: Bool {
return initDataDbSeedCallsCount > 0
var initDataDbSeedReceivedSeed: [UInt8]?
var initDataDbSeedReturnValue: DbInitResult!
func setInitDataDbSeedReturnValue(_ param: DbInitResult) async {
initDataDbSeedReturnValue = param
var initDataDbSeedClosure: (([UInt8]?) async throws -> DbInitResult)?
func setInitDataDbSeedClosure(_ param: (([UInt8]?) async throws -> DbInitResult)?) async {
initDataDbSeedClosure = param
func initDataDb(seed: [UInt8]?) async throws -> DbInitResult {
if let error = initDataDbSeedThrowableError {
throw error
initDataDbSeedCallsCount += 1
initDataDbSeedReceivedSeed = seed
if let closure = initDataDbSeedClosure {
return try await closure(seed)
} else {
return initDataDbSeedReturnValue
// MARK: - listTransparentReceivers
var listTransparentReceiversAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setListTransparentReceiversAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
listTransparentReceiversAccountThrowableError = param
var listTransparentReceiversAccountCallsCount = 0
var listTransparentReceiversAccountCalled: Bool {
return listTransparentReceiversAccountCallsCount > 0
var listTransparentReceiversAccountReceivedAccount: Int32?
var listTransparentReceiversAccountReturnValue: [TransparentAddress]!
func setListTransparentReceiversAccountReturnValue(_ param: [TransparentAddress]) async {
listTransparentReceiversAccountReturnValue = param
var listTransparentReceiversAccountClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> [TransparentAddress])?
func setListTransparentReceiversAccountClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> [TransparentAddress])?) async {
listTransparentReceiversAccountClosure = param
func listTransparentReceivers(account: Int32) async throws -> [TransparentAddress] {
if let error = listTransparentReceiversAccountThrowableError {
throw error
listTransparentReceiversAccountCallsCount += 1
listTransparentReceiversAccountReceivedAccount = account
if let closure = listTransparentReceiversAccountClosure {
return try await closure(account)
} else {
return listTransparentReceiversAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - getVerifiedTransparentBalance
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setGetVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError = param
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount = 0
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountCalled: Bool {
return getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount > 0
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReceivedAccount: Int32?
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue: Int64!
func setGetVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue(_ param: Int64) async {
getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue = param
var getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Int64)?
func setGetVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Int64)?) async {
getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountClosure = param
func getVerifiedTransparentBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64 {
if let error = getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountThrowableError {
throw error
getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountCallsCount += 1
getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReceivedAccount = account
if let closure = getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountClosure {
return try await closure(account)
} else {
return getVerifiedTransparentBalanceAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - rewindToHeight
var rewindToHeightHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setRewindToHeightHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
rewindToHeightHeightThrowableError = param
var rewindToHeightHeightCallsCount = 0
var rewindToHeightHeightCalled: Bool {
return rewindToHeightHeightCallsCount > 0
var rewindToHeightHeightReceivedHeight: Int32?
var rewindToHeightHeightClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?
func setRewindToHeightHeightClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?) async {
rewindToHeightHeightClosure = param
func rewindToHeight(height: Int32) async throws {
if let error = rewindToHeightHeightThrowableError {
throw error
rewindToHeightHeightCallsCount += 1
rewindToHeightHeightReceivedHeight = height
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await rewindToHeightHeightClosure!(height)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - rewindCacheToHeight
var rewindCacheToHeightHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setRewindCacheToHeightHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
rewindCacheToHeightHeightThrowableError = param
var rewindCacheToHeightHeightCallsCount = 0
var rewindCacheToHeightHeightCalled: Bool {
return rewindCacheToHeightHeightCallsCount > 0
var rewindCacheToHeightHeightReceivedHeight: Int32?
var rewindCacheToHeightHeightClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?
func setRewindCacheToHeightHeightClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?) async {
rewindCacheToHeightHeightClosure = param
func rewindCacheToHeight(height: Int32) async throws {
if let error = rewindCacheToHeightHeightThrowableError {
throw error
rewindCacheToHeightHeightCallsCount += 1
rewindCacheToHeightHeightReceivedHeight = height
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await rewindCacheToHeightHeightClosure!(height)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - putSaplingSubtreeRoots
var putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsThrowableError: Error?
func setPutSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsThrowableError = param
var putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsCallsCount = 0
var putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsCalled: Bool {
return putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsCallsCount > 0
var putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsReceivedArguments: (startIndex: UInt64, roots: [SubtreeRoot])?
var putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsClosure: ((UInt64, [SubtreeRoot]) async throws -> Void)?
func setPutSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsClosure(_ param: ((UInt64, [SubtreeRoot]) async throws -> Void)?) async {
putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsClosure = param
func putSaplingSubtreeRoots(startIndex: UInt64, roots: [SubtreeRoot]) async throws {
if let error = putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsThrowableError {
throw error
putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsCallsCount += 1
putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsReceivedArguments = (startIndex: startIndex, roots: roots)
try await putSaplingSubtreeRootsStartIndexRootsClosure!(startIndex, roots)
// MARK: - updateChainTip
var updateChainTipHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setUpdateChainTipHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
updateChainTipHeightThrowableError = param
var updateChainTipHeightCallsCount = 0
var updateChainTipHeightCalled: Bool {
return updateChainTipHeightCallsCount > 0
var updateChainTipHeightReceivedHeight: Int32?
var updateChainTipHeightClosure: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?
func setUpdateChainTipHeightClosure(_ param: ((Int32) async throws -> Void)?) async {
updateChainTipHeightClosure = param
func updateChainTip(height: Int32) async throws {
if let error = updateChainTipHeightThrowableError {
throw error
updateChainTipHeightCallsCount += 1
updateChainTipHeightReceivedHeight = height
try await updateChainTipHeightClosure!(height)
// MARK: - fullyScannedHeight
var fullyScannedHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setFullyScannedHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
fullyScannedHeightThrowableError = param
var fullyScannedHeightCallsCount = 0
var fullyScannedHeightCalled: Bool {
return fullyScannedHeightCallsCount > 0
var fullyScannedHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight?
func setFullyScannedHeightReturnValue(_ param: BlockHeight?) async {
fullyScannedHeightReturnValue = param
var fullyScannedHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight?)?
func setFullyScannedHeightClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> BlockHeight?)?) async {
fullyScannedHeightClosure = param
func fullyScannedHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight? {
if let error = fullyScannedHeightThrowableError {
throw error
fullyScannedHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = fullyScannedHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return fullyScannedHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - maxScannedHeight
var maxScannedHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setMaxScannedHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
maxScannedHeightThrowableError = param
var maxScannedHeightCallsCount = 0
var maxScannedHeightCalled: Bool {
return maxScannedHeightCallsCount > 0
var maxScannedHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight?
func setMaxScannedHeightReturnValue(_ param: BlockHeight?) async {
maxScannedHeightReturnValue = param
var maxScannedHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight?)?
func setMaxScannedHeightClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> BlockHeight?)?) async {
maxScannedHeightClosure = param
func maxScannedHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight? {
if let error = maxScannedHeightThrowableError {
throw error
maxScannedHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = maxScannedHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return maxScannedHeightReturnValue
// MARK: - getWalletSummary
var getWalletSummaryThrowableError: Error?
func setGetWalletSummaryThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
getWalletSummaryThrowableError = param
var getWalletSummaryCallsCount = 0
var getWalletSummaryCalled: Bool {
return getWalletSummaryCallsCount > 0
var getWalletSummaryReturnValue: WalletSummary?
func setGetWalletSummaryReturnValue(_ param: WalletSummary?) async {
getWalletSummaryReturnValue = param
var getWalletSummaryClosure: (() async throws -> WalletSummary?)?
func setGetWalletSummaryClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> WalletSummary?)?) async {
getWalletSummaryClosure = param
func getWalletSummary() async throws -> WalletSummary? {
if let error = getWalletSummaryThrowableError {
throw error
getWalletSummaryCallsCount += 1
if let closure = getWalletSummaryClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return getWalletSummaryReturnValue
// MARK: - suggestScanRanges
var suggestScanRangesThrowableError: Error?
func setSuggestScanRangesThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
suggestScanRangesThrowableError = param
var suggestScanRangesCallsCount = 0
var suggestScanRangesCalled: Bool {
return suggestScanRangesCallsCount > 0
var suggestScanRangesReturnValue: [ScanRange]!
func setSuggestScanRangesReturnValue(_ param: [ScanRange]) async {
suggestScanRangesReturnValue = param
var suggestScanRangesClosure: (() async throws -> [ScanRange])?
func setSuggestScanRangesClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> [ScanRange])?) async {
suggestScanRangesClosure = param
func suggestScanRanges() async throws -> [ScanRange] {
if let error = suggestScanRangesThrowableError {
throw error
suggestScanRangesCallsCount += 1
if let closure = suggestScanRangesClosure {
return try await closure()
} else {
return suggestScanRangesReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - scanBlocks
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitThrowableError: Error?
func setScanBlocksFromHeightLimitThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
scanBlocksFromHeightLimitThrowableError = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitCallsCount = 0
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitCalled: Bool {
return scanBlocksFromHeightLimitCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitReceivedArguments: (fromHeight: Int32, limit: UInt32)?
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitReturnValue: ScanSummary!
func setScanBlocksFromHeightLimitReturnValue(_ param: ScanSummary) async {
scanBlocksFromHeightLimitReturnValue = param
var scanBlocksFromHeightLimitClosure: ((Int32, UInt32) async throws -> ScanSummary)?
func setScanBlocksFromHeightLimitClosure(_ param: ((Int32, UInt32) async throws -> ScanSummary)?) async {
scanBlocksFromHeightLimitClosure = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func scanBlocks(fromHeight: Int32, limit: UInt32) async throws -> ScanSummary {
if let error = scanBlocksFromHeightLimitThrowableError {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
throw error
scanBlocksFromHeightLimitCallsCount += 1
scanBlocksFromHeightLimitReceivedArguments = (fromHeight: fromHeight, limit: limit)
if let closure = scanBlocksFromHeightLimitClosure {
return try await closure(fromHeight, limit)
} else {
return scanBlocksFromHeightLimitReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - putUnspentTransparentOutput
var putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setPutUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightThrowableError = param
var putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightCallsCount = 0
var putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightCalled: Bool {
return putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightCallsCount > 0
var putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightReceivedArguments: (txid: [UInt8], index: Int, script: [UInt8], value: Int64, height: BlockHeight)?
var putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightClosure: (([UInt8], Int, [UInt8], Int64, BlockHeight) async throws -> Void)?
func setPutUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightClosure(_ param: (([UInt8], Int, [UInt8], Int64, BlockHeight) async throws -> Void)?) async {
putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightClosure = param
func putUnspentTransparentOutput(txid: [UInt8], index: Int, script: [UInt8], value: Int64, height: BlockHeight) async throws {
if let error = putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightThrowableError {
throw error
putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightCallsCount += 1
putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightReceivedArguments = (txid: txid, index: index, script: script, value: value, height: height)
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await putUnspentTransparentOutputTxidIndexScriptValueHeightClosure!(txid, index, script, value, height)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - proposeTransfer
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoThrowableError: Error?
func setProposeTransferAccountToValueMemoThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoThrowableError = param
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoCallsCount = 0
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoCalled: Bool {
return proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoCallsCount > 0
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReceivedArguments: (account: Int32, address: String, value: Int64, memo: MemoBytes?)?
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReturnValue: FfiProposal!
func setProposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReturnValue(_ param: FfiProposal) async {
proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReturnValue = param
var proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoClosure: ((Int32, String, Int64, MemoBytes?) async throws -> FfiProposal)?
func setProposeTransferAccountToValueMemoClosure(_ param: ((Int32, String, Int64, MemoBytes?) async throws -> FfiProposal)?) async {
proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoClosure = param
func proposeTransfer(account: Int32, to address: String, value: Int64, memo: MemoBytes?) async throws -> FfiProposal {
if let error = proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoThrowableError {
throw error
proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoCallsCount += 1
proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReceivedArguments = (account: account, address: address, value: value, memo: memo)
if let closure = proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoClosure {
return try await closure(account, address, value, memo)
} else {
return proposeTransferAccountToValueMemoReturnValue
// MARK: - proposeShielding
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError: Error?
func setProposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError = param
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount = 0
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdCalled: Bool {
return proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount > 0
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReceivedArguments: (account: Int32, memo: MemoBytes?, shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi)?
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue: FfiProposal!
func setProposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue(_ param: FfiProposal) async {
proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue = param
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdClosure: ((Int32, MemoBytes?, Zatoshi) async throws -> FfiProposal)?
func setProposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdClosure(_ param: ((Int32, MemoBytes?, Zatoshi) async throws -> FfiProposal)?) async {
proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdClosure = param
func proposeShielding(account: Int32, memo: MemoBytes?, shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi) async throws -> FfiProposal {
if let error = proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError {
throw error
proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdCallsCount += 1
proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReceivedArguments = (account: account, memo: memo, shieldingThreshold: shieldingThreshold)
if let closure = proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdClosure {
return try await closure(account, memo, shieldingThreshold)
} else {
return proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdReturnValue
// MARK: - createProposedTransaction
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskThrowableError: Error?
func setCreateProposedTransactionProposalUskThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
createProposedTransactionProposalUskThrowableError = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskCallsCount = 0
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskCalled: Bool {
return createProposedTransactionProposalUskCallsCount > 0
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskReceivedArguments: (proposal: FfiProposal, usk: UnifiedSpendingKey)?
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskReturnValue: Data!
func setCreateProposedTransactionProposalUskReturnValue(_ param: Data) async {
createProposedTransactionProposalUskReturnValue = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var createProposedTransactionProposalUskClosure: ((FfiProposal, UnifiedSpendingKey) async throws -> Data)?
func setCreateProposedTransactionProposalUskClosure(_ param: ((FfiProposal, UnifiedSpendingKey) async throws -> Data)?) async {
createProposedTransactionProposalUskClosure = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
func createProposedTransaction(proposal: FfiProposal, usk: UnifiedSpendingKey) async throws -> Data {
if let error = createProposedTransactionProposalUskThrowableError {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
throw error
createProposedTransactionProposalUskCallsCount += 1
createProposedTransactionProposalUskReceivedArguments = (proposal: proposal, usk: usk)
if let closure = createProposedTransactionProposalUskClosure {
return try await closure(proposal, usk)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
} else {
return createProposedTransactionProposalUskReturnValue
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - consensusBranchIdFor
nonisolated func consensusBranchIdFor(height: Int32) throws -> Int32 {
try consensusBranchIdForHeightClosure!(height)
// MARK: - initBlockMetadataDb
var initBlockMetadataDbThrowableError: Error?
func setInitBlockMetadataDbThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
initBlockMetadataDbThrowableError = param
var initBlockMetadataDbCallsCount = 0
var initBlockMetadataDbCalled: Bool {
return initBlockMetadataDbCallsCount > 0
var initBlockMetadataDbClosure: (() async throws -> Void)?
func setInitBlockMetadataDbClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> Void)?) async {
initBlockMetadataDbClosure = param
func initBlockMetadataDb() async throws {
if let error = initBlockMetadataDbThrowableError {
throw error
initBlockMetadataDbCallsCount += 1
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await initBlockMetadataDbClosure!()
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - writeBlocksMetadata
var writeBlocksMetadataBlocksThrowableError: Error?
func setWriteBlocksMetadataBlocksThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
writeBlocksMetadataBlocksThrowableError = param
var writeBlocksMetadataBlocksCallsCount = 0
var writeBlocksMetadataBlocksCalled: Bool {
return writeBlocksMetadataBlocksCallsCount > 0
var writeBlocksMetadataBlocksReceivedBlocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]?
var writeBlocksMetadataBlocksClosure: (([ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws -> Void)?
func setWriteBlocksMetadataBlocksClosure(_ param: (([ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws -> Void)?) async {
writeBlocksMetadataBlocksClosure = param
func writeBlocksMetadata(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
if let error = writeBlocksMetadataBlocksThrowableError {
throw error
writeBlocksMetadataBlocksCallsCount += 1
writeBlocksMetadataBlocksReceivedBlocks = blocks
[#700] CompactBlockProcessor as state machine proof of concept - For now I created `CompactBlockProcessorNG` where I started with implementation of the state machine. I did it to not break the rest of the SDK. This change will be merged to the feature branch. And before it is merged to `main` branch code from `CompactBlockProcessorNG` will be moved to `CompactBlockProcessor`. - The new code is not used. It just shows and explains how it is done. It is proof of concept. - I did put either commented current code or comment to some places to explain what should be done there. - New important data types: - `ActionContext` is context that can hold any data that needs to be shared between actions. For example sync ranges or current state. - `CBPState` is state of the `CompactBlockProcessor`. Each state is handled by one action. This doesn't apply to terminal states like `finished` or `failed`. - `ActionProgress` is very similar to `CompactBlockProgress`. Different actions reports progress differently and `ActionProgress` represents this. - `Action` is protocol that defines API of an action. It has one run method that executes the code of the action - CBP first creates actions for (almost) each state in `makeActions()` method. Then the "magic" is done in `CompactBlockProcessorNG.run()` method. Here is main loop which takes action for current state and execute it. It's expected that action does it's work and then updates the context with new state. And this happens until some terminal state (`finished`, `failed`, `stopped`) is reached. - After the transition to state machine API of the `CompactBlockProcessor` should stay the same. No changes should be required in `SDKSynchronizer`. [#700] Add documentation for CompactBlockProcessor state machine - plantuml tool is used to generate diagram. [#1054] Add config to state machine CBP Closes #1054 [#1043] Implement DownloadAction Closes #1043 [#1049] Implement ValidateAction Closes #1049 [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction Closes #1050 [#1056] Add constructors to state machine CBP Closes #1056 [#1061] Add failure methods for state machine CBP Closes #1061 [#1055] Implement retry timer to state machine CBP Closes #1055 [#1057] Implement start for state machine CBP Closes #1057 [#1058] Implement stop for state machine CBP Closes #1058 [#1052] Implement AfterSyncHooksManager when using state machine CBP Closes #1052 [#1060] Implement wipe for state machine CBP Closes #1060 [#1059] Implement rewind for state machine CBP Closes #1059 [#700] Add idle state to CBP state machine This is required so the CBP can detect start of the sync process. [#700] Implement sending of some events from CompactBlockProcessorNG [#700] Implement progress reporting in state machine CBP [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - draft of the fetching [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - updated the way Actions communicate data back to the CBP - used this mechanism to pass result of utxos fetch so it's passed to the SDKSynchronizer as an Event [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction Closes #1042 [#700] Implement cache clearing when some actions fail [#1043] Fix batch range computation in DownloadAction [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - action for sapling param files finished [#1048] Implement ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction - scan downloaded but unscanned blocks [#1047] Implement ScanAction - scan action with the proper ranges computed [#1047] Implement ScanAction (#1085) - fixed logger message [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction Closes #1044 [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction Closes #1041 [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction Closes #1040 [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction Closes #1039 [#700] Make CBP state machine work [#1050] Implement ValidateServerAction - broken tests commented out and tracked in the tickets - new test for ValidateServerAction [#1051] Update how progress is computed after switch to state machine Closes #1051 - new proposal for the progress computation - OverallProgress value is passed to the Synchronizer as a Float - OverallProgress is a result of fetch, scan and enhance operations - Order of actions no longer influences the computation - Actions report partial updates, CompactBlockProgress actor holds current state and computes the OverallProgress [#1049] Implement ValidateAction - synchronizer offline tests updated so it compiles, review is requested in a different ticket - ValidateAction tests added - BlockValidator mock generated [#1047] Implement ScanAction - ScanAction tests - refactor of validateAction -> validateServerAction - generated few more mocks for the DI [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - FetchUTXOsAction tests - UTXOFetcher mocks [#1045] Implement FetchUTXOsAction - enhanced with mocked values and more checks [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - SaplingParamsAction tests - added TODO for TestCoordinator reset() - SaplingParametersHandler mock added [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - rebased so I get functionality of improved mock checks - enhanced SaplingParamsAction tests - enhanced ValidateAction tests - enhanced ScanAction tests [#1046] Implement SaplingParamsAction - scanAction tests more checks added [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction - EnhanceAction tests focused on 2 different methods: - decideWhatToDoNext covered separately, decisions where the state machine goes next - run tests for different cases - new mocks generated for enhacer - some typos fixed [#1044] Implement EnhanceAction (#1107) - empty assert messages fixed [#700] Get rid of ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction Before the state machine download and scan was called in one loop. And processing range for one batch was same for both of them. Therefore there was code which scanned downloaded but not scanned blocks. But now download and scan are independent. So it is possible to remove `ScanDownloadedButUnscannedAction`. [#700] Make NetworkTests compilable Some tests are disabled for now (list is in #1115). And `NetworkTests` can be compiled and all the enabled tests work. [#1043] Implement DownloadAction - DownloadAction tests - BlockDownloader mock [#1043] Implement DownloadAction (#1110) - support functions set to private [#1039] Implement ChecksBeforeSyncAction - ChecksBeforeSyncAction tests - all support functions in Action tests are set to private - let _ = -> _ = refactor - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1040] Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction - Implement ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1041] Implement ClearCacheAction - ClearCacheAction tests - CompactBlockRepository mock added [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction - ComputeSyncRangesAction tests - fixed all tests after merge of latest SDK changes related InternalSyncProgress - all actions marked as final class [#1042] Implement ComputeSyncRangesAction (#1120) - Custom LatestBlocksDataProviderMock removed from the project [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency - ZcashFileManager implemented - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction refactored to be dependent on ZcashFileManager - ZcashFileManager mock added [#1122] Implement FileManager protocol and dependency (#1124) - code cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests WIP - tests naming cleanup [#1121] Implement MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction - MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction tests finished [#700] Fix DarksideTests Closes #1102 Some tests that can't be compiled are disabled for now. List is in #1126. This PR contains multiple fixes. Most of the fixes is done in the code. Not in the tests. That is good news. Fixes: - `config` inside `CompactBlockProcessor` can be updated during the tests. And it must be also updated inside the actions. So `ConfigProvider` is added and it is wrapper for config that is passed to any instance of `Action` and provides updated config. - Fixed `EnhanceAction`. Now it should update all the blocks in the enhance range even when the remaining count of blocks is lower than 1000. - Fixed `fail()` and `validationFailed()`. These two were canceling `syncTask`. But that stopped run loop in a bad way. [#1129] Final check of all State Machine Action tests - XTCAsset messages checked - test naming checked and fixed [#1126] Fix DarksideTests in state machine branch Closes #1126 Fix offline tests Closes #1098 Closes #1095 Closes #1094 Most of the tests is removed. Either the code that was tested doesn't exists. Or now tests for state machine actions do this work. [#1115] Fix NetworkTests in state machine branch Closes #1115 [#700] Fix progress reporting Some actions in the sync process may not run. For example there are no transactions to enhance and therefore there is no enhance progress. And in cases like this computation of final progress won't work properly. So let's fake 100% progress at the end of the sync process.
2023-05-05 08:04:13 -07:00
try await writeBlocksMetadataBlocksClosure!(blocks)
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
// MARK: - latestCachedBlockHeight
var latestCachedBlockHeightThrowableError: Error?
func setLatestCachedBlockHeightThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
latestCachedBlockHeightThrowableError = param
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
var latestCachedBlockHeightCallsCount = 0
var latestCachedBlockHeightCalled: Bool {
return latestCachedBlockHeightCallsCount > 0
var latestCachedBlockHeightReturnValue: BlockHeight!
func setLatestCachedBlockHeightReturnValue(_ param: BlockHeight) async {
latestCachedBlockHeightReturnValue = param
var latestCachedBlockHeightClosure: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?
func setLatestCachedBlockHeightClosure(_ param: (() async throws -> BlockHeight)?) async {
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
latestCachedBlockHeightClosure = param
func latestCachedBlockHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
if let error = latestCachedBlockHeightThrowableError {
throw error
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
latestCachedBlockHeightCallsCount += 1
if let closure = latestCachedBlockHeightClosure {
return try await closure()
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
} else {
return latestCachedBlockHeightReturnValue