[#1379] Fulfill Payment from a valid ZIP-321 request

Closes #1379

Adds test for parsing error
Adds test for successful tx creation
Public API changes in CHANGELOG.md
This commit is contained in:
Francisco Gindre 2024-02-19 17:25:10 -03:00
parent 6c9b7a91d6
commit c873e208c4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 6B61CD8DAA2862B4
14 changed files with 544 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this library adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
# Unreleased
### [#1379] Fulfill Payment from a valid ZIP-321 request
New API implemented that allows clients to use a ZIP-321 Payment URI to create transaction.
func fulfillPaymentURI(
_ uri: String,
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
Possible errors:
- `ZcashError.rustProposeTransferFromURI`
- Other errors that `sentToAddress` can throw
# 2.0.11 - 2024-03-08

View File

@ -97,13 +97,18 @@ public protocol CombineSynchronizer {
memo: Memo?
) -> SinglePublisher<ZcashTransaction.Overview, Error>
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.")
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients. use `proposeShielding:` instead")
func shieldFunds(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: Memo,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi
) -> SinglePublisher<ZcashTransaction.Overview, Error>
func proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) -> SinglePublisher<Proposal, Error>
var allTransactions: SinglePublisher<[ZcashTransaction.Overview], Never> { get }
var sentTransactions: SinglePublisher<[ZcashTransaction.Overview], Never> { get }
var receivedTransactions: SinglePublisher<[ZcashTransaction.Overview], Never> { get }

View File

@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ public enum ZcashError: Equatable, Error {
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
/// ZRUST0056
case rustGetWalletSummary(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
/// ZRUST0057
case rustProposeTransferFromURI(_ rustError: String)
/// SQLite query failed when fetching all accounts from the database.
/// - `sqliteError` is error produced by SQLite library.
/// ZADAO0001
@ -676,6 +680,7 @@ public enum ZcashError: Equatable, Error {
case .rustLatestCachedBlockHeight: return "Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.latestCachedBlockHeight"
case .rustScanProgressOutOfRange: return "Rust layer's call ZcashRustBackend.getScanProgress returned values that after computation are outside of allowed range 0-100%."
case .rustGetWalletSummary: return "Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getWalletSummary"
case .rustProposeTransferFromURI: return "Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend."
case .accountDAOGetAll: return "SQLite query failed when fetching all accounts from the database."
case .accountDAOGetAllCantDecode: return "Fetched accounts from SQLite but can't decode them."
case .accountDAOFindBy: return "SQLite query failed when seaching for accounts in the database."
@ -850,6 +855,7 @@ public enum ZcashError: Equatable, Error {
case .rustLatestCachedBlockHeight: return .rustLatestCachedBlockHeight
case .rustScanProgressOutOfRange: return .rustScanProgressOutOfRange
case .rustGetWalletSummary: return .rustGetWalletSummary
case .rustProposeTransferFromURI: return .rustProposeTransferFromURI
case .accountDAOGetAll: return .accountDAOGetAll
case .accountDAOGetAllCantDecode: return .accountDAOGetAllCantDecode
case .accountDAOFindBy: return .accountDAOFindBy

View File

@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ public enum ZcashErrorCode: String {
case rustScanProgressOutOfRange = "ZRUST0055"
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.getWalletSummary
case rustGetWalletSummary = "ZRUST0056"
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.
case rustProposeTransferFromURI = "ZRUST0057"
/// SQLite query failed when fetching all accounts from the database.
case accountDAOGetAll = "ZADAO0001"
/// Fetched accounts from SQLite but can't decode them.

View File

@ -348,6 +348,10 @@ enum ZcashErrorDefinition {
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0056"
case rustGetWalletSummary(_ rustError: String)
/// Error from rust layer when calling ZcashRustBackend.
/// - `rustError` contains error generated by the rust layer.
// sourcery: code="ZRUST0057"
case rustProposeTransferFromURI(_ rustError: String)
// MARK: - Account DAO

View File

@ -112,6 +112,34 @@ actor ZcashRustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding {
func proposeTransferFromURI(
_ uri: String,
account: Int32
) async throws -> FfiProposal {
let proposal = zcashlc_propose_transfer_from_uri(
guard let proposal else {
throw ZcashError.rustCreateToAddress(lastErrorMessage(fallback: "`proposeTransfer` failed with unknown error"))
defer { zcashlc_free_boxed_slice(proposal) }
return try FfiProposal(contiguousBytes: Data(
bytes: proposal.pointee.ptr,
count: Int(proposal.pointee.len)
func decryptAndStoreTransaction(txBytes: [UInt8], minedHeight: Int32) async throws {
let result = zcashlc_decrypt_and_store_transaction(

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// ZcashRustBackendWelding.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 12/09/2019.
// Created by Francisco 'Pacu' Gindre on 2019-12-09.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
@ -208,6 +208,21 @@ protocol ZcashRustBackendWelding {
memo: MemoBytes?
) async throws -> FfiProposal
/// Select transaction inputs, compute fees, and construct a proposal for a transaction
/// that can then be authorized and made ready for submission to the network with
/// `createProposedTransaction` from a valid [ZIP-321](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0321) Payment Request UR
/// - parameter uri: the URI String that the proposal will be made from.
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
/// - Parameter to: recipient address
/// - Parameter value: transaction amount in Zatoshi
/// - Parameter memo: the `MemoBytes` for this transaction. pass `nil` when sending to transparent receivers
/// - Throws: `rustCreateToAddress`.
func proposeTransferFromURI(
_ uri: String,
account: Int32
) async throws -> FfiProposal
/// Constructs a transaction proposal to shield all found UTXOs in data db for the given account,
/// that can then be authorized and made ready for submission to the network with
/// `createProposedTransaction`.

View File

@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public protocol Synchronizer: AnyObject {
/// - Parameter toAddress: the recipient's address.
/// - Parameter memo: an `Optional<Memo>`with the memo to include as part of the transaction. send `nil` when sending to transparent receivers otherwise the function will throw an error
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creation of the synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// - NOTE: If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.")
func sendToAddress(
@ -225,12 +225,23 @@ public protocol Synchronizer: AnyObject {
memo: Memo?
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
/// Attempts to propose fulfilling a [ZIP-321](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0321) payment URI using the given `accountIndex`
/// - Parameter uri: a valid ZIP-321 payment URI
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the account index that allows spends to occur.
/// - NOTE: If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
func proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) async throws -> Proposal
/// Shields transparent funds from the given private key into the best shielded pool of the account associated to the given `UnifiedSpendingKey`.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` that allows to spend transparent funds
/// - Parameter memo: the optional memo to include as part of the transaction.
/// - Parameter shieldingThreshold: the minimum transparent balance required before a transaction will be created.
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creation of the synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// - Note: If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.")
func shieldFunds(

View File

@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ extension CombineSDKSynchronizer: CombineSynchronizer {
public func proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) -> SinglePublisher<Proposal, Error> {
AsyncToCombineGateway.executeThrowingAction() {
try await self.synchronizer.proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
accountIndex: accountIndex
public func proposeShielding(
accountIndex: Int,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi,

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Combine
/// Synchronizer implementation for UIKit and iOS 13+
// swiftlint:disable type_body_length
public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
public var alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias { initializer.alias }
private lazy var streamsUpdateQueue = { DispatchQueue(label: "streamsUpdateQueue_\(initializer.alias.description)") }()
@ -290,14 +291,29 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
) async throws -> Proposal? {
try throwIfUnprepared()
let proposal = try await transactionEncoder.proposeShielding(
return try await transactionEncoder.proposeShielding(
accountIndex: accountIndex,
shieldingThreshold: shieldingThreshold,
memoBytes: memo.asMemoBytes(),
transparentReceiver: transparentReceiver?.stringEncoded
return proposal
public func proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) async throws -> Proposal {
do {
try throwIfUnprepared()
return try await transactionEncoder.proposeFulfillingPaymentFromURI(
accountIndex: accountIndex
} catch ZcashError.rustCreateToAddress(let e) {
throw ZcashError.rustProposeTransferFromURI(e)
} catch {
throw error
public func createProposedTransactions(

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// TransactionEncoder.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/20/19.
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 2019-11-20.
import Foundation
@ -72,6 +72,21 @@ protocol TransactionEncoder {
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey
) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// Creates a transaction proposal to fulfill a [ZIP-321](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0321), throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
/// doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using
/// double-bangs for things).
/// - Parameters:
/// - Parameter uri: a valid ZIP-321 payment URI.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the index of the account the proposal should be made from.
/// - Throws:
/// - `walletTransEncoderCreateTransactionMissingSaplingParams` if the sapling parameters aren't downloaded.
/// - Some `ZcashError.rust*` if the creation of transaction fails.
func proposeFulfillingPaymentFromURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) async throws -> Proposal
/// submits a transaction to the Zcash peer-to-peer network.
/// - Parameter transaction: a transaction overview
func submit(transaction: EncodedTransaction) async throws

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@ -87,6 +87,17 @@ class WalletTransactionEncoder: TransactionEncoder {
return Proposal(inner: proposal)
func proposeFulfillingPaymentFromURI(
_ uri: String,
accountIndex: Int
) async throws -> Proposal {
let proposal = try await rustBackend.proposeTransferFromURI(
account: Int32(accountIndex)
return Proposal(inner: proposal)
func createProposedTransactions(
proposal: Proposal,
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey

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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
// PaymentURIFulfillmentTests.swift
// DarksideTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 2024-02-19
import Combine
import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class PaymentURIFulfillmentTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
var coordinator: TestCoordinator!
var syncedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "synced")
var sentTransactionExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sent")
var expectedReorgHeight: BlockHeight = 665188
var expectedRewindHeight: BlockHeight = 665188
var reorgExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "reorg")
let branchID = "2bb40e60"
let chainName = "main"
let network = DarksideWalletDNetwork()
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp()
// don't use an exact birthday, users never do.
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday + 50,
network: network
try await coordinator.reset(
saplingActivation: 663150,
startSaplingTreeSize: 128607,
startOrchardTreeSize: 0,
branchID: self.branchID,
chainName: self.chainName
override func tearDown() async throws {
try await super.tearDown()
let coordinator = self.coordinator!
self.coordinator = nil
cancellables = []
try await coordinator.stop()
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.fsCacheDbRoot)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.dataDB)
/// Create a transaction from a ZIP-321 Payment URI
/// Pre-condition: Wallet has funds
/// Steps:
/// 1. create fake chain
/// 1a. sync to latest height
/// 2. create proposal for PaymentURI
/// 3. getIncomingTransaction
/// 4. stage transaction at sentTxHeight
/// 5. applyHeight(sentTxHeight)
/// 6. sync to latest height
/// 7. stage 20 blocks from sentTxHeight
/// 8. applyHeight(sentTxHeight + 1) to cause a 1 block reorg
/// 9. sync to latest height
/// 10. applyHeight(sentTxHeight + 2)
/// 10a. sync to latest height
/// 11. applyheight(sentTxHeight + 25)
func testPaymentToValidURIFulfillmentSucceeds() async throws {
1. create fake chain
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: 663188)
let firstSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync")
1a. sync to latest height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [firstSyncExpectation], timeout: 5)
let sendExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "send expectation")
var proposal: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
2. send transaction to recipient address
let memo = "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHNpbXBsZSBtZW1vLg" // "This is a simple memo."
let paymentURI = "zcash:\(Environment.testRecipientAddress)?amount=0.0002&memo=\(memo)&message=Thank%20you%20for%20your%20purchase&label=Your%20Purchase"
do {
let proposal = try await coordinator.synchronizer.proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
accountIndex: 0
let transactions = try await coordinator.synchronizer.createProposedTransactions(
proposal: proposal,
spendingKey: coordinator.spendingKey
for try await tx in transactions {
switch tx {
case .grpcFailure(_, let error):
XCTFail("transaction failed to submit with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
case .success(txId: let txId):
case .submitFailure(txId: let txId, code: let code, description: let description):
XCTFail("transaction failed to submit with code: \(code) - description: \(description)")
case .notAttempted(txId: let txId):
XCTFail("transaction not attempted")
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [sendExpectation], timeout: 13)
3. getIncomingTransaction
guard let incomingTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else {
XCTFail("no incoming transaction")
try await coordinator.stop()
let sentTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663189
4. stage transaction at sentTxHeight
try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight)
try coordinator.stageTransaction(incomingTx, at: sentTxHeight)
5. applyHeight(sentTxHeight)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight)
6. sync to latest height
let secondSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "after send expectation")
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [secondSyncExpectation], timeout: 5)
7. stage 20 blocks from sentTxHeight
try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight, count: 25)
7a. stage sent tx to sentTxHeight + 2
try coordinator.stageTransaction(incomingTx, at: sentTxHeight + 2)
8. applyHeight(sentTxHeight + 1) to cause a 1 block reorg
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 1)
9. sync to latest height
self.expectedReorgHeight = sentTxHeight + 1
let afterReorgExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "after reorg sync")
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [afterReorgExpectation], timeout: 5)
// TODO: [#1247] needs to review this to properly solve, https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/1247
10. applyHeight(sentTxHeight + 2)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 2)
let yetAnotherExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "after staging expectation")
10a. sync to latest height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [yetAnotherExpectation], timeout: 5)
11. apply height(sentTxHeight + 25)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 25)
let thisIsTheLastExpectationIPromess = XCTestExpectation(description: "last sync")
12. sync to latest height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [thisIsTheLastExpectationIPromess], timeout: 5)
/// Attempt to create a transaction from an invalid ZIP-321 Payment URI and assert that fails
/// Pre-condition: Wallet has funds
/// Steps:
/// 1. create fake chain
/// 1a. sync to latest height
/// 2. create proposal for PaymentURI
/// 3. check that fails
func testPaymentToInvalidURIFulfillmentFails() async throws {
1. create fake chain
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: 663188)
let firstSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync")
1a. sync to latest height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [firstSyncExpectation], timeout: 5)
2. send transaction to recipient address
let memo = "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHNpbXBsZSBtZW1vLg" // "This is a simple memo."
let paymentURI = "zcash:zecIsGreat17mg40levjezevuhdp5pqrd52zere7r7vrjgdwn5sj4xsqtm20euwahv9anxmwr3y3kmwuz8k55a?amount=0.0002&memo=\(memo)&message=Thank%20you%20for%20your%20purchase&label=Your%20Purchase"
do {
let _ = try await coordinator.synchronizer.proposefulfillingPaymentURI(
accountIndex: 0
XCTFail("`fulfillPaymentURI` should have failed")
} catch ZcashError.rustProposeTransferFromURI {
} catch {
XCTFail("Expected ZcashError.rustCreateToAddress but got \(error.localizedDescription)")
func handleError(_ error: Error?) async {
_ = try? await coordinator.stop()
guard let testError = error else {
XCTFail("failed with nil error")
XCTFail("Failed with error: \(testError)")

View File

@ -1493,6 +1493,30 @@ class SynchronizerMock: Synchronizer {
// MARK: - proposefulfillingPaymentURI
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexThrowableError: Error?
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexCallsCount = 0
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexCalled: Bool {
return proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexCallsCount > 0
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexReceivedArguments: (uri: String, accountIndex: Int)?
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexReturnValue: Proposal!
var proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexClosure: ((String, Int) async throws -> Proposal)?
func proposefulfillingPaymentURI(_ uri: String, accountIndex: Int) async throws -> Proposal {
if let error = proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexThrowableError {
throw error
proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexCallsCount += 1
proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexReceivedArguments = (uri: uri, accountIndex: accountIndex)
if let closure = proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexClosure {
return try await closure(uri, accountIndex)
} else {
return proposefulfillingPaymentURIAccountIndexReturnValue
// MARK: - shieldFunds
var shieldFundsSpendingKeyMemoShieldingThresholdThrowableError: Error?
@ -2826,6 +2850,39 @@ actor ZcashRustBackendWeldingMock: ZcashRustBackendWelding {
// MARK: - proposeTransferFromURI
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountThrowableError: Error?
func setProposeTransferFromURIAccountThrowableError(_ param: Error?) async {
proposeTransferFromURIAccountThrowableError = param
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountCallsCount = 0
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountCalled: Bool {
return proposeTransferFromURIAccountCallsCount > 0
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountReceivedArguments: (uri: String, account: Int32)?
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountReturnValue: FfiProposal!
func setProposeTransferFromURIAccountReturnValue(_ param: FfiProposal) async {
proposeTransferFromURIAccountReturnValue = param
var proposeTransferFromURIAccountClosure: ((String, Int32) async throws -> FfiProposal)?
func setProposeTransferFromURIAccountClosure(_ param: ((String, Int32) async throws -> FfiProposal)?) async {
proposeTransferFromURIAccountClosure = param
func proposeTransferFromURI(_ uri: String, account: Int32) async throws -> FfiProposal {
if let error = proposeTransferFromURIAccountThrowableError {
throw error
proposeTransferFromURIAccountCallsCount += 1
proposeTransferFromURIAccountReceivedArguments = (uri: uri, account: account)
if let closure = proposeTransferFromURIAccountClosure {
return try await closure(uri, account)
} else {
return proposeTransferFromURIAccountReturnValue
// MARK: - proposeShielding
var proposeShieldingAccountMemoShieldingThresholdTransparentReceiverThrowableError: Error?