[#1054] Add config to state machine CBP

Closes #1054
This commit is contained in:
Michal Fousek 2023-05-10 11:53:39 +02:00
parent 2b528f150a
commit da8c05b2d9
1 changed files with 104 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -18,12 +18,114 @@ class CompactBlockProcessorNG {
private let actions: [CBPState: Action]
private var context: ActionContext
let logger: Logger
private let logger: Logger
init(container: DIContainer) {
private(set) var config: Configuration
/// Compact Block Processor configuration
/// - parameter fsBlockCacheRoot: absolute root path where the filesystem block cache will be stored.
/// - parameter dataDb: absolute file path of the DB where all information derived from the cache DB is stored.
/// - parameter spendParamsURL: absolute file path of the sapling-spend.params file
/// - parameter outputParamsURL: absolute file path of the sapling-output.params file
struct Configuration {
let alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias
let saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL
let fsBlockCacheRoot: URL
let dataDb: URL
let spendParamsURL: URL
let outputParamsURL: URL
let downloadBatchSize: Int
let scanningBatchSize: Int
let retries: Int
let maxBackoffInterval: TimeInterval
let maxReorgSize = ZcashSDK.maxReorgSize
let rewindDistance: Int
let walletBirthdayProvider: () -> BlockHeight
var walletBirthday: BlockHeight { walletBirthdayProvider() }
let downloadBufferSize: Int = 10
let network: ZcashNetwork
let saplingActivation: BlockHeight
let cacheDbURL: URL?
var blockPollInterval: TimeInterval {
TimeInterval.random(in: ZcashSDK.defaultPollInterval / 2 ... ZcashSDK.defaultPollInterval * 1.5)
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias,
cacheDbURL: URL? = nil,
fsBlockCacheRoot: URL,
dataDb: URL,
spendParamsURL: URL,
outputParamsURL: URL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL,
downloadBatchSize: Int = ZcashSDK.DefaultDownloadBatch,
retries: Int = ZcashSDK.defaultRetries,
maxBackoffInterval: TimeInterval = ZcashSDK.defaultMaxBackOffInterval,
rewindDistance: Int = ZcashSDK.defaultRewindDistance,
scanningBatchSize: Int = ZcashSDK.DefaultScanningBatch,
walletBirthdayProvider: @escaping () -> BlockHeight,
saplingActivation: BlockHeight,
network: ZcashNetwork
) {
self.alias = alias
self.fsBlockCacheRoot = fsBlockCacheRoot
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.spendParamsURL = spendParamsURL
self.outputParamsURL = outputParamsURL
self.saplingParamsSourceURL = saplingParamsSourceURL
self.network = network
self.downloadBatchSize = downloadBatchSize
self.retries = retries
self.maxBackoffInterval = maxBackoffInterval
self.rewindDistance = rewindDistance
self.scanningBatchSize = scanningBatchSize
self.walletBirthdayProvider = walletBirthdayProvider
self.saplingActivation = saplingActivation
self.cacheDbURL = cacheDbURL
assert(downloadBatchSize >= scanningBatchSize)
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias,
fsBlockCacheRoot: URL,
dataDb: URL,
spendParamsURL: URL,
outputParamsURL: URL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL,
downloadBatchSize: Int = ZcashSDK.DefaultDownloadBatch,
retries: Int = ZcashSDK.defaultRetries,
maxBackoffInterval: TimeInterval = ZcashSDK.defaultMaxBackOffInterval,
rewindDistance: Int = ZcashSDK.defaultRewindDistance,
scanningBatchSize: Int = ZcashSDK.DefaultScanningBatch,
walletBirthdayProvider: @escaping () -> BlockHeight,
network: ZcashNetwork
) {
self.alias = alias
self.fsBlockCacheRoot = fsBlockCacheRoot
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.spendParamsURL = spendParamsURL
self.outputParamsURL = outputParamsURL
self.saplingParamsSourceURL = saplingParamsSourceURL
self.walletBirthdayProvider = walletBirthdayProvider
self.saplingActivation = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
self.network = network
self.cacheDbURL = nil
self.downloadBatchSize = downloadBatchSize
self.retries = retries
self.maxBackoffInterval = maxBackoffInterval
self.rewindDistance = rewindDistance
self.scanningBatchSize = scanningBatchSize
assert(downloadBatchSize >= scanningBatchSize)
init(container: DIContainer, config: Configuration) {
context = ActionContext(state: .validateServer)
actions = Self.makeActions(container: container)
self.logger = container.resolve(Logger.self)
self.config = config
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity