Merge branch 'master' into release/0.16.10-beta

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Gindre 2022-09-16 18:04:14 -03:00
commit db15465ebe
42 changed files with 2810 additions and 2578 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs:
contents: read
runs-on: macos-latest
runs-on: macos-12
- uses: actions/checkout@a12a3943b4bdde767164f792f33f40b04645d846

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
language: swift
os: osx
osx_image: xcode13.2
osx_image: xcode13.4
xcode_project: ./Example/ZcashLightClientSample/ZcashLightClientSample.xcodeproj
xcode_scheme: ZcashLightClientSample
xcode_destination: platform=iOS Simulator,OS=15.2,name=iPhone 8

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ enum DemoAppConfig {
static var endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint {
return LightWalletEndpoint(address:, port: self.port, secure: true)
return LightWalletEndpoint(address:, port: self.port, secure: true, streamingCallTimeoutInMillis: 10 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

View File

@ -29,17 +29,12 @@ class LatestHeightViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
service.latestBlockHeight { result in
switch result {
case .success(let height):
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.model = height
case .failure(let error):
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
/// Note: It's safe to modify model or call fail() because all methods of a UIViewController are MainActor methods by default.
Task {
do {
model = try await service.latestBlockHeightAsync()
} catch {
fail(error as? LightWalletServiceError ?? .unknown)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class SyncBlocksViewController: UIViewController {
// swiftlint:disable:next force_try
try! wallet.initialize()
processor = CompactBlockProcessor(initializer: wallet)
statusLabel.text = textFor(state: processor?.state ?? .stopped)
statusLabel.text = textFor(state: processor?.state.getState() ?? .stopped)
progressBar.progress = 0
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class SyncBlocksViewController: UIViewController {
@IBAction func startStop() {
guard let processor = processor else { return }
switch processor.state {
switch processor.state.getState() {
case .stopped:
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class SyncBlocksViewController: UIViewController {
func stopProcessor() {
guard let processor = processor else { return }
processor.stop(cancelTasks: true)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class SyncBlocksViewController: UIViewController {
func updateUI() {
guard let state = processor?.state else { return }
guard let state = processor?.state.getState() else { return }
statusLabel.text = textFor(state: state)
startPause.setTitle(buttonText(for: state), for: .normal)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
// swift-tools-version:5.5
// swift-tools-version:5.6
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ZcashLightClientKit",
platforms: [
products: [

View File

@ -85,39 +85,28 @@ extension CompactBlockStorage: CompactBlockRepository {
try latestBlockHeight()
func latestHeight(result: @escaping (Swift.Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void) { .userInitiated).async {
do {
result(.success(try self.latestBlockHeight()))
} catch {
func latestHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
let task = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
try latestBlockHeight()
return try await task.value
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) throws {
try insert(blocks)
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock], completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) { .userInitiated).async {
do {
try self.insert(blocks)
} catch {
func writeAsync(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
let task = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
try insert(blocks)
try await task.value
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) { .userInitiated).async {
do {
try self.rewind(to: height)
} catch {
func rewindAsync(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
let task = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
try rewind(to: height)
try await task.value

View File

@ -16,35 +16,6 @@ enum CompactBlockDownloadError: Error {
Represents what a compact block downloaded should provide to its clients
public protocol CompactBlockDownloading {
Downloads and stores the given block range.
func downloadBlockRange(
_ heightRange: CompactBlockRange,
completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void
Remove newer blocks and go back to the given height
- Parameters:
- height: the given height to rewind to
- completion: block to be executed after completing rewind
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
returns the height of the latest compact block stored locally
BlockHeight.empty() if no blocks are stored yet
func lastDownloadedBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void)
Returns the last height on the blockchain
func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void)
Downloads and stores the given block range.
@ -52,11 +23,23 @@ public protocol CompactBlockDownloading {
func downloadBlockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws
Downloads and stores the given block range.
func downloadBlockRangeAsync(_ heightRange: CompactBlockRange) async throws
Restore the download progress up to the given height.
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight) throws
Remove newer blocks and go back to the given height
- Parameter height: the given height to rewind to
func rewindAsync(to height: BlockHeight) async throws
Returns the height of the latest compact block stored locally.
BlockHeight.empty() if no blocks are stored yet
@ -64,12 +47,25 @@ public protocol CompactBlockDownloading {
func lastDownloadedBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
returns the height of the latest compact block stored locally
BlockHeight.empty() if no blocks are stored yet
func lastDownloadedBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight
Returns the latest block height
func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
Returns the last height on the blockchain
func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight
Gets the transaction for the Id given
- Parameter txId: Data representing the transaction Id
@ -81,17 +77,30 @@ public protocol CompactBlockDownloading {
Gets the transaction for the Id given
- Parameter txId: Data representing the transaction Id
- Parameter result: a handler for the result of the operation
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
// TODO: will be removed with the issue 474
// Use the new API fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], Error>) -> Void)
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], Error>) -> Void)
// TODO: will be removed with the issue 474
// Use the new API fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(
tAddresses: [String],
startHeight: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], Error>) -> Void
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
func closeConnection()
@ -138,6 +147,10 @@ extension CompactBlockDownloader: CompactBlockDownloading {
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: [String], startHeight: BlockHeight ) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
lightwalletService.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddresses, height: startHeight)
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
try lightwalletService.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddress, height: startHeight)
@ -153,67 +166,53 @@ extension CompactBlockDownloader: CompactBlockDownloading {
func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void) {
lightwalletService.latestBlockHeight { fetchResult in
switch fetchResult {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let height):
func fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
lightwalletService.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddress, height: startHeight)
func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
try await lightwalletService.latestBlockHeightAsync()
func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
try lightwalletService.latestBlockHeight()
Downloads and stores the given block range.
func downloadBlockRange(
_ heightRange: CompactBlockRange,
completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void
) {
lightwalletService.blockRange(heightRange) { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else {
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let compactBlocks): compactBlocks) { storeError in
func downloadBlockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws {
let blocks = try lightwalletService.blockRange(range)
try storage.write(blocks: blocks)
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
storage.rewind(to: height) { e in
func downloadBlockRangeAsync( _ heightRange: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> = lightwalletService.blockRange(heightRange)
do {
var compactBlocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await compactBlock in stream {
try await compactBlocks)
} catch {
throw error
func lastDownloadedBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void) {
storage.latestHeight { heightResult in
switch heightResult {
case .failure(let e):
result(.failure(CompactBlockDownloadError.generalError(error: e)))
case .success(let height):
func rewindAsync(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
do {
try await storage.rewindAsync(to: height)
} catch {
throw error
func lastDownloadedBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
do {
let latestHeight = try await storage.latestHeightAsync()
return latestHeight
} catch {
throw CompactBlockDownloadError.generalError(error: error)
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight) throws {
try height)
@ -227,14 +226,7 @@ extension CompactBlockDownloader: CompactBlockDownloading {
try lightwalletService.fetchTransaction(txId: txId)
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void) {
lightwalletService.fetchTransaction(txId: txId) { txResult in
switch txResult {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let transaction):
func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity {
try await lightwalletService.fetchTransactionAsync(txId: txId)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// CompactBlockDownload.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: Int,
startHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
targetHeight: BlockHeight? = nil
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
var buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
var targetHeightInternal: BlockHeight?
do {
targetHeightInternal = targetHeight
if targetHeight == nil {
targetHeightInternal = try await service.latestBlockHeightAsync()
guard let latestHeight = targetHeightInternal else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "missing target height on compactBlockStreamDownload")
let latestDownloaded = try await storage.latestHeightAsync()
let startHeight = max(startHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty(), latestDownloaded)
let stream = service.blockStream(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: latestHeight
for try await zcashCompactBlock in stream {
if buffer.count >= blockBufferSize {
// TODO: writeAsync doesn't make sense here, awaiting it or calling blocking API have the same result and impact
try storage.write(blocks: buffer)
buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
let progress = BlockProgress(
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: latestHeight,
progressHeight: zcashCompactBlock.height
// TODO: writeAsync doesn't make sense here, awaiting it or calling blocking API have the same result and impact
try storage.write(blocks: buffer)
buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
} catch {
guard let err = error as? LightWalletServiceError, case .userCancelled = err else {
throw error
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockDownload(
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
range: CompactBlockRange
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
try await downloader.downloadBlockRangeAsync(range)
} catch {
throw error
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum CompactBlockBatchDownloadError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
case batchDownloadFailed(range: CompactBlockRange, error: Error?)
func compactBlockBatchDownload(
range: CompactBlockRange,
batchSize: Int = 100,
maxRetries: Int = 5
) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
var startHeight = range.lowerBound
let targetHeight = range.upperBound
do {
let localDownloadedHeight = try await
if localDownloadedHeight != BlockHeight.empty() && localDownloadedHeight > startHeight {
LoggerProxy.warn("provided startHeight (\(startHeight)) differs from local latest downloaded height (\(localDownloadedHeight))")
startHeight = localDownloadedHeight + 1
var currentHeight = startHeight
startHeight: currentHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: currentHeight
while !Task.isCancelled && currentHeight <= targetHeight {
var retries = 0
var success = true
var localError: Error?
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: currentHeight, upper: min(currentHeight + batchSize, targetHeight)))
repeat {
do {
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> = service.blockRange(range)
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await compactBlock in stream {
try storage.insert(blocks)
success = true
} catch {
success = false
localError = error
retries += 1
} while !Task.isCancelled && !success && retries < maxRetries
if retries >= maxRetries {
throw CompactBlockBatchDownloadError.batchDownloadFailed(range: range, error: localError)
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: range.upperBound
currentHeight = range.upperBound + 1
} catch {
throw error

View File

@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
// CompactBlockDownloadOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class CompactBlockDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var range: CompactBlockRange
required init(downloader: CompactBlockDownloading, range: CompactBlockRange) {
self.range = range
self.downloader = downloader
super.init() = "Download Operation: \(range)"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
try downloader.downloadBlockRange(range)
} catch {
self.error = error
protocol CompactBlockProgressDelegate: AnyObject {
func progressUpdated(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress)
class CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperationError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var storage: CompactBlockStorage
private var service: LightWalletService
private var done = false
private var cancelable: CancellableCall?
private var startHeight: BlockHeight?
private var targetHeight: BlockHeight?
private var blockBufferSize: Int
private var buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
/// Creates an Compact Block Stream Download Operation Operation
/// - Parameters:
/// - service: instance that conforms to `LightWalletService`
/// - storage: instance that conforms to `CompactBlockStorage`
/// - blockBufferSize: the number of blocks that the stream downloader will store in memory
/// before writing them to disk. Making this number smaller makes the downloader easier on RAM
/// memory while being less efficient on disk writes. Making it bigger takes up more RAM memory
/// but is less straining on Disk Writes. Too little or too big buffer will make this less efficient.
/// - startHeight: the height this downloader will start downloading from. If `nil`,
/// it will start from the latest height found on the local cacheDb
/// - targetHeight: the upper bound for this stream download. If `nil`, the
/// streamer will call `service.latestBlockHeight()`
/// - progressDelegate: Optional delegate to report ongoing progress conforming to
/// `CompactBlockProgressDelegate`
required init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
blockBufferSize: Int,
startHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
targetHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) { = storage
self.service = service
self.startHeight = startHeight
self.targetHeight = targetHeight
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate
self.blockBufferSize = blockBufferSize
super.init() = "Download Stream Operation"
// swiftlint:disable cyclomatic_complexity
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
if self.targetHeight == nil {
self.targetHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight()
guard let latestHeight = self.targetHeight else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "missing target height on block stream operation")
let latestDownloaded = try storage.latestHeight()
let startHeight = max(self.startHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty(), latestDownloaded)
self.cancelable = self.service.blockStream(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: latestHeight) { [weak self] blockResult in
guard let self = self, !self.isCancelled else {
switch blockResult {
case .success(let result):
switch result {
case .success:
do {
try self.flush()
self.done = true
} catch { error)
case .error(let e): e)
case .failure(let e):
if case .userCancelled = e {
self.done = true
} else { e)
} handler: {[weak self] block in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard !self.isCancelled else {
do {
try self.cache(block, flushCache: false)
} catch { error)
} progress: { progress in
guard !self.isCancelled else {
while !done && !isCancelled {
if isCancelled {
} catch { error)
override func fail(error: Error? = nil) {
self.cancelable?.cancel() error)
override func cancel() {
func cache(_ block: ZcashCompactBlock, flushCache: Bool) throws {
if flushCache || buffer.count >= blockBufferSize {
try flush()
func flush() throws {
try self.buffer)
self.buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
class CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperationError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
case batchDownloadFailed(range: CompactBlockRange, error: Error?)
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var batch: Int
private var maxRetries: Int
private var storage: CompactBlockStorage
private var service: LightWalletService
private var cancelable: CancellableCall?
private var startHeight: BlockHeight
private var targetHeight: BlockHeight
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
required init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
startHeight: BlockHeight,
targetHeight: BlockHeight,
batchSize: Int = 100,
maxRetries: Int = 5,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) { = storage
self.service = service
self.startHeight = startHeight
self.targetHeight = targetHeight
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate
self.batch = batchSize
self.maxRetries = maxRetries
super.init() = "Download Batch Operation"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
let localDownloadedHeight = try
if localDownloadedHeight != BlockHeight.empty() && localDownloadedHeight > startHeight {
LoggerProxy.warn("provided startHeight (\(startHeight)) differs from local latest downloaded height (\(localDownloadedHeight))")
startHeight = localDownloadedHeight + 1
var currentHeight = startHeight
startHeight: currentHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: currentHeight
while !isCancelled && currentHeight <= targetHeight {
var retries = 0
var success = true
var localError: Error?
let range = nextRange(currentHeight: currentHeight, targetHeight: targetHeight)
repeat {
do {
let blocks = try service.blockRange(range)
try storage.insert(blocks)
success = true
} catch {
success = false
localError = error
retries += 1
} while !isCancelled && !success && retries < maxRetries
if retries >= maxRetries {
throw CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperationError.batchDownloadFailed(range: range, error: localError)
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: range.upperBound
currentHeight = range.upperBound + 1
} catch { error)
override func fail(error: Error? = nil) {
self.cancelable?.cancel() error)
override func cancel() {
func nextRange(currentHeight: BlockHeight, targetHeight: BlockHeight) -> CompactBlockRange {
CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: currentHeight, upper: min(currentHeight + batch, targetHeight)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
// CompactBlockEnhancement.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 4/10/20.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum EnhancementError: Error {
case noRawData(message: String)
case unknownError
case decryptError(error: Error)
case txIdNotFound(txId: Data)
private func enhance(transaction: TransactionEntity) async throws -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity {
LoggerProxy.debug("Zoom.... Enhance... Tx: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId())")
let transaction = try await downloader.fetchTransactionAsync(txId: transaction.transactionId)
let transactionID = transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()
let block = String(describing: transaction.minedHeight)
LoggerProxy.debug("Decrypting and storing transaction id: \(transactionID) block: \(block)")
guard let rawBytes = transaction.raw?.bytes else {
let error = EnhancementError.noRawData(
message: "Critical Error: transaction id: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()) has no data"
throw error
guard let minedHeight = transaction.minedHeight else {
let error = EnhancementError.noRawData(
message: "Critical Error - Attempt to decrypt and store an unmined transaction. Id: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId())"
throw error
guard rustBackend.decryptAndStoreTransaction(dbData: config.dataDb, txBytes: rawBytes, minedHeight: Int32(minedHeight), networkType: else {
if let rustError = rustBackend.lastError() {
throw EnhancementError.decryptError(error: rustError)
throw EnhancementError.unknownError
guard let confirmedTx = try transactionRepository.findConfirmedTransactionBy(rawId: transaction.transactionId) else {
throw EnhancementError.txIdNotFound(txId: transaction.transactionId)
return confirmedTx
func compactBlockEnhancement(range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
LoggerProxy.debug("Started Enhancing range: \(range)")
let blockRange = range.blockRange()
var retries = 0
let maxRetries = 5
// fetch transactions
do {
guard let transactions = try transactionRepository.findTransactions(in: blockRange, limit: Int.max), !transactions.isEmpty else {
LoggerProxy.debug("no transactions detected on range: \(blockRange.printRange)")
for index in 0 ..< transactions.count {
let transaction = transactions[index]
var retry = true
while retry && retries < maxRetries {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
let confirmedTx = try await enhance(transaction: transaction)
retry = false
totalTransactions: transactions.count,
enhancedTransactions: index + 1,
lastFoundTransaction: confirmedTx,
range: range
} catch {
retries += 1
LoggerProxy.error("could not enhance txId \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()) - Error: \(error)")
if retries > maxRetries {
throw error
} catch {
LoggerProxy.error("error enhancing transactions! \(error)")
throw error
if let foundTxs = try? transactionRepository.findConfirmedTransactions(in: blockRange, offset: 0, limit: Int.max) {
notifyTransactions(foundTxs, in: blockRange)
if Task.isCancelled {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: compactBlockEnhancement on range \(range) cancelled")
private extension BlockRange {
var printRange: String {
"\(self.start.height) ... \(self.end.height)"

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
// CompactBlockEnhancementOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 4/10/20.
import Foundation
class CompactBlockEnhancementOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum EnhancementError: Error {
case noRawData(message: String)
case unknownError
case decryptError(error: Error)
case txIdNotFound(txId: Data)
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
var txFoundHandler: (([ConfirmedTransactionEntity], BlockRange) -> Void)?
var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
var repository: TransactionRepository
var range: BlockRange
var maxRetries: Int = 5
var retries: Int = 0
private(set) var network: NetworkType
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
private var dataDb: URL
rustWelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
dataDb: URL,
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
repository: TransactionRepository,
range: BlockRange,
networkType: NetworkType,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) {
rustBackend = rustWelding
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.downloader = downloader
self.repository = repository
self.range = range
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate = networkType
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
// fetch transactions
do {
guard let transactions = try repository.findTransactions(in: self.range, limit: Int.max), !transactions.isEmpty else {
LoggerProxy.debug("no transactions detected on range: \(range.printRange)")
for index in 0 ..< transactions.count {
let transaction = transactions[index]
var retry = true
while retry && self.retries < maxRetries {
do {
let confirmedTx = try enhance(transaction: transaction)
retry = false
totalTransactions: transactions.count,
enhanced: index + 1,
txEnhanced: confirmedTx
} catch {
self.retries += 1
LoggerProxy.error("could not enhance txId \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()) - Error: \(error)")
if retries > maxRetries {
throw error
} catch {
LoggerProxy.error("error enhancing transactions! \(error)")
self.error = error
if let handler = self.txFoundHandler, let foundTxs = try? repository.findConfirmedTransactions(in: self.range, offset: 0, limit: Int.max) {
handler(foundTxs, self.range)
func reportProgress(totalTransactions: Int, enhanced: Int, txEnhanced: ConfirmedTransactionEntity) {
totalTransactions: totalTransactions,
enhancedTransactions: enhanced,
lastFoundTransaction: txEnhanced,
range: self.range.compactBlockRange
func enhance(transaction: TransactionEntity) throws -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity {
LoggerProxy.debug("Zoom.... Enhance... Tx: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId())")
let transaction = try downloader.fetchTransaction(txId: transaction.transactionId)
let transactionID = transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()
let block = String(describing: transaction.minedHeight)
LoggerProxy.debug("Decrypting and storing transaction id: \(transactionID) block: \(block)")
guard let rawBytes = transaction.raw?.bytes else {
let error = EnhancementError.noRawData(
message: "Critical Error: transaction id: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId()) has no data"
throw error
guard let minedHeight = transaction.minedHeight else {
let error = EnhancementError.noRawData(
message: "Critical Error - Attempt to decrypt and store an unmined transaction. Id: \(transaction.transactionId.toHexStringTxId())"
throw error
guard rustBackend.decryptAndStoreTransaction(dbData: dataDb, txBytes: rawBytes, minedHeight: Int32(minedHeight), networkType: network) else {
if let rustError = rustBackend.lastError() {
throw EnhancementError.decryptError(error: rustError)
throw EnhancementError.unknownError
guard let confirmedTx = try self.repository.findConfirmedTransactionBy(rawId: transaction.transactionId) else {
throw EnhancementError.txIdNotFound(txId: transaction.transactionId)
return confirmedTx
private extension BlockRange {
var printRange: String {
"\(self.start.height) ... \(self.end.height)"

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public enum CompactBlockProcessorError: Error {
case wrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally: ConsensusBranchID, found: ConsensusBranchID)
case networkMismatch(expected: NetworkType, found: NetworkType)
case saplingActivationMismatch(expected: BlockHeight, found: BlockHeight)
case unknown
@ -311,12 +312,31 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
case synced
public private(set) var state: State = .stopped {
didSet {
transitionState(from: oldValue, to: self.state)
// TODO: this isn't an Actor even though it looks like a good candidate, the reason:
// `state` lives in both sync and async environments. An Actor is demanding async context only
// so we can't take the advantage unless we encapsulate all `state` reads/writes to async context.
// Therefore solution with class + lock works for us butr eventually will be replaced.
// The future of CompactBlockProcessor is an actor (we won't need to encapsulate the state separately), issue 523,
public class ThreadSafeState {
private var state: State = .stopped
let lock = NSLock()
func setState(_ newState: State) {
defer { lock.unlock() }
state = newState
public func getState() -> State {
defer { lock.unlock() }
return state
public internal(set) var state = ThreadSafeState()
var config: Configuration {
willSet {
@ -328,7 +348,7 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
var shouldStart: Bool {
switch self.state {
switch self.state.getState() {
case .stopped, .synced, .error:
return !maxAttemptsReached
@ -336,19 +356,19 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
private var service: LightWalletService
var service: LightWalletService
private(set) var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var storage: CompactBlockStorage
private var transactionRepository: TransactionRepository
private var accountRepository: AccountRepository
private var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
var storage: CompactBlockStorage
var transactionRepository: TransactionRepository
var accountRepository: AccountRepository
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var retryAttempts: Int = 0
private var backoffTimer: Timer?
private var lowerBoundHeight: BlockHeight?
private var latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight
private var lastChainValidationFailure: BlockHeight?
private var consecutiveChainValidationErrors: Int = 0
private var processingError: Error?
var processingError: Error?
private var foundBlocks = false
private var maxAttempts: Int {
@ -358,13 +378,7 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
private var operationQueue: OperationQueue = {
let queue = OperationQueue() = "CompactBlockProcessorQueue"
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return queue
private var cancelableTask: Task<Void, Error>?
/// Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance
/// - Parameters:
@ -431,7 +445,13 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
deinit {
func setState(_ newState: State) {
let oldValue = state.getState()
transitionState(from: oldValue, to: newState)
static func validateServerInfo(
@ -487,19 +507,14 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
self.backoffTimer = nil
guard !operationQueue.isSuspended else {
LoggerProxy.debug("restarting suspended queue")
operationQueue.isSuspended = false
guard shouldStart else {
switch self.state {
switch self.state.getState() {
case .error(let e):
// max attempts have been reached"max retry attempts reached with error: \(e)")
notifyError(CompactBlockProcessorError.maxAttemptsReached(attempts: self.maxAttempts))
self.state = .stopped
case .stopped:
// max attempts have been reached"max retry attempts reached")
@ -523,18 +538,14 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
Note: retry count is reset
- Parameter cancelTasks: cancel the pending tasks. Defaults to true
public func stop(cancelTasks: Bool = true) {
public func stop() {
self.backoffTimer = nil
if cancelTasks {
} else {
self.operationQueue.isSuspended = true
self.retryAttempts = 0
self.state = .stopped
@ -577,7 +588,7 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
- Throws CompactBlockProcessorError.invalidConfiguration if block height is invalid or if processor is already started
func setStartHeight(_ startHeight: BlockHeight) throws {
guard self.state == .stopped, startHeight >= else {
guard self.state.getState() == .stopped, startHeight >= else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.invalidConfiguration
@ -612,243 +623,34 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
processes new blocks on the given range based on the configuration set for this instance
the way operations are queued is implemented based on the following good practice
// swiftlint:disable cyclomatic_complexity
/// Processes new blocks on the given range based on the configuration set for this instance
func processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange) {
self.foundBlocks = true
self.backoffTimer = nil
let cfg = self.config
let downloadBlockOperation = CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation(
service: self.service,
blockBufferSize: self.config.downloadBufferSize,
cancelableTask = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
do {
try await compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: config.downloadBufferSize,
startHeight: range.lowerBound,
targetHeight: range.upperBound,
progressDelegate: self
targetHeight: range.upperBound
try await compactBlockValidation()
try await compactBlockBatchScanning(range: range)
try await compactBlockEnhancement(range: range)
try await fetchUnspentTxOutputs(range: range)
} catch {
if error is CancellationError {
downloadBlockOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.state = .downloading
downloadBlockOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] error in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
let validateChainOperation = CompactBlockValidationOperation(
rustWelding: self.rustBackend,
cacheDb: cfg.cacheDb,
dataDb: cfg.dataDb,
let downloadValidateAdapterOperation = BlockOperation { [weak validateChainOperation, weak downloadBlockOperation] in
validateChainOperation?.error = downloadBlockOperation?.error
validateChainOperation.completionHandler = { [weak self] _, cancelled in
guard !cancelled else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.state = .stopped
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: validateChainOperation operation cancelled")
validateChainOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] error in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let validationError = error as? CompactBlockValidationError else {
LoggerProxy.error("Warning: validateChain operation returning generic error: \(error)")
switch validationError {
case .validationFailed(let height):
LoggerProxy.debug("chain validation at height: \(height)")
self.validationFailed(at: height)
case .failedWithError(let e):
guard let validationFailure = e else {
LoggerProxy.error("validation failed without a specific error") "validation failed without a specific error"))
if !(Task.isCancelled) {
validateChainOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.state = .validating
let scanBlocksOperation = CompactBlockBatchScanningOperation(
rustWelding: rustBackend,
cacheDb: config.cacheDb,
dataDb: config.dataDb,
transactionRepository: transactionRepository,
range: range,
batchSize: UInt32(self.config.scanningBatchSize),
progressDelegate: self
let validateScanningAdapterOperation = BlockOperation { [weak scanBlocksOperation, weak validateChainOperation] in
scanBlocksOperation?.error = validateChainOperation?.error
scanBlocksOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.state = .scanning
scanBlocksOperation.completionHandler = { [weak self] _, cancelled in
guard !cancelled else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.state = .stopped
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: scanBlocksOperation operation cancelled")
scanBlocksOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] error in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
let enhanceOperation = CompactBlockEnhancementOperation(
rustWelding: rustBackend,
dataDb: config.dataDb,
downloader: downloader,
repository: transactionRepository,
range: range.blockRange(),
enhanceOperation.startedHandler = {
LoggerProxy.debug("Started Enhancing range: \(range)")
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.state = .enhancing
enhanceOperation.txFoundHandler = { [weak self] txs, range in
self?.notifyTransactions(txs, in: range)
enhanceOperation.completionHandler = { _, cancelled in
guard !cancelled else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: enhance operation on range \(range) cancelled")
enhanceOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] error in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
let scanEnhanceAdapterOperation = BlockOperation { [weak enhanceOperation, weak scanBlocksOperation] in
enhanceOperation?.error = scanBlocksOperation?.error
let fetchOperation = FetchUnspentTxOutputsOperation(
accountRepository: accountRepository,
downloader: self.downloader,
rustbackend: rustBackend,
dataDb: config.dataDb,
startHeight: config.walletBirthday,
fetchOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.state = .fetching
fetchOperation.completionHandler = { [weak self] _, cancelled in
guard !cancelled else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: fetch operation on range \(range) cancelled")
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.processBatchFinished(range: range)
fetchOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] error in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
fetchOperation.fetchedUTXOsHandler = { result in
name: .blockProcessorStoredUTXOs,
object: self,
userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.refreshedUTXOs: result]
let enhanceFetchAdapterOperation = BlockOperation { [weak fetchOperation, weak enhanceOperation] in
fetchOperation?.error = enhanceOperation?.error
waitUntilFinished: false
func calculateProgress(start: BlockHeight, current: BlockHeight, latest: BlockHeight) -> Float {
@ -892,35 +694,35 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
func severeFailure(_ error: Error) {
LoggerProxy.error("show stoppper failure: \(error)")
self.retryAttempts = config.retries
self.processingError = error
self.state = .error(error)
func fail(_ error: Error) {
// todo specify: failure
self.retryAttempts += 1
self.processingError = error
switch self.state {
switch self.state.getState() {
case .error:
self.state = .error(error)
guard self.maxAttemptsReached else { return }
// don't set a new timer if there are no more attempts.
func retryProcessing(range: CompactBlockRange) {
// update retries
self.retryAttempts += 1
self.processingError = nil
@ -973,18 +775,15 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
private func nextBatch() {
self.state = .downloading
Task { @MainActor [self] in
do {
let nextState = try await NextStateHelper.nextStateAsync(
service: self.service,
downloader: self.downloader,
config: self.config,
rustBackend: self.rustBackend,
queue: nil
) { result in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let nextState):
rustBackend: self.rustBackend
switch nextState {
case .finishProcessing(let height):
self.latestBlockHeight = height
@ -1003,16 +802,15 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
self.processingFinished(height: latestDownloadHeight)
case .failure(let error):
} catch {
private func validationFailed(at height: BlockHeight) {
internal func validationFailed(at height: BlockHeight) {
// cancel all Tasks
// register latest failure
self.lastChainValidationFailure = height
@ -1049,7 +847,7 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
private func processBatchFinished(range: CompactBlockRange) {
internal func processBatchFinished(range: CompactBlockRange) {
guard processingError == nil else {
retryProcessing(range: range)
@ -1075,7 +873,7 @@ public class CompactBlockProcessor {
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.foundBlocks: self.foundBlocks
self.state = .synced
@ -1262,33 +1060,27 @@ extension UnifiedAddressShim: UnifiedAddress {
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func refreshUTXOs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<RefreshedUTXOs, Error>) -> Void) {
func refreshUTXOs(tAddress: String, startHeight: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs {
let dataDb = self.config.dataDb
self.downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: tAddress, startHeight: startHeight) { [weak self] fetchResult in
switch fetchResult {
case .success(let utxos):
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.operationQueue.addOperation { [self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> = downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddress: tAddress, startHeight: startHeight)
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
do {
guard try self.rustBackend.clearUtxos(
for try await utxo in stream {
guard try rustBackend.clearUtxos(
dbData: dataDb,
address: tAddress,
sinceHeight: startHeight - 1,
) >= 0 else {
result(.failure(CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")))
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")
return storeUTXOs(utxos, in: dataDb)
} catch {
result(.success(self.storeUTXOs(utxos, in: dataDb)))
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(self?.mapError(error) ?? error))
throw mapError(error)
@ -1351,6 +1143,7 @@ extension CompactBlockProcessorError: LocalizedError {
case let .wrongConsensusBranchId(expectedLocally, found):
// swiftlint:disable:next line_length
return "The remote server you are connecting to is publishing a different branch ID \(found) than the one your App is expecting to be (\(expectedLocally)). This could be caused by your App being out of date or the server you are connecting you being either on a different network or out of date after a network upgrade."
case .unknown: return "Unknown error occured."
@ -1370,12 +1163,6 @@ extension CompactBlockProcessorError: LocalizedError {
extension CompactBlockProcessor: CompactBlockProgressDelegate {
func progressUpdated(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress) {
extension CompactBlockProcessor: EnhancementStreamDelegate {
func transactionEnhancementProgressUpdated(_ progress: EnhancementProgress) {
@ -1388,30 +1175,23 @@ extension CompactBlockProcessor: EnhancementStreamDelegate {
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum NextStateHelper {
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
static func nextState(
static func nextStateAsync(
service: LightWalletService,
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
config: Configuration,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
queue: DispatchQueue?,
result: @escaping (Result<FigureNextBatchOperation.NextState, Error>) -> Void
) {
let dispatchQueue = queue ?? .userInitiated)
dispatchQueue.async {
do {
let nextResult = try self.nextState(
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
) async throws -> NextState {
let task = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
// TODO: refactor to async call, issue 463, PR 493
try nextState(
service: service,
downloader: downloader,
config: config,
rustBackend: rustBackend
} catch {
return try await task.value
static func nextState(
@ -1419,7 +1199,7 @@ extension CompactBlockProcessor {
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
config: Configuration,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
) throws -> FigureNextBatchOperation.NextState {
) throws -> NextState {
let info = try service.getInfo()
try CompactBlockProcessor.validateServerInfo(

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// CompactBlockProcessingOperation.swift
// CompactBlockProcessing.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/15/19.
@ -8,37 +8,106 @@
import Foundation
class CompactBlockScanningOperation: ZcashOperation {
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockBatchScanning(range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
let batchSize = UInt32(config.scanningBatchSize)
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
do {
if batchSize == 0 {
let scanStartTime = Date()
guard self.rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: config.cacheDb, dbData: config.dataDb, limit: batchSize, networkType: else {
let error: Error = rustBackend.lastError() ?? CompactBlockProcessorError.unknown
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
let scanFinishTime = Date()
progress: BlockProgress(
startHeight: range.lowerBound,
targetHeight: range.upperBound,
progressHeight: range.upperBound
start: scanStartTime,
end: scanFinishTime,
task: .scanBlocks
let seconds = scanFinishTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - scanStartTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
LoggerProxy.debug("Scanned \(range.count) blocks in \(seconds) seconds")
} else {
let scanStartHeight = try transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight()
let targetScanHeight = range.upperBound
private var cacheDb: URL
private var dataDb: URL
private var limit: UInt32
private var network: NetworkType
init(rustWelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type, cacheDb: URL, dataDb: URL, limit: UInt32 = 0, networkType: NetworkType) {
rustBackend = rustWelding
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.limit = limit = networkType
var scannedNewBlocks = false
var lastScannedHeight = scanStartHeight
repeat {
try Task.checkCancellation()
let previousScannedHeight = lastScannedHeight
let scanStartTime = Date()
guard self.rustBackend.scanBlocks(
dbCache: config.cacheDb,
dbData: config.dataDb,
limit: batchSize,
) else {
let error: Error = rustBackend.lastError() ?? CompactBlockProcessorError.unknown
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
let scanFinishTime = Date()
lastScannedHeight = try transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight()
scannedNewBlocks = previousScannedHeight != lastScannedHeight
if scannedNewBlocks {
let progress = BlockProgress(startHeight: scanStartHeight, targetHeight: targetScanHeight, progressHeight: lastScannedHeight)
progress: progress,
start: scanStartTime,
end: scanFinishTime,
task: .scanBlocks
let heightCount = lastScannedHeight - previousScannedHeight
let seconds = scanFinishTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - scanStartTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
LoggerProxy.debug("Scanned \(heightCount) blocks in \(seconds) seconds")
} while !Task.isCancelled && scannedNewBlocks && lastScannedHeight < targetScanHeight
if Task.isCancelled {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: compactBlockBatchScanning cancelled")
} catch {
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
guard self.rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: self.cacheDb, dbData: self.dataDb, limit: limit, networkType: network) else {
self.error = self.rustBackend.lastError() ?? ZcashOperationError.unknown
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: self.error))")
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
func compactBlockScanning(
rustWelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
cacheDb: URL,
dataDb: URL,
limit: UInt32 = 0,
networkType: NetworkType
) throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
guard rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: cacheDb, dbData: dataDb, limit: limit, networkType: networkType) else {
let error: Error = rustBackend.lastError() ?? CompactBlockProcessorError.unknown
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
@ -112,127 +181,3 @@ extension String.StringInterpolation {
class CompactBlockBatchScanningOperation: ZcashOperation {
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var cacheDb: URL
private var dataDb: URL
private var batchSize: UInt32
private var blockRange: CompactBlockRange
private var transactionRepository: TransactionRepository
private var network: NetworkType
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
rustWelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
cacheDb: URL,
dataDb: URL,
transactionRepository: TransactionRepository,
range: CompactBlockRange,
batchSize: UInt32,
networkType: NetworkType,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) {
rustBackend = rustWelding
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.transactionRepository = transactionRepository
self.blockRange = range
self.batchSize = batchSize
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate = networkType
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
if batchSize == 0 {
let scanStartTime = Date()
guard self.rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: self.cacheDb, dbData: self.dataDb, limit: batchSize, networkType: network) else {
self.scanFailed(self.rustBackend.lastError() ?? ZcashOperationError.unknown)
let scanFinishTime = Date()
progress: BlockProgress(
startHeight: self.blockRange.lowerBound,
targetHeight: self.blockRange.upperBound,
progressHeight: self.blockRange.upperBound
start: scanStartTime,
end: scanFinishTime,
task: .scanBlocks
let seconds = scanFinishTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - scanStartTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
LoggerProxy.debug("Scanned \(blockRange.count) blocks in \(seconds) seconds")
} else {
let scanStartHeight = try transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight()
let targetScanHeight = blockRange.upperBound
var scannedNewBlocks = false
var lastScannedHeight = scanStartHeight
repeat {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
let previousScannedHeight = lastScannedHeight
let scanStartTime = Date()
guard self.rustBackend.scanBlocks(
dbCache: self.cacheDb,
dbData: self.dataDb,
limit: batchSize,
networkType: network
) else {
self.scanFailed(self.rustBackend.lastError() ?? ZcashOperationError.unknown)
let scanFinishTime = Date()
lastScannedHeight = try transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight()
scannedNewBlocks = previousScannedHeight != lastScannedHeight
if scannedNewBlocks {
let progress = BlockProgress(startHeight: scanStartHeight, targetHeight: targetScanHeight, progressHeight: lastScannedHeight)
progress: progress,
start: scanStartTime,
end: scanFinishTime,
task: .scanBlocks
let heightCount = lastScannedHeight - previousScannedHeight
let seconds = scanFinishTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - scanStartTime.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
LoggerProxy.debug("Scanned \(heightCount) blocks in \(seconds) seconds")
} while !self.isCancelled && scannedNewBlocks && lastScannedHeight < targetScanHeight
} catch {
func scanFailed(_ error: Error) {
self.error = error
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: self.error))")

View File

@ -8,59 +8,58 @@
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum CompactBlockValidationError: Error {
case validationFailed(height: BlockHeight)
case failedWithError(_ error: Error?)
class CompactBlockValidationOperation: ZcashOperation {
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
func compactBlockValidation() async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var cacheDb: URL
private var dataDb: URL
private var network: NetworkType
rustWelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
cacheDb: URL,
dataDb: URL,
networkType: NetworkType
) {
rustBackend = rustWelding
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb = networkType
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
let result = self.rustBackend.validateCombinedChain(dbCache: cacheDb, dbData: dataDb, networkType:
let result = rustBackend.validateCombinedChain(dbCache: config.cacheDb, dbData: config.dataDb, networkType:
do {
switch result {
case 0:
let error = CompactBlockValidationError.failedWithError(rustBackend.lastError())
self.error = error
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: self.error))") error)
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
case ZcashRustBackendWeldingConstants.validChain:
if Task.isCancelled {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: compactBlockValidation cancelled")
let error = CompactBlockValidationError.validationFailed(height: BlockHeight(result))
self.error = error
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: self.error))") error)
LoggerProxy.debug("block scanning failed with error: \(String(describing: error))")
throw error
} catch {
guard let validationError = error as? CompactBlockValidationError else {
LoggerProxy.error("Warning: compactBlockValidation returning generic error: \(error)")
switch validationError {
case .validationFailed(let height):
LoggerProxy.debug("chain validation at height: \(height)")
validationFailed(at: height)
case .failedWithError(let err):
guard let validationFailure = err else {
LoggerProxy.error("validation failed without a specific error") "validation failed without a specific error"))
throw validationFailure

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// FetchUnspentTxOutputs.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/2/21.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum FetchUTXOError: Error {
case clearingFailed(_ error: Error?)
case fetchFailed(error: Error)
func fetchUnspentTxOutputs(range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
let tAddresses = try accountRepository.getAll().map({ $0.transparentAddress })
do {
for tAddress in tAddresses {
guard try rustBackend.clearUtxos(
dbData: config.dataDb,
address: tAddress,
sinceHeight: config.walletBirthday - 1,
) >= 0 else {
throw rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")
} catch {
throw FetchUTXOError.clearingFailed(error)
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> = downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: tAddresses, startHeight: config.walletBirthday)
for try await transaction in stream {
var refreshed: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
var skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
for utxo in utxos {
do {
try rustBackend.putUnspentTransparentOutput(
dbData: config.dataDb,
address: utxo.address,
txid: utxo.txid.bytes,
index: utxo.index,
script: utxo.script.bytes,
value: Int64(utxo.valueZat),
height: utxo.height,
) ? refreshed.append(utxo) : skipped.append(utxo)
} catch {
LoggerProxy.error("failed to put utxo - error: \(error)")
let result = (inserted: refreshed, skipped: skipped)
name: .blockProcessorStoredUTXOs,
object: self,
userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.refreshedUTXOs: result]
if Task.isCancelled {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: fetchUnspentTxOutputs on range \(range) cancelled")
} else {
processBatchFinished(range: range)
} catch {
throw error

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
// FetchUnspentTxOutputsOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/2/21.
import Foundation
class FetchUnspentTxOutputsOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum FetchUTXOError: Error {
case clearingFailed(_ error: Error?)
case fetchFailed(error: Error)
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
var fetchedUTXOsHandler: ((RefreshedUTXOs) -> Void)?
private var accountRepository: AccountRepository
private var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var rustbackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var startHeight: BlockHeight
private var network: NetworkType
private var dataDb: URL
accountRepository: AccountRepository,
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
rustbackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type,
dataDb: URL,
startHeight: BlockHeight,
networkType: NetworkType
) {
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.accountRepository = accountRepository
self.downloader = downloader
self.rustbackend = rustbackend
self.startHeight = startHeight = networkType
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
let tAddresses = try accountRepository.getAll().map({ $0.transparentAddress })
do {
for tAddress in tAddresses {
guard try self.rustbackend.clearUtxos(
dbData: dataDb,
address: tAddress,
sinceHeight: startHeight - 1,
networkType: network
) >= 0 else {
throw rustbackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "attempted to clear utxos but -1 was returned")
} catch {
throw FetchUTXOError.clearingFailed(error)
let utxos = try downloader.fetchUnspentTransactionOutputs(tAddresses: tAddresses, startHeight: startHeight)
let result = storeUTXOs(utxos, in: dataDb)
} catch { error)
private func storeUTXOs(_ utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], in dataDb: URL) -> RefreshedUTXOs {
var refreshed: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
var skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
for utxo in utxos {
do {
try self.rustbackend.putUnspentTransparentOutput(
dbData: dataDb,
address: utxo.address,
txid: utxo.txid.bytes,
index: utxo.index,
script: utxo.script.bytes,
value: Int64(utxo.valueZat),
height: utxo.height,
networkType: network
) ? refreshed.append(utxo) : skipped.append(utxo)
} catch {
LoggerProxy.error("failed to put utxo - error: \(error)")
return (inserted: refreshed, skipped: skipped)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// FigureNextBatch.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/17/21.
import Foundation
extension CompactBlockProcessor {
enum NextState {
case finishProcessing(height: BlockHeight)
case processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange)
case wait(latestHeight: BlockHeight, latestDownloadHeight: BlockHeight)
func figureNextBatch(
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
) async throws -> NextState {
try Task.checkCancellation()
do {
return try await CompactBlockProcessor.NextStateHelper.nextStateAsync(
service: service,
downloader: downloader,
config: config,
rustBackend: rustBackend
} catch {
throw error

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// FigureNextBatchOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/17/21.
import Foundation
class FigureNextBatchOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum NextState {
case finishProcessing(height: BlockHeight)
case processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange)
case wait(latestHeight: BlockHeight, latestDownloadHeight: BlockHeight)
private var service: LightWalletService
private var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var config: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration
private var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private(set) var result: NextState?
required init(
downloader: CompactBlockDownloading,
service: LightWalletService,
config: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
) {
self.service = service
self.config = config
self.downloader = downloader
self.rustBackend = rustBackend
super.init() = "Next Batch Operation"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
result = try CompactBlockProcessor.NextStateHelper.nextState(
service: self.service,
downloader: self.downloader,
config: self.config,
rustBackend: self.rustBackend
} catch { error)

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// ZcashOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/27/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
typealias ZcashOperationCompletionBlock = (_ finished: Bool, _ cancelled: Bool) -> Void
typealias ZcashOperationStartedBlock = () -> Void
typealias ZcashOperationErrorBlock = (_ error: Error) -> Void
enum ZcashOperationError: Error {
case unknown
class ZcashOperation: Operation {
var error: Error?
var startedHandler: ZcashOperationStartedBlock?
var errorHandler: ZcashOperationErrorBlock?
var completionHandler: ZcashOperationCompletionBlock?
var handlerDispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main
override init() {
completionBlock = { [weak self] in
guard let self = self, let handler = self.completionHandler else { return }
handler(self.isFinished, self.isCancelled)
convenience init(completionDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main) {
self.handlerDispatchQueue = completionDispatchQueue
func shouldCancel() -> Bool {
self.error != nil || isCancelled || dependencyCancelled()
func dependencyCancelled() -> Bool {
self.dependencies.first { $0.isCancelled } != nil
func fail(error: Error? = nil) {
defer {
if let error = error {
self.error = error
LoggerProxy.debug("\(self) failed")
guard let errorHandler = self.errorHandler else {
self.handlerDispatchQueue.async { [weak self] in
let error = error ?? (self?.error ?? ZcashOperationError.unknown)

View File

@ -28,10 +28,8 @@ protocol CompactBlockRepository {
Gets the highest block that is currently stored.
- Parameter result: closure resulting on either the latest height or an error
func latestHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void)
func latestHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight
Write the given blocks to this store, which may be anything from an in-memory cache to a DB.
@ -46,9 +44,8 @@ protocol CompactBlockRepository {
- Parameters:
- Parameter blocks: array of blocks to be written to storage
- Parameter completion: a closure that will be called after storing the blocks
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock], completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
func writeAsync(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws
Remove every block above and including the given height.
@ -66,10 +63,7 @@ protocol CompactBlockRepository {
After this operation, the data store will look the same as one that has not yet stored the given block height.
Meaning, if max height is 100 block and rewindTo(50) is called, then the highest block remaining will be 49.
- Parameters:
- Parameter height: the height to rewind to
- Parameter completion: a closure that will be called after storing the blocks
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
func rewindAsync(to height: BlockHeight) async throws

View File

@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ public extension BlockProgress {
public class LightWalletGRPCService {
let channel: Channel
let connectionManager: ConnectionStatusManager
let compactTxStreamer: CompactTxStreamerClient
let compactTxStreamer: CompactTxStreamerNIOClient
let compactTxStreamerAsync: CompactTxStreamerAsyncClient
let singleCallTimeout: TimeLimit
let streamingCallTimeout: TimeLimit
@ -135,7 +136,14 @@ public class LightWalletGRPCService { = channel
compactTxStreamer = CompactTxStreamerClient(
compactTxStreamer = CompactTxStreamerNIOClient(
defaultCallOptions: Self.callOptions(
timeLimit: self.singleCallTimeout
compactTxStreamerAsync = CompactTxStreamerAsyncClient(
defaultCallOptions: Self.callOptions(
timeLimit: self.singleCallTimeout
@ -146,6 +154,7 @@ public class LightWalletGRPCService {
deinit {
_ = channel.close()
_ =
_ =
func stop() {
@ -179,122 +188,18 @@ public class LightWalletGRPCService {
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func blockStream(
startHeight: BlockHeight,
endHeight: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping (Result<GRPCResult, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void,
handler: @escaping (ZcashCompactBlock) -> Void,
progress: @escaping (BlockProgress) -> Void
) -> CancellableCall {
let future = compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: endHeight
callOptions: Self.callOptions(timeLimit: self.streamingCallTimeout),
handler: { compactBlock in
handler(ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: compactBlock))
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: endHeight,
progressHeight: BlockHeight(compactBlock.height)
future.status.whenComplete { completionResult in
switch completionResult {
case .success(let status):
switch status.code {
case .ok:
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: error)))
return future
// MARK: - LightWalletServiceBlockingAPI
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletServiceBlockingAPI {
public func getInfo() throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
try compactTxStreamer.getLightdInfo(Empty()).response.wait()
public func getInfo(result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletdInfo, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
compactTxStreamer.getLightdInfo(Empty()).response.whenComplete { completionResult in
switch completionResult {
case .success(let info):
case .failure(let error):
public func closeConnection() {
_ = channel.close()
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
do {
let rawTx = try compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.wait()
return TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.whenComplete { response in
switch response {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let rawTx):
result(.success(TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)))
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
do {
let transaction = try RawTransaction(serializedData: spendTransaction)
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(transaction).response
response.whenComplete { responseResult in
switch responseResult {
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.sentFailed(error: error)))
case .success(let success):
} catch {
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
let rawTx = RawTransaction.with { raw in = spendTransaction
do {
return try compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(rawTx).response.wait()
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
guard let height = try? compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).response.wait().compactBlockHeight() else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.timeOut
return height
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws -> [ZcashCompactBlock] {
@ -315,50 +220,29 @@ extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
let response = compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).response
response.whenSuccessBlocking(onto: queue) { blockID in
guard let blockHeight = Int(exactly: blockID.height) else {
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "error creating blockheight from BlockID \(blockID)")))
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
let rawTx = RawTransaction.with { raw in = spendTransaction
response.whenFailureBlocking(onto: queue) { error in
do {
return try compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(rawTx).response.wait()
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
var blocks: [CompactBlock] = []
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(), handler: { blocks.append($0) })
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
do {
let status = try response.status.wait()
switch status.code {
case .ok:
let rawTx = try compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.wait()
return TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
guard let height = try? latestBlock().compactBlockHeight() else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.timeOut
return height
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { utxoArgs in
@ -383,7 +267,168 @@ extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
guard !tAddresses.isEmpty else {
return [] // FIXME: throw a real error
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { utxoArgs in
utxoArgs.addresses = tAddresses
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
try self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxos(arg).response.wait() { reply in
id: nil,
address: reply.address,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil
return utxos
// MARK: - LightWalletServiceNonBlockingAPI
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletServiceNonBlockingAPI {
public func getInfo(result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletdInfo, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
compactTxStreamer.getLightdInfo(Empty()).response.whenComplete { completionResult in
switch completionResult {
case .success(let info):
case .failure(let error):
public func getInfoAsync() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
try await compactTxStreamerAsync.getLightdInfo(Empty())
public func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
let response = compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).response
response.whenSuccessBlocking(onto: queue) { blockID in
guard let blockHeight = Int(exactly: blockID.height) else {
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "error creating blockheight from BlockID \(blockID)")))
response.whenFailureBlocking(onto: queue) { error in
public func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
try await BlockHeight(compactTxStreamerAsync.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).height)
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
var blocks: [CompactBlock] = []
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(), handler: { blocks.append($0) })
do {
let status = try response.status.wait()
switch status.code {
case .ok:
} catch {
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
let stream = compactTxStreamerAsync.getBlockRange(range.blockRange())
return AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
Task {
do {
for try await block in stream {
continuation.yield(ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: block))
continuation.finish(throwing: nil)
} catch {
continuation.finish(throwing: error.mapToServiceError())
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
do {
let transaction = try RawTransaction(serializedData: spendTransaction)
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(transaction).response
response.whenComplete { responseResult in
switch responseResult {
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.sentFailed(error: error)))
case .success(let success):
} catch {
public func submitAsync(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
do {
let transaction = try RawTransaction(serializedData: spendTransaction)
return try await compactTxStreamerAsync.sendTransaction(transaction)
} catch {
throw LightWalletServiceError.sentFailed(error: error)
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.whenComplete { response in
switch response {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let rawTx):
result(.success(TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)))
public func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
let rawTx = try await compactTxStreamerAsync.getTransaction(txFilter)
return TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)
public func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>
) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { utxoArgs in
@ -420,34 +465,11 @@ extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
guard !tAddresses.isEmpty else {
return [] // FIXME: throw a real error
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { utxoArgs in
utxoArgs.addresses = tAddresses
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
try self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxos(arg).response.wait() { reply in
id: nil,
address: reply.address,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil
return utxos
public func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight
) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
return fetchUTXOs(for: [tAddress], height: height)
public func fetchUTXOs(
@ -495,6 +517,119 @@ extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddresses: [String],
height: BlockHeight
) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
guard !tAddresses.isEmpty else {
return AsyncThrowingStream { _ in }
let args = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { utxoArgs in
utxoArgs.addresses = tAddresses
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
let stream = compactTxStreamerAsync.getAddressUtxosStream(args)
return AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
Task {
do {
for try await reply in stream {
id: nil,
address: reply.address,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil
continuation.finish(throwing: nil)
} catch {
continuation.finish(throwing: error.mapToServiceError())
public func blockStream(
startHeight: BlockHeight,
endHeight: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping (Result<GRPCResult, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void,
handler: @escaping (ZcashCompactBlock) -> Void,
progress: @escaping (BlockProgress) -> Void
) -> CancellableCall {
let future = compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: endHeight
callOptions: Self.callOptions(timeLimit: self.streamingCallTimeout),
handler: { compactBlock in
handler(ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: compactBlock))
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: endHeight,
progressHeight: BlockHeight(compactBlock.height)
future.status.whenComplete { completionResult in
switch completionResult {
case .success(let status):
switch status.code {
case .ok:
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: error)))
return future
public func blockStream(
startHeight: BlockHeight,
endHeight: BlockHeight
) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
let stream = compactTxStreamerAsync.getBlockRange(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: endHeight
callOptions: Self.callOptions(timeLimit: self.streamingCallTimeout)
return AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
Task {
do {
for try await compactBlock in stream {
continuation.yield(ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: compactBlock))
continuation.finish(throwing: nil)
} catch {
continuation.finish(throwing: error.mapToServiceError())
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
public func closeConnection() {
_ = channel.close()
// MARK: - Extensions

View File

@ -101,49 +101,102 @@ public protocol LightWalletServiceResponse {
extension SendResponse: LightWalletServiceResponse {}
public protocol LightWalletService {
returns the info for this lightwalletd server (blocking)
/// Blocking API - used for the testing purposes
public protocol LightWalletServiceBlockingAPI {
/// Returns the info for this lightwalletd server (blocking)
func getInfo() throws -> LightWalletdInfo
returns the info for this lightwalletd server
func getInfo(result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletdInfo, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
Return the latest block height known to the service.
- Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
Return the latest block height known to the service.
- Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
/// Return the latest block height known to the service.
/// - Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
Return the given range of blocks.
- Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
Non blocking
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void )
Return the given range of blocks.
- Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
/// Return the given range of blocks.
/// - Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
/// For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws -> [ZcashCompactBlock]
/// Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Blocking
/// - Parameter spendTransaction: data representing the transaction to be sent
/// - Throws: LightWalletServiceError
/// - Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse
/// Gets a transaction by id
/// - Parameter txId: data representing the transaction ID
/// - Throws: LightWalletServiceError
/// - Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight
) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddresses: [String],
height: BlockHeight
) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
public protocol LightWalletServiceNonBlockingAPI {
/// Returns the info for this lightwalletd server
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `getInfoAsync()` instead.")
func getInfo(result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletdInfo, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
func getInfoAsync() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo
/// Return the latest block height known to the service.
/// - Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `latestBlockHeightAsync()` instead.")
func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight
/// Return the given range of blocks.
/// - Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
/// For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `blockRange(...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>` instead.")
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>
/// Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Non-Blocking
/// - Parameter spendTransaction: data representing the transaction to be sent
/// - Parameter result: escaping closure that takes a result containing either LightWalletServiceResponse or LightWalletServiceError
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `submitAsync(spendTransaction: Data)` instead.")
func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping(Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
func submitAsync(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse
/// Gets a transaction by id
/// - Parameter txId: data representing the transaction ID
/// - Parameter result: handler for the result
/// - Throws: LightWalletServiceError
/// - Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data)` instead.")
func fetchTransaction(
txId: Data,
result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `fetchUTXOs(for tAddress:...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>` instead.")
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping(Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses:...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>` instead.")
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddresses: [String],
height: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping(Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error>
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon. Use the `blockStream(...) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>` instead.")
func blockStream(
startHeight: BlockHeight,
@ -153,62 +206,12 @@ public protocol LightWalletService {
progress: @escaping (BlockProgress) -> Void
) -> CancellableCall
Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Non-Blocking
- Parameter spendTransaction: data representing the transaction to be sent
- Parameter result: escaping closure that takes a result containing either LightWalletServiceResponse or LightWalletServiceError
func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping(Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Blocking
- Parameter spendTransaction: data representing the transaction to be sent
- Throws: LightWalletServiceError
- Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse
Gets a transaction by id
- Parameter txId: data representing the transaction ID
- Throws: LightWalletServiceError
- Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity
Gets a transaction by id
- Parameter txId: data representing the transaction ID
- Parameter result: handler for the result
- Throws: LightWalletServiceError
- Returns: LightWalletServiceResponse
func fetchTransaction(
txId: Data,
result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight
) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping(Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddresses: [String],
height: BlockHeight
) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddresses: [String],
height: BlockHeight,
result: @escaping(Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
func blockStream(
startHeight: BlockHeight,
endHeight: BlockHeight
) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>
public protocol LightWalletService: LightWalletServiceNonBlockingAPI, LightWalletServiceBlockingAPI {
func closeConnection()

View File

@ -22,11 +22,15 @@
import GRPC
import NIO
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import SwiftProtobuf
/// Usage: instantiate CompactTxStreamerClient, then call methods of this protocol to make API calls.
/// Usage: instantiate `CompactTxStreamerClient`, then call methods of this protocol to make API calls.
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol: GRPCClient {
var serviceName: String { get }
var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? { get }
func getLatestBlock(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions?
@ -99,10 +103,12 @@ internal protocol CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol: GRPCClient {
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse>
extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
internal var serviceName: String {
return "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer"
/// Return the height of the tip of the best chain
@ -115,9 +121,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
@ -132,9 +139,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
@ -151,9 +159,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
handler: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockRange",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
@ -169,9 +178,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTransaction",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
@ -186,9 +196,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/SendTransaction",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
@ -205,9 +216,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressTxids",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
@ -223,9 +235,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<AddressList, Balance> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalance",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
@ -241,8 +254,9 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> ClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance> {
return self.makeClientStreamingCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalanceStream",
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
@ -267,9 +281,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
handler: @escaping (CompactTx) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetMempoolTx",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
@ -288,9 +303,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTreeState",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
@ -305,9 +321,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxos",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
@ -324,9 +341,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
handler: @escaping (GetAddressUtxosReply) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxosStream",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
@ -342,9 +360,10 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLightdInfo",
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
@ -359,25 +378,679 @@ extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/Ping",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
#if compiler(>=5.6)
@available(*, deprecated)
extension CompactTxStreamerClient: @unchecked Sendable {}
#endif // compiler(>=5.6)
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "CompactTxStreamerNIOClient")
internal final class CompactTxStreamerClient: CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
private let lock = Lock()
private var _defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
private var _interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
internal let channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions {
get { self.lock.withLock { return self._defaultCallOptions } }
set { self.lock.withLockVoid { self._defaultCallOptions = newValue } }
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? {
get { self.lock.withLock { return self._interceptors } }
set { self.lock.withLockVoid { self._interceptors = newValue } }
/// Creates a client for the cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer service.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: `GRPCChannel` to the service host.
/// - defaultCallOptions: Options to use for each service call if the user doesn't provide them.
internal init(channel: GRPCChannel, defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions()) {
/// - interceptors: A factory providing interceptors for each RPC.
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) { = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self._defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self._interceptors = interceptors
internal struct CompactTxStreamerNIOClient: CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
internal var channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
/// Creates a client for the cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer service.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: `GRPCChannel` to the service host.
/// - defaultCallOptions: Options to use for each service call if the user doesn't provide them.
/// - interceptors: A factory providing interceptors for each RPC.
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) { = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self.interceptors = interceptors
#if compiler(>=5.6)
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol: GRPCClient {
static var serviceDescriptor: GRPCServiceDescriptor { get }
var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? { get }
func makeGetLatestBlockCall(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID>
func makeGetBlockCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock>
func makeGetBlockRangeCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock>
func makeGetTransactionCall(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction>
func makeSendTransactionCall(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse>
func makeGetTaddressTxidsCall(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction>
func makeGetTaddressBalanceCall(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<AddressList, Balance>
func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamCall(
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance>
func makeGetMempoolTxCall(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx>
func makeGetTreeStateCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState>
func makeGetAddressUtxosCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList>
func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply>
func makeGetLightdInfoCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo>
func makePingCall(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse>
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal static var serviceDescriptor: GRPCServiceDescriptor {
return CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.serviceDescriptor
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? {
return nil
internal func makeGetLatestBlockCall(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockRangeCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTransactionCall(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeSendTransactionCall(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressTxidsCall(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressBalanceCall(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<AddressList, Balance> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamCall(
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance> {
return self.makeAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetMempoolTxCall(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTreeStateCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetAddressUtxosCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetLightdInfoCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makePingCall(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal func getLatestBlock(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> BlockID {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlock(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> CompactBlock {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlockRange(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<CompactBlock> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTransaction(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> RawTransaction {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func sendTransaction(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> SendResponse {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressTxids(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<RawTransaction> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalance(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalanceStream<RequestStream>(
_ requests: RequestStream,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance where RequestStream: Sequence, RequestStream.Element == Address {
return try await self.performAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
requests: requests,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalanceStream<RequestStream>(
_ requests: RequestStream,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance where RequestStream: AsyncSequence & Sendable, RequestStream.Element == Address {
return try await self.performAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
requests: requests,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getMempoolTx(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<CompactTx> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTreeState(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> TreeState {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getAddressUtxos(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> GetAddressUtxosReplyList {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getAddressUtxosStream(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getLightdInfo(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> LightdInfo {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
internal func ping(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> PingResponse {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
internal struct CompactTxStreamerAsyncClient: CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal var channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) { = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self.interceptors = interceptors
#endif // compiler(>=5.6)
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol: GRPCSendable {
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getLatestBlock'.
func makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<ChainSpec, BlockID>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlock'.
func makeGetBlockInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockID, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlockRange'.
func makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockRange, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTransaction'.
func makeGetTransactionInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<TxFilter, RawTransaction>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'sendTransaction'.
func makeSendTransactionInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<RawTransaction, SendResponse>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressTxids'.
func makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressBalance'.
func makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<AddressList, Balance>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressBalanceStream'.
func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Address, Balance>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getMempoolTx'.
func makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Exclude, CompactTx>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTreeState'.
func makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockID, TreeState>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getAddressUtxos'.
func makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getAddressUtxosStream'.
func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getLightdInfo'.
func makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Empty, LightdInfo>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'ping'.
func makePingInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Duration, PingResponse>]
internal enum CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata {
internal static let serviceDescriptor = GRPCServiceDescriptor(
name: "CompactTxStreamer",
fullName: "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer",
methods: [
internal enum Methods {
internal static let getLatestBlock = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetLatestBlock",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getBlock = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlock",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getBlockRange = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlockRange",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockRange",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTransaction = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTransaction",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTransaction",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let sendTransaction = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "SendTransaction",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/SendTransaction",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getTaddressTxids = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressTxids",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressTxids",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTaddressBalance = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressBalance",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalance",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getTaddressBalanceStream = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressBalanceStream",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalanceStream",
type: GRPCCallType.clientStreaming
internal static let getMempoolTx = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetMempoolTx",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetMempoolTx",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTreeState = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTreeState",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTreeState",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getAddressUtxos = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetAddressUtxos",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxos",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getAddressUtxosStream = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetAddressUtxosStream",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxosStream",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getLightdInfo = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetLightdInfo",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLightdInfo",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let ping = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "Ping",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/Ping",
type: GRPCCallType.unary

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct BlockID {
var height: UInt64 = 0
var hash: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var hash: Data = Data()
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ struct TxFilter {
var index: UInt64 = 0
/// transaction ID (hash, txid)
var hash: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var hash: Data = Data()
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ struct RawTransaction {
// methods supported on all messages.
/// exact data returned by Zcash 'getrawtransaction'
var data: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var data: Data = Data()
/// height that the transaction was mined (or -1)
var height: UInt64 = 0
@ -367,11 +367,11 @@ struct GetAddressUtxosReply {
var address: String = String()
var txid: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var txid: Data = Data()
var index: Int32 = 0
var script: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var script: Data = Data()
var valueZat: Int64 = 0
@ -394,6 +394,28 @@ struct GetAddressUtxosReplyList {
init() {}
#if swift(>=5.5) && canImport(_Concurrency)
extension BlockID: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension BlockRange: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension TxFilter: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension RawTransaction: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension SendResponse: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension ChainSpec: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension Empty: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension LightdInfo: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension TransparentAddressBlockFilter: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension Duration: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension PingResponse: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension Address: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension AddressList: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension Balance: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension Exclude: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension TreeState: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension GetAddressUtxosArg: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension GetAddressUtxosReply: @unchecked Sendable {}
extension GetAddressUtxosReplyList: @unchecked Sendable {}
#endif // swift(>=5.5) && canImport(_Concurrency)
// MARK: - Code below here is support for the SwiftProtobuf runtime.
fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc"
@ -407,9 +429,12 @@ extension BlockID: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBa
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash) }()
default: break
@ -442,21 +467,28 @@ extension BlockRange: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementatio
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._start)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._end)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._start) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._end) }()
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if let v = self._start {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every if/case branch local when no optimizations
// are enabled. and
try { if let v = self._start {
try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1)
if let v = self._end {
} }()
try { if let v = self._end {
try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2)
} }()
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
@ -478,19 +510,26 @@ extension TxFilter: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationB
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._block)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.index)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._block) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.index) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash) }()
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if let v = self._block {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every if/case branch local when no optimizations
// are enabled. and
try { if let v = self._block {
try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1)
} }()
if self.index != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt64Field(value: self.index, fieldNumber: 2)
@ -518,9 +557,12 @@ extension RawTransaction: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplement
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: & }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height) }()
default: break
@ -553,9 +595,12 @@ extension SendResponse: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementat
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularInt32Field(value: &self.errorCode)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.errorMessage)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt32Field(value: &self.errorCode) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.errorMessage) }()
default: break
@ -638,21 +683,24 @@ extension LightdInfo: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementatio
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.version)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.vendor)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &self.taddrSupport)
case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.chainName)
case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.saplingActivationHeight)
case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.consensusBranchID)
case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.blockHeight)
case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.gitCommit)
case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.branch)
case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.buildDate)
case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.buildUser)
case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.estimatedHeight)
case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.zcashdBuild)
case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.zcashdSubversion)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.version) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.vendor) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &self.taddrSupport) }()
case 4: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.chainName) }()
case 5: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.saplingActivationHeight) }()
case 6: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.consensusBranchID) }()
case 7: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.blockHeight) }()
case 8: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.gitCommit) }()
case 9: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.branch) }()
case 10: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.buildDate) }()
case 11: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.buildUser) }()
case 12: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.estimatedHeight) }()
case 13: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.zcashdBuild) }()
case 14: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.zcashdSubversion) }()
default: break
@ -733,21 +781,28 @@ extension TransparentAddressBlockFilter: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._M
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._range)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &self._range) }()
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every if/case branch local when no optimizations
// are enabled. and
if !self.address.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.address, fieldNumber: 1)
if let v = self._range {
try { if let v = self._range {
try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2)
} }()
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
@ -767,8 +822,11 @@ extension Duration: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationB
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.intervalUs)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.intervalUs) }()
default: break
@ -797,9 +855,12 @@ extension PingResponse: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementat
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.entry)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.exit)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.entry) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.exit) }()
default: break
@ -831,8 +892,11 @@ extension Address: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBa
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address) }()
default: break
@ -860,8 +924,11 @@ extension AddressList: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementati
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.addresses)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.addresses) }()
default: break
@ -889,8 +956,11 @@ extension Balance: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBa
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.valueZat)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.valueZat) }()
default: break
@ -918,8 +988,11 @@ extension Exclude: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBa
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedBytesField(value: &self.txid)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeRepeatedBytesField(value: &self.txid) }()
default: break
@ -951,12 +1024,15 @@ extension TreeState: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementation
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.hash)
case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.time)
case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.tree)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: & }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.hash) }()
case 4: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.time) }()
case 5: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.tree) }()
default: break
@ -1002,10 +1078,13 @@ extension GetAddressUtxosArg: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImple
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.addresses)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.startHeight)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.maxEntries)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.addresses) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.startHeight) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.maxEntries) }()
default: break
@ -1046,13 +1125,16 @@ extension GetAddressUtxosReply: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImp
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.txid)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularInt32Field(value: &self.index)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.script)
case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.valueZat)
case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height)
case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.txid) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt32Field(value: &self.index) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.script) }()
case 4: try { try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &self.valueZat) }()
case 5: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height) }()
case 6: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.address) }()
default: break
@ -1100,8 +1182,11 @@ extension GetAddressUtxosReplyList: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._Messag
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled.
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.addressUtxos)
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.addressUtxos) }()
default: break

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public protocol Synchronizer {
/// Returns the latests UTXOs for the given address from the specified height on
func refreshUTXOs(address: String, from height: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<RefreshedUTXOs, Error>) -> Void)
func refreshUTXOs(address: String, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs
/// Returns the last stored unshielded balance
func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) throws -> WalletBalance

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
blockProcessor.stop(cancelTasks: true)
self.status = .stopped
@ -527,27 +527,18 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
let shieldingSpend = try transactionManager.initSpend(zatoshi: tBalance.verified, toAddress: zAddr, memo: memo, from: 0)
// TODO: Task will be removed when this method is changed to async, issue 487,
Task {
do {
let transaction = try await transactionManager.encodeShieldingTransaction(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
tsk: transparentSecretKey,
pendingTransaction: shieldingSpend
) { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let transaction):
self.transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction) { submitResult in
switch submitResult {
case .success(let submittedTx):
let submittedTx = try await transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction)
case .failure(let submissionError):
DispatchQueue.main.async {
case .failure(let error):
} catch {
@ -574,22 +565,16 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
from: accountIndex
transactionManager.encode(spendingKey: spendingKey, pendingTransaction: spend) { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let transaction):
self.transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction) { submitResult in
switch submitResult {
case .success(let submittedTx):
// TODO: Task will be removed when this method is changed to async, issue 487,
Task {
do {
let transaction = try await transactionManager.encode(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
pendingTransaction: spend
let submittedTx = try await transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction)
case .failure(let submissionError):
DispatchQueue.main.async {
case .failure(let error):
} catch {
@ -631,7 +616,14 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
public func latestHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void) {
blockProcessor.downloader.latestBlockHeight(result: result)
Task {
do {
let latestBlockHeight = try await blockProcessor.downloader.latestBlockHeightAsync()
} catch {
public func latestHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
@ -661,8 +653,8 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
public func refreshUTXOs(address: String, from height: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<RefreshedUTXOs, Error>) -> Void) {
self.blockProcessor.refreshUTXOs(tAddress: address, startHeight: height, result: result)
public func refreshUTXOs(address: String, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs {
try await blockProcessor.refreshUTXOs(tAddress: address, startHeight: height)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon, use the one returning a `Zatoshi` value instead")
public func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) -> Int64 {
@ -878,6 +870,7 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
return SynchronizerError.lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: compactBlockProcessorError)
case .saplingActivationMismatch:
return SynchronizerError.lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: compactBlockProcessorError)
case .unknown: break

View File

@ -67,33 +67,22 @@ class PersistentTransactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager {
func encodeShieldingTransaction(
spendingKey: String,
tsk: String,
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity,
result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void
) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity
) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity {
let derivationTool = DerivationTool(networkType:
let viewingKey = try? derivationTool.deriveViewingKey(spendingKey: spendingKey),
let zAddr = try? derivationTool.deriveShieldedAddress(viewingKey: viewingKey)
else {
throw TransactionManagerError.shieldingEncodingFailed(
reason: "There was an error Deriving your keys"
guard pendingTransaction.toAddress == zAddr else {
throw TransactionManagerError.shieldingEncodingFailed(
reason: """
the recipient address does not match your
@ -104,10 +93,8 @@ class PersistentTransactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager {
of funds
do {
let encodedTransaction = try self.encoder.createShieldingTransaction(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
@ -126,26 +113,18 @@ class PersistentTransactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager {
try self.repository.update(pending)
return pending
} catch StorageError.updateFailed {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction)
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
throw error
func encode(
spendingKey: String,
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity,
result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void
) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity
) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity {
do {
let encodedTransaction = try self.encoder.createTransaction(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
@ -165,69 +144,52 @@ class PersistentTransactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager {
try self.repository.update(pending)
return pending
} catch StorageError.updateFailed {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction)
} catch {
do {
try self.updateOnFailure(transaction: pendingTransaction, error: error)
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction)
throw error
func submit(
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity,
result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void
) {
pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity
) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity {
guard let txId = else {
result(.failure(TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction)))// this transaction is not stored
throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction) // this transaction is not stored
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
do {
guard let storedTx = try self.repository.find(by: txId) else {
throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction)
guard !storedTx.isCancelled else {
LoggerProxy.debug("ignoring cancelled transaction \(storedTx)")
throw TransactionManagerError.cancelled(storedTx)
guard let raw = storedTx.raw else {
LoggerProxy.debug("INCONSISTENCY: attempt to send pending transaction \(txId) that has not raw data")
throw TransactionManagerError.internalInconsistency(storedTx)
let response = try self.service.submit(spendTransaction: raw)
let transaction = try self.update(transaction: storedTx, on: response)
guard response.errorCode >= 0 else {
result(.failure(TransactionManagerError.submitFailed(transaction, errorCode: Int(response.errorCode))))
throw TransactionManagerError.submitFailed(transaction, errorCode: Int(response.errorCode))
return transaction
} catch {
try? self.updateOnFailure(transaction: pendingTransaction, error: error)
throw error

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ transactions through to completion.
protocol OutboundTransactionManager {
func initSpend(zatoshi: Zatoshi, toAddress: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int) throws -> PendingTransactionEntity
func encodeShieldingTransaction(spendingKey: String, tsk: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity, result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
func encodeShieldingTransaction(spendingKey: String, tsk: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity
func encode(spendingKey: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity, result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
func encode(spendingKey: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity
func submit(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity, result: @escaping (Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
func submit(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity
func applyMinedHeight(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity, minedHeight: BlockHeight) throws -> PendingTransactionEntity

View File

@ -40,32 +40,24 @@ class BlockDownloaderTests: XCTestCase {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDB)
func testSmallDownloadAsync() {
let expect = XCTestExpectation(description: self.description)
expect.expectedFulfillmentCount = 3
func testSmallDownloadAsync() async {
let lowerRange: BlockHeight =
let upperRange: BlockHeight = + 99
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lowerRange, upperRange))
downloader.downloadBlockRange(range) { error in
do {
try await downloader.downloadBlockRangeAsync(range)
// check what was 'stored' { result in
let latestHeight = try await
XCTAssertEqual(latestHeight, upperRange)
XCTAssertTrue(self.validate(result: result, against: upperRange))
self.downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight { resultHeight in
XCTAssertTrue(self.validate(result: resultHeight, against: upperRange))
let resultHeight = try await self.downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeightAsync()
XCTAssertEqual(resultHeight, upperRange)
} catch {
XCTFail("testSmallDownloadAsync() shouldn't fail")
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 2)
func testSmallDownload() {
let lowerRange: BlockHeight =
@ -94,7 +86,7 @@ class BlockDownloaderTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(currentLatest, upperRange )
func testFailure() {
func testFailure() async {
let awfulDownloader = CompactBlockDownloader(
service: AwfulLightWalletService(
latestBlockHeight: + 1000,
@ -103,18 +95,16 @@ class BlockDownloaderTests: XCTestCase {
storage: ZcashConsoleFakeStorage()
let expect = XCTestExpectation(description: self.description)
expect.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1
let lowerRange: BlockHeight =
let upperRange: BlockHeight = + 99
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lowerRange, upperRange))
awfulDownloader.downloadBlockRange(range) { error in
do {
try await awfulDownloader.downloadBlockRangeAsync(range)
} catch {
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 2)

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ final class SynchronizerTests: XCTestCase {
wait(for: [processorStoppedExpectation,syncStoppedExpectation], timeout: 6, enforceOrder: true)
XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.status, .stopped)
XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.blockProcessor.state, .stopped)
XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.blockProcessor.state.getState(), .stopped)
func handleError(_ error: Error?) {

View File

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
// BlockScanOperationTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKitTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/17/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
import SQLite
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// swiftlint:disable implicitly_unwrapped_optional force_try force_unwrapping print_function_usage
class BlockScanOperationTests: XCTestCase {
let rustWelding = ZcashRustBackend.self
var operationQueue = OperationQueue()
var cacheDbURL: URL!
var dataDbURL: URL!
var uvk = UVFakeKey(
extfvk: "zxviewtestsapling1qw88ayg8qqqqpqyhg7jnh9mlldejfqwu46pm40ruwstd8znq3v3l4hjf33qcu2a5e36katshcfhcxhzgyfugj2lkhmt40j45cv38rv3frnghzkxcx73k7m7afw9j7ujk7nm4dx5mv02r26umxqgar7v3x390w2h3crqqgjsjly7jy4vtwzrmustm5yudpgcydw7x78awca8wqjvkqj8p8e3ykt7lrgd7xf92fsfqjs5vegfsja4ekzpfh5vtccgvs5747xqm6qflmtqpr8s9u", // swiftlint:disable:this line_length
extpub: "02075a7f5f7507d64022dad5954849f216b0f1b09b2d588be663d8e7faeb5aaf61"
var walletBirthDay = Checkpoint.birthday(
with: 1386000,
network: .testnet)
var network = .testnet)
var blockRepository: BlockRepository!
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
self.cacheDbURL = try! __cacheDbURL()
self.dataDbURL = try! __dataDbURL()
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
private func deleteDBs() {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDbURL)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dataDbURL)
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDbURL)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dataDbURL)
func testSingleDownloadAndScanOperation() {
logger = SampleLogger(logLevel: .debug)
XCTAssertNoThrow(try rustWelding.initDataDb(dbData: dataDbURL, networkType: network.networkType))
let downloadStartedExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) download started")
let downloadExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) download")
let scanStartedExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) scan started")
let scanExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) scan")
let latestScannedBlockExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) latestScannedHeight")
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint(
address: "",
port: 9067
let blockCount = 100
let range = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight ... network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + blockCount
let downloadOperation = CompactBlockDownloadOperation(
downloader: CompactBlockDownloader.sqlDownloader(
service: service,
at: cacheDbURL
range: range
let scanOperation = CompactBlockScanningOperation(
rustWelding: rustWelding,
cacheDb: cacheDbURL,
dataDb: dataDbURL,
networkType: network.networkType
downloadOperation.startedHandler = {
downloadOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
downloadOperation.errorHandler = { error in
XCTFail("Download Operation failed with Error: \(error)")
scanOperation.startedHandler = {
scanOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
scanOperation.errorHandler = { error in
XCTFail("Scan Operation failed with Error: \(error)")
var latestScannedheight = BlockHeight.empty()
let latestScannedBlockOperation = BlockOperation {
let repository = BlockSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider.init(path: self.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true))
latestScannedheight = repository.lastScannedBlockHeight()
latestScannedBlockOperation.completionBlock = {
XCTAssertEqual(latestScannedheight, range.upperBound)
[downloadOperation, scanOperation, latestScannedBlockOperation],
waitUntilFinished: false
for: [downloadStartedExpect, downloadExpect, scanStartedExpect, scanExpect, latestScannedBlockExpect],
timeout: 10,
enforceOrder: true
@objc func observeBenchmark(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let report = SDKMetrics.blockReportFromNotification(notification) else {
print("observed benchmark: \(report)")
func testScanValidateDownload() throws {
logger = SampleLogger(logLevel: .debug)
selector: #selector(observeBenchmark(_:)),
name: SDKMetrics.notificationName,
object: nil
try self.rustWelding.initDataDb(dbData: dataDbURL, networkType: network.networkType)
guard try self.rustWelding.initAccountsTable(dbData: self.dataDbURL, uvks: [uvk], networkType: network.networkType) else {
XCTFail("failed to init account table")
try self.rustWelding.initBlocksTable(
dbData: dataDbURL,
height: Int32(walletBirthDay.height),
hash: walletBirthDay.hash,
time: walletBirthDay.time,
saplingTree: walletBirthDay.saplingTree,
networkType: network.networkType
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet)
let storage = CompactBlockStorage(url: cacheDbURL, readonly: false)
try storage.createTable()
let downloadExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "download expectation")
let validateExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "validate expectation")
let scanExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "scan expectation")
let downloadOperation = CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation(
service: service,
storage: storage,
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: walletBirthDay.height,
targetHeight: walletBirthDay.height + 10000,
progressDelegate: self
downloadOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
downloadOperation.errorHandler = { error in
if let lwdError = error as? LightWalletServiceError {
switch lwdError {
case .timeOut:
XCTFail("LWD Service error found, but should have been a timeLimit reached Error - \(lwdError)")
} else {
XCTFail("Error should have been a timeLimit reached Error - \(error)")
let validationOperation = CompactBlockValidationOperation(
rustWelding: rustWelding,
cacheDb: cacheDbURL,
dataDb: dataDbURL,
networkType: network.networkType
validationOperation.errorHandler = { error in
XCTFail("failed with error \(error)")
validationOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
let transactionRepository = dataDbURL)
let scanningOperation = CompactBlockBatchScanningOperation(
rustWelding: rustWelding,
cacheDb: cacheDbURL,
dataDb: dataDbURL,
transactionRepository: transactionRepository,
range: CompactBlockRange(
uncheckedBounds: (walletBirthDay.height, walletBirthDay.height + 10000)
batchSize: 1000,
networkType: network.networkType,
progressDelegate: self
scanningOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
operationQueue.addOperations([downloadOperation, validationOperation, scanningOperation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [downloadExpectation, validateExpectation, scanExpectation], timeout: 300, enforceOrder: true)
extension BlockScanOperationTests: CompactBlockProgressDelegate {
func progressUpdated(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress) {
struct UVFakeKey: UnifiedViewingKey {
var extfvk: ExtendedFullViewingKey
var extpub: ExtendedPublicKey

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
// BlockScanTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKitTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/17/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
import SQLite
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// swiftlint:disable implicitly_unwrapped_optional force_try force_unwrapping print_function_usage
class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
let rustWelding = ZcashRustBackend.self
var cacheDbURL: URL!
var dataDbURL: URL!
var uvk = UVFakeKey(
extfvk: "zxviewtestsapling1qw88ayg8qqqqpqyhg7jnh9mlldejfqwu46pm40ruwstd8znq3v3l4hjf33qcu2a5e36katshcfhcxhzgyfugj2lkhmt40j45cv38rv3frnghzkxcx73k7m7afw9j7ujk7nm4dx5mv02r26umxqgar7v3x390w2h3crqqgjsjly7jy4vtwzrmustm5yudpgcydw7x78awca8wqjvkqj8p8e3ykt7lrgd7xf92fsfqjs5vegfsja4ekzpfh5vtccgvs5747xqm6qflmtqpr8s9u", // swiftlint:disable:this line_length
extpub: "02075a7f5f7507d64022dad5954849f216b0f1b09b2d588be663d8e7faeb5aaf61"
var walletBirthDay = Checkpoint.birthday(
with: 1386000,
network: .testnet)
var network = .testnet)
var blockRepository: BlockRepository!
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
self.cacheDbURL = try! __cacheDbURL()
self.dataDbURL = try! __dataDbURL()
private func deleteDBs() {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDbURL)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dataDbURL)
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDbURL)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dataDbURL)
func testSingleDownloadAndScan() async throws {
logger = SampleLogger(logLevel: .debug)
XCTAssertNoThrow(try rustWelding.initDataDb(dbData: dataDbURL, networkType: network.networkType))
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint(
address: "",
port: 9067
let blockCount = 100
let range = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight ... network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + blockCount
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader.sqlDownloader(
service: service,
at: cacheDbURL
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: network,
walletBirthday: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
let repository = BlockSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider.init(path: self.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true))
var latestScannedheight = BlockHeight.empty()
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockDownload(
downloader: downloader,
range: range
try compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockScanning(
rustWelding: rustWelding,
cacheDb: cacheDbURL,
dataDb: dataDbURL,
networkType: network.networkType
latestScannedheight = repository.lastScannedBlockHeight()
XCTAssertEqual(latestScannedheight, range.upperBound)
} catch {
XCTFail("Download failed with error: \(error)")
@objc func observeBenchmark(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let report = SDKMetrics.blockReportFromNotification(notification) else {
print("observed benchmark: \(report)")
func testScanValidateDownload() async throws {
logger = SampleLogger(logLevel: .debug)
selector: #selector(observeBenchmark(_:)),
name: SDKMetrics.notificationName,
object: nil
try self.rustWelding.initDataDb(dbData: dataDbURL, networkType: network.networkType)
guard try self.rustWelding.initAccountsTable(dbData: self.dataDbURL, uvks: [uvk], networkType: network.networkType) else {
XCTFail("failed to init account table")
try self.rustWelding.initBlocksTable(
dbData: dataDbURL,
height: Int32(walletBirthDay.height),
hash: walletBirthDay.hash,
time: walletBirthDay.time,
saplingTree: walletBirthDay.saplingTree,
networkType: network.networkType
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet)
let storage = CompactBlockStorage(url: cacheDbURL, readonly: false)
try storage.createTable()
var processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
cacheDb: cacheDbURL,
dataDb: dataDbURL,
walletBirthday: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight,
network: network
processorConfig.scanningBatchSize = 1000
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: rustWelding,
config: processorConfig
let range = CompactBlockRange(
uncheckedBounds: (walletBirthDay.height, walletBirthDay.height + 10000)
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: range.lowerBound,
targetHeight: range.upperBound
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockValidation()
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockBatchScanning(range: range)
} catch {
if let lwdError = error as? LightWalletServiceError {
switch lwdError {
case .timeOut:
XCTFail("LWD Service error found, but should have been a timeLimit reached Error - \(lwdError)")
} else {
XCTFail("Error should have been a timeLimit reached Error - \(error)")
struct UVFakeKey: UnifiedViewingKey {
var extfvk: ExtendedFullViewingKey
var extpub: ExtendedPublicKey

View File

@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ import XCTest
// swiftlint:disable print_function_usage
class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
var queue: OperationQueue = {
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return queue
override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError()
logger = SampleLogger(logLevel: .debug)
@ -27,7 +21,7 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: __dataDbURL())
func testStreamOperation() throws {
func testStream() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockstream expectation")
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
@ -61,9 +55,7 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1000)
func testStreamOperationCancellation() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockstream expectation")
func testStreamCancellation() async throws {
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
port: 9067,
@ -71,37 +63,38 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
singleCallTimeout: 10000,
streamingCallTimeout: 10000
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let startHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight() - 100_000
let operation = CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation(
service: service,
storage: storage,
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: startHeight,
progressDelegate: self
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: .testnet),
walletBirthday: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
operation.completionHandler = { _, cancelled in
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
operation.errorHandler = { error in
let cancelableTask = Task {
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: startHeight
} catch {
XCTFail("failed with error: \(error)")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3, execute: {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1000)
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 3_000_000_000)
func testStreamOperationTimeout() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockstream expectation")
let errorExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockstream error expectation")
func testStreamTimeout() async throws {
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
port: 9067,
@ -109,49 +102,49 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
singleCallTimeout: 1000,
streamingCallTimeout: 3000
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let startHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight() - 100_000
let operation = CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation(
service: service,
storage: storage,
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: startHeight,
progressDelegate: self
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: .testnet),
walletBirthday: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
operation.completionHandler = { finished, _ in
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
let date = Date()
operation.errorHandler = { error in
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockStreamDownload(
blockBufferSize: 10,
startHeight: startHeight
} catch {
if let lwdError = error as? LightWalletServiceError {
switch lwdError {
case .timeOut:
XCTFail("LWD Service erro found, but should have been a timeLimit reached Error")
XCTFail("LWD Service error found, but should have been a timeLimit reached Error")
} else {
XCTFail("Error should have been a timeLimit reached Error")
let date = Date()
wait(for: [errorExpectation], timeout: 4)
let now = Date()
let elapsed = now.timeIntervalSince(date)
print("took \(elapsed) seconds")
func testBatchOperation() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockbatch expectation")
func testBatch() async throws {
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
port: 9067,
@ -162,34 +155,29 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.diskCompactBlockStorage(at: __dataDbURL() )
let targetHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight()
let startHeight = targetHeight - 10_000
let operation = CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperation(
service: service,
storage: storage,
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressDelegate: self
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: .testnet),
walletBirthday: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
operation.completionHandler = { _, cancelled in
if cancelled {
XCTFail("operation cancelled")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
operation.errorHandler = { error in
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (startHeight, targetHeight))
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockBatchDownload(range: range)
} catch {
XCTFail("failed with error: \(error)")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 120)
func testBatchOperationCancellation() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "blockbatch expectation")
func testBatchCancellation() async throws {
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(
port: 9067,
@ -200,36 +188,30 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
let storage = try TestDbBuilder.diskCompactBlockStorage(at: __dataDbURL() )
let targetHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight()
let startHeight = targetHeight - 100_000
let operation = CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperation(
service: service,
storage: storage,
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressDelegate: self
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: .testnet),
walletBirthday: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
operation.completionHandler = { _, cancelled in
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
operation.errorHandler = { error in
let range = CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (startHeight, targetHeight))
let cancelableTask = Task {
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockBatchDownload(range: range)
} catch {
XCTFail("failed with error: \(error)")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3, execute: {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1000)
extension BlockStreamingTest: CompactBlockProgressDelegate {
func progressUpdated(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress) {
print("progressHeight: \(String(describing: progress.progressHeight))")
print("startHeight: \(progress.progress)")
print("targetHeight: \(String(describing: progress.targetHeight))")
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 3_000_000_000)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// DownloadOperationTests.swift
// DownloadTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKitTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
@ -12,40 +12,38 @@ import SQLite
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// swiftlint:disable force_try
class DownloadOperationTests: XCTestCase {
var operationQueue = OperationQueue()
class DownloadTests: XCTestCase {
var network = .testnet)
override func tearDown() {
func testSingleOperation() {
let expect = XCTestExpectation(description: self.description)
func testSingleDownload() async throws {
let service = LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: storage)
let blockCount = 100
let activationHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let range = activationHeight ... activationHeight + blockCount
let downloadOperation = CompactBlockDownloadOperation(downloader: downloader, range: range)
downloadOperation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
for: network,
walletBirthday: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: ZcashRustBackend.self,
config: processorConfig
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.compactBlockDownload(downloader: downloader, range: range)
} catch {
XCTFail("Download failed with error: \(error)")
downloadOperation.errorHandler = { error in
XCTFail("Donwload Operation failed with error: \(error)")
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 10)
XCTAssertEqual(try! storage.latestHeight(), range.upperBound)

View File

@ -61,6 +61,21 @@ class LightWalletServiceTests: XCTestCase {
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 10)
func testHundredBlocks() async throws {
let count = 99
let lowerRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let upperRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + count
let blockRange = lowerRange ... upperRange
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await block in service.blockRange(blockRange) {
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.count, blockRange.count)
XCTAssertEqual(blocks[0].height, lowerRange)
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.last!.height, upperRange)
func testSyncBlockRange() {
let lowerRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let upperRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + 99
@ -74,6 +89,18 @@ class LightWalletServiceTests: XCTestCase {
func testSyncBlockRange() async throws {
let lowerRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let upperRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + 99
let blockRange = lowerRange ... upperRange
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await block in service.blockRange(blockRange) {
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.count, blockRange.count)
func testLatestBlock() {
let expect = XCTestExpectation(description: self.description)
service.latestBlockHeight { result in
@ -88,4 +115,9 @@ class LightWalletServiceTests: XCTestCase {
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 10)
func testLatestBlock() async throws {
let height = try await service.latestBlockHeightAsync()
XCTAssertTrue(height >

View File

@ -11,29 +11,13 @@ import XCTest
// swiftlint:disable force_try type_body_length
class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
var queue: OperationQueue = {
let queue = OperationQueue() = "Test Queue"
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return queue
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testBranchIdFailure() throws {
func testBranchIdFailure() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -60,16 +44,17 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = Int32(0xd34d)
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "failure expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
operation.errorHandler = { error in
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
switch error {
case CompactBlockProcessorError.wrongConsensusBranchId:
@ -77,19 +62,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
XCTFail("Expected CompactBlockProcessorError.wrongConsensusBranchId but found \(error)")
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, expectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
func testBranchNetworkMismatchFailure() throws {
func testBranchNetworkMismatchFailure() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -116,16 +97,17 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "failure expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
operation.errorHandler = { error in
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
switch error {
case CompactBlockProcessorError.networkMismatch(expected: .mainnet, found: .testnet):
@ -133,20 +115,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
XCTFail("Expected CompactBlockProcessorError.networkMismatch but found \(error)")
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, expectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
func testBranchNetworkTypeWrongFailure() throws {
func testBranchNetworkTypeWrongFailure() async throws {
let network = .testnet)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -173,16 +150,17 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "failure expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
operation.errorHandler = { error in
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
switch error {
case CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError:
@ -190,20 +168,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
XCTFail("Expected CompactBlockProcessorError.generalError but found \(error)")
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, expectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
func testSaplingActivationHeightMismatch() throws {
func testSaplingActivationHeightMismatch() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -231,16 +204,17 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "failure expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
operation.errorHandler = { error in
do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
switch error {
case CompactBlockProcessorError.saplingActivationMismatch(
expected: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight,
@ -251,15 +225,9 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
XCTFail("Expected CompactBlockProcessorError.saplingActivationMismatch but found \(error)")
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, expectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
func testResultIsWait() throws {
func testResultIsWait() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let expectedLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1210000)
@ -268,10 +236,11 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
service: LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default)
let expectedStoreLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1220000)
let expectedResult = FigureNextBatchOperation.NextState.wait(
let expectedResult = CompactBlockProcessor.NextState.wait(
latestHeight: expectedLatestHeight,
latestDownloadHeight: expectedLatestHeight
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: expectedStoreLatestHeight)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -299,49 +268,40 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let completedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "completed expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
operation.errorHandler = { error in
var nextBatch: CompactBlockProcessor.NextState?
do {
nextBatch = try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
XCTFail("this shouldn't happen: \(error)")
operation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, completedExpectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
guard let result = operation.result else {
guard let _ = nextBatch else {
XCTFail("result should not be nil")
switch result {
switch nextBatch {
case .wait(latestHeight: expectedLatestHeight, latestDownloadHeight: expectedLatestHeight):
return true
return false
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(result)"
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(String(describing: nextBatch))"
func testResultProcessNew() throws {
func testResultProcessNew() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let expectedLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1230000)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
@ -350,13 +310,14 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let expectedStoreLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1220000)
let walletBirthday = BlockHeight(1210000)
let expectedResult = FigureNextBatchOperation.NextState.processNewBlocks(
let expectedResult = CompactBlockProcessor.NextState.processNewBlocks(
range: CompactBlockProcessor.nextBatchBlockRange(
latestHeight: expectedLatestHeight,
latestDownloadedHeight: expectedStoreLatestHeight,
walletBirthday: walletBirthday
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: expectedStoreLatestHeight)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -384,49 +345,40 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let completedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "completed expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
var nextBatch: CompactBlockProcessor.NextState?
do {
nextBatch = try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
XCTFail("this shouldn't happen: \(error)")
operation.errorHandler = { _ in
XCTFail("this shouldn't happen")
operation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, completedExpectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
guard let result = operation.result else {
guard let _ = nextBatch else {
XCTFail("result should not be nil")
switch result {
switch nextBatch {
case .processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (expectedStoreLatestHeight + 1, expectedLatestHeight))):
return true
return false
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(result)"
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(String(describing: nextBatch))"
func testResultProcessorFinished() throws {
func testResultProcessorFinished() async throws {
let network = .mainnet)
let expectedLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1230000)
let service = MockLightWalletService(
@ -435,7 +387,8 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let expectedStoreLatestHeight = BlockHeight(1230000)
let walletBirthday = BlockHeight(1210000)
let expectedResult = FigureNextBatchOperation.NextState.finishProcessing(height: expectedStoreLatestHeight)
let expectedResult = CompactBlockProcessor.NextState.finishProcessing(height: expectedStoreLatestHeight)
let storage = try! TestDbBuilder.inMemoryCompactBlockStorage()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: expectedStoreLatestHeight)
let downloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
@ -463,45 +416,37 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
let mockRust = MockRustBackend.self
mockRust.consensusBranchID = 0xd34db4d
let operation = FigureNextBatchOperation(downloader: downloader, service: service, config: config, rustBackend: mockRust)
let completedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "completed expectation")
let startedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "start Expectation")
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service,
storage: storage,
backend: mockRust,
config: config
operation.startedHandler = {
var nextBatch: CompactBlockProcessor.NextState?
do {
nextBatch = try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloader: downloader)
} catch {
XCTFail("this shouldn't happen: \(error)")
operation.errorHandler = { _ in
XCTFail("this shouldn't happen")
operation.completionHandler = { finished, cancelled in
queue.addOperations([operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
wait(for: [startedExpectation, completedExpectation], timeout: 1, enforceOrder: true)
guard let result = operation.result else {
guard let _ = nextBatch else {
XCTFail("result should not be nil")
switch result {
switch nextBatch {
case .finishProcessing(height: expectedLatestHeight):
return true
return false
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(result)"
"Expected \(expectedResult) got: \(String(describing: nextBatch))"

View File

@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ class CompactBlockStorageTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(try! compactBlockDao.latestHeight(), BlockHeight.empty())
func testEmptyStorageAsync() async throws {
let latestHeight = try await compactBlockDao.latestHeightAsync()
XCTAssertEqual(latestHeight, BlockHeight.empty())
func testStoreThousandBlocks() {
let initialHeight = try! compactBlockDao.latestHeight()
let startHeight =
@ -38,6 +43,19 @@ class CompactBlockStorageTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(latestHeight, finalHeight)
func testStoreThousandBlocksAsync() async throws {
let initialHeight = try! compactBlockDao.latestHeight()
let startHeight =
let blockCount = Int(1_000)
let finalHeight = startHeight + blockCount
try TestDbBuilder.seed(db: compactBlockDao, with: startHeight...finalHeight)
let latestHeight = try await compactBlockDao.latestHeightAsync()
XCTAssertNotEqual(initialHeight, latestHeight)
XCTAssertEqual(latestHeight, finalHeight)
func testStoreOneBlockFromEmpty() {
let initialHeight = try! compactBlockDao.latestHeight()
guard initialHeight == BlockHeight.empty() else {
@ -61,6 +79,24 @@ class CompactBlockStorageTests: XCTestCase {
func testStoreOneBlockFromEmptyAsync() async throws {
let initialHeight = try await compactBlockDao.latestHeightAsync()
guard initialHeight == BlockHeight.empty() else {
XCTFail("database not empty, latest height: \(initialHeight)")
let expectedHeight = BlockHeight(123_456)
guard let block = StubBlockCreator.createRandomDataBlock(with: expectedHeight) else {
XCTFail("could not create randem block with height: \(expectedHeight)")
try await compactBlockDao.writeAsync(blocks: [block])
let result = try await compactBlockDao.latestHeightAsync()
XCTAssertEqual(result, expectedHeight)
func testRewindTo() {
let startHeight =
let blockCount = Int(1_000)
@ -82,4 +118,17 @@ class CompactBlockStorageTests: XCTestCase {
XCTFail("Rewind latest block failed with error: \(error)")
func testRewindToAsync() async throws {
let startHeight =
let blockCount = Int(1_000)
let finalHeight = startHeight + blockCount
try TestDbBuilder.seed(db: compactBlockDao, with: startHeight...finalHeight)
let rewindHeight = BlockHeight(finalHeight - 233)
try await compactBlockDao.rewindAsync(to: rewindHeight)
let latestHeight = try await compactBlockDao.latestHeightAsync()
XCTAssertEqual(latestHeight, rewindHeight - 1)

View File

@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ class DarksideWalletService: LightWalletService {
func blockStream(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
service.blockStream(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: endHeight)
func getInfo() throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
try service.getInfo()
@ -87,7 +91,11 @@ class DarksideWalletService: LightWalletService {
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
return []
try service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddress, height: height)
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
try service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddresses, height: height)
func fetchUTXOs(
@ -98,8 +106,8 @@ class DarksideWalletService: LightWalletService {
service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddress, height: height, result: result)
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
try service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddresses, height: height)
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddress, height: height)
func fetchUTXOs(
@ -110,6 +118,9 @@ class DarksideWalletService: LightWalletService {
service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddresses, height: height, result: result)
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
service.fetchUTXOs(for: tAddresses, height: height)
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity {
try service.fetchTransaction(txId: txId)
@ -222,6 +233,26 @@ class DarksideWalletService: LightWalletService {
func clearAddedUTXOs() throws {
_ = try darksideService.clearAddressUtxo(Empty(), callOptions: nil).response.wait()
func getInfoAsync() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
try service.getInfo()
func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
try service.latestBlockHeight()
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
func submitAsync(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
try service.submit(spendTransaction: spendTransaction)
func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity {
try service.fetchTransaction(txId: txId)
enum DarksideWalletDConstants: NetworkConstants {

View File

@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ class MockLightWalletService: LightWalletService {
return MockCancellable()
func blockStream(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream { _ in }
func getInfo() throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
guard let info = mockLightDInfo else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "Not Implemented")
@ -59,6 +63,10 @@ class MockLightWalletService: LightWalletService {
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
height: BlockHeight,
@ -66,8 +74,8 @@ class MockLightWalletService: LightWalletService {
) {
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream { _ in }
func fetchUTXOs(
@ -77,10 +85,8 @@ class MockLightWalletService: LightWalletService {
) {
func fetchUTXOs(
for tAddress: String,
result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void
) {
func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) -> AsyncThrowingStream<UnspentTransactionOutputEntity, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream { _ in }
private var service: LightWalletService
@ -126,4 +132,35 @@ class MockLightWalletService: LightWalletService {
func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
func getInfoAsync() async throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
guard let info = mockLightDInfo else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "Not Implemented")
return info
func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
func submitAsync(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
LightWalletServiceMockResponse(errorCode: 0, errorMessage: "", unknownFields: UnknownStorage())
func fetchTransactionAsync(txId: Data) async throws -> TransactionEntity {
Transaction(id: 1, transactionId: Data(), created: "Today", transactionIndex: 1, expiryHeight: -1, minedHeight: -1, raw: nil)
func fetchUTXOsAsync(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight) async throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
func fetchUTXOsAsync(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight) async throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {

View File

@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ import Foundation
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class ZcashConsoleFakeStorage: CompactBlockRepository {
func latestHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
func writeAsync(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
fakeSave(blocks: blocks)
func rewindAsync(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
fakeRewind(to: height)
func latestHeight() throws -> Int {
return self.latestBlockHeight
@ -29,12 +41,6 @@ class ZcashConsoleFakeStorage: CompactBlockRepository {
self.latestBlockHeight = latestBlockHeight
func latestHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
private func fakeSave(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) {
blocks.forEach {
LoggerProxy.debug("saving block \($0)")
@ -42,20 +48,6 @@ class ZcashConsoleFakeStorage: CompactBlockRepository {
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock], completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
self.fakeSave(blocks: blocks)
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
self.fakeRewind(to: height)
private func fakeRewind(to height: BlockHeight) {
LoggerProxy.debug("rewind to \(height)")
self.latestBlockHeight = min(self.latestBlockHeight, height)

View File

@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ class AwfulLightWalletService: MockLightWalletService {
override func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in continuation.finish(throwing: LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock) }
override func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping(Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {