// // PendingTransactionsManager.swift // ZcashLightClientKit // // Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/26/19. // import Foundation enum TransactionManagerError: Error { case couldNotCreateSpend(toAddress: String, account: Int, zatoshi: Zatoshi) case encodingFailed(PendingTransactionEntity) case updateFailed(PendingTransactionEntity) case notPending(PendingTransactionEntity) case cancelled(PendingTransactionEntity) case internalInconsistency(PendingTransactionEntity) case submitFailed(PendingTransactionEntity, errorCode: Int) case shieldingEncodingFailed(PendingTransactionEntity, reason: String) } class PersistentTransactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager { var repository: PendingTransactionRepository var encoder: TransactionEncoder var service: LightWalletService var queue: DispatchQueue var network: NetworkType init( encoder: TransactionEncoder, service: LightWalletService, repository: PendingTransactionRepository, networkType: NetworkType ) { self.repository = repository self.encoder = encoder self.service = service self.network = networkType self.queue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "PersistentTransactionManager.serial.queue", qos: .userInitiated) } func initSpend( zatoshi: Zatoshi, toAddress: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int ) throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { guard let insertedTx = try repository.find( by: try repository.create( PendingTransaction( value: zatoshi, toAddress: toAddress, memo: memo, account: accountIndex ) ) ) else { throw TransactionManagerError.couldNotCreateSpend( toAddress: toAddress, account: accountIndex, zatoshi: zatoshi ) } LoggerProxy.debug("pending transaction \(String(describing: insertedTx.id)) created") return insertedTx } func encodeShieldingTransaction( spendingKey: String, tsk: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { let derivationTool = DerivationTool(networkType: self.network) guard let viewingKey = try? derivationTool.deriveViewingKey(spendingKey: spendingKey), let zAddr = try? derivationTool.deriveShieldedAddress(viewingKey: viewingKey) else { throw TransactionManagerError.shieldingEncodingFailed( pendingTransaction, reason: "There was an error Deriving your keys" ) } guard pendingTransaction.toAddress == zAddr else { throw TransactionManagerError.shieldingEncodingFailed( pendingTransaction, reason: """ the recipient address does not match your derived shielded address. Shielding transactions addresses must match the ones derived from your keys. This is a serious error. We are not letting you encode this shielding transaction because it can lead to loss of funds """ ) } do { let encodedTransaction = try self.encoder.createShieldingTransaction( spendingKey: spendingKey, tSecretKey: tsk, memo: pendingTransaction.memo?.asZcashTransactionMemo(), from: pendingTransaction.accountIndex ) let transaction = try self.encoder.expandEncodedTransaction(encodedTransaction) var pending = pendingTransaction pending.encodeAttempts += 1 pending.raw = encodedTransaction.raw pending.rawTransactionId = encodedTransaction.transactionId pending.expiryHeight = transaction.expiryHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty() pending.minedHeight = transaction.minedHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty() try self.repository.update(pending) return pending } catch StorageError.updateFailed { throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction) } catch { throw error } } func encode( spendingKey: String, pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { do { let encodedTransaction = try self.encoder.createTransaction( spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: pendingTransaction.intValue, to: pendingTransaction.toAddress, memo: pendingTransaction.memo?.asZcashTransactionMemo(), from: pendingTransaction.accountIndex ) let transaction = try self.encoder.expandEncodedTransaction(encodedTransaction) var pending = pendingTransaction pending.encodeAttempts += 1 pending.raw = encodedTransaction.raw pending.rawTransactionId = encodedTransaction.transactionId pending.expiryHeight = transaction.expiryHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty() pending.minedHeight = transaction.minedHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty() try self.repository.update(pending) return pending } catch StorageError.updateFailed { throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction) } catch { do { try self.updateOnFailure(transaction: pendingTransaction, error: error) } catch { throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction) } throw error } } func submit( pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { guard let txId = pendingTransaction.id else { throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction) // this transaction is not stored } do { guard let storedTx = try self.repository.find(by: txId) else { throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction) } guard !storedTx.isCancelled else { LoggerProxy.debug("ignoring cancelled transaction \(storedTx)") throw TransactionManagerError.cancelled(storedTx) } guard let raw = storedTx.raw else { LoggerProxy.debug("INCONSISTENCY: attempt to send pending transaction \(txId) that has not raw data") throw TransactionManagerError.internalInconsistency(storedTx) } let response = try self.service.submit(spendTransaction: raw) let transaction = try self.update(transaction: storedTx, on: response) guard response.errorCode >= 0 else { throw TransactionManagerError.submitFailed(transaction, errorCode: Int(response.errorCode)) } return transaction } catch { try? self.updateOnFailure(transaction: pendingTransaction, error: error) throw error } } func applyMinedHeight(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity, minedHeight: BlockHeight) throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { guard let id = pendingTransaction.id else { throw TransactionManagerError.internalInconsistency(pendingTransaction) } guard var transaction = try repository.find(by: id) else { throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction) } transaction.minedHeight = minedHeight guard let pendingTxId = pendingTransaction.id else { throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(pendingTransaction) } do { try repository.applyMinedHeight(minedHeight, id: pendingTxId) } catch { throw TransactionManagerError.updateFailed(transaction) } return transaction } func handleReorg(at height: BlockHeight) throws { guard let affectedTxs = try self.allPendingTransactions()?.filter({ $0.minedHeight >= height }) else { return } try affectedTxs .map { transaction -> PendingTransactionEntity in var updatedTx = transaction updatedTx.minedHeight = -1 return updatedTx } .forEach { try self.repository.update($0) } } func monitorChanges(byId: Int, observer: Any) { // TODO: Implement this } func cancel(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity) -> Bool { guard let id = pendingTransaction.id else { return false } guard let transaction = try? repository.find(by: id) else { return false } guard !transaction.isSubmitted else { return false } guard (try? repository.cancel(transaction)) != nil else { return false } return true } func allPendingTransactions() throws -> [PendingTransactionEntity]? { try repository.getAll() } // MARK: other functions private func updateOnFailure(transaction: PendingTransactionEntity, error: Error) throws { var pending = transaction pending.errorMessage = error.localizedDescription pending.encodeAttempts = transaction.encodeAttempts + 1 try self.repository.update(pending) } private func update(transaction: PendingTransactionEntity, on sendResponse: LightWalletServiceResponse) throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { var pendingTx = transaction pendingTx.submitAttempts += 1 let error = sendResponse.errorCode < 0 pendingTx.errorCode = error ? Int(sendResponse.errorCode) : nil pendingTx.errorMessage = error ? sendResponse.errorMessage : nil try repository.update(pendingTx) return pendingTx } func delete(pendingTransaction: PendingTransactionEntity) throws { do { try repository.delete(pendingTransaction) } catch { throw TransactionManagerError.notPending(pendingTransaction) } } } enum OutboundTransactionManagerBuilder { static func build(initializer: Initializer) throws -> OutboundTransactionManager { PersistentTransactionManager( encoder: TransactionEncoderbuilder.build(initializer: initializer), service: initializer.lightWalletService, repository: try PendingTransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer), networkType: initializer.network.networkType ) } } enum PendingTransactionRepositoryBuilder { static func build(initializer: Initializer) throws -> PendingTransactionRepository { let dao = PendingTransactionSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: initializer.pendingDbURL.path, readonly: false)) try dao.createrTableIfNeeded() return dao } } enum TransactionEncoderbuilder { static func build(initializer: Initializer) -> TransactionEncoder { WalletTransactionEncoder(initializer: initializer) } }