// // BalanceTests.swift // ZcashLightClientKit-Unit-Tests // // Created by Francisco Gindre on 4/28/20. // import XCTest @testable import ZcashLightClientKit class BalanceTests: XCTestCase { var seedPhrase = "still champion voice habit trend flight survey between bitter process artefact blind carbon truly provide dizzy crush flush breeze blouse charge solid fish spread" //TODO: Parameterize this from environment? let testRecipientAddress = "zs17mg40levjezevuhdp5pqrd52zere7r7vrjgdwn5sj4xsqtm20euwahv9anxmwr3y3kmwuz8k55a" //TODO: Parameterize this from environment let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663188 var coordinator: TestCoordinator! var syncedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "synced") var sentTransactionExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sent") override func setUpWithError() throws { coordinator = try TestCoordinator( seed: seedPhrase, walletBirthday: birthday, channelProvider: ChannelProvider() ) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150) } /** verify that when sending the maximum amount, the transactions are broadcasted properly */ func testMaxAmountSend() throws { let notificationHandler = SDKSynchonizerListener() let foundTransactionsExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "found transactions expectation") let transactionMinedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "transaction mined expectation") // 0 subscribe to updated transactions events notificationHandler.subscribeToSynchronizer(coordinator.synchronizer) // 1 sync and get spendable funds try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight + 10) sleep(1) let firstSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync expectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in firstSyncExpectation.fulfill() }, error: handleError) wait(for: [firstSyncExpectation], timeout: 12) // 2 check that there are no unconfirmed funds let verifiedBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() let totalBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() XCTAssertTrue(verifiedBalance > ZcashSDK.defaultFee()) XCTAssertEqual(verifiedBalance, totalBalance) let maxBalance = verifiedBalance - Int64(ZcashSDK.defaultFee()) // 3 create a transaction for the max amount possible // 4 send the transaction guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("failed to create spending keys") return } var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: maxBalance, toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description) \(Date().description)", from: 0) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(error)") case .success(let transaction): pendingTx = transaction } self.sentTransactionExpectation.fulfill() } wait(for: [sentTransactionExpectation], timeout: 20) guard let pendingTx = pendingTx else { XCTFail("transaction creation failed") return } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTAssertNotNil(tx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertNotNil(pendingTx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertEqual(tx.rawTransactionId, pendingTx.rawTransactionId) transactionMinedExpectation.fulfill() } // 5 apply to height // 6 mine the block guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("no incoming transaction after") return } let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in let foundTx = txs.first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(foundTx) XCTAssertEqual(foundTx?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) foundTransactionsExpectation.fulfill() } try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight, count: 100) sleep(1) try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight) sleep(2) // add enhance breakpoint here let mineExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "mineTxExpectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in let p = synchronizer.pendingTransactions.first(where: {$0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(p, "pending transaction should have been mined by now") XCTAssertTrue(p?.isMined ?? false) XCTAssertEqual(p?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) mineExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { (error) in guard let e = error else { XCTFail("unknown error syncing after sending transaction") return } XCTFail("Error: \(e)") }) wait(for: [mineExpectation, transactionMinedExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5) // 7 advance to confirmation try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 10) sleep(2) let confirmExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "confirm expectation") notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any transactions at this point but found \(txs)") } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any mined transactions at this point but found \(tx)") } try coordinator.sync(completion: { synchronizer in confirmExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { e in self.handleError(e) }) wait(for: [confirmExpectation], timeout: 5) let confirmedPending = try coordinator.synchronizer.allPendingTransactions().first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNil(confirmedPending, "pending, now confirmed transaction found") XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), 0) XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), 0) } /** verify that when sending the maximum amount minus one zatoshi, the transactions are broadcasted properly */ func testMaxAmountMinusOneSend() throws { let notificationHandler = SDKSynchonizerListener() let foundTransactionsExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "found transactions expectation") let transactionMinedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "transaction mined expectation") // 0 subscribe to updated transactions events notificationHandler.subscribeToSynchronizer(coordinator.synchronizer) // 1 sync and get spendable funds try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight + 10) sleep(1) let firstSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync expectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in firstSyncExpectation.fulfill() }, error: handleError) wait(for: [firstSyncExpectation], timeout: 12) // 2 check that there are no unconfirmed funds let verifiedBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() let totalBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() XCTAssertTrue(verifiedBalance > ZcashSDK.defaultFee()) XCTAssertEqual(verifiedBalance, totalBalance) let maxBalanceMinusOne = verifiedBalance - Int64(ZcashSDK.defaultFee()) - 1 // 3 create a transaction for the max amount possible // 4 send the transaction guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("failed to create spending keys") return } var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: maxBalanceMinusOne, toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description) \(Date().description)", from: 0) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(error)") case .success(let transaction): pendingTx = transaction } self.sentTransactionExpectation.fulfill() } wait(for: [sentTransactionExpectation], timeout: 20) guard let pendingTx = pendingTx else { XCTFail("transaction creation failed") return } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTAssertNotNil(tx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertNotNil(pendingTx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertEqual(tx.rawTransactionId, pendingTx.rawTransactionId) transactionMinedExpectation.fulfill() } // 5 apply to height // 6 mine the block guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("no incoming transaction after") return } let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in let foundTx = txs.first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(foundTx) XCTAssertEqual(foundTx?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) foundTransactionsExpectation.fulfill() } try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight, count: 100) sleep(1) try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight) sleep(2) // add enhance breakpoint here let mineExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "mineTxExpectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in let p = synchronizer.pendingTransactions.first(where: {$0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(p, "pending transaction should have been mined by now") XCTAssertTrue(p?.isMined ?? false) XCTAssertEqual(p?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) mineExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { (error) in guard let e = error else { XCTFail("unknown error syncing after sending transaction") return } XCTFail("Error: \(e)") }) wait(for: [mineExpectation, transactionMinedExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5) // 7 advance to confirmation try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 10) sleep(2) let confirmExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "confirm expectation") notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any transactions at this point but found \(txs)") } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any mined transactions at this point but found \(tx)") } try coordinator.sync(completion: { synchronizer in confirmExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { e in self.handleError(e) }) wait(for: [confirmExpectation], timeout: 5) let confirmedPending = try coordinator.synchronizer.allPendingTransactions().first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNil(confirmedPending, "pending, now confirmed transaction found") XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), 1) XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), 1) } /** verify that when sending the a no change transaction, the transactions are broadcasted properly */ func testSingleNoteNoChangeTransaction() throws { let notificationHandler = SDKSynchonizerListener() let foundTransactionsExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "found transactions expectation") let transactionMinedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "transaction mined expectation") // 0 subscribe to updated transactions events notificationHandler.subscribeToSynchronizer(coordinator.synchronizer) // 1 sync and get spendable funds try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight + 10) sleep(1) let firstSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync expectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in firstSyncExpectation.fulfill() }, error: handleError) wait(for: [firstSyncExpectation], timeout: 12) // 2 check that there are no unconfirmed funds let verifiedBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() let totalBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() XCTAssertTrue(verifiedBalance > ZcashSDK.defaultFee()) XCTAssertEqual(verifiedBalance, totalBalance) let maxBalanceMinusOne = 100000 - ZcashSDK.defaultFee() // 3 create a transaction for the max amount possible // 4 send the transaction guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("failed to create spending keys") return } var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: maxBalanceMinusOne, toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description) \(Date().description)", from: 0) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(error)") case .success(let transaction): pendingTx = transaction } self.sentTransactionExpectation.fulfill() } wait(for: [sentTransactionExpectation], timeout: 20) guard let pendingTx = pendingTx else { XCTFail("transaction creation failed") return } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTAssertNotNil(tx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertNotNil(pendingTx.rawTransactionId) XCTAssertEqual(tx.rawTransactionId, pendingTx.rawTransactionId) transactionMinedExpectation.fulfill() } // 5 apply to height // 6 mine the block guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("no incoming transaction after") return } let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in let foundTx = txs.first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(foundTx) XCTAssertEqual(foundTx?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) foundTransactionsExpectation.fulfill() } try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight, count: 100) sleep(1) try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight) sleep(2) // add enhance breakpoint here let mineExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "mineTxExpectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in let p = synchronizer.pendingTransactions.first(where: {$0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNotNil(p, "pending transaction should have been mined by now") XCTAssertTrue(p?.isMined ?? false) XCTAssertEqual(p?.minedHeight, sentTxHeight) mineExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { (error) in guard let e = error else { XCTFail("unknown error syncing after sending transaction") return } XCTFail("Error: \(e)") }) wait(for: [mineExpectation, transactionMinedExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5) // 7 advance to confirmation try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 10) sleep(2) let confirmExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "confirm expectation") notificationHandler.transactionsFound = { txs in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any transactions at this point but found \(txs)") } notificationHandler.synchronizerMinedTransaction = { tx in XCTFail("We shouldn't find any mined transactions at this point but found \(tx)") } try coordinator.sync(completion: { synchronizer in confirmExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { e in self.handleError(e) }) wait(for: [confirmExpectation], timeout: 5) let confirmedPending = try coordinator.synchronizer.allPendingTransactions().first(where: { $0.rawTransactionId == pendingTx.rawTransactionId}) XCTAssertNil(confirmedPending, "pending, now confirmed transaction found") XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), 100000) XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), 100000) } /** Verify available balance is correct in all wallet states during a send This can be either a Wallet test or a Synchronizer test. The latter is supposed to be simpler because it involves no UI testing whatsoever. Precondition: Account has spendable funds Librustzcash is ‘synced’ up to ‘current tip’ Action: Send Amount(*) to zAddr Success per state: Sent: (previous available funds - spent note + change) equals to (previous available funds - sent amount) Error: previous available funds equals to current funds */ func testVerifyAvailableBalanceDuringSend() throws { try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight) try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in self.syncedExpectation.fulfill() }, error: handleError) wait(for: [syncedExpectation], timeout: 60) guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("failed to create spending keys") return } let presendBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() /* there's more zatoshi to send than network fee */ XCTAssertTrue(presendBalance >= (Int64(ZcashSDK.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI) + sendAmount)) var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: Int64(sendAmount), toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description) \(Date().description)", from: 0) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): /* balance should be the same as before sending if transaction failed */ XCTAssertEqual(self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), presendBalance) XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(error)") case .success(let transaction): pendingTx = transaction } self.sentTransactionExpectation.fulfill() } XCTAssertTrue(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() > 0) wait(for: [sentTransactionExpectation], timeout: 12) // sync and mine guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("no incoming transaction after") return } let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight) sleep(1) let mineExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "mineTxExpectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in mineExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { (error) in guard let e = error else { XCTFail("unknown error syncing after sending transaction") return } XCTFail("Error: \(e)") }) wait(for: [mineExpectation], timeout: 5) XCTAssertEqual(presendBalance - self.sendAmount,coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance()) XCTAssertEqual(presendBalance - self.sendAmount,coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance()) guard let transaction = pendingTx else { XCTFail("pending transaction nil") return } /* basic health check */ XCTAssertEqual(Int64(transaction.value), self.sendAmount) /* build up repos to get data */ guard let txid = transaction.rawTransactionId else { XCTFail("sent transaction has no internal id") return } let sentNoteDAO = SentNotesSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true)) let receivedNoteDAO = ReceivedNotesSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true)) var s: SentNoteEntity? do { s = try sentNoteDAO.sentNote(byRawTransactionId: txid) } catch { XCTFail("error retrieving sent note: \(error)") } guard let sentNote = s else { XCTFail("could not find sent note for this transaction") return } var r: ReceivedNoteEntity? do { r = try receivedNoteDAO.receivedNote(byRawTransactionId: txid) } catch { XCTFail("error retrieving received note: \(error)") } guard let receivedNote = r else { XCTFail("could not find sent note for this transaction") return } // (previous available funds - spent note + change) equals to (previous available funds - sent amount) self.verifiedBalanceValidation(previousBalance: presendBalance, spentNoteValue: Int64(sentNote.value), changeValue: Int64(receivedNote.value), sentAmount: Int64(self.sendAmount), currentVerifiedBalance: self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance()) } /** Verify total balance in all wallet states during a send This can be either a Wallet test or a Synchronizer test. The latter is supposed to be simpler because it involves no UI testing whatsoever. Precondition: Account has spendable funds Librustzcash is ‘synced’ up to ‘current tip’ Action: Send Amount to zAddr Success per state: Sent: (total balance funds - sentAmount) equals to (previous available funds - sent amount) Error: previous total balance funds equals to current total balance */ func testVerifyTotalBalanceDuringSend() throws { try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight) sleep(2) try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in self.syncedExpectation.fulfill() }, error: handleError) wait(for: [syncedExpectation], timeout: 5) guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("failed to create spending keys") return } let presendBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() XCTAssertTrue(presendBalance >= (Int64(ZcashSDK.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI) + sendAmount)) // there's more zatoshi to send than network fee var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? var error: Error? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: Int64(sendAmount), toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description) \(Date().description)", from: 0) { result in switch result { case .failure(let e): // balance should be the same as before sending if transaction failed error = e XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(e)") case .success(let transaction): pendingTx = transaction } self.sentTransactionExpectation.fulfill() } XCTAssertTrue(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() > 0) wait(for: [sentTransactionExpectation], timeout: 12) if let e = error { XCTAssertEqual(self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), presendBalance) XCTFail("error: \(e)") return } guard let transaction = pendingTx else { XCTFail("pending transaction nil after send") return } XCTAssertEqual(Int64(transaction.value), self.sendAmount) XCTAssertEqual(self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), presendBalance - Int64(self.sendAmount)) XCTAssertNil(transaction.errorCode) let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight) guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("no incoming transaction after send") return } try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: latestHeight + 1) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: latestHeight + 1) sleep(2) let mineExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "mineTxExpectation") try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in mineExpectation.fulfill() }, error: { (error) in guard let e = error else { XCTFail("unknown error syncing after sending transaction") return } XCTFail("Error: \(e)") }) wait(for: [mineExpectation], timeout: 5) XCTAssertEqual(presendBalance - self.sendAmount - Int64(ZcashSDK.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI),coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance()) } /** Verify incoming transactions This can be either a Wallet test or a Synchronizer test. The latter is supposed to be simpler because it involves no UI testing whatsoever. Precondition: Librustzcash is ‘synced’ up to ‘current tip’ Known list of expected transactions on the block range to sync the wallet up to. Known expected balance on the block range to sync the wallet up to. Action: sync to latest height Success criteria: The transaction list matches the expected one Balance matches expected balance */ func testVerifyIncomingTransaction() throws { try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight) try coordinator.sync(completion: { (syncronizer) in self.syncedExpectation.fulfill() }, error: self.handleError) wait(for: [syncedExpectation], timeout: 5) XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.clearedTransactions.count, 2) XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), 200000) } /** Verify change transactions This can be either a Wallet test or a Synchronizer test. The latter is supposed to be simpler because it involves no UI testing whatsoever. Precondition Librustzcash is ‘synced’ up to ‘current tip’ Known list of expected transactions on the block range to sync the wallet up to. Known expected balance on the block range to sync the wallet up to. There’s a spendable note with value > send amount that generates change Action: Send amount to zAddr sync to minedHeight + 1 Success Criteria: There’s a sent transaction matching the amount sent to the given zAddr minedHeight is not -1 Balance meets verified Balance and total balance criteria There’s a change note of value (previous note value - sent amount) */ func testVerifyChangeTransaction() throws { try FakeChainBuilder.buildSingleNoteChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: defaultLatestHeight) let sendExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "send expectation") let createToAddressExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "create to address") try coordinator.setLatestHeight(height: defaultLatestHeight) /* sync to current tip */ try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in self.syncedExpectation.fulfill() }, error: self.handleError) wait(for: [syncedExpectation], timeout: 6) let previousVerifiedBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() let previousTotalBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() guard let spendingKeys = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("null spending keys") return } /* Send */ let memo = "shielding is fun!" var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKeys, zatoshi: Int64(sendAmount), toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: memo, from: 0) { (sendResult) in DispatchQueue.main.async { switch sendResult { case .failure(let sendError): XCTFail("error sending \(sendError)") case .success(let tx): pendingTx = tx } sendExpectation.fulfill() } } wait(for: [createToAddressExpectation], timeout: 30) let syncToMinedheightExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sync to mined height + 1") /* include sent transaction in block */ guard let rawTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else { XCTFail("pending transaction nil after send") return } let latestHeight = try coordinator.latestHeight() let sentTxHeight = latestHeight + 1 try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: sentTxHeight, count: 12) try coordinator.stageTransaction(rawTx, at: sentTxHeight) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 11 ) sleep(2) /* Sync to that block */ try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in let confirmedTx: ConfirmedTransactionEntity! do { confirmedTx = try synchronizer.allClearedTransactions().first(where: { (confirmed) -> Bool in confirmed.transactionEntity.transactionId == pendingTx?.transactionEntity.transactionId }) } catch { XCTFail("Error retrieving cleared transactions") return } /* There’s a sent transaction matching the amount sent to the given zAddr */ XCTAssertEqual(Int64(confirmedTx.value), self.sendAmount) XCTAssertEqual(confirmedTx.toAddress, self.testRecipientAddress) XCTAssertEqual(confirmedTx.memo?.asZcashTransactionMemo(), memo) guard let transactionId = confirmedTx.rawTransactionId else { XCTFail("no raw transaction id") return } /* Find out what note was used */ let sentNotesRepo = SentNotesSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: synchronizer.initializer.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true)) guard let sentNote = try? sentNotesRepo.sentNote(byRawTransactionId: transactionId) else { XCTFail("Could not finde sent note with transaction Id \(transactionId)") return } let receivedNotesRepo = ReceivedNotesSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true)) /* get change note */ guard let receivedNote = try? receivedNotesRepo.receivedNote(byRawTransactionId: transactionId) else { XCTFail("Could not find received not with change for transaction Id \(transactionId)") return } /* There’s a change note of value (previous note value - sent amount) */ XCTAssertEqual(previousVerifiedBalance - self.sendAmount - ZcashSDK.defaultFee(for: try! synchronizer.latestDownloadedHeight()), Int64(receivedNote.value)) /* Balance meets verified Balance and total balance criteria */ self.verifiedBalanceValidation( previousBalance: previousVerifiedBalance, spentNoteValue: Int64(sentNote.value), changeValue: Int64(receivedNote.value), sentAmount: Int64(self.sendAmount), currentVerifiedBalance: synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance()) self.totalBalanceValidation(totalBalance: synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), previousTotalbalance: previousTotalBalance, sentAmount: Int64(self.sendAmount)) syncToMinedheightExpectation.fulfill() }, error: self.handleError) wait(for: [syncToMinedheightExpectation], timeout: 5) } /** Verify transactions that expire are reflected accurately in balance This test requires the transaction to expire. How can we mock or cause this? Would createToAddress and faking a network submission through lightwalletService and syncing 10 more blocks work? Precondition: Account has spendable funds Librustzcash is ‘synced’ up to ‘current tip’ † Current tip can be scanned 10 blocks past the generated to be expired transaction Action: Sync to current tip Create transaction to zAddr Mock send success Sync 10 blocks more Success Criteria: There’s a pending transaction that has expired Total Balance is equal to total balance previously shown before sending the expired transaction Verified Balance is equal to verified balance previously shown before sending the expired transaction */ func testVerifyBalanceAfterExpiredTransaction() throws { try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: coordinator.service) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: self.defaultLatestHeight) sleep(2) try coordinator.sync(completion: { (syncronizer) in self.syncedExpectation.fulfill() }, error: self.handleError) wait(for: [syncedExpectation], timeout: 5) guard let spendingKey = coordinator.spendingKeys?.first else { XCTFail("no synchronizer or spending keys") return } let previousVerifiedBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance() let previousTotalBalance = coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance() let sendExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "send expectation") var pendingTx: PendingTransactionEntity? coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: sendAmount, toAddress: testRecipientAddress, memo: "test send \(self.description)", from: 0) { (result) in switch result { case .failure(let error): // balance should be the same as before sending if transaction failed XCTAssertEqual(self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), previousVerifiedBalance) XCTAssertEqual(self.coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), previousTotalBalance) XCTFail("sendToAddress failed: \(error)") case .success(let pending): pendingTx = pending } } wait(for: [sendExpectation], timeout: 12) guard let pendingTransaction = pendingTx, pendingTransaction.expiryHeight > defaultLatestHeight else { XCTFail("No pending transaction") return } let expirationSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "expiration sync expectation") let expiryHeight = pendingTransaction.expiryHeight let blockCount = abs(self.defaultLatestHeight - expiryHeight) try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: self.defaultLatestHeight + 1, count: blockCount) try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: expiryHeight + 1) sleep(2) try coordinator.sync(completion: { (synchronizer) in expirationSyncExpectation.fulfill() }, error: self.handleError) wait(for: [expirationSyncExpectation], timeout: 5) /* Verified Balance is equal to verified balance previously shown before sending the expired transaction */ XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), previousVerifiedBalance) /* Total Balance is equal to total balance previously shown before sending the expired transaction */ XCTAssertEqual(coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.getBalance(), previousTotalBalance) let pendingRepo = PendingTransactionSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: coordinator.synchronizer.initializer.pendingDbURL.absoluteString)) guard let expiredPending = try? pendingRepo.find(by: pendingTransaction.id!), let id = expiredPending.id else { XCTFail("pending transaction not found") return } /* there no sent transaction displayed */ XCTAssertNil( try coordinator.synchronizer.allSentTransactions().first(where: { $0.id == id})) /* There’s a pending transaction that has expired */ XCTAssertEqual(expiredPending.minedHeight, -1) } func handleError(_ error: Error?) { guard let testError = error else { XCTFail("failed with nil error") return } XCTFail("Failed with error: \(testError)") } /** check if (previous available funds - spent note + change) equals to (previous available funds - sent amount) */ func verifiedBalanceValidation(previousBalance: Int64, spentNoteValue: Int64, changeValue: Int64, sentAmount: Int64, currentVerifiedBalance: Int64) { // (previous available funds - spent note + change) equals to (previous available funds - sent amount) XCTAssertEqual(previousBalance - spentNoteValue + changeValue, currentVerifiedBalance - sentAmount) } func totalBalanceValidation(totalBalance: Int64, previousTotalbalance: Int64, sentAmount: Int64) { XCTAssertEqual(totalBalance, previousTotalbalance - sentAmount - Int64(ZcashSDK.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI)) } } class SDKSynchonizerListener { var transactionsFound: (([ConfirmedTransactionEntity]) -> ())? var synchronizerMinedTransaction: ((PendingTransactionEntity) -> ())? func subscribeToSynchronizer(_ synchronizer: SDKSynchronizer) { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(txFound(_:)), name: .synchronizerFoundTransactions, object: synchronizer) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(txMined(_:)), name: .synchronizerMinedTransaction, object: synchronizer) } func unsubscribe() { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } @objc func txFound(_ notification: Notification) { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let txs = notification.userInfo?[SDKSynchronizer.NotificationKeys.foundTransactions] as? [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] else { XCTFail("expected [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] array") return } self?.transactionsFound?(txs) } } @objc func txMined(_ notification: Notification) { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let tx = notification.userInfo?[SDKSynchronizer.NotificationKeys.minedTransaction] as? PendingTransactionEntity else { XCTFail("expected transaction") return } self?.synchronizerMinedTransaction?(tx) } } }