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// CompactBlockDownload.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
private class BlockDownloaderStream {
let stream: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>
var iterator: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>.Iterator
init(stream: AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error>) {
self.stream = stream
self.iterator = stream.makeAsyncIterator()
func nextBlock() async throws -> ZcashCompactBlock? {
return try await iterator.next()
/// Described object which can download blocks.
protocol BlockDownloader {
/// Set max height to which blocks will be downloaded. If this is higher than upper bound of the whole range then upper bound of the whole range
/// is used as limit.
func setDownloadLimit(_ limit: BlockHeight) async
/// Set the range for the whole sync process. This method creates stream that is used to download blocks.
/// This method must be called before `startDownload()` is called. And it can't be called while download is in progress otherwise bad things
/// happen.
func setSyncRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, batchSize: Int) async throws
/// Start downloading blocks.
/// This methods creates new detached Task which is used to do the actual downloading.
/// It's possible to call this methods anytime. If any download is already in progress nothing happens.
/// If the download limit is changed while download is in progress then blocks within new limit are downloaded automatically.
/// If the downlading finishes and then limit is changed you must call this method to start downloading.
/// - Parameters:
/// - maxBlockBufferSize: Number of blocks that is held in memory before blocks are written to disk.
func startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: Int) async
/// Stop download. This method cancels Task used for downloading. And then it is waiting until internal `isDownloading` flag is set to `false`
func stopDownload() async
/// Waits until blocks from `range` are downloaded. This method does just the waiting. If `startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize:syncRange:)` isn't
/// called before then nothing is downloaded.
/// - Parameter range: Wait until blocks from `range` are downloaded.
func waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded(in range: CompactBlockRange) async throws
/// Updates the internal in memory value of latest downloaded block height. This way the `BlockDownloader` works with the current latest height and can
/// continue on parallel downloading of next batch.
func update(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight, force: Bool) async
/// Provides the value of latest downloaded height.
func latestDownloadedBlockHeight() async -> BlockHeight
/// In case rewind is needed, the latestDownloadedBlockHeight is rewritten forcefully.
func rewind(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight?) async
actor BlockDownloaderImpl {
private enum Constants {
static let rebuildStreamAfterBatchesCount = 3
let service: LightWalletService
let downloaderService: BlockDownloaderService
let storage: CompactBlockRepository
let metrics: SDKMetrics
let logger: Logger
var latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight = -1
private var downloadStreamCreatedAtRange: CompactBlockRange = 0...0
private var downloadStream: BlockDownloaderStream?
private var syncRange: CompactBlockRange?
private var batchSize: Int?
private var downloadToHeight: BlockHeight = 0
private var isDownloading = false
private var task: Task<Void, Error>?
private var lastError: Error?
service: LightWalletService,
downloaderService: BlockDownloaderService,
storage: CompactBlockRepository,
metrics: SDKMetrics,
logger: Logger
) {
self.service = service
self.downloaderService = downloaderService
self.storage = storage
self.metrics = metrics
self.logger = logger
private func doDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: Int) async {
lastError = nil
do {
guard let batchSize = self.batchSize, let syncRange = self.syncRange else {
logger.error("Dont have downloadStream. Trying to download blocks before sync range is not set.")
throw ZcashError.blockDownloadSyncRangeNotSet
let downloadFrom = max(syncRange.lowerBound, latestDownloadedBlockHeight + 1)
let downloadTo = min(downloadToHeight, syncRange.upperBound)
if downloadFrom > downloadTo {
Download from \(downloadFrom) is higher or same as dowload to \(downloadTo). All blocks are probably downloaded. Exiting.
isDownloading = false
task = nil
let range = downloadFrom...downloadTo
let maxAmountBlocksDownloadedByStream = Constants.rebuildStreamAfterBatchesCount * batchSize
let createNewStream =
self.downloadStream == nil ||
range.lowerBound - downloadStreamCreatedAtRange.lowerBound >= maxAmountBlocksDownloadedByStream ||
downloadTo >= downloadStreamCreatedAtRange.upperBound
let downloadStream: BlockDownloaderStream
if let stream = self.downloadStream, !createNewStream {
downloadStream = stream
} else {
// In case that limit is larger than Constants.rebuildStreamAfterBatchesCount * batchSize we need to set upper bound of the range like
// this. This is not normal operational mode but something can request to download whole sync range at one go for example.
let streamRange = range.lowerBound...max(downloadToHeight, range.lowerBound + maxAmountBlocksDownloadedByStream)
logger.debug("Creating new stream for range \(streamRange.lowerBound)...\(streamRange.upperBound)")
downloadStreamCreatedAtRange = streamRange
let stream = service.blockStream(startHeight: streamRange.lowerBound, endHeight: streamRange.upperBound)
downloadStream = BlockDownloaderStream(stream: stream)
self.downloadStream = downloadStream
Starting downloading blocks.
syncRange: \(syncRange.lowerBound)...\(syncRange.upperBound)
downloadToHeight: \(downloadToHeight)
latestDownloadedBlockHeight: \(latestDownloadedBlockHeight)
range: \(range.lowerBound)...\(range.upperBound)
try await downloadAndStoreBlocks(
using: downloadStream,
at: range,
maxBlockBufferSize: maxBlockBufferSize,
totalProgressRange: syncRange
task = nil
if downloadToHeight > range.upperBound {
Finished downloading with range: \(range.lowerBound)...\(range.upperBound). Going to start new download.
range upper bound: \(range.upperBound)
new downloadToHeight: \(downloadToHeight)
await startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: maxBlockBufferSize)
logger.debug("finishing after start download")
} else {
logger.debug("Finished downloading with range: \(range.lowerBound)...\(range.upperBound)")
isDownloading = false
} catch {
if Task.isCancelled {
logger.debug("Blocks downloading canceled.")
} else {
lastError = error
logger.error("Blocks downloading failed: \(error)")
isDownloading = false
task = nil
private func compactBlocksDownloadStream(startHeight: BlockHeight, targetHeight: BlockHeight) async throws -> BlockDownloaderStream {
try Task.checkCancellation()
let stream = service.blockStream(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: targetHeight)
return BlockDownloaderStream(stream: stream)
private func downloadAndStoreBlocks(
using stream: BlockDownloaderStream,
at range: CompactBlockRange,
maxBlockBufferSize: Int,
totalProgressRange: CompactBlockRange
) async throws {
var buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
logger.debug("Downloading blocks in range: \(range.lowerBound)...\(range.upperBound)")
for _ in stride(from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound + 1, by: 1) {
try Task.checkCancellation()
guard let block = try await stream.nextBlock() else { break }
if buffer.count >= maxBlockBufferSize {
try await storage.write(blocks: buffer)
try await blocksBufferWritten(buffer)
buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
try await storage.write(blocks: buffer)
try await blocksBufferWritten(buffer)
private func blocksBufferWritten(_ buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
guard let lastBlock = buffer.last else { return }
latestDownloadedBlockHeight = lastBlock.height
extension BlockDownloaderImpl: BlockDownloader {
func rewind(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight?) async {
self.latestDownloadedBlockHeight = latestDownloadedBlockHeight ?? -1
func update(latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight, force: Bool = false) async {
if latestDownloadedBlockHeight >= self.latestDownloadedBlockHeight || force {
self.latestDownloadedBlockHeight = latestDownloadedBlockHeight
func latestDownloadedBlockHeight() async -> BlockHeight {
func setDownloadLimit(_ limit: BlockHeight) async {
downloadToHeight = limit
func setSyncRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, batchSize: Int) async throws {
guard range != syncRange else { return }
downloadStream = nil
self.batchSize = batchSize
syncRange = range
func startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: Int) async {
guard task == nil else {
logger.debug("Download already in progress.")
isDownloading = true
task = Task.detached() { [weak self] in
// Solve when self is nil, task should be niled.
await self?.doDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: maxBlockBufferSize)
func stopDownload() async {
task = nil
while isDownloading {
do {
try await Task.sleep(milliseconds: 10)
} catch {
downloadStream = nil
func waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded(in range: CompactBlockRange) async throws {
logger.debug("Waiting until requested blocks are downloaded at \(range)")
var latestDownloadedBlock = latestDownloadedBlockHeight
while latestDownloadedBlock < range.upperBound {
if let error = lastError {
throw error
try await Task.sleep(milliseconds: 10)
latestDownloadedBlock = latestDownloadedBlockHeight
logger.debug("Waiting done. Blocks are downloaded at \(range)")