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// ZcashSDK.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 7/22/21.
import Foundation
public protocol ZcashNetwork {
var networkType: NetworkType { get }
var constants: NetworkConstants.Type { get }
public enum NetworkType {
case mainnet
case testnet
var networkId: UInt32 {
switch self {
case .mainnet: return 1
case .testnet: return 0
extension NetworkType {
static func forChainName(_ chainame: String) -> NetworkType? {
switch chainame {
case "test": return .testnet
case "main": return .mainnet
default: return nil
static func forNetworkId(_ id: UInt32) -> NetworkType? {
switch id {
case 1: return .mainnet
case 0: return .testnet
default: return nil
extension NetworkType {
public var chainName: String {
switch self {
case .mainnet:
return "main"
case .testnet:
return "test"
public enum ZcashNetworkBuilder {
public static func network(for networkType: NetworkType) -> ZcashNetwork {
switch networkType {
case .mainnet: return ZcashMainnet()
case .testnet: return ZcashTestnet()
class ZcashTestnet: ZcashNetwork {
let networkType: NetworkType = .testnet
let constants: NetworkConstants.Type = ZcashSDKTestnetConstants.self
class ZcashMainnet: ZcashNetwork {
let networkType: NetworkType = .mainnet
let constants: NetworkConstants.Type = ZcashSDKMainnetConstants.self
Constants of ZcashLightClientKit. this constants don't
public enum ZcashSDK {
/// The number of zatoshi that equal 1 ZEC.
public static let zatoshiPerZEC: BlockHeight = 100_000_000
/// The theoretical maximum number of blocks in a reorg, due to other bottlenecks in the protocol design.
public static let maxReorgSize = 100
/// The amount of blocks ahead of the current height where new transactions are set to expire. This value is controlled
/// by the rust backend but it is helpful to know what it is set to and should be kept in sync.
public static let expiryOffset = 20
// MARK: Defaults
/// Default size of batches of blocks to request from the compact block service. Which was used both for scanning and downloading.
public static let DefaultBatchSize = 100
/// Default batch size for enhancing transactions for the compact block processor
public static let DefaultEnhanceBatch = 1000
/// Default amount of time, in in seconds, to poll for new blocks. Typically, this should be about half the average
/// block time.
public static let defaultPollInterval: TimeInterval = 20
/// Default attempts at retrying.
// This has been tweaked in https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/1303
// There are many places that rely on hasRetryAttempt() that reads and compares this value.
// Better solution is to think about retry logic and potentially either remove completely
// or implement more sophisticated solutuion. Until that time, Int.max solves our UX issues
// TODO: [#1304] smart retry logic, https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/1304
public static let defaultRetries = Int.max
/// The communication errors are usually false positive and another try will continue the work,
/// in case the service is trully down we cap the amount of retries by this value.
public static let serviceFailureRetries = 3
/// The default maximum amount of time to wait during retry backoff intervals. Failed loops will never wait longer than
/// this before retrying.
public static let defaultMaxBackOffInterval: TimeInterval = 600
/// Default number of blocks to rewind when a chain reorg is detected. This should be large enough to recover from the
/// reorg but smaller than the theoretical max reorg size of 100.
public static let defaultRewindDistance: Int = 10
/// The number of blocks to allow before considering our data to be stale. This usually helps with what to do when
/// returning from the background and is exposed via the Synchronizer's isStale function.
public static let defaultStaleTolerance: Int = 10
/// Default Name for LibRustZcash data.db
public static let defaultDataDbName = "data.db"
/// Default Name for Compact Block file system based db
public static let defaultFsCacheName = "fs_cache"
/// Default Name for Compact Block caches db
public static let defaultCacheDbName = "caches.db"
/// The Url that is used by default in zcashd.
/// We'll want to make this externally configurable, rather than baking it into the SDK but
/// this will do for now, since we're using a cloudfront URL that already redirects.
public static let cloudParameterURL = "https://z.cash/downloads/"
/// File name for the sapling spend params
public static let spendParamFilename = "sapling-spend.params"
// swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping
public static let spendParamFileURL = URL(string: cloudParameterURL)!.appendingPathComponent(spendParamFilename)
/// File name for the sapling output params
public static let outputParamFilename = "sapling-output.params"
// swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping
public static let outputParamFileURL = URL(string: cloudParameterURL)!.appendingPathComponent(outputParamFilename)
public protocol NetworkConstants {
/// The height of the first sapling block. When it comes to shielded transactions, we do not need to consider any blocks
/// prior to this height, at all.
static var saplingActivationHeight: BlockHeight { get }
/// Default Name for LibRustZcash data.db
static var defaultDataDbName: String { get }
static var defaultFsBlockDbRootName: String { get }
/// Default Name for Compact Block caches db
@available(*, deprecated, message: "use this name to clean up the sqlite compact block database")
static var defaultCacheDbName: String { get }
/// Default prefix for db filenames
static var defaultDbNamePrefix: String { get }
/// Returns the default fee, hardcoded 10k Zatoshi is the minimum ZIP 317 fee
static func defaultFee() -> Zatoshi
public extension NetworkConstants {
static func defaultFee() -> Zatoshi {
public enum ZcashSDKMainnetConstants: NetworkConstants {
/// The height of the first sapling block. When it comes to shielded transactions, we do not need to consider any blocks
/// prior to this height, at all.
public static let saplingActivationHeight: BlockHeight = 419_200
/// Default Name for LibRustZcash data.db
public static let defaultDataDbName = "data.db"
public static let defaultFsBlockDbRootName = "fs_cache"
/// Default Name for Compact Block caches db
public static let defaultCacheDbName = "caches.db"
public static let defaultDbNamePrefix = "ZcashSdk_mainnet_"
public enum ZcashSDKTestnetConstants: NetworkConstants {
/// The height of the first sapling block. When it comes to shielded transactions, we do not need to consider any blocks
/// prior to this height, at all.
public static let saplingActivationHeight: BlockHeight = 280_000
/// Default Name for LibRustZcash data.db
public static let defaultDataDbName = "data.db"
/// Default Name for Compact Block caches db
public static let defaultCacheDbName = "caches.db"
public static let defaultFsBlockDbRootName = "fs_cache"
public static let defaultDbNamePrefix = "ZcashSdk_testnet_"