
507 lines
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// ServiceHelper.swift
// gRPC-PoC
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 29/08/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRPC
import NIO
public typealias Channel = GRPC.GRPCChannel
extension TimeAmount {
static let singleCallTimeout = TimeAmount.seconds(30)
static let streamingCallTimeout = TimeAmount.minutes(10)
extension CallOptions {
static var lwdCall: CallOptions {
CallOptions(customMetadata: HPACKHeaders(),
timeLimit: .timeout(.singleCallTimeout),
messageEncoding: .disabled,
requestIDProvider: .autogenerated,
requestIDHeader: nil,
cacheable: false)
public protocol LightWalletdInfo {
var version: String { get }
var vendor: String { get }
/// true
var taddrSupport: Bool { get }
/// either "main" or "test"
var chainName: String { get }
/// depends on mainnet or testnet
var saplingActivationHeight: UInt64 { get }
/// protocol identifier, see consensus/upgrades.cpp
var consensusBranchID: String { get }
/// latest block on the best chain
var blockHeight: UInt64 { get }
var gitCommit: String { get }
var branch: String { get }
var buildDate: String { get }
var buildUser: String { get }
/// less than tip height if zcashd is syncing
var estimatedHeight: UInt64 { get }
/// example: "v4.1.1-877212414"
var zcashdBuild: String { get }
/// example: "/MagicBean:4.1.1/"
var zcashdSubversion: String { get }
extension LightdInfo: LightWalletdInfo {}
Swift GRPC implementation of Lightwalletd service
public enum GRPCResult: Equatable {
case ok
case error(_ error: LightWalletServiceError)
public protocol CancellableCall {
func cancel()
extension ServerStreamingCall: CancellableCall {
public func cancel() {
self.cancel(promise: self.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self))
struct BlockProgress: BlockProgressReporting {
var startHeight: BlockHeight
var targetHeight: BlockHeight
var progressHeight: BlockHeight
extension Notification.Name {
static let connectionStatusChanged = Notification.Name("LightWalletServiceConnectivityStatusChanged")
public class LightWalletGRPCService {
var queue: DispatchQueue
let channel: Channel
let connectionDelegate: ConnectionStatusManager
let compactTxStreamer: CompactTxStreamerClient
let singleCallTimeout: TimeLimit
let streamingCallTimeout: TimeLimit
public convenience init(endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint) {
self.init(host: endpoint.host,
port: endpoint.port,
secure: endpoint.secure,
singleCallTimeout: endpoint.singleCallTimeoutInMillis,
streamingCallTimeout: endpoint.streamingCallTimeoutInMillis)
deinit {
_ = channel.close()
_ = compactTxStreamer.channel.close()
public init(host: String, port: Int = 9067, secure: Bool = true, singleCallTimeout: Int64 = 10000, streamingCallTimeout: Int64 = 10000) {
self.connectionDelegate = ConnectionStatusManager()
self.queue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "LightWalletGRPCService")
self.streamingCallTimeout = TimeLimit.timeout(.milliseconds(streamingCallTimeout))
self.singleCallTimeout = TimeLimit.timeout(.milliseconds(singleCallTimeout))
let configuration = ClientConnection.Configuration(
target: .hostAndPort(host, port),
eventLoopGroup: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1),
connectivityStateDelegate: connectionDelegate,
connectivityStateDelegateQueue: queue,
tls: secure ? .init() : nil
let channel = ClientConnection(configuration: configuration)
self.channel = channel
compactTxStreamer = CompactTxStreamerClient(channel: self.channel, defaultCallOptions: Self.callOptions(timeLimit: TimeLimit.timeout(.seconds(Int64(singleCallTimeout)))))
func stop() {
_ = channel.close()
func blockRange(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight? = nil, result: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void) throws -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(BlockRange(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: endHeight), handler: result)
func latestBlock() throws -> BlockID {
try compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).response.wait()
func getTx(hash: String) throws -> RawTransaction {
var filter = TxFilter()
filter.hash = Data(hash.utf8)
return try compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(filter).response.wait()
static func callOptions(timeLimit: TimeLimit) -> CallOptions {
CallOptions(customMetadata: HPACKHeaders(),
timeLimit: timeLimit,
messageEncoding: .disabled,
requestIDProvider: .autogenerated,
requestIDHeader: nil,
cacheable: false)
extension LightWalletGRPCService: LightWalletService {
@discardableResult public func blockStream(startHeight: BlockHeight, endHeight: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<GRPCResult, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void, handler: @escaping (ZcashCompactBlock) -> Void, progress: @escaping (BlockProgressReporting) -> Void) -> CancellableCall {
let future = compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(BlockRange(startHeight: startHeight, endHeight: endHeight), callOptions: Self.callOptions(timeLimit: self.streamingCallTimeout), handler: { compactBlock in
handler(ZcashCompactBlock(compactBlock: compactBlock))
progress(BlockProgress(startHeight: startHeight, targetHeight: endHeight, progressHeight: BlockHeight(compactBlock.height)))
future.status.whenComplete { r in
switch r {
case .success(let status):
switch status.code {
case .ok:
case .failure(let error):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: error)))
return future
public func getInfo() throws -> LightWalletdInfo {
try compactTxStreamer.getLightdInfo(Empty()).response.wait()
public func getInfo(result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletdInfo, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
compactTxStreamer.getLightdInfo(Empty()).response.whenComplete { r in
switch r {
case .success(let info):
case .failure(let error):
public func closeConnection() {
_ = channel.close()
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
do {
let rawTx = try compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.wait()
return TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func fetchTransaction(txId: Data, result: @escaping (Result<TransactionEntity, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
var txFilter = TxFilter()
txFilter.hash = txId
compactTxStreamer.getTransaction(txFilter).response.whenComplete({ response in
switch response {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let rawTx):
result(.success(TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(txId: txId, rawTransaction: rawTx)))
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping (Result<LightWalletServiceResponse, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
do {
let tx = try RawTransaction(serializedData: spendTransaction)
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(tx).response
response.whenComplete { (responseResult) in
switch responseResult {
case .failure(let e):
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.sentFailed(error: e)))
case .success(let s):
} catch {
public func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
let rawTx = RawTransaction.with { (raw) in
raw.data = spendTransaction
do {
return try compactTxStreamer.sendTransaction(rawTx).response.wait()
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws -> [ZcashCompactBlock] {
var blocks = [CompactBlock]()
let response = compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(), handler: {
let status = try response.status.wait()
switch status.code {
case .ok:
return blocks.asZcashCompactBlocks()
throw LightWalletServiceError.mapCode(status)
public func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
let response = compactTxStreamer.getLatestBlock(ChainSpec()).response
response.whenSuccessBlocking(onto: queue) { blockID in
guard let blockHeight = Int(exactly: blockID.height) else {
result(.failure(LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "error creating blockheight from BlockID \(blockID)")))
response.whenFailureBlocking(onto: queue) { error in
public func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
var blocks = [CompactBlock]()
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.getBlockRange(range.blockRange(), handler: { blocks.append($0) })
do {
let status = try response.status.wait()
switch status.code {
case .ok:
} catch {
public func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
guard let height = try? latestBlock().compactBlockHeight() else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock
return height
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight = ZcashSDK.SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { (utxoArgs) in
utxoArgs.addresses = [tAddress]
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
do {
return try self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxos(arg).response.wait().addressUtxos.map { reply in
UTXO(id: nil,
address: tAddress,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil
} catch {
throw error.mapToServiceError()
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddress: String, height: BlockHeight = ZcashSDK.SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT, result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { (utxoArgs) in
utxoArgs.addresses = [tAddress]
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
var utxos = [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]()
let response = self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxosStream(arg) { (reply) in
UTXO(id: nil,
address: tAddress,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil
do {
let status = try response.status.wait()
switch status.code {
case .ok:
} catch {
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight = ZcashSDK.SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT) throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
guard tAddresses.count > 0 else {
return [] // FIXME: throw a real error
var utxos = [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]()
let arg = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { (utxoArgs) in
utxoArgs.addresses = tAddresses
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
try self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxos(arg).response.wait().addressUtxos.map({ reply in
UTXO(id: nil,
address: reply.address,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil)
return utxos
public func fetchUTXOs(for tAddresses: [String], height: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<[UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void) {
guard tAddresses.count > 0 else {
return result(.success([])) // FIXME: throw a real error
var utxos = [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity]()
self.queue.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let args = GetAddressUtxosArg.with { (utxoArgs) in
utxoArgs.addresses = tAddresses
utxoArgs.startHeight = UInt64(height)
do {
let response = try self.compactTxStreamer.getAddressUtxosStream(args) { reply in
UTXO(id: nil,
address: reply.address,
prevoutTxId: reply.txid,
prevoutIndex: Int(reply.index),
script: reply.script,
valueZat: Int(reply.valueZat),
height: Int(reply.height),
spentInTx: nil)
switch response.code {
case .ok:
} catch {
extension Error {
func mapToServiceError() -> LightWalletServiceError {
guard let grpcError = self as? GRPCStatusTransformable
else {
return LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: self)
return LightWalletServiceError.mapCode(grpcError.makeGRPCStatus())
extension LightWalletServiceError {
static func mapCode(_ status: GRPCStatus) -> LightWalletServiceError {
switch status.code {
case .ok:
return LightWalletServiceError.unknown
case .cancelled:
return LightWalletServiceError.userCancelled
case .unknown:
return LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: status.message ?? "GRPC unknown error contains no message")
case .deadlineExceeded:
return LightWalletServiceError.timeOut
return LightWalletServiceError.genericError(error: status)
class ConnectionStatusManager: ConnectivityStateDelegate {
func connectivityStateDidChange(from oldState: ConnectivityState, to newState: ConnectivityState) {
LoggerProxy.event("Connection Changed from \(oldState) to \(newState)")
name: .blockProcessorConnectivityStateChanged,
object: self,
userInfo: [
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.currentConnectivityStatus : newState,
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.previousConnectivityStatus : oldState