
321 lines
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// swift-format-ignore-file
// Generated by the Swift generator plugin for the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: compact_formats.proto
// For information on using the generated types, please see the documentation:
// https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
import Foundation
import SwiftProtobuf
// If the compiler emits an error on this type, it is because this file
// was generated by a version of the `protoc` Swift plug-in that is
// incompatible with the version of SwiftProtobuf to which you are linking.
// Please ensure that you are building against the same version of the API
// that was used to generate this file.
fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {
struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {}
typealias Version = _2
/// CompactBlock is a packaging of ONLY the data from a block that's needed to:
/// 1. Detect a payment to your shielded Sapling address
/// 2. Detect a spend of your shielded Sapling notes
/// 3. Update your witnesses to generate new Sapling spend proofs.
struct CompactBlock {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
/// the version of this wire format, for storage
var protoVersion: UInt32 = 0
/// the height of this block
var height: UInt64 = 0
/// the ID (hash) of this block, same as in block explorers
var hash: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// the ID (hash) of this block's predecessor
var prevHash: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// Unix epoch time when the block was mined
var time: UInt32 = 0
/// (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
var header: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// zero or more compact transactions from this block
var vtx: [CompactTx] = []
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
init() {}
/// CompactTx contains the minimum information for a wallet to know if this transaction
/// is relevant to it (either pays to it or spends from it) via shielded elements
/// only. This message will not encode a transparent-to-transparent transaction.
struct CompactTx {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
/// the index within the full block
var index: UInt64 = 0
/// the ID (hash) of this transaction, same as in block explorers
var hash: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// The transaction fee: present if server can provide. In the case of a
/// stateless server and a transaction with transparent inputs, this will be
/// unset because the calculation requires reference to prior transactions.
/// in a pure-Sapling context, the fee will be calculable as:
/// valueBalance + (sum(vPubNew) - sum(vPubOld) - sum(tOut))
var fee: UInt32 = 0
/// inputs
var spends: [CompactSpend] = []
/// outputs
var outputs: [CompactOutput] = []
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
init() {}
/// CompactSpend is a Sapling Spend Description as described in 7.3 of the Zcash
/// protocol specification.
struct CompactSpend {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
/// nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
var nf: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
init() {}
/// output is a Sapling Output Description as described in section 7.4 of the
/// Zcash protocol spec. Total size is 948.
struct CompactOutput {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
/// note commitment u-coordinate
var cmu: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// ephemeral public key
var epk: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
/// ciphertext and zkproof
var ciphertext: Data = SwiftProtobuf.Internal.emptyData
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
init() {}
// MARK: - Code below here is support for the SwiftProtobuf runtime.
fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc"
extension CompactBlock: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".CompactBlock"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "protoVersion"),
2: .same(proto: "height"),
3: .same(proto: "hash"),
4: .same(proto: "prevHash"),
5: .same(proto: "time"),
6: .same(proto: "header"),
7: .same(proto: "vtx"),
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.protoVersion)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.height)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash)
case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.prevHash)
case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.time)
case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.header)
case 7: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vtx)
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if self.protoVersion != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt32Field(value: self.protoVersion, fieldNumber: 1)
if self.height != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt64Field(value: self.height, fieldNumber: 2)
if !self.hash.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.hash, fieldNumber: 3)
if !self.prevHash.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.prevHash, fieldNumber: 4)
if self.time != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt32Field(value: self.time, fieldNumber: 5)
if !self.header.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.header, fieldNumber: 6)
if !self.vtx.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vtx, fieldNumber: 7)
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
static func ==(lhs: CompactBlock, rhs: CompactBlock) -> Bool {
if lhs.protoVersion != rhs.protoVersion {return false}
if lhs.height != rhs.height {return false}
if lhs.hash != rhs.hash {return false}
if lhs.prevHash != rhs.prevHash {return false}
if lhs.time != rhs.time {return false}
if lhs.header != rhs.header {return false}
if lhs.vtx != rhs.vtx {return false}
if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields {return false}
return true
extension CompactTx: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".CompactTx"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "index"),
2: .same(proto: "hash"),
3: .same(proto: "fee"),
4: .same(proto: "spends"),
5: .same(proto: "outputs"),
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self.index)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.hash)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularUInt32Field(value: &self.fee)
case 4: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.spends)
case 5: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.outputs)
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if self.index != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt64Field(value: self.index, fieldNumber: 1)
if !self.hash.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.hash, fieldNumber: 2)
if self.fee != 0 {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt32Field(value: self.fee, fieldNumber: 3)
if !self.spends.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.spends, fieldNumber: 4)
if !self.outputs.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.outputs, fieldNumber: 5)
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
static func ==(lhs: CompactTx, rhs: CompactTx) -> Bool {
if lhs.index != rhs.index {return false}
if lhs.hash != rhs.hash {return false}
if lhs.fee != rhs.fee {return false}
if lhs.spends != rhs.spends {return false}
if lhs.outputs != rhs.outputs {return false}
if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields {return false}
return true
extension CompactSpend: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".CompactSpend"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "nf"),
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.nf)
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if !self.nf.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.nf, fieldNumber: 1)
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
static func ==(lhs: CompactSpend, rhs: CompactSpend) -> Bool {
if lhs.nf != rhs.nf {return false}
if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields {return false}
return true
extension CompactOutput: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".CompactOutput"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "cmu"),
2: .same(proto: "epk"),
3: .same(proto: "ciphertext"),
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.cmu)
case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.epk)
case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularBytesField(value: &self.ciphertext)
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if !self.cmu.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.cmu, fieldNumber: 1)
if !self.epk.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.epk, fieldNumber: 2)
if !self.ciphertext.isEmpty {
try visitor.visitSingularBytesField(value: self.ciphertext, fieldNumber: 3)
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
static func ==(lhs: CompactOutput, rhs: CompactOutput) -> Bool {
if lhs.cmu != rhs.cmu {return false}
if lhs.epk != rhs.epk {return false}
if lhs.ciphertext != rhs.ciphertext {return false}
if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields {return false}
return true