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// FetchUTXOsActionTests.swift
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 18.05.2023.
import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
final class FetchUTXOsActionTests: ZcashTestCase {
func testFetchUTXOsAction_NextAction() async throws {
let loggerMock = LoggerMock()
let uTXOFetcherMock = UTXOFetcherMock()
loggerMock.debugFileFunctionLineClosure = { _, _, _, _ in }
let insertedEntity = UnspentTransactionOutputEntityMock(address: "addr", txid: Data(), index: 0, script: Data(), valueZat: 1, height: 2)
let skippedEntity = UnspentTransactionOutputEntityMock(address: "addr2", txid: Data(), index: 1, script: Data(), valueZat: 2, height: 3)
uTXOFetcherMock.fetchDidFetchReturnValue = (inserted: [insertedEntity], skipped: [skippedEntity])
mockContainer.mock(type: Logger.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in loggerMock }
mockContainer.mock(type: UTXOFetcher.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in uTXOFetcherMock }
let fetchUTXOsAction = FetchUTXOsAction(container: mockContainer)
let syncContext = ActionContextMock.default()
syncContext.underlyingSyncControlData = SyncControlData(
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedHeight: 0,
firstUnenhancedHeight: nil
do {
let nextContext = try await fetchUTXOsAction.run(with: syncContext) { event in
guard case .storedUTXOs(let result) = event else {
XCTFail("testFetchUTXOsAction_NextAction event expected to be .storedUTXOs but received \(event)")
XCTAssertEqual(result.inserted as! [UnspentTransactionOutputEntityMock], [insertedEntity])
XCTAssertEqual(result.skipped as! [UnspentTransactionOutputEntityMock], [skippedEntity])
XCTAssertTrue(loggerMock.debugFileFunctionLineCalled, "logger.debug(...) is expected to be called.")
XCTAssertTrue(uTXOFetcherMock.fetchDidFetchCalled, "utxoFetcher.fetch() is expected to be called.")
let acResult = nextContext.checkStateIs(.handleSaplingParams)
XCTAssertTrue(acResult == .true, "Check of state failed with '\(acResult)'")
} catch {
XCTFail("testFetchUTXOsAction_NextAction is not expected to fail. \(error)")