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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: darkside.proto
// Copyright 2018, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import GRPC
import NIO
import NIOHTTP1
import SwiftProtobuf
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
/// Usage: instantiate DarksideStreamerClient, then call methods of this protocol to make API calls.
internal protocol DarksideStreamerClientProtocol {
func reset(_ request: DarksideMetaState, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<DarksideMetaState, Empty>
func stageBlocksStream(callOptions: CallOptions?) -> ClientStreamingCall<DarksideBlock, Empty>
func stageBlocks(_ request: DarksideBlocksURL, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<DarksideBlocksURL, Empty>
func stageBlocksCreate(_ request: DarksideEmptyBlocks, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<DarksideEmptyBlocks, Empty>
func stageTransactionsStream(callOptions: CallOptions?) -> ClientStreamingCall<RawTransaction, Empty>
func stageTransactions(_ request: DarksideTransactionsURL, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<DarksideTransactionsURL, Empty>
func applyStaged(_ request: DarksideHeight, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<DarksideHeight, Empty>
func getIncomingTransactions(_ request: Empty, callOptions: CallOptions?, handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void) -> ServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction>
func clearIncomingTransactions(_ request: Empty, callOptions: CallOptions?) -> UnaryCall<Empty, Empty>
internal final class DarksideStreamerClient: GRPCClient, DarksideStreamerClientProtocol {
internal let channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
/// Creates a client for the cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer service.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: `GRPCChannel` to the service host.
/// - defaultCallOptions: Options to use for each service call if the user doesn't provide them.
internal init(channel: GRPCChannel, defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions()) {
self.channel = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
/// Reset reverts all darksidewalletd state (active block range, latest height,
/// staged blocks and transactions) and lightwalletd state (cache) to empty,
/// the same as the initial state. This occurs synchronously and instantaneously;
/// no reorg happens in lightwalletd. This is good to do before each independent
/// test so that no state leaks from one test to another.
/// Also sets (some of) the values returned by GetLightdInfo().
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to Reset.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func reset(_ request: DarksideMetaState, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<DarksideMetaState, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/Reset",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// StageBlocksStream accepts a list of blocks and saves them into the blocks
/// staging area until ApplyStaged() is called; there is no immediate effect on
/// the mock zcashd. Blocks are hex-encoded.
/// Callers should use the `send` method on the returned object to send messages
/// to the server. The caller should send an `.end` after the final message has been sent.
/// - Parameters:
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `ClientStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func stageBlocksStream(callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> ClientStreamingCall<DarksideBlock, Empty> {
return self.makeClientStreamingCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksStream",
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// StageBlocks is the same as StageBlocksStream() except the blocks are fetched
/// from the given URL. Blocks are one per line, hex-encoded (not JSON).
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to StageBlocks.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func stageBlocks(_ request: DarksideBlocksURL, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<DarksideBlocksURL, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocks",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// StageBlocksCreate is like the previous two, except it creates 'count'
/// empty blocks at consecutive heights starting at height 'height'. The
/// 'nonce' is part of the header, so it contributes to the block hash; this
/// lets you create two fake blocks with the same transactions (or no
/// transactions) and same height, with two different hashes.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to StageBlocksCreate.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func stageBlocksCreate(_ request: DarksideEmptyBlocks, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<DarksideEmptyBlocks, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksCreate",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// StageTransactions stores the given transaction-height pairs in the
/// staging area until ApplyStaged() is called. Note that these transactions
/// are not returned by the production GetTransaction() gRPC until they
/// appear in a "mined" block (contained in the active blockchain presented
/// by the mock zcashd).
/// Callers should use the `send` method on the returned object to send messages
/// to the server. The caller should send an `.end` after the final message has been sent.
/// - Parameters:
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `ClientStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func stageTransactionsStream(callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> ClientStreamingCall<RawTransaction, Empty> {
return self.makeClientStreamingCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageTransactionsStream",
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// Unary call to StageTransactions
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to StageTransactions.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func stageTransactions(_ request: DarksideTransactionsURL, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<DarksideTransactionsURL, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageTransactions",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// ApplyStaged iterates the list of blocks that were staged by the
/// StageBlocks*() gRPCs, in the order they were staged, and "merges" each
/// into the active, working blocks list that the mock zcashd is presenting
/// to lightwalletd. The resulting working block list can't have gaps; if the
/// working block range is 1000-1006, and the staged block range is 1003-1004,
/// the resulting range is 1000-1004, with 1000-1002 unchanged, blocks
/// 1003-1004 from the new range, and 1005-1006 dropped. After merging all
/// blocks, ApplyStaged() appends staged transactions (in the order received)
/// into each one's corresponding block. The staging area is then cleared.
/// The argument specifies the latest block height that mock zcashd reports
/// (i.e. what's returned by GetLatestBlock). Note that ApplyStaged() can
/// also be used to simply advance the latest block height presented by mock
/// zcashd. That is, there doesn't need to be anything in the staging area.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to ApplyStaged.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func applyStaged(_ request: DarksideHeight, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<DarksideHeight, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)
/// Calls to the production gRPC SendTransaction() store the transaction in
/// a separate area (not the staging area); this method returns all transactions
/// in this separate area, which is then cleared. The height returned
/// with each transaction is -1 (invalid) since these transactions haven't
/// been mined yet. The intention is that the transactions returned here can
/// then, for example, be given to StageTransactions() to get them "mined"
/// into a specified block on the next ApplyStaged().
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetIncomingTransactions.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getIncomingTransactions(_ request: Empty, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil, handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void) -> ServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/GetIncomingTransactions",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
handler: handler)
/// Clear the incoming transaction pool.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to ClearIncomingTransactions.
/// - callOptions: Call options; `self.defaultCallOptions` is used if `nil`.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func clearIncomingTransactions(_ request: Empty, callOptions: CallOptions? = nil) -> UnaryCall<Empty, Empty> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ClearIncomingTransactions",
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)