Francisco Gindre 6b7fbdd908
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906)
Closes #895

Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`.

A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer.
A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding.
each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer.

**How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.**

changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer.

Any other transitions won't.

`areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus`

**How are IDs generated?**

ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`.
Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness.

Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is

struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {}

extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator {
    func nextID() -> UUID {

**SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety**

SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID

typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID>

extension SyncSession {
    /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator
    /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator`
    /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value.
    func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID {
        return await self.update(generator.nextID())

Closes #895

SessionTicker struct to control session transitions.

switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 09:02:05 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKit [#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) 2023-04-07 09:02:05 -03:00