
602 lines
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// CompactBlockProcessor.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 18/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
Errors thrown by CompactBlock Processor
public enum CompactBlockProcessorError: Error {
case invalidConfiguration
case missingDbPath(path: String)
case dataDbInitFailed(path: String)
CompactBlockProcessor notification userInfo object keys.
check Notification.Name extensions for more details.
public struct CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey {
public static let progress = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress"
public static let progressHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progressHeight"
public static let reorgHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight"
public static let latestScannedBlockHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.latestScannedBlockHeight"
public static let rewindHeight = "CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight"
public static let error = "error"
public extension Notification.Name {
Processing progress update
Query the userInfo object for the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress and CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progressheight for more information on progress % and height
static let blockProcessorUpdated = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorUpdated")
Notification sent when a compact block processor starts downloading
static let blockProcessorStartedDownloading = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedDownloading")
Notification sent when the compact block processor starts validating the chain state
static let blockProcessorStartedValidating = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedValidating")
Notification sent when the compact block processor starts scanning blocks from the cache
static let blockProcessorStartedScanning = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStartedScanning")
Notification sent when the compact block processsor stop() method is called
static let blockProcessorStopped = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorStopped")
Notification sent when the compact block processsor presented an error.
Query userInfo object on the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.error
static let blockProcessorFailed = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorFailed")
Notification sent when the compact block processsor has finished syncing the blockchain to latest height
static let blockProcessorFinished = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorFinished")
Notification sent when the compact block processsor is doing nothing
static let blockProcessorIdle = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorIdle")
Notification sent when something odd happened. probably going from a state to another state that shouldn't be the next state.
static let blockProcessorUnknownTransition = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorTransitionUnknown")
Notification sent when the compact block processsor handled a ReOrg.
Query the userInfo object on the key CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight for the height on which the reorg was detected. CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight for the height that the processor backed to in order to solve the Reorg
static let blockProcessorHandledReOrg = Notification.Name(rawValue: "CompactBlockProcessorHandledReOrg")
The compact block processor is in charge of orchestrating the download and caching of compact blocks from a LightWalletEndpoint
when started the processor downloads does a download - validate - scan cycle until it reaches latest height on the blockchain.
public class CompactBlockProcessor {
Compact Block Processor configuration
Property: cacheDbPath absolute file path of the DB where raw, unprocessed compact blocks are stored.
Property: dataDbPath absolute file path of the DB where all information derived from the cache DB is stored.
public struct Configuration {
public var cacheDb: URL
public var dataDb: URL
public var downloadBatchSize = ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
public var blockPollInterval: TimeInterval {
TimeInterval.random(in: ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL / 2 ... ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL * 1.5)
public var retries = ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_RETRIES
public var maxBackoffInterval = ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL
public var rewindDistance = ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_REWIND_DISTANCE
public var walletBirthday: BlockHeight
public init(cacheDb: URL, dataDb: URL, walletBirthday: BlockHeight = ZcashSDK.SAPLING_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT){
self.cacheDb = cacheDb
self.dataDb = dataDb
self.walletBirthday = walletBirthday
Represents the possible states of a CompactBlockProcessor
public enum State {
connected and downloading blocks
case downloading
was doing something but was paused
case stopped
processor is validating
case validating
processor is scanning
case scanning
was processing but erred
case error(_ e: Error)
Processor is up to date with the blockchain and you can now make trasnsactions.
case synced
public private(set) var state: State = .stopped {
didSet {
transitionState(from: oldValue, to: self.state)
private var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type
private var config: Configuration = Configuration.standard
private var queue: OperationQueue = {
let q = OperationQueue()
q.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return q
} ()
private var retryAttempts: Int = 0
private var backoffTimer: Timer?
private var lowerBoundHeight: BlockHeight?
private var latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight
private var lastChainValidationFailure: BlockHeight?
private var consecutiveChainValidationErrors: Int = 0
private var processingError: Error?
private var maxAttempts: Int {
private var batchSize: BlockHeight {
Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance
- Parameters:
- downloader: an instance that complies to CompactBlockDownloading protocol
- backend: a class that complies to ZcashRustBackendWelding
public init(downloader: CompactBlockDownloading, backend: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type, config: Configuration) {
self.downloader = downloader
self.rustBackend = backend
self.config = config
self.latestBlockHeight = config.walletBirthday
deinit {
var shouldStart: Bool {
switch self.state {
case .stopped, .synced, .error(_):
return self.retryAttempts < self.config.retries
return false
private func validateConfiguration() throws {
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: config.cacheDb.absoluteString) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.missingDbPath(path: config.cacheDb.absoluteString)
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: config.dataDb.absoluteString) else {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.missingDbPath(path: config.dataDb.absoluteString)
Starts the CompactBlockProcessor instance and starts downloading and processing blocks
triggers the blockProcessorStartedDownloading notification
- Important: subscribe to the notifications before calling this method
public func start() throws {
// TODO: check if this validation makes sense at all
// try validateConfiguration()
guard !queue.isSuspended else {
queue.isSuspended = false
guard shouldStart else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: compact block processor was started while busy!!!!")
let birthday = WalletBirthday.birthday(with: config.walletBirthday)
do {
try rustBackend.initDataDb(dbData: config.dataDb)
try rustBackend.initBlocksTable(dbData: config.dataDb, height: Int32(birthday.height), hash: birthday.hash, time: birthday.time, saplingTree: birthday.tree)
} catch RustWeldingError.dataDbNotEmpty {
// i'm ok
} catch {
throw CompactBlockProcessorError.dataDbInitFailed(path: config.dataDb.absoluteString)
try nextBatch()
Stops the CompactBlockProcessor
Note: retry count is reset
- Parameter cancelTasks: cancel the pending tasks. Defaults to true
public func stop(cancelTasks: Bool = true) {
self.backoffTimer = nil
if cancelTasks {
} else {
self.queue.isSuspended = true
self.retryAttempts = 0
self.state = .stopped
private func nextBatch() throws {
// get latest block height
let latestDownloadedBlockHeight: BlockHeight = max(config.walletBirthday,try downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight())
if self.lowerBoundHeight == nil {
self.lowerBoundHeight = latestDownloadedBlockHeight
// get latest block height from lightwalletd
if self.latestBlockHeight > latestDownloadedBlockHeight {
self.processNewBlocks(range: self.nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: self.latestBlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: latestDownloadedBlockHeight))
} else {
self.downloader.latestBlockHeight { [weak self] (result) in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let blockHeight):
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.latestBlockHeight = blockHeight
if self.latestBlockHeight == latestDownloadedBlockHeight {
self.processingFinished(height: blockHeight)
} else {
self.processNewBlocks(range: self.nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: self.latestBlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: latestDownloadedBlockHeight))
case .failure(let e):
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
func processNewBlocks(range: CompactBlockRange) {
let cfg = self.config
let downloadBlockOperation = CompactBlockDownloadOperation(downloader: self.downloader, range: range)
downloadBlockOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
self?.state = .downloading
downloadBlockOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] (error) in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
let validateChainOperation = CompactBlockValidationOperation(rustWelding: self.rustBackend, cacheDb: cfg.cacheDb, dataDb: cfg.dataDb)
validateChainOperation.completionHandler = { (finished, cancelled) in
guard !cancelled else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: operation cancelled")
validateChainOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] (error) in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let validationError = error as? CompactBlockValidationError else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: validateChain operation returning generic error: \(error)")
switch validationError {
case .validationFailed(let height):
LoggerProxy.debug("chain validation at height: \(height)")
self.validationFailed(at: height)
validateChainOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
self?.state = .validating
let scanBlocksOperation = CompactBlockScanningOperation(rustWelding: self.rustBackend, cacheDb: cfg.cacheDb, dataDb: cfg.dataDb)
scanBlocksOperation.startedHandler = { [weak self] in
self?.state = .scanning
scanBlocksOperation.completionHandler = { [weak self] (finished, cancelled) in
guard !cancelled else {
LoggerProxy.debug("Warning: operation cancelled")
self?.processBatchFinished(range: range)
scanBlocksOperation.errorHandler = { [weak self] (error) in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.processingError = error
queue.addOperations([downloadBlockOperation, validateChainOperation, scanBlocksOperation], waitUntilFinished: false)
func calculateProgress(start: BlockHeight, current: BlockHeight, latest: BlockHeight) -> Float {
let totalBlocks = Float(abs(latest - start))
let completed = Float(abs(current - start))
let progress = completed / totalBlocks
return progress
func notifyProgress(completedRange: CompactBlockRange) {
let progress = calculateProgress(start: self.lowerBoundHeight ?? config.walletBirthday, current: completedRange.upperBound, latest: self.latestBlockHeight)
LoggerProxy.debug("\(self) progress: \(progress)")
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorUpdated,
object: self,
userInfo: [ CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progress : progress,
CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.progressHeight : self.latestBlockHeight])
private func validationFailed(at height: BlockHeight) {
// cancel all Tasks
// register latest failure
self.lastChainValidationFailure = height
self.consecutiveChainValidationErrors = self.consecutiveChainValidationErrors + 1
// rewind
let rewindHeight = determineLowerBound(errorHeight: height, consecutiveErrors: consecutiveChainValidationErrors, walletBirthday: self.config.walletBirthday)
guard rustBackend.rewindToHeight(dbData: config.dataDb, height: Int32(rewindHeight)) else {
fail(rustBackend.lastError() ?? RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "unknown error rewinding to height \(height)"))
do {
try downloader.rewind(to: rewindHeight)
// notify reorg
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorHandledReOrg, object: self, userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.reorgHeight : height, CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.rewindHeight : rewindHeight])
// process next batch
processNewBlocks(range: self.nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: latestBlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: try downloader.lastDownloadedBlockHeight()))
} catch {
func determineLowerBound(errorHeight: Int, consecutiveErrors: Int, walletBirthday: BlockHeight) -> BlockHeight {
let offset = min(ZcashSDK.MAX_REORG_SIZE, ZcashSDK.DEFAULT_REWIND_DISTANCE * (consecutiveErrors + 1))
return max(errorHeight - offset, walletBirthday - ZcashSDK.MAX_REORG_SIZE)
private func processBatchFinished(range: CompactBlockRange) {
guard processingError == nil else {
retryProcessing(range: range)
retryAttempts = 0
consecutiveChainValidationErrors = 0
notifyProgress(completedRange: range)
guard !range.isEmpty else {
processingFinished(height: range.upperBound)
do {
try nextBatch()
} catch {
private func processingFinished(height: BlockHeight) {
self.state = .synced
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorFinished, object: self, userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.latestScannedBlockHeight : height])
let interval = self.config.blockPollInterval
let timer = Timer(timeInterval: interval, repeats: true, block: { [weak self] _ in
DispatchQueue.global().async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
do {
try self.start()
} catch {
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .default)
self.backoffTimer = timer
func nextBatchBlockRange(latestHeight: BlockHeight, latestDownloadedHeight: BlockHeight) -> CompactBlockRange {
let lowerBound = latestDownloadedHeight <= config.walletBirthday ? config.walletBirthday : latestDownloadedHeight + 1
let upperBound = BlockHeight(min(lowerBound + BlockHeight(config.downloadBatchSize - 1), latestHeight))
return lowerBound ... upperBound
func retryProcessing(range: CompactBlockRange) {
// update retries
self.retryAttempts = self.retryAttempts + 1
guard self.retryAttempts < config.retries else {
processNewBlocks(range: range)
func fail(_ error: Error) {
// todo specify: failure
self.retryAttempts = self.retryAttempts + 1
self.processingError = error
self.state = .error(error)
private func transitionState(from oldValue: State, to newValue: State) {
guard oldValue != newValue else {
switch newValue {
case .downloading:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedDownloading, object: self)
case .synced:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorIdle, object: self)
case .error(let err):
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorFailed, object: self, userInfo: [CompactBlockProcessorNotificationKey.error: err])
case .scanning:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedScanning, object: self)
case .stopped:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStopped, object: self)
case .validating:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name.blockProcessorStartedValidating, object: self)
public extension CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration {
Standard configuration for most compact block processors
static var standard: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration {
let pathProvider = DefaultResourceProvider()
return CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(cacheDb: pathProvider.cacheDbURL, dataDb: pathProvider.dataDbURL)
extension CompactBlockProcessor.State: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: CompactBlockProcessor.State, rhs: CompactBlockProcessor.State) -> Bool {
switch lhs {
case .downloading:
switch rhs {
case .downloading:
return true
return false
case .synced:
switch rhs {
case .synced:
return true
return false
case .scanning:
switch rhs {
case .scanning:
return true
return false
case .stopped:
switch rhs {
case .stopped:
return true
return false
case .error:
switch rhs {
case .error:
return true
return false
case .validating:
switch rhs {
case .validating:
return true
return false