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Francisco Gindre 750108252f
Feature/single pod mainnet (#60)
* Mainnet changes [WIP]

* Separate pods approach [WIP]

* Create a single podfile and scripts to build mainnet or testnet [WIP]

* Added test spec to pod with TESTNET Script [WIP]

* pod install + sample app testnet build worked

* add prefix to database names

* Fix constants in tests

* fix plist

* fix stencils

* Force environment variable

* Get config from environment variable

* Save project settings and create new DemoAppConfig settings

* Fix Template. change demoApp config port

* Add extra warning when building to see environment in logs

* New Readme! + enhanced messaging on build_librustzcash_xcode.sh

* Fix Stencil if statement

* add our domain names to the demo app endpoints

* clean up Podfile

* fix: mainnet not building properly

* improve cleanup

* fixed weird seed change

* remove duplicated file reference

* Improve error handling on LightWalletService

* Improve error handling on Latest block height. fix get address pasteboard gesture

* fix mainnet walletbirthday stencil

* fix: demo app not syncing on mainnet

* Verified Balances and Send Max Funds fixed

* Add paths to preserve when installing pod

* add Stencil to preserved paths


* Fixes from PR Comments

* Fixed TransactionId string generation

* Fixed Test build scripts + PR comments

* fix indentation

* Changes to script_commons

* fixes per PR

* remove else from mismatch function

* Add comment to poorly named function
2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
Example/ZcashLightClientSample Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
Scripts Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKit Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKit.xcodeproj Synchronizer + Handle reorgs (#27) 2019-11-14 11:38:54 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKitTests Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
docs Add empty threat model. (#13) 2019-11-14 13:46:14 -03:00
rust Transaction Listing + send funds + synchronizer implementation (#47) 2019-12-16 19:25:45 -03:00
.gitignore Block downloading + storing (#4) 2019-10-18 15:45:19 -03:00
.rustc_info.json Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
.swiftlint.yml Swiftlint (#5) 2019-10-18 17:09:13 -03:00
Cargo.lock Migrate to note-spending-v6 branch (#35) 2019-12-03 14:11:23 -03:00
Cargo.toml Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
LICENSE Initial repository 2019-05-04 13:23:24 -04:00
README.md Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKit.modulemap Block downloading + storing (#4) 2019-10-18 15:45:19 -03:00
ZcashLightClientKit.podspec Feature/single pod mainnet (#60) 2020-01-14 19:25:14 -03:00
zcash.swiftformat Swiftlint (#5) 2019-10-18 17:09:13 -03:00


Zcash iOS Framework

A Zcash Lightweight Client SDK for iOS

Build dependencies

ZcashLightClientKit uses a rust library called Librustzcash. In order to build it, you need to have rust and cargo installed on your environment.

Install Rust, and then cargo-lipo:

$ cargo install cargo-lipo
$ rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios

Cocoapods Support

Installing as a ZcashLightClientKit as a Contributor


pod 'ZcashLightClientKit', :path => '../../', :testspecs => ['Tests']  # include testspecs if you want to run the tests

Installing a wallet app developer


pod 'ZcashLightClientKit'

Set Testnet or Mainnet environment

Before building, make sure that your enviroment has the variable ZCASH_NETWORK_ENVIRONMENT set to MAINNET or TESTNET.

Custom build phases warning

When running pod install you will see this warning upon sucess:

[!] ZcashLightClientKit has added 2 script phases. Please inspect before executing a build. 
See `https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#script_phases` for more information.

Integrating Rust code with Swift code and delivering it in a consistent and (build) reproducible way, is hard. We've taken the lead to get that burden off your shoulders as much as possible by leveraging the prepare_command and script_phases features from Cocoapods to carefully generate the TESTNET and MAINNET builds as simple and less error prone as we could think it could be. Which started as some simple vanilla scripts, ended up being some kind of "Build System" on its own. Nothing is written on stone, and we accept collaborations and improvements in this matter too.

Build system

This section explains the 'Build System' that integrates the rust code and creates the corresponding environment


There are some basic steps to build ZcashLightClientKit. Even though they are 'basic' they can be cumbersome. So we automated them in scripts.

1. Pod install and prepare_command

ZcashLightClientKit needs files to be present at pod installation time, but that can't be defined properly yet and depend on librustzcash building properly and for an environment to be set up at build time. For know we just need to let Cocoapods that these files exist:

  • ${ZCASH_POD_SRCROOT}/zcashlc/libzcashlc.a this is the librustzcash build .a file itself
  • lib/libzcashlc.a (as vendored library that will be added as an asset by xcodeproj)
  • ZcashSDK.generated.swift which contains sensitive values for the SDK that change depending on the network environment we are building for
  • WalletBirthday+saplingtree.generated.swift helper functions to import existing wallets.

2. Build Phase

The build Phase scripts executes withing the Xcode Build Step and has all the known variables of a traditional build at hand.

s.script_phase = {
      :name => 'Build generate constants and build librustzcash',
      :script => 'sh ${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Scripts/generate_zcashsdk_constants.sh && sh ${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Scripts/build_librustzcash_xcode.sh',
      :execution_position => :before_compile

This step will generate files needed on the next steps and build the librustzcash with Xcode but not using cargo's built-in xcode integration

a. Generating ZcashSDK constants

To run this you need Sourcery. We use Stencil templates to create this files based on the ZCASH_NETWORK_ENVIRONMENT value of your choice. You can either integrate sourcery with cocoapods or as part of your environment.

All generated files will be located in the Pods source root within the Generated folder. ZCASH_SDK_GENERATED_SOURCES_FOLDER represents that path in the build system

b. Building librust zcash and integrating it to the pod structure.

Where the magic happens. Here we will make sure that everything is set up properly to start building librustzcash. When on mainnet, the build will append a parameter to include mainnet features.

Safeguards points: if it appears that you are about to build something smelly, we will let you know. Combining testnet and mainnet values and artifacts and viceversa leads to unstable builds and may cause lost of funds if ran on production.

if [ existing_build_mismatch = true ]; then 
        # clean
        echo "build mismatch. You previously build a Different network environment. It appears that your build could be inconsistent if proceeding. Please clean your Pods/ folder and clean your build before running your next build."
        exit 1

3. Xcode clean integration

When performing a clean, we will clean the rust build folders.


On the Scripts folder you will find the following files:

 | Scripts


This script is run by the Cocoapods 'preapare_command'.

s.prepare_command = <<-CMD
      sh Scripts/prepare_zcash_sdk.sh

It basically creates empty files that cocoapods needs to pick up on it's pod structure but that are still not present in the file system and that will be generated in later build phases.

NOTE: pod install will only run this phase when no Pods/ folder is present or if your pod hash has changed or is not present on manifest.lock. When in doubt, just clean the Pods/ folder and start over. That usually gets rid of weirdness caused by Xcode caching a lot of stuff you are not aware of.


A lot of important environment variables and helper functions live in the script_commons.sh.


Currently tests depend on a lightwalletd server instance runnning locally or remotely to pass. To know more about running lightwalletd, refer to its repo https://github.com/zcash-hackworks/lightwalletd

Pointing tests to a lightwalletd instance

Tests use Sourcery to generate a Constants file which injects the lightwalletd server address to the test themselves

Installing sourcery

refer to the official repo https://github.com/krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery

Setting env-var.sh file to run locally

create a file called env-var.sh on the project root to create the LIGHTWALLETD_ADDRESS environment variable on build time.

export LIGHTWALLETD_ADDRESS="localhost%3a9067"

Integrating with CD/CI

The LIGHTWALLETD_ADDRESS environment variable can also be added to your shell of choice and xcodebuild will pick it up accordingly.

We advice setting this value as a secret variable on your CD/CI environment when possible


We don't like reinveing the wheel, so be gently borrowed swift lint rules from AirBnB which we find pretty cool and reasonable.


No network environment....

if you see this message when building: No network environment. Set ZCASH_NETWORK_ENVIRONMENT to MAINNET or TESTNET make sure your dev environment is has this variable set before the build starts. DO NOT CHANGE IT DURING THE BUILD PROCESS.

_function_name referenced from...

if you get a build error similar to _function_name referenced from...

  • on your project root directory *
  1. remove the 'Pods' directory rm -rf Pods/
  2. delete derived data and clean
  3. run pod install
  4. build


Apache License Version 2.0