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// ScanAction.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 05.05.2023.
import Foundation
final class ScanAction {
let configProvider: CompactBlockProcessor.ConfigProvider
let blockScanner: BlockScanner
let rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding
let latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider
let logger: Logger
init(container: DIContainer, configProvider: CompactBlockProcessor.ConfigProvider) {
self.configProvider = configProvider
blockScanner = container.resolve(BlockScanner.self)
rustBackend = container.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
latestBlocksDataProvider = container.resolve(LatestBlocksDataProvider.self)
logger = container.resolve(Logger.self)
private func update(context: ActionContext) async -> ActionContext {
await context.update(state: .clearAlreadyScannedBlocks)
return context
extension ScanAction: Action {
var removeBlocksCacheWhenFailed: Bool { true }
func run(with context: ActionContext, didUpdate: @escaping (CompactBlockProcessor.Event) async -> Void) async throws -> ActionContext {
guard let lastScannedHeight = await context.lastScannedHeight else {
return await update(context: context)
let config = await configProvider.config
let latestBlockHeight = await context.syncControlData.latestBlockHeight
// This action is executed for each batch (batch size is 100 blocks by default) until all the blocks in whole `scanRange` are scanned.
// So the right range for this batch must be computed.
let batchRangeStart = lastScannedHeight
let batchRangeEnd = min(latestBlockHeight, batchRangeStart + config.batchSize)
guard batchRangeStart <= batchRangeEnd else {
return await update(context: context)
let batchRange = batchRangeStart...batchRangeEnd
logger.debug("Starting scan blocks with range: \(batchRange.lowerBound)...\(batchRange.upperBound)")
logger.sync("Starting scan blocks with range \(batchRange.lowerBound)...\(batchRange.upperBound)")
do {
try await blockScanner.scanBlocks(at: batchRange) { [weak self] lastScannedHeight, increment in
let processedHeight = await context.processedHeight
let incrementedprocessedHeight = processedHeight + BlockHeight(increment)
await context.update(processedHeight: incrementedprocessedHeight)
await self?.latestBlocksDataProvider.updateScannedData()
// report scan progress only if it's available
if let scanProgress = try? await self?.rustBackend.getWalletSummary()?.scanProgress {
let progress = try scanProgress.progress()
self?.logger.debug("progress: \(progress)")
await didUpdate(.syncProgress(progress))
// ScanAction is controlled locally so it must report back the updated scanned height
await context.update(lastScannedHeight: lastScannedHeight)
} catch ZcashError.rustScanBlocks(let errorMsg) {
if isContinuityError(errorMsg) {
await context.update(requestedRewindHeight: batchRange.lowerBound - 10)
await context.update(state: .rewind)
return context
} else {
throw ZcashError.rustScanBlocks(errorMsg)
} catch {
throw error
return await update(context: context)
func stop() async { }
private extension ScanAction {
func isContinuityError(_ errorMsg: String) -> Bool {
errorMsg.contains("The parent hash of proposed block does not correspond to the block hash at height")
|| errorMsg.contains("Block height discontinuity at height")
|| errorMsg.contains("note commitment tree size provided by a compact block did not match the expected size at height")